Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Feldman's real problem seems to have been his parents who didn't protect him from bad people that we should all know are out there.

(Typical homosexualist: Blame it on the victim and/or his family).

However this has nothing to do with gay people and what they may choose to do together in private.

Corey Feldman stated that (homosexual) pedophilia (and hence pederasty...sex between a post pubescent boy and an adult homosexual male) runs rampant in Hollyweird. Homosexual pedophiles and pederasts aren't restricted to Tinseltown Al, it's very common in homosexual 'culture'.

Feldman didn't seem to have any such option who also seems to have been financially screwed by his own father.

Pedophilia is left-wing Hollywood's biggest problem

Check out the lisper at the 4:10 mark on the video. The first thing that came to mind when listening to this limp-wrister was that he was mad that parents were around at all (he couldn't care less what the parents did with the money).
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I wanted to share this article by Matt Barber entitled:

"The crucifixion of Pastor Scott Lively"

not so much because it shows how intolerant the homosexual movement is against anyone that goes against their agenda (that's been shown throughout this 3 part thread), but to show what Christian love is really all about.

November 17, 2014

The crucifixion of Pastor Scott Lively

By J. Matt Barber

Remember what I told you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also."

– John 15:20

Christians, pastors, take heed. In case you haven't noticed, times are a-changin'. Whether at home or abroad, if you follow God's command to speak biblical truth in all things, most especially, it seems, on matters of sex and sexuality, you will be persecuted.

"A servant is not greater than his master."

I don't presume to compare my friend Scott Lively of Abiding Truth Ministries to Jesus Christ. None of us can compare, even remotely, to the one and only God-man – to the Lord of the universe and exclusive path to eternal salvation. That said, Pastor Lively is one of the most "Christ-like" people I've had the honor to know.

As did Christ, Scott Lively speaks absolute truth, in absolute love, with absolutely no fear of personal destruction or even death. He loves everyone, whether friend or foe, Christian or pagan, straight or "gay."

For example, Scott and his family took into their home and nursed, both physically and spiritually, the late Sonny Weaver, a former homosexual who died, as so many have, from AIDS – a natural consequence of unnatural behavior. Sonny became homosexual after being raped at 7 years old by a "gay" man in a local YMCA. He became a former homosexual after accepting Jesus as Lord of his life.

Lively loves those who seek to defend him just as he loves those who seek to destroy him – and, make no mistake about it, precisely because Pastor Scott Lively has chosen to both obey and emulate Jesus Christ, there are people, very powerful people, who seek to destroy him. These people, unless and until they come to know, accept and surrender to the Lord Jesus, are, and will remain, enemies of God.

And so Scott Lively prays for them...

Read more:

The drag queen Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence bake cookies for their fellow homosexuals who contract AIDS, this man took one into his home and nursed him physically and spiritually until his death.


Pastor Scott Lively truly does "walk the walk".


New member
(Typical homosexualist: Blame it on the victim and/or his family).
(Typical homophobic bigot: Blame every single sex offence on homosexuals)

Corey Feldman stated that (homosexual) pedophilia (and hence pederasty...sex between a post pubescent boy and an adult homosexual male) runs rampant in Hollyweird. Homosexual pedophiles and pederasts aren't restricted to Tinseltown Al, it's very common in homosexual 'culture'.
All the more reason for his father to see past the $ signs and keep his son out of harm's way.

Check out the lisper at the 4:10 mark on the video. The first thing that came to mind when listening to this limp-wrister was that he was mad that parents were around at all (he couldn't care less what the parents did with the money).
I thought he was rather bitter that all his $ million had gone and was then apparently successfully sued for the rest by his father. Then again perhaps I'm just no financial wizard nor have any understanding of pond-life in Hollywood, just like his father then? :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Typical homosexualist: Blame it on the victim and/or his family).

(Typical homophobic bigot: Blame every single sex offence on homosexuals).

(Corey Feldman and his deceased friend Corey Haim weren't raped by those who engage in heterosexual behavior Al).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Corey Feldman stated that (homosexual) pedophilia (and hence pederasty...sex between a post pubescent boy and an adult homosexual male) runs rampant in Hollyweird. Homosexual pedophiles and pederasts aren't restricted to Tinseltown Al, it's very common in homosexual 'culture'.

All the more reason for his father to see past the $ signs and keep his son out of harm's way.

Thank you Al! Allowing children to be around homosexuals puts them in harm's way.

