Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I wonder what happened in Bruce Jenner's life that caused him so much confusion?

Thoughts on that Scot?

(Erm, Gianfranco, but if you want to call me by Scot's name, so be it

(Scot has transitioned back to Gianfranco).

The kind of gender confusion that would make a good looking man want to look like some
shriveled old B is beyond human explanation.

Men who transition to women are too tall, their hands are too large, their jaws too big
to ever look remotely like a true woman. They are delusional.

Now this is different:

Andrej Pejic is probably the only transgender male to female model that actually "has it" (his commercial at link below):

With the amount of drag queens and transsexuals you've obviously been around in your illustrious career as a homosexual journalist, I'll take your word for it.

Obviously it's not a moral issue with you, you're against it because these sick individuals can't really come across physically as a woman?

More on the transsexual/genital mutilation movement later in the thread.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I wonder what happened in Bruce Jenner's life that caused him so much confusion?

Thoughts on that Scot?

(Scot has transitioned back to Gianfranco).

With the amount of drag queens and transsexuals you've obviously been around in your illustrious career as a homosexual journalist, I'll take your word for it.

Obviously it's not a moral issue with you, you're against it because these sick individuals can't really come across physically as a woman?

More on the transsexual/genital mutilation movement later in the thread.
It is a matter of it being totally unhealthy and delusional.

Those traits do not exactly place it high on the morality list, now do they? :think:

And you have to admit I'm right--- their looking foolish is a huge part of it. :AMR1:
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Obviously it's not a moral issue with you, you're against it because these sick individuals can't really come across physically as a woman?

It is a matter of it being totally unhealthy and delusional.

"Unhealthy" covers a wide area. As far as delusional:

Men who transition to women are too tall, their hands are too large, their jaws too big
to ever look remotely like a true woman. They are delusional.

Those traits do not exactly place it high on the morality list, now do they? :think:
And you have to admit I'm right--- their looking foolish is a huge part of it.

So if the genitally mutilated man turned wannabe woman wasn't too tall, had hands that weren't too large and didn't have a jaw that was too big, that would be morally acceptable to you?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Obviously it's not a moral issue with you, you're against it because these sick individuals can't really come across physically as a woman?

"Unhealthy" covers a wide area. As far as delusional:

So if the genitally mutilated man turned wannabe woman wasn't too tall, had hands that weren't too large and didn't have a jaw that was too big, that would be morally acceptable to you?
I would probably say such a man really was transgender (meant to be a woman).

But other than a rare case here and there, we don't see that, do we? And that has meaning.

Deny it if you want, but the fact that these men have surgeries to "make them female", but still wind up six feet tall and 180 pounds with large hands, arms, feet---yeah, I would say that is an indication that something is afoul, that something is sick and delusional, and that nature is contradicting them. And that's a strong refutation.


Speaking of trannies: It looks like the gaystapo is at it again.

Petition supporting Duggars breaks 80,000 signatures in first day: growing fast

Nov. 21, 2010

Update Nov. 21 7:00 p.m.: The LifeSiteNews petition has continued to grow quickly with nearly 90,000 signers by 7:00 p.m.

A petition launched by LifeSiteNews responding to a media campaign by gay activists to pressure TLC to cancel the Duggar family's highly popular TV show "19 Kids and Counting" has earned over 53,000 signatures in less than 24 hours, and is growing fast.

At the same time, a Tweetfest supporting the Duggars is scheduled to begin at noon today, using the hashtag #DefendtheDuggars. (Click here to find out more about the Tweetfest.)

LifeSiteNews' petition responds to a separate petition against the Duggars launched on Change.org, that in particular criticizes Michelle Duggar for opposing a "transgender" bill in Fayetteville and demands that TLC yank the Duggars from the air.

That petition has earned over 125,000 signatures since it was launched on Aug. 20. It received a significant boost this week after leading mainstream news outlets, including the Huffington Post and E!, highlighted the petition effort.

But while growth on the Change.org petition has slowed down in the past day, the petition in support of the Duggars is gaining steam, fast.

LifeSiteNews' petition also has big name stars backing it, including the Benham Brothers, whose own reality TV show on HGTV was cancelled after gay activists launched a campaign highlighting their traditional Christian views, and social media star and former Fox News contributer Steven Crowder.

The Benham Brothers have condemned the effort to remove the Duggars as being part of "the same intolerant agenda that attacked our family."

That agenda "is now demonizing one of the most wholesome families in America," said the brothers. "The Duggars have always been an example of Christian love for each other and society. It’s time for Americans to stand with them against this latest manifestation of anti-Christian bullying."



