Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Here's one for you, Karl:

You'll be happy to note that a US Journalist declares the gay world a fraud which is going down the toilet: :thumb:

US journalist pens open letter: ‘Why I no longer want to be gay’

"It has outlived its usefulness"

A gay journalist has written an article detailing all negative aspects of being gay, entitled ‘Why I no longer want to be gay.’

Luis Pabon wrote the online piece for ThoughtCatalog.com on November 17.

Pabon describes the experiences and people he has met which has drawn him to the conclusion that he doesn’t want to be gay.

‘Initially I came to this community searching for love, intimacy and brotherhood. In return, I got shade, infidelity, loneliness and disunity,’ he wrote.

‘The self-loathing in this community forces you to encounter a series of broken men who are self-destructive, hurtful, cruel and vindictive towards one another.’

Pabon, who is described as ‘an artist, poet, writer, singer-songwriter who continues to perform throughout the Capital Region sharing stories of hope, transformation and self actualization’, goes on to deconstruct the gay stereotypes he hates so much.

‘The same classic stereotypes of gay men keep rearing their ugly heads,’ he wrote.

‘The indiscriminate sex, superficiality, unstable relationships, self-hatred, peter pan syndrome, closeted connections, ageism, shade, loneliness, preoccupation with sex, prejudice, aversion to intimacy all seem to come out of the ground I thought they were buried under.

‘Gay men just seem to find it difficult to transcend the stereotypes and clichés attached to the life and it is becoming disheartening.’

Pabon does delve into his coming out, and his initial attitude towards the LGBTI community.

‘It has been seven years since I decided to live my life as an openly gay male and it has not been an easy road,’ he said.

‘It has been fraught with much pain and misery that I initially tried to mask with alcohol, drugs, sex and parties. In the beginning it was hard to admit that I liked other men. But I did and it was a very freeing experience.

‘I took pride in my gay pride and felt as though I were a part of something greater than myself, a movement of men who loved other men and who were unafraid to show it.

‘But the truth is, we didn’t love each other; we were just infatuated with the idea of belonging and going against the grain.’

He also discusses ideas of masculinity.

‘Men also used to be men and approached you with a modicum of chivalrous courage.

‘Now they hide behind electronic masks or position themselves in close proximity to you at clubs hoping you initiate contact only to arrogantly dismiss your advances in an attempt to project their own discomfort.’


New member
Is that akin to your own journey?
No. Why do you ask me that, and why are you so harsh with me? :think:

FYI : I was married and raising a son when I came into contact with the gay community (close contact, Provincetown).
I wasn't gay, but I was interested in them as people.
I wasn't disillusioned until 2003 when the gay marriage thing took over.....
and I learned certain things about what was being pushed to public school and University students.
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New member
See what I mean? Hand is a dead giveaway.



Here's one for you, Karl:
You'll be happy to note that a US Journalist declares the gay world a fraud which is going down the toilet: :thumb:

If there was repentance of sinful behavior in the article somewhere, then I must have missed it.

It sounds like Luis just wants to disassociate himself with the sodomite culture, but really doesn't have any intention of discontinuing buggery.

Paraphrasing the words of the philosopher annabenedetti, I think Luis Pabon wants to continue the immoral behavior, but wants to "live so quietly that no one would ever know" (that he's a proud and unrepentant moral degenerate).

Is that akin to your own journey?

LOL....chalk one up for the homosexualist atheist.



For pages 141-160

In these 20 pages you'll find direct links to the posts that I found significant enough to put into the table of contents.

Thanks to our resident goosestepping stormtrooper GFR7 and his use of atheist/homosexual Friedrich Nietzsche's quote in his signature, much is revealed in these 20 pages about Nietzsche's philosphy being used and admired by those in the Third Reich, specifically Adolf Hitler. Of course the modern day homosexual movement can be compared to Hitler's gestapo in many ways, one of them being that they use "gaystapo" tactics to punish and hopefully silence any opposition to their immoral behavior and political agenda.