On a related note: While messing with a few of the boyz over the RAPE arrest of HRC founder and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean at the homosexual website "Joe My Gosh", I ran across this post by a guy who goes by the name of Bob Black:

"...whenever there is a story like this on JMG I read a LOT of comments along the line of "I had sex with an adult when I was 15 and I turned out fine. What's the big deal?" And no, I am NOT a plant from a rightwing site. I am an out gay man and a regular JMG reader."

Again: pederasty is a huge part of the homosexual 'culture'.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Check out the lisper at the 4:10 mark on the video. The first thing that came to mind when listening to this limp-wrister was that he was mad that parents were around at all (he couldn't care less what the parents did with the money).

I thought he was rather bitter that all his millions had gone and was then apparently successfully sued for the rest by his father. Then again perhaps I'm just no financial wizard nor have any understanding of pond-life in Hollywood, just like his father then?

Corey Feldman's childhood was "stolen" by many people: Homosexuals who stole his and other children's innocence; parents that didn't show their love for him, but instead used him to make a buck; and a society that doesn't care about the well-being of it's children.
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New member
(Corey Feldman and his deceased friend Corey Haim weren't raped by those who engage in heterosexual behavior Al).
Really? How exactly do you know that aCW, since typically many perhaps even most paedophiles are married, often with kids, while many molest their own children and step children?

Thank you Al! Allowing children to be around homosexuals puts them in harm's way.
Well, not being a homophobic bigot myself I don't automatically presume that gay people are always an intrinsic danger to children and that by the same token ostensibly straight people are always safe and present no such risk at all, because that just isn't true.

On related note: While messing with a few of the boyz over the RAPE arrest of HRC founder and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean at the homosexual website "Joe My Gosh", I ran across this post by a guy who goes by the name of Bob Black:

"...whenever there is a story like this on JMG I read a LOT of comments along the line of "I had sex with an adult when I was 15 and I turned out fine. What's the big deal?" And no, I am NOT a plant from a rightwing site. I am an out gay man and a regular JMG reader."

Again: pederasty is a huge part of the homosexual 'culture'.
Again: Underage sex is already a criminal offence in both your country and mine aCW.

Corey Feldman's childhood was "stolen" by many people: Homosexuals who stole his and other children's innocence; parents that didn't show their love for him, but instead used him to make a buck; and a society that doesn't care about the well-being of it's children.
It's the parents job to care for their issue, sadly many don't and even abuse their own. Blaming everything on to homosexuals simply gives you no credibility aCW since we all know that isn't true. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Corey Feldman and his deceased friend Corey Haim weren't raped by those who engage in heterosexual behavior Al).

Really? How exactly do you know that aCW, since typically many perhaps even most paedophiles are married, often with kids, while many molest their own children and step children?

Feldman and Haim were victims of an act of homosexual pedophilia/pederasty Al. If the aggressor(s) were married, it's not likely that they had normal sex lives.

Mrs. Jerry Sandusky: 'Jerry, do you feel like getting frisky with me tonight?'

Convicted homosexual pedophile/pederast Jerry Sandusky: 'Not tonight honey, I'm in the mood for a 12 year old boy.'.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thank you Al! Allowing children to be around homosexuals puts them in harm's way.

Well, not being a homophobic bigot myself I don't automatically presume that gay people are always an intrinsic danger to children...

But but but Al, you said on a couple of different occasions that Corey Feldman's father shouldn't have put him in harm's way. Again: Feldman and Haim were molested by people or a person who engage in homosexual behavior.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
On related note: While messing with a few of the boyz over the RAPE arrest of HRC founder and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean at the homosexual website "Joe My Gosh", I ran across this post by a guy who goes by the name of Bob Black:

"...whenever there is a story like this on JMG I read a LOT of comments along the line of "I had sex with an adult when I was 15 and I turned out fine. What's the big deal?" And no, I am NOT a plant from a rightwing site. I am an out gay man and a regular JMG reader."

Again: pederasty is a huge part of the homosexual 'culture'.

Again: Underage sex is already a criminal offence in both your country and mine aCW.

Fortunately it's the law for now, yet it still doesn't stop "a LOT" of homosexuals from having sex with underage boys (and in the case of lesbians, girls).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Corey Feldman's childhood was "stolen" by many people: Homosexuals who stole his and other children's innocence; parents that didn't show their love for him, but instead used him to make a buck; and a society that doesn't care about the well-being of it's children.

It's the parents job to care for their issue, sadly many don't and even abuse their own. Blaming everything on to homosexuals simply gives you no credibility aCW since we all know that isn't true.

