Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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like marbles on glass


New member
I didn't expect you would.

So all your garbage men are underage, or what?

No. I'm thinking even garbage men are not likely to be
emotionally scarred by a Jack Chic pamphlet.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

But I'd still insist that the things I write about Roman Catholicism
ought to offend you about 40 times as much as any Chic Pamphlet.

Yet in all honesty, how can you possibly be offended, even by Protestants?

Your own Roman Catholic comedians are far more devastating to RC values
than anything we could do to you:



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Obviously Atlanta Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed was bowing down to the limp wristed thugs at the HRC (founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama suppporter Terry Bean) when he suspended Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for sharing the Truth with his fellow firefighters.

Are you ok with that Al?

If the fire chief was an atheist who handed down messages that God probably didn't exist, so get on with your work instead wasting your time, would that be OK with you aCW?

Pay attention Al, Atlanta Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed is an atheist or a secular humanist that is handing down that kind of message.


But I'd still insist that the things I write about Roman Catholicism
ought to offend you about 40 times as much as any Chic Pamphlet.

While you and other Christians sit around arguing "My way to Heaven is the ONLY way!", something happened:

Here in the US alone 58 million unborn babies were and still are being murdered in the womb at the rate of more than a million a year (that's only surgical, pharmaceutical abortions aren't included in that number).

Sexual deviants have taken over invaluable institutions and are destroying a once God-fearing nation, including the minds of our youth.

The list goes on and on and on...

Once again I will share words of wisdom from syndicated columnist Selwyn Duke from his 2010 article entitled

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian


"...There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place."

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/duke/100301

So don't blame Catholic doctrine for the left-wing ideology of liberals such as annadenebetti and The Barbarian, because the man who just wrote those wise words is a Catholic. Blame the fact that they twist God's Word to meet their own selfish agenda and fail to acknowledge that "Truth is spelled with a capital "T", and that it is absolute, universal and eternal".


New member
...So don't blame Catholic doctrine for the left-wing ideology of liberals such as annadenebetti and The Barbarian, because the man who just wrote those wise words is a Catholic.
I read the article.

I like the man and his point.

I'm no relativist, and I thought that would be obvious.

I can easily form an alliance with any sincere Roman Catholic layperson,
because I don't believe that is where the error of RC resides.

I don't have a problem with some 60% of catholic (small c) and/or orthodox doctrine.
The problem is that Roman Catholic apologists are not sincere in their allegance to
catholic doctrine, and Roman Catholic authorities are absolutely and universally corrupt.

There is an objective reality, and the objective reality of Biblical Christian doctrine is
a mandatory component of any scientific reality.

The problem is that Roman Catholic authorities have done more harm to authentic Christianity,
and more importantly, more harm to the authentic layperson Christians who are the genuine people of God,
than any outside enemy of Christianity, barring Islam itself.

Thats a sorry record, and one that prevents every Protestant Christian with a conscience
from following Cardinal Newman to the Vatican.

I'll keep my King James Bible, and reject worldly power and wealth,
and wait for Christ to return to straighten out the mess Roman Catholics have made.

But I'll form a working alliance with any sincere Catholic layperson,
who is truly working for the kingdom of Christ.


I read the article.

I like the man and his point.

I'm no relativist, and I thought that would be obvious.

I've never accused you of being a moral relativist nor has it ever crossed my mind that you are.

I can easily form an alliance with any sincere Roman Catholic layperson...

That's all I'm asking: weed out the moral relativists, no matter if it's Catholics like annatenedebbi or those in other denominations like elohiym/Doormat and work together with the good people of all denominations to stop this moral relativist insanity that has permeated both of our country's and civilization as a whole.


New member
Pay attention Al, Atlanta Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed is an atheist or a secular humanist that is handing down that kind of message.
The point however aCW is whether it is right to push personal beliefs on those who consider you their boss in a secular sense only.
You seem to think that it's fine providing it's a version of Christianity that meets with your approval. :plain:


like marbles on glass
No. I'm thinking even garbage men are not likely to be
emotionally scarred by a Jack Chic pamphlet.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

But I'd still insist that the things I write about Roman Catholicism
ought to offend you about 40 times as much as any Chic Pamphlet.

Yet in all honesty, how can you possibly be offended, even by Protestants?

