Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not going to waste my time on something that doesn't effect US politics and culture.

Too late perhaps?

As mentioned in the summary of the latest update on the table of contents, it was very educational reading about GFR7/Scot's hero, homosexual/atheist and avid God HATER Friedrich Nietzsche (who Adolf Hitler and his SS admired greatly). I also found it educational reading about his heroes at the Traditionalist Youth Network, who are nothing but a bunch of jack booted Nazis.

His love of "humasexual" musician Morrissey was and still is creepy, but it reveals a lot about GFR7/Scot.

I looked briefly at the UKIP website and read a few other articles and found nothing impressive about them.

Thoughts on why GFR7/Scot is all excited about UKIP Al? Do you think perhaps he's thinking of moving to England and putting the move on "humasexual" Morrissey and checking out the political scene there?


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Happy Thanksgiving to my dear friend, a Culture Warrior




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Washington, D.C.
October 3, 1863

By the President of the United States of America.

A Proclamation.

The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consiousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the Unites States the Eighty-eighth.

By the President: Abraham Lincoln

William H. Seward,
Secretary of State



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not going to waste my time on something that doesn't effect US politics and culture.

So you'll be giving up your homosexual-infatuation threads? Sound like a good idea. What are you going to do with all of that extra time?

Believe me my eggnostic adversary when I say that if this filthy behavior and the child molesting agenda that I've been talking about didn't effect US politics and culture, I would have stopped talking about it long ago.

By the way: Have you set any timeframe as to when you're going to decide if God exists or not?


Washington, D.C.
October 3, 1863

By the President of the United States of America.

A Proclamation.

If word gets out in the gay bars and bathhouses that you made a post that had numerous references about God, you might have difficulty finding work as a homosexual journalist.


New member
If word gets out in the gay bars and bathhouses that you made a post that had numerous references about God, you might have difficulty finding work as a homosexual journalist.
I don't want work as a "homosexual journalist". :AMR1:
But if I did, it believing in God would not be an obstacle:


Morrissey as Priest


I don't want work as a "homosexual journalist". :AMR1:
But if I did, it believing in God would not be an obstacle:


Morrissey as Priest

Ah yes, "Gay Christianity", that will be an entire segment in itself.

What's with your heartthrob Morrissey wearing Catholic clerical apparel? Was he going to a Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence function?


Peter LaBarbera of American's For Truth About Homosexuality wrote an informative article about HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean.

Human Rights Campaign’s Predator Problem: Founder Terry Bean, Major Obama & Democrat Fundraiser, Accused of Sexually Abusing Boy

Bean gave $1 million to HRC; also founded Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund; is largest Oregon donor to Obama; envisioned and funded HRC’s D.C. headquarters building; HRC finally comments on case after five days of silence

"Folks, once in a while a story with such sordid and shocking details breaks through the leftist media’s pro-”gay” censorship to reveal the stark truth about the perverse lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-”queer” (LGBTQ) movement. The child-sex arrest of Terry Bean–a founder of both the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund; Obama money-man; and major Democratic power-broker–is one of those cases. Below is a TV news collage– including commentary by pro-family leaders Scott Lively and Bryan Fischer–of the story of the 66-year-old Bean’s arrest last Wednesday for committing sodomy with a 15-year-old-boy.

Williamette Week reports on the charges against Bean:

“Law enforcement sources familiar with the case say Bean will be charged with two counts of sodomy in the third degree, a felony, and sex abuse in the third degree, a misdemeanor. He will be arraigned later in Lane County, where the crimes allegedly occurred in 2013.”

Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest and best-funded homosexual lobby organization (Executive Director Chad Griffin makes more than $400,000 annually), took the time to condemn the grand jury’s non-indictment of Ferguson, Missouri policeman Darren Wilson, and celebrate the “Transgender Day of Remembrance,” among other blog posts–but has yet to post anything on its website on the sex-crime arrest of Bean, who reportedly has donated more than $1 million to HRC. Bean has been removed from HRC’s Board of Directors pending the adjudication of his case.

AFTAH will carry multiple stories on this case and the twisted reality–dating back to ancient homosexuality–of older adult “homosexual” men sodomizing teenage boys. How telling is it that HRC–which routinely and recklessly castigates conservative, Christian pro-family groups like AFTAH–took five days to issue a bland, non-condemnatory statement on its predatory benefactor Bean? His arrest puts the powerful homosexual lobby group in a very tight spot: Bean, after all, is so central to the “gay” lobby’s success that he came up with the idea of HRC constructing of a swank headquarters building in Washington, D.C. More details and photos..."

