Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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What a coincidence Al, I logged on just to start an open discussion about the Bill Cosby allegations.

Why liberals are turning on Bill Cosby over rape allegations

I'm not questioning if all or some of these accusations are true, I'm questioning why the left-wing prostitute media waited decades to come forward with the story?

Could it perhaps be that Cosby was going to make a statement about the Ferguson riots and put down B. Hussein Obama for not trying to simmer the racial fire?

Maybe the prostitute left-wing media is using this as a smokescreen so that they don't have to report the RAPE allegations against HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean (shown here with his 25 year old former lover who likes little boys too).


I have to also wonder why these women are all telling the truth, yet the ones that came forward to expose Bill Clinton as sexual predator were lying?

I'm interested on any and all thoughts on this matter; heck, I'll even listen to pagan and atheist opinions.

While I do believe someone like Bill Cosby is an example of heterosexual rampant immorality and hypocrisy, I am indeed suspicious as to why it would take decades for any of this to matter to anyone.

I'm also suspicious enough of MSM to understand the possible connection to Ferguson.

In the end, it seems immorality only matters publicly, if it can be used as fuel or bait or as a vehicle to some other agenda. I have this feeling about much of sexual hysteria, including rape on campus: It is being used to some other end, and this is what I object to.


And now a few words from a condescending pagan (I know you're an atheist Scot, but you caught me in a kinder gentler mood today) :

While I do believe someone like Bill Cosby is an example of heterosexual rampant immorality and hypocrisy, I am indeed suspicious as to why it would take decades for any of this to matter to anyone.

So Bill Cosby is a typical heterosexual and the left-wing pro homosexual media didn't cover it for decades because they didn't want to make those who engage in heterosex look bad?

I'm also suspicious enough of MSM to understand the possible connection to Ferguson.

I threw that one out there.

In the end, it seems immorality only matters publicly, if it can be used as fuel or bait or as a vehicle to some other agenda. I have this feeling about much of sexual hysteria, including rape on campus: It is being used to some other end, and this is what I object to.

Let's hear from some of your atheist allies next Scot.


New member
And now a few words from a condescending pagan:

So Bill Cosby is a typical heterosexual and the left-wing pro homosexual media didn't cover it for decades because they didn't want to make those who engage in heterosex look bad?

I threw that one out there.

Let's hear from some of your atheist allies next Scot.
I am in no way a condescending pagan.

You have me pegged all wrong, and I really do believe that I would smash you
if you were standing next to me now. :madmad:

Did I say he was typical, you first class idiot???

I will stop calling you 'Karl', if you stop calling me 'Scot'.


I am in no way a condescending pagan.

You have me pegged all wrong, and I really do believe that I would smash you
if you were standing next to me now. :madmad:


Did I say he was typical, you first class idiot???

I will stop calling you 'Karl', if you stop calling me 'Scot'.

But I never spoke for someone named Karl.

Not going to respond to this. :AMR1:

But will respond for Scot:


New member
What a coincidence Al, I logged on just to start an open discussion about the Bill Cosby allegations.

Why liberals are turning on Bill Cosby over rape allegations

I'm not questioning if all or some of these accusations are true, I'm questioning why the left-wing prostitute media waited decades to come forward with the story?

Could it perhaps be that Cosby was going to make a statement about the Ferguson riots and put down B. Hussein Obama for not trying to simmer the racial fire?

Maybe the prostitute left-wing media is using this as a smokescreen so that they don't have to report the RAPE allegations against HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean (shown here with his 25 year old former lover who likes little boys too).


I have to also wonder why these women are all telling the truth, yet the ones that came forward to expose Bill Clinton as sexual predator were lying?

I'm interested on any and all thoughts on this matter; heck, I'll even listen to pagan and atheist opinions.
I'll leave conspiracy theories to Nazeroo, but Bill Cosby was always a favourite of mine since I-Spy days. I'd rather believe that Cosby has been stitched up somehow for political reasons but sadly I suspect it's at least partly true.
Why it's only coming out now rather puzzles me too, but a left wing pro-gay conspiracy seems somewhat far fetched but I suppose you would say something like that aCW, wouldn't you. ;)
I don't believe that a president in his 2nd term could be all that bothered with whatever Cosby might have been going to say, that would be just your usual right wing hysteria and paranoia imo aCW.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What a coincidence Al, I logged on just to start an open discussion about the Bill Cosby allegations.

Why liberals are turning on Bill Cosby over rape allegations

I'm not questioning if all or some of these accusations are true, I'm questioning why the left-wing prostitute media waited decades to come forward with the story?

Could it perhaps be that Cosby was going to make a statement about the Ferguson riots and put down B. Hussein Obama for not trying to simmer the racial fire?

