Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course you didn't because like your brethren at the HRC and the trannie website that you posted, you couldn't care less about Officer Darren Wilson and his family.

Instead of going to Geneva on behalf of race baiters B. Hussein Obama and Al Sharpton and talking to the United Nations about PO-leece brutality here in the US, it would have been nice if the parents of the late Michael Brown had admitted that their son was a thug who attempted to murder a police officer.

Who knows how much violence and property damage could have been prevented had they just spoke the truth.

Who did PR work for the Governor of New York as I recall. Don't forget that you have a cousin that is a State Senator.

Your posts throughout this thread do a fine job of revealing what you think.

I'm all about life. Unfortunately Officer Darren Wilson had to take a life to save his own. Too bad you and your at brethren at places like the NAACP and HRC don't understand that.

I didn't watch the entire video. Did the mob drag the driver from the vehicle and beat him to death?(mobs are like that don't cha know).
So you find that so hard to believe????

The one brother-in-law is the office of the county Prosecutor's Lt. Det. of Homicide and Major Crimes, the other brother-in- law is a VP of a PR firm and does work for the Governor's office, and my cousin is a NJ State Senator? We also have attorneys, professors, and psychologists among siblings and cousins, as well as journalists/authors. Oh, and some Ivy League graduates.

Imagine that, I come from an educated, ambitious, and well-connected family. It's the American way; upward mobility. We didn't all crawl from beneath a Kentucky rock, aCW..... (in truth, you are a heck of a lot more intelligent than you want others to know you are...... ) :jawdrop: I'll bet there are people on TOL who have some of the same in their family.

No, you smashed that woman's leg and tried to kill them all, and then escaped, you first class idjut :madmad:



...The one brother-in-law is the office of the county Prosecutor's Lt. Det. of Homicide and Major Crimes, the other brother-in- law is a VP of a PR firm and does work for the Governor's office, and my cousin is a NJ State Senator? We also have attorneys, professors, and psychologists among siblings and cousins, as well as journalists/authors. Oh, and some Ivy League graduates...

And then there's you, a psychopath who writes for sexual deviant periodicals.


I stand corrected.


I'll close out this topic with some wise words from rock n roll conservative Ted Nugent that he posted on his Facebook account (I've **** out the profanity, so beware if you click on the link).

Ted Nugent
Musician/Band ·

Here's the lessons from Ferguson America- Don't let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don't preach your racist ******** "no justice no peace" as blabbered by Obama's racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don't attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta ******** you hang with & look up to. It's that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that "black lives matter" when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you ****** idiots. Drive safely.

Amen brother Ted!



Bill Donohue of the Catholic League wrote a great article on HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean.
Donohue not only shows how sick this pervert is, but how the lamestream media continues to give the powerful homosexual movement a pass.


Nov. 25, 2014

...He likes to hide his camera in the smoke-alarm over his bed, videoing kinky sex with his boyfriends. He is one of the biggest porn kings in American history, making a fortune off of “barebacking” videos—the kind of unprotected sex that led directly to AIDS. And when he is not bundling hundreds of thousands of dollars for President Obama, he is riding with him on Air Force One. He was arrested last week in his Portland, Oregon home for rape. Charged with a felony, he is accused of sodomizing a teenage boy in 2013. Meet Terrence Patrick Bean.

Bean is not just another rapist—he is a co-founder of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s most powerful homosexual organization, and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. And how have the media dealt with this story? With a yawn: AP ran one story totaling 133 words, CNN ran a couple of clips, and Fox News gave it a brief mention (some of the stories failed to mention Bean’s HRC role).

Last year, when Obama appointed Howard Gutman as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium, the media also reacted with a stunning lack of curiosity: he was accused of soliciting sex from children. But HRC was not lazy—it vigorously defended its gay hero...

Read more: http://www.catholicleague.org/sicko-gay-leader-gets-media-pass/


Bill Donohue


New member
You are getting better and better with the gifs and graphics, aCW :BRAVO:

True, the MSM seems to be more or less blacking out the HRC story :think:


You are getting better and better with the gifs and graphics, aCW :BRAVO:

Your approval means so much to me.

True, the MSM seems to be more or less blacking out the HRC story :think:

As a former? homosexual journalist, I was hoping that you'd comment on this part of the story:

"...He [HRC founder and accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean] likes to hide his camera in the smoke-alarm over his bed, videoing kinky sex with his boyfriends. He is one of the biggest porn kings in American history, making a fortune off of “barebacking” videos—the kind of unprotected sex that led directly to AIDS."


