Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I have ever told you that you're just too cute when you go into full blown homosexualist pagan mode anna?

Yes and you need to stop. I've told you before I don't like it.

Ok, how's this? Have I ever told you how ignorant it is for someone as educated as you to compare Christianity with Islam? (I expect it from aikido7).

On that note: Just look at the things that you could do if you became a Christian

I thought you didn't have time for doctrinal differences? Because if you're with Naz you can keep your proselytizing to yourself.

Why the huge disparity in understanding Catholic doctrine between you and Catholics like Bill Donohue, Selwyn Duke and Randy Engel? (Inquiring minds needz sta know).



On at least a couple of occasions in this 3 part thread, those who defend homosexual behavior use the (lame) argument that if the animal kingdom engages in it, then it must be ok for humans to do so as well. (Refer to the table of contents for posts responding to such nonsense).

A man by the name of James B. Connelly wrote an excellent article entitled:

The Myth of Homosexuality in Nature,

here are some of the highlights from it:

Dec. 1, 2014


It is imperative for advocates of same-sex marriage to “normalize” homosexuality. One rationale used to promote this is to proclaim that it exists in the animal kingdom, so it must be part of nature. According to this thinking, since homosexual behaviors are purportedly seen among animals, we would expect a portion of humans to be homosexual also. Furthermore, the propagandists say, attempts to restrict its full expression would be going against nature itself! In this view, homosexuality is simply one sexual variation among many occurring “naturally” throughout the animal kingdom, so we should conclude that homosexuality is commonplace and “normal.”

The “animal homosexuality” propaganda can be summarized in the following manner:
1.Animal behaviors are determined by nature, specifically by their instincts.
2.It is “natural” for animals to follow their instincts; it accords with nature itself.
3.A portion of virtually all species engage in homosexual behavior.
4.Therefore, homosexuality accords with instinctual nature and must be part of nature itself.
5.We are animals, so it follows that homosexuality in humans is perfectly natural.

But this “animal homosexuality” agitprop is not only replete with logical flaws but is based on a number of distortions and myths.

The Logical Flaws:

First, if seemingly “homosexual” acts among animals accord with animal nature, and we are like animals, what about animals that kill their offspring? What about species sometimes devouring their own kind? Polar bears, gerbils, pigs, hamsters, orangutans, rabbits, chimpanzees, and birds have been known to kill their offspring. The advocates of normalizing homosexuality are maintaining that we must accept instinctual nature seen in animal behaviors, so are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism could be part of human nature, too?...

Second, it is ridiculous to ascribe human motivations and feelings to animal behaviors. In the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, anthropomophism is “an interpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of human or personal characteristics,” and the Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object” (emphasis added). The advocates are insisting that we become anthropomorphists.

Third, the advocates are claiming that irrational and instinctual behaviors of animals should be used to set a standard for determining morally acceptable behaviors for humans...

But advocates for “normalizing” homosexuality would instead present a superficial, propaganda-driven observation of bonobos’ behaviors and claim that some of them are “naturally” homosexual.

Dogs: Dogs mount one another simply because of the strength of their reaction to a purely chemical stimulus: The smell of an estrus female – the female dog in heat...

Cattle: With cattle, farmers watch for “bulling” behaviors –...

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/12/01/myth-homosexuality-nature/


:AMR1: .................. :cry: How could you?

I'm not sure why you have this latest infatuation with UKIP. While I have talked about pedophiles and pro homosexual legislation in other parts of the world, (the UK, Sweden: the perverts paradise, etc), UKIP is irrelevant to this thread.


New member
I'm not sure why you have this latest infatuation with UKIP. While I have talked about pedophiles and pro homosexual legislation in other parts of the world, (the UK, Sweden: the perverts paradise, etc), UKIP is irrelevant to this thread.

Oh, hush: you speak like a green boy, unschooled in baser matters......FYI: for a scholar such as yourself, interested in reversing the gay agenda, UKIP is globally relevant. I belong to a political forum, and people in Europe, Canada, and the US find UKIP relevant with regard to their views on the rainbow campaign - among many other things.

If Nigel Farage saves British conservatism, that will effect us roundly---you big silly!!!!!!!! :kookoo:





I'm not sure why you have this latest infatuation with UKIP. While I have talked about pedophiles and pro homosexual legislation in other parts of the world, (the UK, Sweden: the perverts paradise, etc), UKIP is irrelevant to this thread.

Oh, hush: you speak like a green boy, unschooled in baser matters......FYI: for a scholar such as yourself, interested in reversing the gay agenda, UKIP is globally relevant.

I'll tell you what sugar muffin, when social conservative journalists like Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber and Peter LaBarbera, and social conservative politicians like Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann look to Nigel Farage for advice, your posts ranting about UKIP will be welcome here.