Stories of male on male rape in the military, a famous author being a founder of NAMBLA and a pedophile himself, violence, disease, misery and death that is so common in the homosexual lifestyle can be read in these 20 pages too..

I've highlighted how through policital action monumental SCOTUS decisions can be overturned as well.

Friedrich Nietzsche: Homosexual, hater of Judeo-Christian doctrine, admired by the Nazi's; page 142, post #2119

Did growing up in a fatherless home contribute to Nietzsche's homosexual desires?; page 142, post #2123

Nietzsche: The evolutionist who was anti-God and anti-Darwin (link to article by Russell Grigg of Creation.com); page 142, post #2125

Friedrich Nietzsche the "Father of National Socialism/Fascism"? (link to Scott Lively's "The Pink Swastika"); page 143, post #2135

Friedrich Nietzsche and His Proto-Nazi Eco-Fascism (In Adolf Hitler's youth, second only to Arthur Schopenhauer did he value the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, link to American Thinker article); Homosexual and child murderer Nathan Leopold avid reader of Nietzsche (link to article about Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb); page 143, post #2142

Major ISIS Leader Recruits Eleven Muslim Men, And Sodomizes All Of Them In Homosexual Islamic Ritual (Youtube video); page 145, post #2174

Table of contents for pages 81-100; page 146, post #2177; for pages 101-120, post #2178; for pages 121-140, post #2179

Lesbian executed for the murder of her lover's 9 year old son; page 146, post #2183

Which bathroom should you use at an HRC banquet? (any one that you want to use); page 146, post #2185

Male-on-male rape epidemic in Obama's pro-deviancy military (Bryan Fischer article); page 146, post #'s 2187 and 2189

Ernst Rohm, the brutal, violent open homosexual who most helped Hitler rise to power, leader of the violent SA; page 147, post #2191

Congress can override Supreme Court rulings like Roe v Wade and Lawrence v Texas; page 147, post #'s 2197 and 2199

Soren Kierkegaard: existential philosopher (link to articles); page 147, post #2205

Sex and socialism: Jayme S. Sellards explains why Marx devalued the traditional family; page 148, post #2217

The So-Called Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has Targeted Me for Murder (article by Pastor Scott Lively); page 149, post #2224 (aCW posts a short review showing how violent homosexuals can be); post #2222

Gore Vidal, Child Molester: Helped Found, Was Active in NAMBLA (link to article); page 149, post #2228

The lady doth protest too much, methinks (article by Selwyn Duke on homosexual pedophile Gore Vidal). Duke uses Shakespeare's belief that "When people devote tremendous energy to defending or justifying some action, they invariably have a vested interest in doing so. Usually this is because they’re guilty of it themselves."; page 149, post #2229

The Jr. Libertarian returns to TOL (albeit briefly) to talk about Nuremberg trials (which those who want to recriminalize homosexuality should obviously be subjected to); page 150, post #2243

aCW reviews an article by Murray Rothbard, the now deceased founder of the Libertarian Movement, talking about the supposed right to starve a deformed baby to death; page 152, post #2268

Explosion of Sexually Transmitted Infections In London's Gay Community (link to Breibart.com article); page 152, post #2269

Reformed Libertarianism is still Libertarianism (link to article); page 153, post #2281

Laissez Faire, "Live and Let Live" (aCW has a conversation with Libertarian GFR7; page 157, post #2348; states that there are some exceptions where homosexuality is absolutely acceptable; post #'s 2351 and 2356

The things we learn from GFR7's gifs: actor Leonardo DiCaprio attends a GLAAD fundraiser (link to article); page 159, post #2384

Michelle Bachmann Threatens to Leave Minnesota Over Marriage Equality (link to article); page 159, post #2385

REMEMBERING JESSE: The Deviant Homosexual Rape-Murder of Young Jesse Dirkhising (link to AFTAH article); page 160, post #2400


In these 20 pages, thanks to homosexualist GFR7's infatuation with the Traditionalist Youth Network, we get to learn more about the American Nazi movement, it's ties to Hitler and to homosexuality.