Your own Roman Catholic comedians are far more devastating to RC values
than anything we could do to you:


^^ And that's exactly why we have separation of church and state, and why the fire chief shouldn't be passing out Bible study books to employees.

Proselytizing doesn't belong in a work environment. That doesn't keep you from your beliefs, but it does keep your ideology away from me.


Pay attention Al, Atlanta Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed is an atheist or a secular humanist that is handing down that kind of message.

The point however aCW is whether it is right to push personal beliefs on those who consider you their boss in a secular sense only.

Again, why is it perfectly ok for this boss (who oversees each and every Atlanta city employee) to push his personal beliefs on those employees, many who are Christian?


You seem to think that it's fine providing it's a version of Christianity that meets with your approval. :plain:

There is only one version of Christianity Al (refer to Selwyn Duke's article on acknowledging universal, absolute and eternal Truth) and it totally meets my approval.

Regarding Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran: Someone has to clean up the mess that you atheists and secular humanists have created, he's only trying to do his part.


Give your left-wing ACLU jargon a rest anna, you're totally taking Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Dansbury Baptist Church out of context.

Naz undercut your argument with perfect timing, didn't he?

Focus those pretty brown eyes on this article and let it sink deep into that liberal brain of yours anna:

Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists
January 1, 1802

The Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut wrote to President Thomas Jefferson on October 7, 1801, to complain about the infringement of their religious liberty by their state legislature: “what religious privileges we enjoy (as a minor part of the State) we enjoy as favors granted, and not as inalienable rights: and these favors we receive at the expense of such degrading acknowledgments, as are inconsistent with the rights of freemen.” The Baptists, of course, acknowledged that “the president of the United States is not the national legislator,” but expressed the wish that his views on religious liberty would “shine and prevail through all these states and all the world.”

In his brief response, President Jefferson sympathized with the Connecticut Baptists in their opposition to the state’s established religion, while expressing his reverence for the First Amendment’s “wall of separation between Church & State” at the federal level. Jefferson was not advancing the modern view that religion must be excluded from the public square. After all, he concludes his letter, written in his official capacity as President, with a brief prayer.

The now well-known expression lay dormant for nearly a century and a half until Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, in the 1947 case Everson v. Board of Education, put forth the novel interpretation that the First Amendment’s establishment clause applied to the states and that any government support or preference for religion amounts to an unconstitutional establishment of religion. In support of his argument for a radical separation of religion and politics, he cited Jefferson’s metaphor: “[t]he First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable.”

Jefferson’s actual aim was quite to the contrary. While he, along with James Madison, stoutly opposed established churches as existed in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and other states (while recognizing that, as President, he had to respect them), he was deeply committed to religious liberty. Jefferson’s letter must also be read in context of his declaration in the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom: “Almighty God hath created the mind free….” The “wall of separation” exists to affirm natural rights, including those of faith and religious worship. The “wall” does not imprison the free exercise of religion. Rather, Jefferson sought to prevent the domination of particular sects, making free the religious practices of all.


'A Wall of Separation'
FBI Helps Restore Jefferson's Obliterated Draft


Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists
The Draft and Recently Discovered Text


Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists
The Final Letter, as Sent



Here's a reminder of Thomas Jefferson's view on homosexuality: Jefferson at one time wanted those who engaged in homosexual behavior to be castrated.

Thomas Jefferson, A Bill for Proportioning Crimes and Punishments
Papers 2:492--504



The point however aCW is whether it is right to push personal beliefs on those who consider you their boss in a secular sense only...

Proselytizing doesn't belong in a work environment. That doesn't keep you from your beliefs, but it does keep your ideology away from me.

Just of of curiosity, had Fire Chief Cochran been "proselytizing" to people who were engaging in harmful behaviors such as alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography or involved in adulterous affairs, do think anyone would have cared? (Without a doubt you two'z wouldn't have).


like marbles on glass
Just of of curiosity, had Fire Chief Cochran been "proselytizing" to people who were engaging in harmful behaviors such as alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography or involved in adulterous affairs, do think anyone would have cared? (Without a doubt you two'z wouldn't have).

If it wasn't happening in the workplace or negatively affecting their job performance (if applicable, like drinking or drugs), then no. It would be none of his business what his employees were doing in their private lives and on personal time. I realize that doesn't fit with your dystopian concept of morality policing, but luckily this is the U.S. and not Saudi Arabia.