It's a society's job to protect the moral well-being of it's citizenry (children included) from degenerates by legislating righteous laws. Since the decriminalization of homosexuality, we're seeing more and more of what happened to Corey Feldman and Haim by those who engage in homosexual behavior (Movie Producer Bryan Singer is another example).


New member
Feldman and Haim were victims of an act of homosexual pedophilia/pederasty Al. If the aggressor(s) were married, it's not likely that they had normal sex lives.
Who has a "normal" sex life anyway? There's no reason to suppose that the perpetrators didn't have a reasonably normal heterosexual relationship. Having sex with children of either gender isn't exactly "normal" for either gay or straight adults and imo not something that particularly defines sexual orientation.

Mrs. Jerry Sandusky: 'Jerry, do you feel like getting frisky with me tonight?'

Convicted homosexual pedophile/pederast Jerry Sandusky: 'Not tonight honey, I'm in the mood for a 12 year old boy.'.
Some human beings can be very devious and deceptive in getting what they want and seem to have little or no conscience to boot. Sadly it's a human condition not a homosexual one.

But but but Al, you said on a couple of different occasions that Corey Feldman's father shouldn't have put him in harm's way. Again: Feldman and Haim were molested by people or a person who engage in homosexual behavior.
If we leave aside the underage sex itself you seem to have no reason to suspect that any were "normally" homosexual otherwise.

It's a society's job to protect the moral well-being of it's citizenry (children included) from degenerates by legislating righteous laws. Since the decriminalization of homosexuality, we're seeing more and more of what happened to Corey Feldman and Haim by those who engage in homosexual behavior (Movie Producer Bryan Singer is another example).
You're seeing only what your homophobic bigotry wants you to see imo aCW. "Normally" heterosexual people are rather more likely to be the cause of harm to others.


Back on page 107 I posted a video (compliments of TOL'er Nazaroo) talking about the shooting of 18 year old, 6'2", 292 lb. Michael Brown by Police Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson MO.

I only brought this case up in this thread because the extremely powerful homosexual organization Human Rights Campaign (founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean) had expressed their support for the late Michael Brown.

I also posted reasons why the HRC (founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean) and other homosexual organizations, and those who engage in homosexual behavior in general have this HATRED of the Judeo-Christian based American criminal justice system.

Well, the St. Louis County MO Grand Jury has failed to indict Officer Darren Wilson, and according to his testimony (and the evidence, both physical and eyewitness accounts) it pretty much matches up with the video that I posted in #1594.

While federal authorities continue to canvass a 5 state area around Ferguson MO hoping to find someone that once heard Officer Wilson use the "N word", say that he didn't like Rap music or remember him once chewing gum in class as a child so that they can imprison him on bogus civil rights charges, it appears for now that the Judeo-Christian based American criminal justice system has once again prevailed.

On that note: I want to send my condolences to TOL'er GFR7/Scot, the Human Rights Campaign (founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean), B. Hussein Obama and his husband Mike, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and the blood thirsty sharks in the left-wing media for failing to lynch an innocent man (better luck next time).

I'm sorry, so sorry, please accept my apology
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You're seeing only what your homophobic bigotry wants you to see imo aCW. "Normally" heterosexual people are rather more likely to be the cause of harm to others.

One would think since those who engage in heterosexual behavior make up 98-99% of the population that your statement would be true.

However, when we get to the segment on homosexual pedophilia and pederasty, we'll find out differently.

Now don't get me wrong Al, not everyone that engages in homosex likes little boys. As I've mentioned many times before, some like 8-10 year olds, some like em 12-15, and some even like them as old as 25. HRC founder, accused RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean likes 25 year olds AND 15 year olds, so I acknowledge that the movement that you represent is quite diverse in it's tastes.


I was curious what kind of apology the largest homosexual organization in the world would issue to Officer Darren Wilson for falsely accusing him of murder, so I put on a gas mask and a bloodborne pathogen isolation suit and went to the Human Rights Campaign website (founded by accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean) to see what they had to say about the incident (surprise, surprise).

HRC Expresses Disappointment After Grand Jury Fails to Bring Michael Brown Shooting Case to Trial

Nov. 24, 2014

In response to the St. Louis County grand jury's failure to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, today HRC released the following statement from HRC President Chad Griffin:

“Michael Brown’s family and the American people deserve to have this case fully adjudicated in a public trial. Today’s deeply disappointing decision by the grand jury denies them that opportunity. Until we as a nation make a meaningful commitment to ending police profiling—and to fully prosecuting individual cases of brutality—the kind of violence that ended Michael Brown’s life will only continue. As advocates for equality, it’s our job to show solidarity with a growing national movement to break this cycle of police violence.”