While there are many good articles in these 20 pages that I encourage the followers of this thread to read or reread, I've highlighted in red those posts that are a must read.

The Table of contents for pages 161-180.

The truth about Arthur Rimbaud: "Poster child for anarchy and drug use; gay pioneer"; page 161, post #2411

State does not require prison for people guilty of creating child porn; page 163, post #2436

Inspirational music (Youtube videos of Passion: One thing remains; Chris Tomlin: Lord I need You); page 165, post #'s 2462 and 2463

Values Voters love a Cruz-Carson ticket for good reason (Bryan Fischer article); page 165, post #2464

The most important thread in Part 3 of "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" (link to testimonial by GFR7); page 165, post #2473

Obama Releases Ad Touting His ‘Christian Faith’ & Claiming He’s Leading America ‘With Faith Values’ (link to article showing how B. Hussein Obama made use of the religion card in the 2012 Presidential election); page 165, post #2474

Morrissey says he's 'humasexual', not homosexual (a tribute to homosexualist GFR7's heartthrob); page 165, post #2475

Prayer 1,000, ACLU 0 (Youtube video showing that people of faith aren't going to allow atheists and secular humanists keep them from praying before a high school football game); page 166, post #2476

The Sexual Revolution And Demographic Winter – A Speech By Don Feder To The International Forum: Large Family And The Future of Humanity (informative article by Jewish Conservative and syndicated columnist Don Feder on the sexual revolution); page 166, post #2477

Allowing Gay Men To Donate Blood Could Save Over 1 Million Lives, Study Finds (yes, their disease ridden blood will save millions of lives...or so say the ultra liberals at HuffPo); page 166, post #2480

Behind the Increase in HIV Infections Among Gay and Bisexual Men (projections show that 1/2 of all homosexual and bisexual males will be infected with HIV by age 50, link to article); page 166, post #2481

Indonesia's conservative Aceh province votes to punish gay sex by caning (and those who skip Friday Muslim Prayer and consume alcohol, link to article; page 166, post #2483

White lesbian mother sues sperm bank after she gave birth to mixed-race baby because she was sent black man's sperm (link to article); page 166, post #2484

Sex Education for Five-year-olds — Pushed by Pedophiles (link to article about the powerful "Sexuality Information Education and Information Council of the United States: SIECUS; page 168, post #2510

Transsexuals in the so-called entertainment industry (link to Youtube video of Amazon TV Network's "Transparent"); page 168, post #2511

The Traditionalist Youth Network exposed (according to GFR7, they're a "very earnest, brilliant God-fearing Jesus loving network", link to article about their White Supremacist/KKK/Nazi ties); page 169, post #2528

[Traditionalist Youth Network's founder] Matthew Heimbach Marks Return With Vicious Anti-Semitic Essay (link to article); page 169, post #2530

aCW has fun exposing TOL's goose-stepping Nazi GFR7 over how blatant racism and anti Semitism are supposedly a part of "Christian morality"; page 171, post #'s 2560 & 2562; page 172, post #2566

"GUARENTEED: Your recriminalization campaign will never, ever, ever come into being, without people such as TYN, Golden Dawn, and Andrew Anglin" (According to GFR7, in order to return to a society that espouses decency, people of faith have to join forces with Nazis?); page 172, post #2577

Traditionalist Youth Network co-founder Matt Heimbach attending Stormfront’s Smoky Mountain Summit (link to article); page 172, post #2576

Andrew Anglin: The Man Bringing Back the Nazi Movement in America (link to article); page 172, post #2578