A petition telling TLC to keep the Duggars on the air earned over 50,000 signatures in less than 24 hours.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So if the genitally mutilated man turned wannabe woman wasn't too tall, had hands that weren't too large and didn't have a jaw that was too big, that would be morally acceptable to you?

I would probably say such a man really was transgender (meant to be a woman).

But other than a rare case here and there, we don't see that, do we? And that has meaning.

So being born with either male or female chromosomes and male or female genitalia has no meaning, but the size of one's hands and jaw does?

Deny it if you want, but the fact that these men have surgeries to "make them female", but still wind up six feet tall and 180 pounds with large hands, arms, feet---yeah, I would say that is an indication that something is afoul, that something is sick and delusional, and that nature is contradicting them. And that's a strong refutation.

So what should be done with a little girl that grows up to be 6 feet tall (or taller) with a large hands, arms and feet?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

So if the genitally mutilated man turned wannabe woman wasn't too tall, had hands that weren't too large and didn't have a jaw that was too big, that would be morally acceptable to you?

So being born with either male or female chromosomes and male or female genitalia has no meaning, but the size of one's hands and jaw does?

So what should be done with a little girl that grows up to be 6 feet tall (or taller) with a large hands, arms and feet?
:plain: :nono:


New member
Do you or do you not believe there are two distinct genders, and besides chromosomes and genitalia, this includes a difference in hands, feet, jaw, height???????????????????????? :madmad:

Doesn't this woman have lovely hands? NOT !



Do you or do you not believe there are two distinct genders, and besides chromosomes and genitalia, this includes a difference in hands, feet, jaw, height???????????????????????? :madmad:
Doesn't this woman have lovely hands? NOT !

While many of you think that the past few posts were a waste of time, there was a reason behind it:

Showing that GFR7/Scot is indeed a misogynist.


New member
Here are very average, run of the mill girls.
Do any of them look over 6 feet and 180 pounds, with large mannish hands, feet and jaw?

Let's stick to what actually IS.



New member
I now know: aCW is a LIBERAL.

He lies like a liberal.

He denies reality LIKE A LIBERAL.

He believes nature made men to be small and petite and women to be huge and mannish.
This is the radical feminist idea to a

He denies nature like a liberal, and calls it misogyny.
I give up. :nono:

Up until this moment, aCW actually had a bit of my admiration. UGH yuck aaaaaaaaargh


Here are very average, run of the mill girls.
Do any of them look over 6 feet and 180 pounds, with large mannish hands, feet and jaw?

Let's stick to what actually IS.

Your "Master Race" mentality is showing through Adolf Jr.

God made males and females, and He made them in all different shapes and sizes.

13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Psalm 139: 13-15


New member
I was under the impression that God and Nature had designed two , distinct genders.
("Male and female, He created them.")

Now that you've enlightened me that it is really a big indistinct hodge-podge,
I am never going to judge Transgender people again.

Don't Tread on Me, aCW



New member
I was under the impression that God and Nature had designed two , distinct genders.
("Male and female, He created them.")

Now that you've enlightened me that it is really a big indistinct hodge-podge,
I am never going to judge Transgender people again.

Don't Tread on Me, aCW

Addendum: Why is her jaw still so big? :think:


Now that GFR7 has shared before and after pictures of himself, I'll start the day off with a review of what my Saturday morning entertainment entails:

"Family values and moral principles informed many storylines in THE RIFLEMAN series. Through the McCain's' adventures with the town folk of North Fork and the weekly influx of visitors, THE RIFLEMAN was a series of morality plays examining human nature's rich and varied complexity—with all its foibles and follies, sorrow and humor, venality and virtue. The inspiration for many episodes was drawn from Biblical parables, sometimes recapitulated explicitly, such as the story of Job, which was related by Lucas to son Mark in the second episode, "Home Ranch." Second chances—redemption—was a prominent, recurring theme. It was often elicited in episodes featuring Marshal Micah Torrance, played by Paul Fix, a sometime derelict, recovered alcoholic, who was a regular character introduced in the fourth episode, "The Marshal," after R.G. Armstrong, who played the sheriff in the pilot was killed off. The themes were timeless and universal, featuring sympathetic characters grappling with familiar human dilemmas and classic good-versus-evil conflicts..."



Since posting this a couple of years ago, I learned some interesting sports trivia about the late Chuck Connors. Not only did he play professional basketball for the Boston Celtics, he played pro baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers. (But wait, there's more!). Chuck Connors was also drafted by the Chicago Bears to play professional football, but never suited up.


New member
aCW, why would you watch the Rifleman series if you are a liberal believer in gender-bending mush culture? :think:

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