Maybe the prostitute left-wing media is using this as a smokescreen so that they don't have to report the RAPE allegations against HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean (shown here with his 25 year old former lover who likes little boys too).

I have to also wonder why these women are all telling the truth, yet the ones that came forward to expose Bill Clinton as sexual predator were lying?

I'm interested on any and all thoughts on this matter; heck, I'll even listen to pagan and atheist opinions.

I'll leave conspiracy theories to Nazeroo, but Bill Cosby was always a favourite of mine since I-Spy days.

Co-starring Robert Culp. I heartell it was a good show. Back in the days of black and white televison wasn't it Al?

I'd rather believe that Cosby has been stitched up somehow for political reasons but sadly I suspect it's at least partly true.

His "Black men need to take personal responsiblity" message never has been popular with the left-wing crowd. I remember how Jesse Jackson almost choked on a chicken bone at a NAACP function when Cosby was on stage talking about such things.

Why it's only coming out now rather puzzles me too, but a left wing pro-gay conspiracy seems somewhat far fetched but I suppose you would say something like that aCW, wouldn't you. ;)

Feel free to show the readers of this thread where the arrest of HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean for the RAPE of a 15 year old boy made headlines in major newspapers or television news networks.

I don't believe that a president in his 2nd term could be all that bothered with whatever Cosby might have been going to say, that would be just your usual right wing hysteria and paranoia imo aCW.

Yeah, psychopaths usually don't care what others have to say, they just go ahead and issue Executive Orders whenever they feel like it.


You know, aCW, the American Thinker actually is seeing some conspiracy about the Cosby issue coming out now:

Bill Cosby: Why Now?


Bill Cosby made a speech to the NAACP back in 2004 that ticked off a whole lotta black liberals like Jesse "the shakedown artist" Jackson, and white liberals like you, who for various reasons want to keep Black Americans enslaved with your gubermint handout programs.

Here's the entire speech from 2004:

Bill Cosby

Address at the NAACP' on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education


After reading that speech it goes without saying that you liberals would eventually get even with Bill Cosby for speaking the truth.

But the question still remains:

Why now?



New member
What does the death of his son Ennis have to do with anything?

Are you saying that the sharks in the left-wing media gave him a grace period because of his loss before they decided to attack?
No LE. I just thought of it. It happened so long ago, and people treat you different if you've had a child die. And Cosby's was murdered. Maybe they thought his false persona was good for America so they didn't want to kill it yet.

When the first story hit, what was the new news in it ? What had changed that prompted that first writer to submit their story to their editor for publishing ? Did somebody reach out to the press, or did the press find something? or something else ?

Maybe God Himself gave him -- that's 17 years ! -- a reprieve. He prefers mercy to sacrifice. It's in His character.

It's in His character to deny these women justice for decades, so that He can bestow upon an unrepentant sinner a reprieve ? Never. God would never do that.

There is no legitimate reason he shouldn't have been assaulted by the press. Unless his persona infected them all collectively, which is a scary thought, that people can do that to us collectively, through manipulation of the press. Manipulation of the press not being so overt in this case, more subtil. If his persona infected them all collectively, such that they couldn't see the clear evidence for his guilt because Cosby designed it to have that effect on people, to look at his victims like they're the ones guilty of a crime -- of gratuitously tarnishing Cosby's brand -- then perhaps his recent age related changes to his face has broken the spell.

Good question.


New member
Co-starring Robert Culp. I heartell it was a good show. Back in the days of black and white televison wasn't it Al?
Yup I'm really that old aCW. I can't be sure it was made in black and white but our TV was.

His "Black men need to take personal responsiblity" message never has been popular with the left-wing crowd. I remember how Jesse Jackson almost choked on a chicken bone at a NAACP function when Cosby was on stage talking about such things.
I'll have to take your word on Jackson's reaction aCW.

Feel free to show the readers of this thread where the arrest of HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean for the RAPE of a 15 year old boy made headlines in major newspapers or television news networks.
Thanks but I already do feel free. :)

Yeah, psychopaths usually don't care what others have to say, they just go ahead and issue Executive Orders whenever they feel like it.
Nothing like a good conspiracy theory perhaps? I'm not so sure that actually is one though, rather right wing paranoia perhaps.

We have our own issues here in the UK with people in the media now dead or finally being prosecuted and convicted of sex crimes from the same era.
For me it could be more a matter of general and changing public attitudes than in any dastardly left wing/gay plot. Although that said imo there has probably been a general suppression of the truth from all sides of the media for some reason, not just the left. Then again they're probably all left of you aCW. ;)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What does the death of his son Ennis have to do with anything?

Are you saying that the sharks in the left-wing media gave him a grace period because of his loss before they decided to attack?

