Why "Conversion Therapy" Should Be Illegal


New member
If you're trying to imply something then please think carefully about whether or not you'll look foolish if you were actually to speak it clearly.

I'm not implying anything. I am stating rather clearly that racism is indistinguishable from homophobia.

The statement: "they had already poisoned the show with *name of gay character*" is exactly the same as "they had already poisoned the show with *name of black character*"


New member
I'm not implying anything. I am stating rather clearly that racism is indistinguishable from homophobia.

The statement: "they had already poisoned the show with *name of gay character*" is exactly the same as "they had already poisoned the show with *name of black character*"

Homosexual content in a formerly family show did poison the show with a type sexual conversion propaganda, which ironically is the topic that this thread started its focus on. Homosexuality (in act and itsculture) is a perversion.

If you think that prejudice against skin color is indistinguishable from recognizing gay propaganda as its forcible shoved into the entertainment media, if you think a difference in skin color and facial features as a perversion of humanity, then you really are a bigot and I question whether you are a legitimate member of the body of Christ. Humanity is of one blood, we all descend through Noah, we are all children of our creator.

Were you planning on accusing people here that object to immoral customs and behavior as racists? Playing that card? Would you like to consider carefully whether you're ready to go down that path?


New member
No, just that there's gay people about and there should be an acceptance of that. When I was at school it would hardly have been advisable for anyone to admit it because of the bullying they'd have got. Like certain zealots of the rabid variety here it was a go to source of "insult" to call other people gay. That needed to change.

There are also pedophiles about, but it doesn't mean we should accept or encourage that behavior.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There are also pedophiles about, but it doesn't mean we should accept or encourage that behavior.

Of course pedophilia shouldn't be encouraged or accepted and it isn't, not will it ever be societally accepted. As homosexuality has been accepted the crackdowns against child abuse have tightened. Homosexuals are going to be homosexual regardless and if they hadn't been forced to live in a closet for so long you wouldn't have the influx of gay rights in media and entertainment.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm not implying anything. I am stating rather clearly...

well, no

you were ambiguously hinting at it

...that racism is indistinguishable from homophobia.

that's a pretty foolish idea

in the case of racism, the racist is focusing on a characteristic of the target over which he (the target) has no control

in the case of homophobia, the homophobe is focusing on a characteristic of the target (the homo) over which the he (the target) has complete control

The statement: "they had already poisoned the show with *name of gay character*" is exactly the same as "they had already poisoned the show with *name of black character*"

maybe to someone with the intellectual capacity of a three year old :idunno:

is that you?

Kit the Coyote

New member
There are also pedophiles about, but it doesn't mean we should accept or encourage that behavior.

Media already depicts pedophiles and because of the non-consensual nature of their acts, they are always depicted as villains, appropriately. Homosexuals on the other paw can have loving consensual relationships and thus are capable of being presented positively in media.


New member
Of course pedophilia shouldn't be encouraged or accepted and it isn't, not will it ever be societally accepted. As homosexuality has been accepted the crackdowns against child abuse have tightened. Homosexuals are going to be homosexual regardless and if they hadn't been forced to live in a closet for so long you wouldn't have the influx of gay rights in media and entertainment.

No, homosexuality is a pattern and behavior that is subject to influence (AKA "nuture" and "choice") as reflected by the changing percentage of youth who have been influenced by state-sponsored "conversion and acceptance" programs in the schools.


New member
Of course pedophilia shouldn't be encouraged or accepted and it isn't, not will it ever be societally accepted. As homosexuality has been accepted the crackdowns against child abuse have tightened. Homosexuals are going to be homosexual regardless and if they hadn't been forced to live in a closet for so long you wouldn't have the influx of gay rights in media and entertainment.

No, homosexuality is a pattern and behavior that is subject to influence (AKA "nuture") as reflected by the changing percentage of youth who have been influenced by state-sponsored "conversion and acceptance" programs in the schools.

But why wouldn't you continue to extend that to pedophilia? It's merely a lifestyle and sexual preference, isn't it? Homosexual behavior used to be illegal as well, so arguments of legality don't have any weight here: laws can be changed. One day children may also be legally allowed to be consenting, as the age of consent can be legally modified. Shouldn't you also be supporting presenting pedophiles positively as part of your quest for enlightenment? You don't seem entirely consistent here.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No, homosexuality is a pattern and behavior that is subject to influence (AKA "nuture") as reflected by the changing percentage of youth who have been influenced by state-sponsored "conversion and acceptance" programs in the schools.

No, it's an orientation and if you think that the acceptance of it in society now has the knock on effect of turning people gay then it's a very weak argument. When homosexuality was still illegal it didn't stop people from being gay.

But why wouldn't you continue to extend that to pedophilia? It's merely a lifestyle and sexual preference, isn't it? Homosexual behavior used to be illegal as well, so arguments of legality don't have any weight here: laws can be changed. One day children may also be legally allowed to be consenting, as the age of consent can be legally modified. Shouldn't you also be supporting presenting pedophiles positively as part of your quest for enlightenment? You don't seem entirely consistent here.