New member
I'll tell you what sugar muffin, when social conservative journalists like Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber and Peter LaBarbera, and social conservative politicians like Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann look to Nigel Farage for advice, your posts ranting abouaMt UKIP will be welcome here.

Farage out-Barbers Barber!! :AMR1:


I'll tell you what sugar muffin, when social conservative journalists like Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber and Peter LaBarbera, and social conservative politicians like Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Michelle Bachmann look to Nigel Farage for advice, your posts ranting about UKIP will be welcome here.

Farage out-Barbers Barber!! :AMR1:

It doesn't sound like ole Nigel is as socially conservative as you make him out to be GFR7/Scot:

Nigel Farage condemns former Ukip deputy Monckton's comments that gay men have '20,000 sexual partners' in their 'miserable lives'

Nov. 28, 2014

Nigel Farage has come to the aid of Ukip’s ever-dwindling reputation for tolerance by condemning homophobic comments made by the party’s former deputy leader this week.

Lord Christopher Monckton, who is also a former Conservative advisor, claimed that AIDS was the “wages” of gay promiscuity and dismissively referred to LGBT people as “QWERTYs”.

Writing for WorldNetDaily, he asserted that some gay men “had as many as 20,000” in their “short, miserable lives” and declared HIV a “gay disease”.

In a column for The Independent, Farage said there was “no place for men like Monckton”, the Glaswegian politician who left the party in December 2013, in Ukip.

“Now, I’m not sure where Viscount Monckton is getting his statistics, but to frame these comments as he has is both deeply offensive and fundamentally wrong,” Farage commented.

Read more: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/p...artners-in-their-miserable-lives-9890191.html

I wonder if the words "Homosexuality is fundamentally wrong" have ever been uttered from the lips of Libertarian UKIP leader Nigel Farage? Come to think of it, I never hear Farage talk about God.


And yes, I'm....

moving on.


New member
It doesn't sound like ole Nigel is as socially conservative as you make him out to be GFR7/Scot:

Nigel Farage condemns former Ukip deputy Monckton's comments that gay men have '20,000 sexual partners' in their 'miserable lives'

Nov. 28, 2014

Nigel Farage has come to the aid of Ukip’s ever-dwindling reputation for tolerance by condemning homophobic comments made by the party’s former deputy leader this week.

Lord Christopher Monckton, who is also a former Conservative advisor, claimed that AIDS was the “wages” of gay promiscuity and dismissively referred to LGBT people as “QWERTYs”.

Writing for WorldNetDaily, he asserted that some gay men “had as many as 20,000” in their “short, miserable lives” and declared HIV a “gay disease”.

In a column for The Independent, Farage said there was “no place for men like Monckton”, the Glaswegian politician who left the party in December 2013, in Ukip.

“Now, I’m not sure where Viscount Monckton is getting his statistics, but to frame these comments as he has is both deeply offensive and fundamentally wrong,” Farage commented.

Read more: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/p...artners-in-their-miserable-lives-9890191.html

I wonder if the words "Homosexuality is fundamentally wrong" have ever been uttered from the lips of Libertarian UKIP leader Nigel Farage? Come to think of it, I never hear Farage talk about God.


And yes, I'm....

moving on.
It's called damage-control and political back-tracking - you've seen GOP's do it here again and again. I'm only interested in his views on gay marriage. I don't need Farage to speak about God for me. It is UKIP's strategic placement which counts.

The day is coming, when you'll be thankful for people like Farage.

He is against it - he's biding his time:

Gay marriage: Nigel Farage refuses to say 'I do'


And stop with the "moving on". Remember how you said that to me in July? :rotfl:


I wonder if the words "Homosexuality is fundamentally wrong" have ever been uttered from the lips of Libertarian UKIP leader Nigel Farage? Come to think of it, I never hear Farage talk about God.

And yes, I'm....

moving on.

It's called damage-control and political back-tracking - ...

I call it political pandering, as ole Nigel is denying that homosexuals in general are very promiscuous and that AIDS is indeed a disease that disproportionately effects those who engage in homosexual behavior.

I'm only interested in his views on gay marriage.

So you've mentioned a few thousand times (boy, when whatshisname said "No way!" to your proposal that really must have had a lasting negative effect on you).

I don't need Farage to speak about God for me. It is UKIP's strategic placement which counts.

Because God doesn't speak for your secular humanist beliefs.

And stop with the "moving on". Remember how you said that to me in July? :rotfl:

Yet you keep returning with asinine topics.


New member
Like Kierkegaard, I am turned toward eternal inwardness and God.
UKIP will be part of the global fourth turning.

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