“While we cannot begin to imagine the pain that the Brown family is facing at this moment, we send our thoughts, prayers and condolences to them during this heartbreaking and difficult time. We also stand in solidarity with the family's encouragement of peaceful protests and reflection following this decision.”

In August, HRC joined dozens of prominent national and local LGBT and other civil rights organizations in an open letter of solidarity with the family of Michael Brown. A portion of that letter is included below:

“The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community cannot be silent at this moment, because LGBT people come from all races, creeds, faiths and backgrounds, and because all movements of equality are deeply connected. We are all part of the fabric of this nation and the promise of liberty and justice for all is yet to be fulfilled.”


("Prayers", who do atheists "pray" to Al?)

Bloodborne pathogen isolation suits, never go to a homosexual website without one.



New member
aCW, You missed this statement by the National Center for Transgender Equality:

I am glad they are not being hypocritical and only speaking regarding their own targeting.

The National Center for Transgender Equality Reacts to
Ferguson, MO Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case

Tonight, a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri decided not to indict the police officer who shot Michael Brown. The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) expresses solidarity with Mr. Brown’s family and wishes for them peace and healing, and joins their family in a moment of silence to memorialize Brown’s life.

Transgender people know all too well that profiling of certain types of people by the police happens, especially to people of color, lower income people, young people and, of course, transgender people. Extensive violence against transgender people and others really happens—and sometimes at the hand of police. Trans people—particularly trans women of color—are frequent targets of both profiling and violence by police officers and others.

NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling said, “We need to do better than we have been doing as a society. If we live in a society where people do not object to a young unarmed Black man being killed, we can’t expect that people will object when a transgender person is targeted. We believe no one in any community is disposable and we believe that the authorities need to take every act of violence seriously, whoever is the victim, whoever commits the violence, and whatever the circumstances.”

Keisling added, “St. Louis native Dr. Maya Angelou once wrote that ‘there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.’ Hopefully this tragedy will help us all understand that so many people in America have an untold story that much of America has been unwilling to hear, a story of stereotyping, disrespect and violence. We believe that America needs to hear the story that Black America, transgender America and other marginalized people are trying to tell. And citing another well known Angelou quote, America ‘should believe them the first time.'”

NCTE does believe the people of Ferguson and around the country who feel targeted for suspicion and violence.

NCTE will continue to advocate for greater oversight and accountability for law enforcement and for policies to end racial profiling and all forms of police bias and abuse.



aCW, You missed this statement by the National Center for Transgender Equality:

I am glad they are not being hypocritical and only speaking for their own targeting.

Welcome back to the thread GFR7/Scot. I would imagine last night's decision by the St. Louis County MO Grand Jury was very disturbing for you and your fellow white liberals (hopefully you didn't go out and smash any floral shop or beauty salon windows).

No, the trannies aren't hypocritical, they've been very consistent (like their gay and lesbian allies) when it comes to showing their HATRED of law enforcement and the Judeo-Christian based American criminal justice system.


New member
One would think since those who engage in heterosexual behavior make up 98-99% of the population that your statement would be true.

However, when we get to the segment on homosexual pedophilia and pederasty, we'll find out differently.

Now don't get me wrong Al, not everyone that engages in homosex likes little boys. As I've mentioned many times before, some like 8-10 year olds, some like em 12-15, and some even like them as old as 25. HRC founder, accused RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean likes 25 year olds AND 15 year olds, so I acknowledge that the movement that you represent is quite diverse in it's tastes.
Your sole interest is in homosexual offenders aCW, pretending that you are in fact seeking protection for children is a crock, admit it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One would think since those who engage in heterosexual behavior make up 98-99% of the population that your statement would be true.

However, when we get to the segment on homosexual pedophilia and pederasty, we'll find out differently.

Now don't get me wrong Al, not everyone that engages in homosex likes little boys. As I've mentioned many times before, some like 8-10 year olds, some like em 12-15, and some even like them as old as 25. HRC founder, accused RAPIST and huge B. Hussein Obama supporter Terry Bean likes 25 year olds AND 15 year olds, so I acknowledge that the movement that you represent is quite diverse in it's tastes.

Your sole interest is in homosexual offenders aCW, pretending that you are in fact seeking protection for children is a crock, admit it.

As shown throughout this thread, children are a big part of the homosexual culture/movement Al.