Just of of curiosity, had Fire Chief Cochran been "proselytizing" to people who were engaging in harmful behaviors such as alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography or involved in adulterous affairs, do think anyone would have cared? (Without a doubt you two'z wouldn't have).

If it wasn't happening in the workplace or negatively affecting their job performance (if applicable, like drinking or drugs), then no. It would be none of his business what his employees were doing in their private lives and on personal time.

I've shown throughout this 3 part thread how those who engage in homosex are disproportionately afflicted with various diseases and substance abuse problems. For instance, this man who has AIDS would definitely miss quite a bit of work (if he were able to work at all) due to sick days, visits to various medical facilities, etc.


Certainly you don't think that homosexuals leave anal cancer, syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS at home when they report for work do you anna?

I realize that doesn't fit with your dystopian concept of morality policing, but luckily this is the U.S. and not Saudi Arabia.

God created government to righteously police those that disregard His Word and turn the society that they live in into a chaotic jungle.

Why are you so mad at God anna?


In "Pregnant transsexual stalking news" :

Famed ‘pregnant man’ arrested for stalking ex-‘wife’


"Thomas" Beatie, the female-to-male transsexual who gained international fame as a "pregnant man" in 2008, appears on Oprah.

Nov. 28, 2014

A female-to-male transsexual who received international fame and adulation as the world’s first “pregnant man” in 2008 has been arrested on charges of stalking the woman she fought to divorce in 2013.

“Thomas Beatie,” 40, who was born Tracy LaGondino, was charged with felony stalking in Phoenix last week after her ex-“wife,” Nancy Beatie, discovered a GPS tracking device hidden on her car.

Nancy Beatie told police that despite having taken out a restraining order against her, “Thomas Beatie” had repeatedly surprised her by showing up wherever she happened to be and interrogating her about places she had visited.

“The first feelings were fear, that he's [sic] been doing this to me for so long,” Nancy Beatie told KTVK. “Then a little bit of not feeling well, like sick. Like, oh my gosh, he's [sic] been knowing everywhere I've been, stalking me, and it's scary.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/famed-pregnant-man-arrested-for-stalking-ex-wife

(Yet Nancy didn't find it "scary" when she married a woman who had her genitals mutilated to become a pretend man?)


like marbles on glass
God created government to righteously police those that disregard His Word and turn the society that they live in into a chaotic jungle.

I take it you'd like to be on the U.S. branch of the

Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, formerly called the
Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Elimination of Sin?

(I thought you'd like the former name better so I included it for you.)

Just look what you could do!

Members patrol the streets enforcing dress codes, strict separation of men and women, salat prayer by Muslims during prayer times, and other behavior it believes to be commanded by Islam.

While on patrol, the duties of the mutaween include, but are not restricted to:

  • ensuring that drugs including alcohol are not being traded.
  • checking that women wear the abaya, a traditional all-enveloping black cloak.
  • making sure that men and women who are spotted together in public are related.
  • ensuring women do not smoke in public.
  • preventing the population from engaging in "frivolous" Western customs such as Valentine's Day.
The punishment for such offenses is severe, often involving beatings and humiliation, and foreigners are not excluded from arrest.The mutaween encourage people to inform on others they know who are suspected of acting unvirtuously, and to punish such activities.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God created government to righteously police those that disregard His Word and turn the society that they live in into a chaotic jungle.

I take it you'd like to be on the U.S. branch of the

Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, formerly called the
Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Elimination of Sin?

(I thought you'd like the former name better so I included it for you.)

Just look what you could do!...

I have ever told you that you're just too cute when you go into full blown homosexualist pagan mode anna?

On that note: Just look at the things that you could do if you became a Christian (like Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran) who shares God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture:

You could share the Truth with people who feel hopelessly trapped in sinful behavior (such as the diseae ridden deadly behavior known as homosexuality) and very likely could save their life, both here on earth and eternally.

WARNING! You will not make friends with proud and unrepentant sinners such as the people at HRC (which was founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean), but you'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror eacn and every day and know that the person you're looking at truly does love her fellow human beings.

Sounds pretty appealing doesn't it anna?


like marbles on glass
I have ever told you that you're just too cute when you go into full blown homosexualist pagan mode anna?

Yes and you need to stop. I've told you before I don't like it.

On that note: Just look at the things that you could do if you became a Christian

I thought you didn't have time for doctrinal differences? Because if you're with Naz you can keep your proselytizing to yourself.
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