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2014/1...funder-accused-of-sexually-abusing-minor-boy/


Democratic Power-Broker: Photo on Terry Bean’s Flickr site (since taken down) shows Barack Obama and others listening intently to Bean (second from left), at an event attended by the president. Bean is a friend of Obama who has flown on Air Force One with the president. Source: Bean’s Flickr page.


New member
I will be keeping track of LaBarbera's pieces.

Here is one from the gay site, Pink News, which explains Bean is simply "taking a leave of absence" to deal with the false charges:

Gay rights pioneer ‘takes leave’ from Human Rights Campaign after sex abuse arrest


Here is a piece involving Bean from the American Thinker:

End the Media Blackout on Gay Rapists

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Boy Al, who would have known that cross dressing perverts have so many opportunities in the sodomite so-called "community" to mock God?

Don't be daft aCW it's not God they mock, it's religious fundamentalists like you. :sam:

As seen in this very sad story, not all of the people who mock God cross dress:

Correction: Christian Parents-Gay Story


...Rob and Linda Robertson did what they believed was expected of them as good Christians.

When their 12-year-old son Ryan said he was gay, they told him they loved him, but he had to change. He entered "reparative therapy," met regularly with his pastor and immersed himself in Bible study and his church youth group. After six years, nothing changed. A despondent Ryan cut off from his parents and his faith, started taking drugs and in 2009, died of an overdose.

"Now we realize we were so wrongly taught," said Rob Robertson, a firefighter for more than 30 years who lives in Redmond, Washington. "It's a horrible, horrible mistake the church has made."

The tragedy could have easily driven the Robertsons from the church. But instead of breaking with evangelicalism — as many parents in similar circumstances have done — the couple is taking a different approach, and they're inspiring other Christians with gay children to do the same. They are staying in the church and, in protesting what they see as the demonization of their sons and daughters, presenting a new challenge to Christian leaders trying to hold off growing acceptance of same-sex relationships.

"Parents don't have anyone on their journey to reconcile their faith and their love for their child," said Linda Robertson, who with Rob attends a nondenominational evangelical church. "They either reject their child and hold onto their faith, or they reject their faith and hold onto their child. Rob and I think you can do both: be fully affirming of your faith and fully hold onto your child."

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/evangelicals-gay-children-challenging-church-203000318.html

A few things about this sad article:

First of all, while meeting with the family's pastor was a good idea, depending on how sexually confused 12 year old Ryan Robertson was, after 6 years and no change he obviously needed professional counseling (NARTH, etc.).

The Robertson's attribute their son's death (overdosing on drugs) to the guilt that they and other Christians put on him. It's highly likely that young Ryan, even had his parents accepted his homosexuality, would have overdosed on drugs, been murdered by a fellow homosexual, died from AIDS or one of the many other factors that end a homosexuals life.

What's even sadder is that Ryan's parents, through their faux Christianity, are going to help lead other sexually confused youth to an early death, and even worse eternal damnation.

God will not be mocked.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Boy Al, who would have known that cross dressing perverts have so many opportunities in the sodomite so-called "community" to mock God?

As seen in this very sad story, not all of the people who mock God cross dress:

Correction: Christian Parents-Gay Story


...Rob and Linda Robertson did what they believed was expected of them as good Christians.

When their 12-year-old son Ryan said he was gay, they told him they loved him, but he had to change. He entered "reparative therapy," met regularly with his pastor and immersed himself in Bible study and his church youth group. After six years, nothing changed. A despondent Ryan cut off from his parents and his faith, started taking drugs and in 2009, died of an overdose.

"Now we realize we were so wrongly taught," said Rob Robertson, a firefighter for more than 30 years who lives in Redmond, Washington. "It's a horrible, horrible mistake the church has made."

The tragedy could have easily driven the Robertsons from the church. But instead of breaking with evangelicalism — as many parents in similar circumstances have done — the couple is taking a different approach, and they're inspiring other Christians with gay children to do the same. They are staying in the church and, in protesting what they see as the demonization of their sons and daughters, presenting a new challenge to Christian leaders trying to hold off growing acceptance of same-sex relationships.

"Parents don't have anyone on their journey to reconcile their faith and their love for their child," said Linda Robertson, who with Rob attends a nondenominational evangelical church. "They either reject their child and hold onto their faith, or they reject their faith and hold onto their child. Rob and I think you can do both: be fully affirming of your faith and fully hold onto your child."

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/evangelicals-gay-children-challenging-church-203000318.html

A few things about this sad article:

First of all, while meeting with the family's pastor was a good idea, depending on how sexually confused 12 year old Ryan Robertson was, after 6 years and no change he obviously needed professional counseling (NARTH, etc.).

