Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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With two country singers recently "coming out" and stating (in so many words) that they're proud that they engage in homosexual behavior, country singer Ricky Skaggs has made a statement that infuriates homosexual groups and makes Christians feel sorry for him for his lack of biblical knowledge.

Ricky Skaggs -- Gay Country Singers Welcomed ... 'We're All Sinners'

Nov. 23, 2014

Country star Ricky Skaggs has a fascinating take on the gay country singers coming out … they are welcomed and accepted in the country world, because, “We”re all sinners.”

Our photog ran into Skaggs in Nashville, so he asked about country singers Ty Herndon and Billy Gilman coming out. Skaggs seems genuinely accepting — both for him and on behalf of the country world — until he drops the line, “We”re all sinners.”

It”s an interesting question for people fighting for gay rights — can someone be on the right side for the wrong reason?



We're all sinners Ricky, but not all of us are proud of it. In fact, those who call themselves "Christian" ask God to help them progressively overcome sin and to be more and more like Christ (obedient to His Word).


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Bill Cosby

Address at the NAACP' on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

After reading that speech it goes without saying that you liberals would eventually get even with Bill Cosby for speaking the truth.

I'm not interested in links from conservative periodicals GFR7/Scot (which by the way, said pretty much the same thing that I did regarding Cosby's 2004 NAACP speech), I want to know what you and your fellow liberals are talking about.

So put your liberal thinking cap on


and go out and find out from some of those important contacts that you made while you were a journalist for a homosexual publication and tell us...

why now.
I thought you'd appreciate that the articles were confirming your suspicions. :AMR1:

I am not considered "liberal" among liberals.

Those contacts were ages ago. I doubt many of them would even remember me now. :nono:

Why now? Perhaps it has taken this long for long -simmering resentments against him - by individuals and groups - to reach the boiling point.

Maybe because he has a book coming out now.

In any case, not everyone is buying it:

Bill Cosby Got a Standing Ovation in Florida Last Night
The audience got on their feet twice for the embattled comedian.


Now do you think Cosby should be prosecuted after all these years? I do not.



New member
In Defense of Bill Cosby (Guest Opinion Blog) :AMR1:


The concept of justice is disregarded. The statute of limitations is ignored. The recollections of events that happened as long as fifty years ago are dredged up by aging actresses who have one eye on the CNN camera, and the other on a book or reality show deal.

If the statute of limitations was as long as the 15 minutes of fame that these lost souls are trying to recapture, then our prisons would be as vacant as the Holiday Inn in Acapulco (you probably have no idea what that means because you're not used to real news). Thankfully, the statute of limitations was written to avoid exactly what this blog is about. There is no legitimacy to justice if there is no real evidence, and evidence has a way of vanishing as memories dim with the marching of time. A DNA swab on most of Cosby's detractors if done today would most likely come up exceedingly dry.



I'm not interested in links from conservative periodicals GFR7/Scot (which by the way, said pretty much the same thing that I did regarding Cosby's 2004 NAACP speech), I want to know what you and your fellow liberals are talking about.

So put your liberal thinking cap on

and go out and find out from some of those important contacts that you made while you were a journalist for a homosexual publication and tell us...

why now.

I thought you'd appreciate that the articles were confirming your suspicions.

Being that you didn't give me an answer from your liberal perspective (or is it Scot that is a liberal?), no, the conservative articles that you linked are not appreciated.


New member
I'm not interested in links from conservative periodicals GFR7/Scot (which by the way, said pretty much the same thing that I did regarding Cosby's 2004 NAACP speech), I want to know what you and your fellow liberals are talking about.

So put your liberal thinking cap on

and go out and find out from some of those important contacts that you made while you were a journalist for a homosexual publication and tell us...

why now.

Being that you didn't give me an answer from your liberal perspective (or is it Scot that is a liberal?), no, the conservative articles that you linked are not appreciated.
Not until you comment on my post #3483:AMR1:


New member
OMG, aCW , what do you think of this????? :jawdrop:

I cannot take this :cry:

Is nothing sacred???


I can't breathe.


Another rape allegation has surfaced against famed comedian and actor, Bill Cosby. This time it is from another familiar 80s face: Kirk Cameron.

Kirk Cameron, actor and Christian-activist, who rose to fame on the hit television sitcom “Growing Pains”, revealed to the TMZ offices that he too had been drugged and raped immediately after auditioning for a recurring guest role on “The Cosby Show.”