It's not inconsistent at all. Children aren't physically or mentally developed enough to provide consent and must be protected from any sort of abuse. Laws can certainly change and in regards to children then they've tightened, not relaxed and there's zero tolerance for child molestation and rightly so. The notion that homosexuality being legal could open the floodgates to the lowering of age of consent laws is simply a
slippery slope fallacy with no support as evidenced by law. It's not happening.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Children aren't physically or mentally developed enough to provide consent...

sure they are - children are allowed to consent to any number of things, such as whether they want to participate in sports or go to summer camp or do a sleepover at johnny's house

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
.... homosexuality being legal could open the floodgates to the lowering of age of consent laws is simply a
slippery slope fallacy with no support as evidenced by law. It's not happening.

it may take a generation or two - those kids now in grade school who are being taught that perversion is normal will be questioning the "wisdom" of their elders (that's you) and making laws soon enough


New member
Homosexual content in a formerly family show did poison the show with a type sexual conversion propaganda, which ironically is the topic that this thread started its focus on. Homosexuality (in act and itsculture) is a perversion.
hate is a perversion.

If you think that prejudice against skin color is indistinguishable from recognizing gay propaganda as its forcible shoved into the entertainment media, if you think a difference in skin color and facial features as a perversion of humanity, then you really are a bigot
Is that what I said? Nope, not even close and you know it. But i guess lying lets YOU toss around the bigot label. Does that make you feel better about yourself?

and I question whether you are a legitimate member of the body of Christ. Humanity is of one blood, we all descend through Noah, we are all children of our creator.
except the nasty pervert gays.

Were you planning on accusing people here that object to immoral customs and behavior as racists? Playing that card? Would you like to consider carefully whether you're ready to go down that path?
my path doesn't include lying about what you posted.


New member
There are also pedophiles about, but it doesn't mean we should accept or encourage that behavior.

The rantings of homophobes is indistinguishable from the ranting of racists.

Racists have a long history of doing just what you did here. Associate a minority with a sexual crime and that makes hate OK


New member
well, no

you were ambiguously hinting at it

that's a pretty foolish idea

in the case of racism, the racist is focusing on a characteristic of the target over which he (the target) has no control

in the case of homophobia, the homophobe is focusing on a characteristic of the target (the homo) over which the he (the target) has complete control

maybe to someone with the intellectual capacity of a three year old :idunno:

is that you?

Unlike you, the average three year old could understand what was said


New member
No, homosexuality is a pattern and behavior that is subject to influence (AKA "nuture" and "choice") as reflected by the changing percentage of youth who have been influenced by state-sponsored "conversion and acceptance" programs in the schools.

I'd ask for evidence to this pile of anti-gay propaganda but you don't have any do you?


New member
No, it's an orientation and if you think that the acceptance of it in society now has the knock on effect of turning people gay then it's a very weak argument. When homosexuality was still illegal it didn't stop people from being gay.

Yet it can been demonstrated that homosexuality and pedophilia has had far increased numbers in societies that accept, embrace, or celebrate these behaviors. Greek Sparta, being one such example. In society where it has been condemned and discouraged it shows much lower prevalence. Yes, laws do not 100% prevent the spread of such aberrant behavior, but then laws never do, do they? We currently have laws against some forms of murder, but some people still murder. Should we embrace and celebrate murder as an alternative lifestyle?

What about necrophilia? or cannabalism? Provided, of course, it is limited to "consenting adults." Would you support child pornography provided that it only seemed to be live children being used? What if it was digitized, or the subjects were "technically" adults but just made to look like children?

It's not inconsistent at all. Children aren't physically or mentally developed enough to provide consent and must be protected from any sort of abuse. Laws can certainly change and in regards to children then they've tightened, not relaxed and there's zero tolerance for child molestation and rightly so. The notion that homosexuality being legal could open the floodgates to the lowering of age of consent laws is simply a slippery slope fallacy with no support as evidenced by law. It's not happening.

Children who are not physically or mentally developed are currently being abused dismembered to the point of death and by the millions and the practice is protected by law. That hardly qualifies as "zero tolerance." Yes, laws certainly have changed.


New member
No, homosexuality is a pattern and behavior that is subject to influence (AKA "nuture") as reflected by the changing percentage of youth who have been influenced by state-sponsored "conversion and acceptance" programs in the schools.

But why wouldn't you continue to extend that to pedophilia? It's merely a lifestyle and sexual preference, isn't it? Homosexual behavior used to be illegal as well, so arguments of legality don't have any weight here: laws can be changed. One day children may also be legally allowed to be consenting, as the age of consent can be legally modified. Shouldn't you also be supporting presenting pedophiles positively as part of your quest for enlightenment? You don't seem entirely consistent here.

Racists have been spouting this same double speak for years. The rantings of homophobes is indistinguishable from the ranting of racists.