The Robertson's attribute their son's death (overdosing on drugs) to the guilt that they and other Christians put on him. It's highly likely that young Ryan, even had his parents accepted his homosexuality, would have overdosed on drugs, been murdered by a fellow homosexual, died from AIDS or one of the many other factors that end a homosexuals life.

What's even sadder is that Ryan's parents, through their faux Christianity, are going to help lead other sexually confused youth to an early death, and even worse eternal damnation.

God will not be mocked.

This is the direction the churches are going in (the same direction as secular pop psychology). NARTH is viewed as hopelessly out of step with the clinical literature of the 21st century.

It's true that we don't know if shame or the gay culture undid this young person.

50 years ago, the NARTH purview was the widely embraced. Now it's the pro-gay perspective which is accepted by the vast majority. Both lean heavily toward their own biases and conclusions. But it is abundantly clear that the same sex marriage campaign has accelerated the cultural approval ten-fold.
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...First of all, while meeting with the family's pastor was a good idea, depending on how sexually confused 12 year old Ryan Robertson was, after 6 years and no change he obviously needed professional counseling (NARTH, etc.).

The Robertson's attribute their son's death (overdosing on drugs) to the guilt that they and other Christians put on him. It's highly likely that young Ryan, even had his parents accepted his homosexuality, would have overdosed on drugs, been murdered by a fellow homosexual, died from AIDS or one of the many other factors that end a homosexuals life.

What's even sadder is that Ryan's parents, through their faux Christianity, are going to help lead other sexually confused youth to an early death, and even worse eternal damnation.

God will not be mocked.

This is the direction the churches are going in (the same direction as secular pop psychology). NARTH is viewed as hopelessly out of step with the clinical literature of the 21st century.

As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread and will continue to show, since the decriminalization of homosexuality, the Church, modern psychology and other insitutions are in the process or have already been successfully permeated by the homosexual movement. Regarding NARTH (and other reparative therapy organizations): They're viewed as a threat to the homosexual movement because they've been extremely successful in showing that change is possible.

It's true that we don't know if shame or the gay culture undid this young person.

As much as people attempt to hide it, people who proudly engage in sinful behavior (in this case one that is an abomination in the eyes of God) know what they're doing is wrong. That and the homosexual carefree- do your own thing-party culture probably "undid" Ryan Robertson.

50 years ago, the NARTH purview was the widely embraced. Now it's the pro-gay perspective which is accepted by the vast majority. Both lean heavily toward their own biases and conclusions. But it is abundantly clear that the same sex marriage campaign has accelerated the cultural approval ten-fold.

"Both lean heavily toward their own biases and conclusions"?

How is helping countless people leave homosexual behavior and often times desires behind, (which NARTH has done for decades) somehow "biased"? Sure, not everyone is able to leave the sinful lifetyle behind, but is there a 100% recovery rate amongst those addicted to alcohol or drugs, pornography and other sinful behaviors?


New member
As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread and will continue to show, since the decriminalization of homosexuality, the Church, modern psychology and other insitutions are in the process or have already been successfully permeated by the homosexual movement. Regarding NARTH: They're viewed as a threat to the homosexual movement because they've been extremely successful in showing that change is possible.
I know this, yes!

As much as people attempt to hide it, people who proudly engage in sinful behavior (in this case one that is an abomination in the eyes of God) know what they're doing is wrong. That and the homosexual carefree- do your own thing-party culture probably "undid" Ryan Robertson.
I acknowledge that this is possible/probable, yes.

"Both lean heavily toward their own biases and conclusions"?

How is helping countless people leave homosexual behavior and often times desires behind, (which NARTH has done for decades) somehow "biased"? Sure, not everyone is able to leave the sinful lifetyle behind, but is there a 100% recovery rate amongst those addicted to alcohol or drugs, pornography and other sinful behaviors?
Anyone who is familiar with where the APA (American Psychological Association) and the American Psychiatric Association - and also the entire University and academic culture - now stand, will know that they lean as heavily pro-gay as the formerly leaned anti-gay (viewed homosexuality as a pernicious disease to be cured).


I know this, yes!

I acknowledge that this is possible/probable, yes.

Anyone who is familiar with where the APA (American Psychological Association) and the American Psychiatric Association - and also the entire University and academic culture - now stand, will know that they lean as heavily pro-gay as the formerly leaned anti-gay (viewed homosexuality as a pernicious disease to be cured).

If condescending posts like this are meant to form some sort of bond between you and me GFR7/Scot, it's not working (admit it, if Al had written something just the opposite of what I posted, you would have agreed with him as well).

Take a stance on one side or the other, you only look foolish when you try to take both sides.
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