American Nazis : Like it’s German counterpart, the American Nazi movement presents a decidedly anti-homosexual face to the world, while hiding widespread homosexuality among its leaders (link to The Pink Swastika); page 172, post #2579

Vatican document challenges Church to change attitude to gays (link to article); page 176, post #2631

Supreme Court opens the door to expansion of gay marriage nationwide, rejecting appeals from five states/Should Incest Between Consenting Adult Siblings Be Legalized? Experts Sound Off/NYT writer: Pedophilic attraction a ‘mental disability’ that should be protected in law/ Incest and Pedophilia, the New Frontier (links telling what to expect next from the homosexual movement and it's agenda; page 176, post #2638

'Gay' Power vs Religious Liberty (American's For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera documents the long list of persecution of people of faith by homosexual activists; page 178, post #2663

Homosexualist GFR7 explains again why homosexuality can't be recriminalized; aCW responds by showing how the homosexual movement got where it is today; page 178, post #2665; aCW explains again the 3 institutions ordained by God for the governance of man and what God's expectations are per Holy Scripture; page 179, post #2676

aCW reviews information about the pedophile and false prophet Muhammad with atheist Caledvwlch; page 179, post #2678
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In the 20 pages below you'll find many articles about homosexual pedophilia and pederasty, and some articles on the transsexual movement (the "T" in the LGBT acronym). Because HATRED and intolerance against anything good and decent is the mainstay of the homosexual movement, you'll continue to read articles showing such. I highlighted in red a couple of posts about Christian apathy, and how evil is allowed to prevail because of it and of course the cure for such apathy: getting involved in the political process.

Table of contents for pages 181-200

After joking about hijacking a "despicable thread", aCW shows what invaluable institutions homosexualist/atheist Caledwvlch's allies in the LGBT movement have successfully hijacked; page 181, post # 2709

Homosexual pedophile caught with homemade child abuse themed BOARD GAME under his bed; page 181, post #2710

aCW briefly shows homosexualist/atheist Caledwvlch (who is incensed over aCW pointing out the LGBT movement ties to pedophilia/pederasty) the connection; page 183, post #2731

Why Gay Pride Is Still Needed, According To LGBT Rights Advocate Alan Reif (article showing why children need to go to LGBT Pride Parades); page 183, post #2733

Effects of sexual abuse long-lasting, say experts (article on how boys that are physically molested by homosexual males don't fare as well as girls); page 184, post #2757

Randomly enforced homosexual pedophile laws and how the LGBT agenda wants age of consent laws abolished; page 184, post #2760

Redneck Christianity (a Robinson grandson is engaged to marry); page 185, post #2767

Watch child porn? That doesn't make you a pedophile, claims avid Hilary Clinton supporter and author John Grisham in astonishing attack on US judicial system (link to article); page 186, post #2778

Homosexualist GFR7 puts a plug in for the latest medication that proud and unrepentant homosexuals are using to prevent the risk of HIV infection (aCW responds); page 186, post #2787, page 187, post #2793

Grosnick Marowbe returns to the WHMBR! thread to give aCW a piece of his mind (and teams up with homosexualists alwight the atheist and GFR7 after doing so); page 187, post #'s 2798 and 2803, page 188, post #2810

Is Grosnick Marowbe a "NALT Christian"? (Dan Savage video on how Christians are "Not All Like That"); page 188, post #2808

Christian apathy: Satan's best friend; page 189, post #'s 2832 and 2833, page 191, post #2865

Homosexual pedophile/pederast/serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and how he eluded apprehension (link to article); page 193, post #2884

aCW reviews with homosexualist GFR7 the intense HATRED that he and his LGBT movement has for the Judeo-Christian based criminal justice system; page 193, post #2886

A review of the movie "For Greater Glory". A reminder of what loss of religious freedom really looks like; page 194, post #2898

Link to table for contents for pages 121-140; page 194, post #2903

Lesbian mayor subpoenas sermon notes and communications from Houston pastors; page 194, post #2909