Cosby wanted to “whiten up the show a bit” and Kirk Cameron was tossed around as somebody who could play a French foreign exchange student.

His lawyer gave an announcement on Cameron’s behalf to the press, here is an excerpt:

“…I’ve seen so many brave women come forward and I feel it’s time as a caring and honest man to come out and say, Cosby not only raped women, but men, at least this man. I am tired of the media worshipping and praising a man that has a past so terrible that it is unbelievable. I have kept this terrible secret for years, but the incident was also a major factor in what led me to Jesus. I wish I had come out sooner, but it’s tougher for men as our masculinity can get called into question when we are sexually assaulted by another man. Why wasn’t I strong enough to fight Mr. Cosby off? Is he a stronger and more physical man than I? I hope I can help other men come out and together we can stop this devil. I will be pursuing damages that are not going to be disclosed at this time.”

On Tuesday, Cosby’s attorney, John Schmitt, issued a statement saying Cameron is simply trying to revive his failed acting career. Schmitt also said the fact that there are allegations by Cameron “does not make them true.”

But this particular accusation is interesting. We have a very successful Christian-activist and Christian actor who doesn’t need any press or financial reward, which does cast a shadow of guilt over Cosby.

Cosby has never been criminally charged with sexual assault, but he did settle a civil case in 2006 brought by Temple University employee Andrea Constand who claimed he drugged and groped her at his suburban Philadelphia mansion.


OMG, aCW , what do you think of this????? :jawdrop:

I cannot take this :cry:

Is nothing sacred???

Another rape allegation has surfaced against famed comedian and actor, Bill Cosby. This time it is from another familiar 80s face: Kirk Cameron.

Kirk Cameron, actor and Christian-activist, who rose to fame on the hit television sitcom “Growing Pains”, revealed to the TMZ offices that he too had been drugged and raped immediately after auditioning for a recurring guest role on “The Cosby Show.”


Wow GFR7/Scot, this has definitely been a bad past few days not only for your LGBT movement, but for your Democratic Party as well.

First HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean is accused of raping a 15 year old boy:

(Shown here with B. Hussein and his husband Mike)


and now alleged bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) and Obama supporter Bill Cosby being accused of raping women and a boy.


Tsk isk, not good for your LGBT movement/Democratic Party.


New member
With two country singers recently "coming out" and stating (in so many words) that they're proud that they engage in homosexual behavior, country singer Ricky Skaggs has made a statement that infuriates homosexual groups and makes Christians feel sorry for him for his lack of biblical knowledge.

Ricky Skaggs -- Gay Country Singers Welcomed ... 'We're All Sinners'

Nov. 23, 2014

Country star Ricky Skaggs has a fascinating take on the gay country singers coming out … they are welcomed and accepted in the country world, because, “We”re all sinners.”

Our photog ran into Skaggs in Nashville, so he asked about country singers Ty Herndon and Billy Gilman coming out. Skaggs seems genuinely accepting — both for him and on behalf of the country world — until he drops the line, “We”re all sinners.”

It”s an interesting question for people fighting for gay rights — can someone be on the right side for the wrong reason?



We're all sinners Ricky, but not all of us are proud of it. In fact, those who call themselves "Christian" ask God to help them progressively overcome sin and to be more and more like Christ (obedient to His Word).
Ricky doesn't seem to grasp that gays do not in any way, shape, or form believe their gayness is a sin. They believe it is a supreme gift from the Creator. so Ricky's acceptance is in vain. It's like telling someone black that you accept their sin of being black.


New member
I really didn't know Cosby would rape a boy (Cameron was surely a minor when this incident happened?) or that he even liked boys.



Ricky doesn't seem to grasp that gays do not in any way, shape, or form believe their gayness is a sin. They believe it is a supreme gift from the Creator. so Ricky's acceptance is in vain. It's like telling someone black that you accept their sin of being black.

Thank you for the post from your homosexual perspective GFR7/Scot, I always appreciate your honesty.

Of course the color of a person's skin is not a sin, unlike that of a perverse yet changeable behavior.


New member
Thank you for the post from your homosexual perspective GFR7/Scot, I always appreciate your honesty.

Of course the color of a person's skin is not a sin, unlike that of a perverse yet changeable behavior.
Yes, of course they have the "behavior" thing all rationalized (behavior stemming from an innate, genetic, fixed trait).