No LE. I just thought of it. It happened so long ago, and people treat you different if you've had a child die. And Cosby's was murdered. Maybe they thought his false persona was good for America so they didn't want to kill it yet.

We're talking about the liberals that run the left-wing media. They have no conscience.

When the first story hit, what was the new news in it ? What had changed that prompted that first writer to submit their story to their editor for publishing ? Did somebody reach out to the press, or did the press find something? or something else ?

Maybe God Himself gave him -- that's 17 years ! -- a reprieve. He prefers mercy to sacrifice. It's in His character.

It's in His character to deny these women justice for decades, so that He can bestow upon an unrepentant sinner a reprieve ? Never. God would never do that.

These barbarians don't believe in God. If they did, they wouldn't do the things that they do.

There is no legitimate reason he shouldn't have been assaulted by the press. Unless his persona infected them all collectively, which is a scary thought, that people can do that to us collectively, through manipulation of the press. Manipulation of the press not being so overt in this case, more subtil. If his persona infected them all collectively, such that they couldn't see the clear evidence for his guilt because Cosby designed it to have that effect on people, to look at his victims like they're the ones guilty of a crime -- of gratuitously tarnishing Cosby's brand -- then perhaps his recent age related changes to his face has broken the spell.

Good question.

I'm still going with the fact that Bill Cosby made liberals look bad when he gave his brilliant speech to the NAACP in 2004. Make no mistake about it, when someone crosses them, they will get even.

I have a thought as to why they're getting even now:

Perhaps financially Bill Cosby is no longer of use to them?

Anyhoo, thanks for your thoughts.


We have our own issues here in the UK with people in the media now dead or finally being prosecuted and convicted of sex crimes from the same era.

Yes, we talked about some of Great Britain's icons earlier in Part 2.

As far as "finally being prosecuted and convicted from the same era":

Does GB not have a statute of limitations? Here in the US someone can't be prosecuted for a decades old crime unless it involves a capital offense such as murder.


New member
Bill Cosby made a speech to the NAACP back in 2004 that ticked off a whole lotta black liberals like Jesse "the shakedown artist" Jackson, and white liberals like you, who for various reasons want to keep Black Americans enslaved with your gubermint handout programs.

Here's the entire speech from 2004:

Bill Cosby

Address at the NAACP' on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education


After reading that speech it goes without saying that you liberals would eventually get even with Bill Cosby for speaking the truth.

But the question still remains:

Why now?


This piece explains it as a mix of long-simmering resentment,
social media, and irresponsible journalism:

Despite social media, old Bill Cosby charges don’t justify new stories



New member
Yes, we talked about some of Great Britain's icons earlier in Part 2.

As far as "finally being prosecuted and convicted from the same era":

Does GB not have a statute of limitations? Here in the US someone can't be prosecuted for a decades old crime unless it involves a capital offense such as murder.
Apparently not, Rolf Harris only recently got put away :

Jimmy Savile died before his crimes came to light.

Dave Lee Travis a former BBC DJ was tried on numerous accounts but only found guilty on one:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Bill Cosby

Address at the NAACP' on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

After reading that speech it goes without saying that you liberals would eventually get even with Bill Cosby for speaking the truth.

This piece explains it as a mix of long-simmering resentment,
social media, and irresponsible journalism:

Despite social media, old Bill Cosby charges don’t justify new stories


I'm not interested in links from conservative periodicals GFR7/Scot (which by the way, said pretty much the same thing that I did regarding Cosby's 2004 NAACP speech), I want to know what you and your fellow liberals are talking about.

So put your liberal thinking cap on


and go out and find out from some of those important contacts that you made while you were a journalist for a homosexual publication and tell us...

why now.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Does GB not have a statute of limitations? Here in the US someone can't be prosecuted for a decades old crime unless it involves a capital offense such as murder.

Apparently not, Rolf Harris only recently got put away :

Jimmy Savile died before his crimes came to light.
Dave Lee Travis a former BBC DJ was tried on numerous accounts but only found guilty on one:

A quick search shows that the UK doesn't have a statute of limitations on serious sexual crimes.

Boy Al, Homosexual activist Peter Tatchell picked the wrong country to mess with little boys.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Does GB not have a statute of limitations? Here in the US someone can't be prosecuted for a decades old crime unless it involves a capital offense such as murder.

A quick search shows that the UK doesn't have a statute of limitations on serious sexual crimes.

Boy Al, Homosexual activist Peter Tatchell picked the wrong country to mess with little boys.

As far as I know aCW only you think he would, but then again you probably would I suppose. However there is no evidence that he ever did.
Whereas the three gentlemen I mentioned couldn't exactly be labelled as homosexuals, but you will no doubt deem them as honorary homosexuals anyway, right? :rolleyes:
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