Some Las Vegas wedding chapels are turning away same-sex couples (and the God-hating ACLU says that they're breaking the law); page 195, post #2916

Army Is Guilty Of Discrimination For Barring Transgender From Female Restrooms; page 195, post #2918

Transgender Soldiers Meet in DC, Want Ban on Military Service Struck Down; page 195, post #2919

Bill Clinton fires up gay-rights group's gala; page 195, post #2920

Houston mayor says daughter was denied driver's test because she has two moms (forever playing the victim card); page 195, post #2921

Reprieve for Idaho ministers threatened with jail for not performing gay weddings; page 195, post #2922

Houston Changes Story in Battle with Pastors – Claims Petition never Validated; page 195, post #2923

Christians need to get involved in the political process; page 195, post #2925

Pink shirt hate crime!; page 196, post #2926

aCW reviews with homosexualist GFR7 the 3 strategies that secular humanists use in attempting to silence the Truth; page 197, post #2928

Nicer Than God? (article by Bob Enyart showing how today's Christians are too nice); page 197, post #2937

Christian rapper Jackie Hill-Perry comes out as ex-gay firebrand; page 197, post #2938

The importance of supporting candidates with traditional values in upcoming elections; page 198, post #2957

aCW reminds homosexualist Rusha how the LGBT movement indoctrinates children; page 198, post #2968

Vote Republican, Even If It Hurts (Don Feder article); page 200, post #2989

IDOP, a reminder of what Christian persecution looks like elsewhere (Youtube video); page 200, post #2990

Mid-term election results encouraging, but only the beginning: pro-life, pro-family leaders (link to lifesitenews article); page 200, post #2994
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New member
I haven't noticed anything about Bill Cosby here, maybe black heterosexuals should all be criminalised aCW? :think:


I haven't noticed anything about Bill Cosby here, maybe black heterosexuals should all be criminalised aCW? :think:

What a coincidence Al, I logged on just to start an open discussion about the Bill Cosby allegations.

Why liberals are turning on Bill Cosby over rape allegations

I'm not questioning if all or some of these accusations are true, I'm questioning why the left-wing prostitute media waited decades to come forward with the story?

Could it perhaps be that Cosby was going to make a statement about the Ferguson riots and put down B. Hussein Obama for not trying to simmer the racial fire?

Maybe the prostitute left-wing media is using this as a smokescreen so that they don't have to report the RAPE allegations against HRC founder and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean (shown here with his 25 year old former lover who likes little boys too).


I have to also wonder why these women are all telling the truth, yet the ones that came forward to expose Bill Clinton as sexual predator were lying?

I'm interested on any and all thoughts on this matter; heck, I'll even listen to pagan and atheist opinions.


Why would Nietzsche be important to your table of contents and thread? :think:

The homosexual-Nazi connection. As mentioned in the table of contents summary, the modern day homosexual movement uses many tactics that Hitler used in the Third Reich.

Nazi Tactics in “Gay” Politics

“I shall torture you during the daytime, and will keep you from a peaceful sleep at night.”

Larry Kramer, Founder of ACT-UP (Leo:18).

The “gay” movement has done more than simply adopt Nazi styles and symbolism. Homosexual strategists have also embraced the terroristic tactics of the Nazi Brownshirts to advance their political agenda.
One of the most notorious groups to employ Nazi thuggery is the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) which was founded in New York by Larry Kramer and approximately 300 other activists in March, 1987. (Alyson Almanac:42). Within a few months its members had gained national attention for their aggressive actions against those whom they considered enemies. ACT-UP groups invaded Catholic churches in New York during religious services, screaming obscenities and “stomping on communion wafers” (Miller:460). Catholic churches were also targeted in Washington, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico. Newspaper boxes were smashed in Sacramento to punish an editor for his views (Grant, 1993:104). One militant who later regretted his involvement was Washington, D.C...


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