New member
aCW- I (we) was (were) duped.
The story is fake. :nono:
It was all doo doo. :(
Musterion had Knight pull it.

Turns out Cosby is not into drugging /raping boys, after all.


In fairness to yours truly, Landover Baptist Church also bit the bait: :AMR1:

"Please Pray for Our Brother, Kirk Cameron. He was raped by Bill Cosby!"

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aCW- I (we) was (were) duped.
The story is fake. :nono:
It was all doo doo. :(
Musterion had Knight pull it.

Turns out Cosby is not into drugging /raping boys, after all.

Not that I don't believe everything that you post GFR7/Scot, but I did a quick check before commenting and saw a few websites that stated that Kirk Cameron was one of Bill Cosby's victims.

However, accused rapist Bill Cosby (like you and the vast majority in the LGBT so-called "community") was a big Obama supporter (perverts of a feather flock together).

Cosby weighs in on President Obama's presidency
Legendary actor/comedian Bill Cosby talks about his support for President Obama in 2008 and now in 2012.



New member
Not that I don't believe everything that you post GFR7/Scot, but I did a quick check before commenting and saw a few websites that stated that Kirk Cameron was one of Bill Cosby's victims.

However, accused rapist Bill Cosby (like you and the vast majority in the LGBT so-called "community") was a big Obama supporter (perverts of a feather flock together).

Cosby weighs in on President Obama's presidency
Legendary actor/comedian Bill Cosby talks about his support for President Obama in 2008 and now in 2012.


YES, I too had made sure that several sites were running it. :AMR1:
However, I was still duped. :nono:

I really didn't know he would go from Reagan to Obama.
But then, some of us did in 2008.


I really didn't know he [Bill Cosby] would go from Reagan to Obama.

I hate to break the news to you GFR7/Scot, but there were quite a few Presidents between Reagan and B. Hussein Obama.

Again, not that I don't believe every word that you post, but I did a quick check again and found nothing that said that accused rapist and B. Hussein Obama supporter (in both 2008 and 2012) was a Ronald Reagan supporter (keep in mind that Reagan wasn't a staunch conversative, as I had shown in Part 1, amongst other things he was very Libertarian when it came to homosexuality and was responsible for abortion being legalized in CA as Governor).


New member
I hate to break the news to you GFR7/Scot, but there were quite a few Presidents between Reagan and B. Hussein Obama.

Again, not that I don't believe every word that you post, but I did a quick check again and found nothing that said that accused rapist and B. Hussein Obama supporter (in both 2008 and 2012) was a Ronald Reagan supporter (keep in mind that Reagan wasn't a staunch conversative, as I had shown in Part 1, amongst other things he was very Libertarian when it came to homosexuality and was responsible for abortion being legalized in CA as Governor).

Well, I do recall hearing Reagan heap praise on Cosby in Pittsburgh, in the late '80s.
And Cosby angered liberals with his social conservative views on the black community..
I think what I meant was that Reagan was a Cosby supporter, and Cosby supported social con values (or appeared to).

And I do think people were duped by Reagan, true---but he is still viewed as the exemplary conservative.

Reagan and Obama are the two presidents of our era:
George Bush, Clinton, and W being merely a pause between the two.
I would say for our generations (Boomer and X) , the world was built by FDR, Reagan, and Obama.


New member
Not that I don't believe everything that you post GFR7/Scot, but I did a quick check before commenting and saw a few websites that stated that Kirk Cameron was one of Bill Cosby's victims.
I was kind of hoping it was true but my own research based mainly on chat in other forums seems to suggest a hoax. Maybe Ray Comfort...?
...perish the thought.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not that I don't believe everything that you post GFR7/Scot, but I did a quick check before commenting and saw a few websites that stated that Kirk Cameron was one of Bill Cosby's victims.

I was kind of hoping it was true but my own research based mainly on chat in other forums seems to suggest a hoax....

I really didn't give it a second thought when GFR7/Scot posted that, as pedophilia/pederasty is huge problem in ultra left-wing Hollyweird.

Pedophilia is left-wing Hollywood's biggest problem


New member
Feldman's real problem seems to have been his parents who didn't protect him from bad people that we should all know are out there.
However this has nothing to do with gay people and what they may choose to do together in private. Feldman didn't seem to have any such option who also seems to have been financially screwed by his own father.
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