Why "Conversion Therapy" Should Be Illegal


New member
So how did you somehow suggest that wanting aberrant sexual behavior out of the Dr. Who program was objecting to black people? Are black people now homosexual? Where did this come from? That was your contribution to the thread.

The rantings of homophobes is indistinguishable from the ranting of racists.

The statement: "they had already poisoned the show with *name of gay character*" is exactly the same as "they had already poisoned the show with *name of black character*"


New member
I have a rational aversion to homosexual behavior and culture without hatred or fear of individuals. Your ill-guided quest is to demand that everyone accept and embrace that culture and you are willing to engage in hate-mongering to try to make this happen. Ultimately It's not going to work. Persist in trolling at your own peril. Deal with it.

"the public education programming"
"media has been trying to forcibly insert "gay" agenda into most of the TV shows'
"they had already poisoned the show with Captain Jack'
" a type sexual conversion propaganda,"
"One day children may also be legally allowed to be consenting, as the age of consent can be legally modified. Shouldn't you also be supporting presenting pedophiles positively as part of your quest for enlightenment?"

Are not rational statements


New member
It is not ridiculous, it was a counter for your suggestion that since previous laws against homosexuality didn't eliminate it completely, that laws should be made in favor of homosexuality. I could have used almost any crime or deviant behavior as an example.

The current efforts to attempt to normalize or celebrate homosexual choice and lifestyle are a form of "conversion" therapy. It may not be the electrocution style you envisioned earlier, but it has been having a noticeable effect. As the well known example of Sparta indicates, homosexual behavior and choice is influenced by societal acceptance and expectations.
go read some history.


the Spartan military was not pair bonded homosexuals. there were of course gay soldiers just like today. Writers of the time noted that the Spartan military rejected using relationships as the basis of unit formation instead focusing on talent.


New member
Sexuality (like other behavior) can be conditioned, and choices that we make (or inflict on others) can affect conditioning. There are plenty of jail inmates that consider themselves "straight" yet have raped other men. I maintain that a man raping another man necessitates a homosexual act.
is a man raping a woman representative of heterosexuality?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
by all means please go ahead and change your orientation and prove Arthur wrong.

It's a silly argument to make and one that Delmar is unlikely to back up anyway I reckon. It seems to be a thing for people who have such a hang up with homosexuality to maintain that it can be chosen.

Kit the Coyote

New member
by all means please go ahead and change your orientation and prove Arthur wrong.

It seems such an easy thing to do if it is a choice and you can be conditioned then all they have to do to prove it is decide to be gay for a year. I have heard of only one anti-gay activist actually trying it and he failed miserably.

Of course, they always argue that it is immoral to do so and to be honest unless you rule out the person involved is an unrealized bisexual it is really pointless anyway.

I remember reading an article on the Religious Tolerance site about conversion therapy and the major problem in trying to evaluate and prove or disprove the therapy works is the organizations that practice it never does adequate testing and documenting of the patient's sexual orientation before they start. So it is impossible to tell how many of the 'success' stories are just bisexuals who have decided not to pursue same-sex relationships.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
hate is a perversion.

Romans 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

go whine to God about what a pervert He is

let us know how that turns out for you :chuckle:

except the nasty pervert gays.

and the nasty pervert adulterers and the nasty pervert child molesters and the nasty pervert beastophiles.....

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The rantings of homophobes is indistinguishable from the ranting of racists.

not to most rational people :idunno:

Racists have a long history of doing just what you did here. Associate a minority with a sexual crime and that makes hate OK

you're referring to the minority pedophiles?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I presume that OK Doser already has knowledge that Johnny (at "Johnny's house") is neither a practicing homosexual or pedophile. Perhaps in your corner of the world that is no longer a safe assumption.

it's obvious that ab and dante don't have children
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Tell me, do you even know the meaning of words that you bring forth from your mouth?

he doesn't care - his whole game is to associate those who recognize that homosexuality is a perversion with those who hate blacks

it diverts the discussion from facts to accusations and defense

might want to get sherman's ruling on this :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Homophobia - an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. It includes antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and hatred of homosexuals

You are a homophobe. Deal with it.

it's not irrational to have an aversion to sexual perverts

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I once joked to someone making the 'gays caused the fall of Rome' argument that if you look at the history the fall of Rome occurred well after Christianity was declared the state religion and homosexuality was outlawed. He didn't like that observation.

next time tell him Alaric was a homo :banana:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've had several folk on here argue that straight people can "choose" to become attracted to their own gender...

it was proven by a study done by your government about sexual behaviors in prison

every time it was brought up you ignored it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There are plenty of jail inmates that consider themselves "straight" yet have raped other men. I maintain that a man raping another man necessitates a homosexual act.

careful - there are some here who maintain that rape is an act of violence, not an act of sex