I noticed that you didn't comment on a Christian pastor who went out of his way to physically and spiritually care for one of those youth (you didn't have a problem commenting on Scott Lively in a post where he mentioned he overcame alcohol abuse).


I also noticed that you missed my question from a previous post about the HRC's reaction to the Michael Brown case:

("Prayers", who do atheists "pray" to Al?)



New member
Welcome back to the thread GFR7/Scot. I would imagine last night's decision by the St. Louis County MO Grand Jury was very disturbing for you and your fellow white liberals (hopefully you didn't go out and smash any floral shop or beauty salon windows).

No, the trannies aren't hypocritical, they've been very consistent (like their gay and lesbian allies) when it comes to showing their HATRED of law enforcement and the Judeo-Christian based American criminal justice system.
I'm not a liberal, and I was expecting the verdict to be as it was. (No indictment). Truth be told, I was not paying all that much attention to this story.

I can feel badly for Michael Brown and his family, without thinking this is Jim Crow America, or that some big justice was denied.

I don't believe in violence nor in looting.



I can feel badly for Michael Brown and his family, without thinking this is Jim Crow America, or that some big justice was denied.

I feel badly for Officer Darren Wilson who was painted by liberals such as yourself as a racist cold blooded murderer. He and his family will have to relocate (to another world) hoping that some punk doesn't recognize him and put a bullet in him when he's not looking.


New member
I feel badly for Officer Darren Wilson who was painted by liberals such as yourself as a racist cold blooded murderer. He and his family will have to relocate (to another world) hoping that some punk doesn't recognize him and put a bullet in him when he's not looking.
You first class idiot, I never said a word about the officer.

And I can still feel bad for a dead teen and his parents, without making a huge case of it. It's called compassion.



You first class idiot, I never said a word about the officer.

Of course you didn't because like your brethren at the HRC and the trannie website that you posted, you couldn't care less about Officer Darren Wilson and his family.

And I can still feel bad for a dead teen and his parents, without making a huge case of it. It's called compassion.

Instead of going to Geneva on behalf of race baiters B. Hussein Obama and Al Sharpton and talking to the United Nations about PO-leece brutality here in the US, it would have been nice if the parents of the late Michael Brown had admitted that their son was a thug who attempted to murder a police officer.

Who knows how much violence and property damage could have been prevented had they just spoke the truth.


New member
Of course you didn't because like your brethren at the HRC and the trannie website that you posted, you couldn't care less about Officer Darren Wilson and his family.

Instead of going to Geneva on behalf of race baiters B. Hussein Obama and Al Sharpton and talking to the United Nations about PO-leece brutality here in the US, it would have been nice if the parents of the late Michael Brown had admitted that their son was a thug who attempted to murder a police officer.

Who knows how much violence and property damage could have been prevented had they just spoke the truth.
I have a homicide Lieutenant in my family, whom I'm very fond of. Don't tell me what I think or feel, thank you.

I still think its tragic that this happened , all around.
Including the fact that the officer had this happen to him.
Brown had no history of any felony charges.
You may delight at death, but I don't.

***This is YOU, aCW, running over these protesters with your car today, I know it.
How could you, aCW???? How COULD YOU????? :cry: :cry:

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course you didn't because like your brethren at the HRC and the trannie website that you posted, you couldn't care less about Officer Darren Wilson and his family.

Instead of going to Geneva on behalf of race baiters B. Hussein Obama and Al Sharpton and talking to the United Nations about PO-leece brutality here in the US, it would have been nice if the parents of the late Michael Brown had admitted that their son was a thug who attempted to murder a police officer.

Who knows how much violence and property damage could have been prevented had they just spoke the truth.

I have a homicide Lieutenant in my family, whom I'm very fond of.

Who did PR work for the Governor of New York as I recall. Don't forget that you have a cousin that is a State Senator.

Don't tell me what I think or feel, thank you.

Your posts throughout this thread do a fine job of revealing what you think.

I still think its tragic that this happened , all around.
Including the fact that the officer had this happen to him.
Brown had no history of any felony charges.
You may delight at death, but I don't.

I'm all about life. Unfortunately Officer Darren Wilson had to take a life to save his own. Too bad you and your at brethren at places like the NAACP and HRC don't understand that.

***This is YOU, aCW, running over these protesters with your car today, I know it.
How could you, aCW???? How COULD YOU????? :cry: :cry:

I didn't watch the entire video. Did the mob drag the driver from the vehicle and beat him to death?(mobs are like that don't cha know).
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