New member
As a former? :AMR1: homosexual journalist, I was hoping that you'd comment on this part of the story:

"...He [HRC founder and accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean] likes to hide his camera in the smoke-alarm over his bed, videoing kinky sex with his boyfriends. He is one of the biggest porn kings in American history, making a fortune off of “barebacking” videos—the kind of unprotected sex that led directly to AIDS."
Well, if that's true, it's just dreadful. Just dreadful. :nono:

How do we know this info is true? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As a former? homosexual journalist, I was hoping that you'd comment on this part of the story:

"...He [HRC founder and accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean] likes to hide his camera in the smoke-alarm over his bed, videoing kinky sex with his boyfriends. He is one of the biggest porn kings in American history, making a fortune off of “barebacking” videos—the kind of unprotected sex that led directly to AIDS."

Well, if that's true, it's just dreadful. Just dreadful. :nono:

Isn't it just dreadful that things like that are common amongst those that engage in homosexuality? Being a former? homosexual journalist you must know that sort of thing is quite common amongst queers. (barebacking, porn videos, etc.).

How do we know this info is true? :think:

I would imagine that Bill Donohue received the information from a reliable source.

Feel free to refute it if you feel it's necessary to unblemish the name of HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean and the movement that he represents.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As a former? homosexual journalist, I was hoping that you'd comment on this part of the story:

"...He [HRC founder and accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean] likes to hide his camera in the smoke-alarm over his bed, videoing kinky sex with his boyfriends. He is one of the biggest porn kings in American history, making a fortune off of “barebacking” videos—the kind of unprotected sex that led directly to AIDS."

Isn't it just dreadful that things like that are common amongst those that engage in homosexuality? Being a former? homosexual journalist you must know that sort of thing is quite common amongst queers. (barebacking, porn videos, etc.).

I would imagine that Bill Donohue received the information from a reliable source.

Feel free to refute it if you feel it's necessary to unblemish the name of HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean and the movement that he represents.
I guess from what experience I have, it's more than likely true. :think:


I guess from what experience I have, it's more than likely true. :think:

The pro homosexual Huffington Post and the attorney representing HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean can explain it all (those right-wingers are lying again!)

Is Obama Bundler Terrence Bean A 'Gay-Porn Kingpin?' (No.)

Terry Bean's Attorney Posts a Defense Regarding Extortion Claims On His Facebook Page

Bean never accessed his own security system, lawyer tells Bean's friends


There ya have it folks: HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean is as pure as the driven snow.


New member
The pro homosexual Huffington Post and the attorney representing HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean can explain it all (those right-wingers are lying again!)

Is Obama Bundler Terrence Bean A 'Gay-Porn Kingpin?' (No.)

Terry Bean's Attorney Posts a Defense Regarding Extortion Claims On His Facebook Page

Bean never accessed his own security system, lawyer tells Bean's friends


There ya have it folks: HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean is as pure as the driven snow.
I knew it! I just knew our Terry was pure! :D :BRAVO: :kiss: I feel so much better now. :cigar:


I knew it! I just knew our Terry was pure! :D :BRAVO: :kiss: I feel so much better now. :cigar:

"Your" Terry Bean is far from being out of the proverbial doghouse GFR7/Scot. Unless I missed it, neither article explains why the Portland Police Bureau shouldn't have charged HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean with the crime(s) that he's accused of.

Regarding Bean being the kingpin of a homosexual porn empire:

The HuffPo article seems to make a big issue that Terry Bean never directly produced any fag porn, therefore he has nothing to do with the industry.

Bean oversaw the corporation (for 4 years) prior to it being sold and profited handsomely from it's proceeds.

Regarding the security system over the bed that Bean allegedly didn't have access to:

Who has a camera over their bed unless it for perverted reasons? Was Terry Bean afraid that someone was going to break into his house and steal his favorite teddy bear?


New member
"Your" Terry Bean is far from being out of the proverbial doghouse GFR7/Scot. Unless I missed it, neither article explains why the Portland Police Bureau shouldn't have charged HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean with the crime(s) that he's accused of.

Regarding Bean being the kingpin of a homosexual porn empire:

The HuffPo article seems to make a big issue that Terry Bean never directly produced any fag porn, therefore he has nothing to do with the industry.

Bean oversaw the corporation prior to it being sold and profited handsomely from it's proceeds.

Regarding the security system over the bed that Bean allegedly didn't have access to:

Who has a camera over their bed unless it for perverted reasons? Was Terry Bean afraid that someone was going to break into his house and steal his favorite teddy bear?
:think: You have a point there.


