Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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like marbles on glass
Firefighting was originally a community volunteer activity, TAKEN OVER BY government.

It has nothing to do with the formal government of people.

Doesn't matter what it was once. What matters is what it is now.

And if he's the boss and passing out books that someone under his authority might feel compelled to accept, it needed to be addressed.

It has become a 'doctrine' that religious discussion cannot take place
at ANY workplace, which is a draconian absurdity.
Discussion between employees isn't the same thing as the boss distributing religious books to those under his command.

What's next? Garbage men can't hand out Chick pamphlets to each other?
Thats somehow abuse of 'government authority' and office?
:chuckle: It's so great that you managed to get Chick and garbage into the same sentence.

Catholicism has long been a target of Chick so if a fellow employee harassed me, a Catholic, by more than one attempt to give me one - or worse, if my boss was handing them out, then there would be a big problem with that. And we're back to the necessity of the separation of church and state.


New member
Doesn't matter what it was once. What matters is what it is now.

And if he's the boss and passing out books that someone under his authority might feel compelled to accept, it needed to be addressed.

Agreed. and the first thing to do is privatize the Fire Dept. in every city.

Discussion between employees isn't the same thing as the boss distributing religious books to those under his command.

Really? Can you give a single historical and credible example of
a boss handing out a religious pamphlet, and then penalizing an employee
for not reading it, or mocking it?

Pics or it never happened.

When has this EVER been a problem in any workplace,
that wasn't a contrived non-controversy cooked up by communists?

:chuckle: It's so great that you managed to get Chick and garbage into the same sentence.

I try to be funny.

Catholicism has long been a target of Chick so if a fellow employee harassed me, a Catholic, by more than one attempt to give me one - or worse, if my boss was handing them out, then there would be a big problem with that. And we're back to the necessity of the separation of church and state.

Its sad that your only solution to any workplace problem is
"the separation of church and state.".

Its like saying the only solution to any policing problem is
"shoot the suspect."

Ironic in this thread.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet another case of a Christian being penalized for speaking out against the sexual perversion known as homosexuality.

Atlanta Fire Rescue Department Chief Kelvin Cochran started a month-long suspension without pay this week after some of his employees complained about the content of his self-published religious book. Among other things, the book calls "homosexuality" and "lesbianism" a "sexual perversion" morally equivalent to "pederasty" and "bestiality."

That book, city spokeswoman Anne Torres told Channel 2 in Atlanta, was distributed to some of Cochran's employees. "We understand that he was distributing the book to other employees. We are still not sure what the circumstances surrounding them are," Torres said.

... a number of firefighters said they received them in the workplace.

He was penalized for distributing the book to his employees in the workplace. That kind of proselytization under color of authority is what separation of church and state is meant to prevent.

“I want to be clear that the material in Chief Cochran’s book is not representative of my personal beliefs, and is inconsistent with the administration’s work to make Atlanta a more welcoming city for all of her citizens — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, race and religious beliefs,” [Atlanta Mayor Kasim] Reed said in a statement on Monday.

It's pretty obvious that it was Fire Chief Cochran's Biblical message that homosexuality is a perversion is what made the liberals and homosexuals in Atlanta city government foam at the mouth like the rabid dogs that they are. If his book had been politically correct and prostituted the Word of God (i.e. glorying 'Gay Christians') I have no doubt in my mind that a word of disagreement wouldn't have been uttered.

Oh my anna, look at this Nov. 2013 article I stumbled across regarding Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed:

Kasim Reed wants his gay bromance back

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed wants his gay mojo back, or at least wants gay Braves fans to forget what happened last week. So he's hosting a group of LGBT leaders on Wednesday to brag how well the city treats its gays.

At least let's hope he can brag when HRC President Chad Griffin, Georgia Equality's Jeff Graham and gay City Council member Alex Wan join him in a City Hall press conference to unveil Atlanta's scored in HRC's 2013 Municipal Equality Index. Last year, Atlanta scored a surprisingly low 82, though that was tops among cities in Georgia.

Reed's office is teasing that there's something to celebrate:

Mayor Kasim Reed, Councilmember Alex Wan, HRC President Chad Griffin, and Georgia Equality Executive Director Jeff Graham will host a press conference to launch HRC’s 2013 Municipal Equality Index (MEI), announce Atlanta’s MEI score, and celebrate the achievements in LGBT equality that are made possible by the combination of local, state-wide and national efforts.

Read more: http://www.projectq.us/atlanta/kasim_reed_wants_his_bromance_with_the_gays_back?gid=14683


Photo: Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed (center) with City Council member Alex Wan (right) and U.S. Rep. John Lewis preparing for the Atlanta Pride parade in October 2010.

If he was a Muslim and was distributing a book about Islam that was critical of Christians, you'd be singing a different tune.

You bet I would, as we were founded as a Christian nation where our rights come from God, not a muzzie nation where you have the supposed right to murder infidels.
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Firefighting was originally a community volunteer activity, TAKEN OVER BY government.

It has nothing to do with the formal government of people.