New member
On that note: Have a great condescending day.
???? :think:............. :AMR1:

So despite the fact that I am not a fan of HuffPost, I am supposed to fall in line with what they assert, just to please you by taking a liberal view I don't subscribe to?

I say:



???? :think:............. :AMR1:

So despite the fact that I am not a fan of HuffPost, I am supposed to fall in line with what they assert, just to please you by taking a liberal view I don't subscribe to?


I knew it! I just knew our Terry was pure!

or he isn't.

Which is it, pure or sexual deviant?

You can't attempt to play the middle of the road in this thread GFR7/Scot and get away with it.


New member

or he isn't.

Which is it, pure or sexual deviant?

You can't attempt to play the middle of the road in this thread GFR7/Scot and get away with it.
I was being sarcastic and sardonic when I said I knew "our Terry" was pure. I thought surely you saw that. :AMR1:

Bean is nothing to me, and I am not a fan of HRC (never donated a dime).

But here are two UKIP pieces you'll agree with, aCW: (do you support the UKIP, Karl?)

UK Politician: Gay 'Deathstyle' Brings 500–20,000 Sexual Partners And 'Short, Miserable Lives'


UK: Coalition for Marriage still wants to void all same-sex marriages

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Which is it, pure or sexual deviant?

You can't attempt to play the middle of the road in this thread GFR7/Scot and get away with it.

I was being sarcastic and sardonic when I said I knew "our Terry" was pure. I thought surely you saw that. :AMR1:


Bean is nothing to me, and I am not a fan of HRC (never donated a dime).

Where's your loyalty towards your fellow homosexualists GFR7/Scot? HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean did an extraordinary amount of things to promote the pervert agenda. Heck, if it weren't for homosexual pioneers like Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay, Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean, homosexuality might still be criminalized and we all know what that means:

Theocracy! (GASP!).

But here are two UKIP pieces you'll agree with, aCW: (do you support the UKIP, Karl?)

Give it a rest buttercup. Why don't you go out and recruit some of your former "contacts" that you made in the gay so-called "community" and have them come to TOL and show the followers of this thread why homosexuality SHOULDN'T be recriminalized (your pretend conservative stance is boring me to tears).


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Which is it, pure or sexual deviant?

You can't attempt to play the middle of the road in this thread GFR7/Scot and get away with it.


Where's your loyalty towards your fellow homosexualists GFR7/Scot? HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean did an extraordinary amount of things to promote the pervert agenda. Heck, if it weren't for homosexual pioneers like Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay, Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean, homosexuality might still be criminalized and we all know what that means:

Theocracy! (GASP!).

Give it a rest buttercup. Why don't you go out and recruit some of your former "contacts" that you made in the gay so-called "community" and have them come to TOL and show the followers of this thread why homosexuality SHOULDN'T be recriminalized (your pretend conservative stance is boring me to tears).
No, I am starting to catch on to what the problem is. You only like to spar with me if you think I'm a liberal, which anyone who knows me, knows I'm not.

The fact that I really don't care a fig for Bean or HRC and that I do support UKIP bothers you, because it shows that people beyond your social strata can perhaps do more good than you can.

In your mind, I'm that guy who got to walk on their side for awhile, escape unscathed, and still remain aloof from them. You fool.

I would have thought you were far stronger, aCW. Badly done. And very disappointing.

aCW is a weakling

Karl is nothing but a big weakling and pathetic



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Where's your loyalty towards your fellow homosexualists GFR7/Scot? HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean did an extraordinary amount of things to promote the pervert agenda. Heck, if it weren't for homosexual pioneers like Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay, Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean, homosexuality might still be criminalized and we all know what that means:

Theocracy! (GASP!).

Give it a rest buttercup. Why don't you go out and recruit some of your former "contacts" that you made in the gay so-called "community" and have them come to TOL and show the followers of this thread why homosexuality SHOULDN'T be recriminalized (your pretend conservative stance is boring me to tears).

No, I am starting to catch on to what the problem is. You only like to spar with me if you think I'm a liberal, which anyone who knows me, knows I'm not.

If your views throughout this thread aren't liberal, I don't know what is.

The fact that I really don't care a fig for Bean or HRC and that I do support UKIP bothers you, because it shows that people beyond your social strata can perhaps do more good than you can.

I have no idea what UKIP is and have no desire to find out. Is UKIP anything like your other heroes? (atheist/homosexual Friedrich Nietzsche and the goose-stepping Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network).

I would have thought you were far stronger, aCW. Badly done. And very disappointing.

I live for your approval ole wise one. What can I do to make amends?
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