When I saw that statement I wondered if the Jr. Libertarian had returned to my beloved TOL.

Civil government has every right to hire and pay people to keep their community, county, state and nation safe and secure.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When you can't refute the truth (no one can, because it's the truth), go to the icons.

Such dumb platitudes really don't call for wise words aCW. :nono:

You've gone from a rolling eyes icon to typing 10 words Al, pretty impressive progress for an atheist (and one of them thar words had 3 syllables).

Obviously Atlanta Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed was bowing down to the limp wristed thugs at the HRC (founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama suppporter Terry Bean) when he suspended Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for sharing the Truth with his fellow firefighters.

Are you ok with that Al?


like marbles on glass
he suspended Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for sharing the Truth with his fellow firefighters.

Cochran was proselytizing in the workplace. The only way you can be consistent is to say it's okay for any religion to do the same and even then, you'd only be consistent. You wouldn't be right.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...he suspended Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for sharing the Truth with his fellow firefighters.

Cochran was proselytizing in the workplace.

As seen in this picture showing Atlanta Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed attending a 'gay pride parade' with an Atlanta city councilman and a US Congressman, whether or not free speech should be allowed all depends on who is doing the "proselytizing" (converting/recruiting).


The only way you can be consistent is to say it's okay for any religion to do the same and even then, you'd only be consistent. You wouldn't be right.

If Mayor Muhammad knew his history he'd know that our country was founded on the values that Fire Chief Cochran was trying to share with others, and because we've abandoned those values we as a society are seeing nothing but moral depravation.

I noticed that you didn't comment on the influence that the HRC Muncipal Equality Index (MEI) rating had on Mayor Muhammad, why's that?


like marbles on glass
If Mayor Muhammad knew his history he'd know that our country was founded on the values that Fire Chief Cochran was trying to share with others, and because we've abandoned those values we as a society are seeing nothing but moral depravation.

You don't seem to be getting it. He shouldn't have been handing out his Bible study book in the workplace. Off duty, fine. On duty, not fine.

I noticed that you didn't comment on the influence that the HRC Muncipal Equality Index (MEI) rating had on Mayor Muhammad, why's that?

Because I didn't read it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If Mayor Muhammad knew his history he'd know that our country was founded on the values that Fire Chief Cochran was trying to share with others, and because we've abandoned those values we as a society are seeing nothing but moral depravation.

You don't seem to be getting it. He shouldn't have been handing out his Bible study book in the workplace. Off duty, fine. On duty, not fine.

Oh but I do get it anna. It's perfectly ok for the most powerful politician in the city of Atlanta to represent his city at a parade where thousands of children are subjected to moral depravity, but it's terribly wrong for someone to hand out a book that condemns that behavior.

I noticed that you didn't comment on the influence that the HRC Muncipal Equality Index (MEI) rating had on Mayor Muhammad, why's that?

Because I didn't read it.

You should know that feigning ignorance doesn't cut it in this thread anna.


like marbles on glass
Oh but I do get it anna. It's perfectly ok for the most powerful politician in the city of Atlanta to represent his city at a parade where thousands of children are subjected to moral depravity, but it's terribly wrong for someone to hand out a book that condemns that behavior.

Would it be okay if Cochran was my boss and he, knowing I was Catholic, gave me an anti-Catholic Chick tract?

You should know that feigning ignorance doesn't cut it in this thread anna.
You should know that I skim off most of what you write to get to the part I'm focused on.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Oh but I do get it anna. It's perfectly ok for the most powerful politician in the city of Atlanta to represent his city at a parade where thousands of children are subjected to moral depravity, but it's terribly wrong for someone to hand out a book that condemns that behavior.

Would it be okay if Cochran was my boss and he, knowing I was Catholic, gave me an anti-Catholic Chick tract?

As much as many TOLers would love to compare Catholicism to the sexual perversion known as homosexuality, there is no comparison. Try again.

You should know that feigning ignorance doesn't cut it in this thread anna.

You should know that I skim off most of what you write to get to the part I'm focused on.

Oh but anna, what you just skimmed off is the cream of the reason why Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was suspended: the intolerance and out and out HATRED that the homosexual movement has towards Judeo-Christian doctrine.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When you can't refute the truth (no one can, because it's the truth), go to the icons.

You've gone from a rolling eyes icon to typing 10 words Al, pretty impressive progress for an atheist (and one of them thar words had 3 syllables).

Obviously Atlanta Mayor Muhammad Kasim Reed was bowing down to the limp wristed thugs at the HRC (founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama suppporter Terry Bean) when he suspended Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for sharing the Truth with his fellow firefighters.

Are you ok with that Al?
If the fire chief was an atheist who handed down messages that God probably didn't exist, so get on with your work instead wasting your time, would that be OK with you aCW?


New member
Would it be okay if Cochran was my boss and he, knowing I was Catholic, gave me an anti-Catholic Chick tract?

Not seeing a problem with that.

Chick tracts would probably only influence someone under 16.
So you shouldn't be working. We have child labour laws.
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