ECT Who is saved?

God's Truth

New member
Yep.... there's a division that you have no clue about.

You don't give Jesus the credit and awe due him.

Ephesians 2:14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,

Ephesians 2:15
by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace

Colossians 1:20
and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross.

Colossians 3:11
Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, or free, but Christ is all and is in all.

Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for to this you were called as members of one body. And be thankful.


Well-known member
You don't give Jesus the credit and awe due him.

Ephesians 2:4 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,


That's a bad translation.
He didn't make the two groups one.

And that's the wrong verse number for the verse.

God's Truth

New member
That's a bad translation.
He didn't make the two groups one.

And that's the wrong verse number for the verse.

I gave you many scriptures proving what I said.

The dividing wall was the rules and regulations, the ceremonial works.

The ceremonial works for the old law, which began with a sealing by circumcision of the flesh, and included other works to make one clean and justified, just to be able to go to the temple to worship God, for that is where His Spirit was.

The Gentiles were dead in their sins because they did not do these works.

Those works were a shadow of what was coming. What was coming was Jesus Christ. The ceremonial works were a shadow of Jesus, a teaching tool about what Jesus' blood would do for us.

No one has to do any works to clean themselves anymore, for faith that Jesus' blood cleans us after repenting is what cleans and justifies us.


New member
Those who were out (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV) are the Gentiles to whom Paul was given the dispensation of the grace of God toward versus those Gentiles he was committed a dispensation of the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:17 KJV) who were in (Galatians 3:29 KJV). Things that were different were not the same. Only a wrong divider tries to make them the same. If the shoe fits...

There ya go, Musti - you wanted a post (again) on who on here holds to two supposed gospels of Paul - well there ya have it (again) - from queen insolent herself :chuckle:

Yours is nothing more than poor reading comprehension "heir."

heir: So where did you buy that book?

A: A bookstore.

heir: Where?

A: The bookstore over on such and such street.

heir: Make up your mind, was it A bookstore, or THE bookstore.

That is how poor your reading comprehension is, ms. extreme.

"A dispensation of the gospel" and "THE dispensation of the gospel of the grace of God" are ONE AND THE SAME Gospel, o cluless, religious legalist.

Every one of your errors has that same hole in it.

Your two Gentiles in Ephesians, your Romans in Romans 1 are the "Jew" in Romans 2; your errors on who is being warned of being cut off in Romans 11; and a host of other errors your obviously poor reading skills have ended you up at.

Worst of all is your hypocritical intolerance of anyone daring to point any of this out to you.

Fact is, all those things were solved for long before you and your hybrids as so-called "MADs" pals even knew of Mid-Acts.

You're amusing. I'll give ya that much.

Who ALONE is it again on here that has your mess right - you, STP, and Nick?

If you say so.

Never mind the three of you often display very poor reading and writing skills.

I'm sure that has nothing to do with how badly the Scripture cannot but throw off such an individual.

O wait, there comes one of those on here beneath you three in your so called "wisdom" to prove my very point once more.

Like I said, you guys are at least amusing.

And there is also ever the sense of Romans 5:8 towards each of you.

For contrary to your absolute nonsense on where I am coming from "heir" et al, I care about each and every one of you.

Or as Paul, the Apostle you and your pals claim to follow, would have put that - to your exact kind within our own...

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
There ya go, Musti - you wanted a post (again) on who on here holds to two supposed gospels of Paul - well there ya have it (again) - from queen insolent herself :chuckle:
Danoh's version of showing grace.

Yours is nothing more than poor reading comprehension "heir."
Danoh's version of showing grace.

That is how poor your reading comprehension is, ms. extreme.
Danoh's version of showing grace.

o cluless, religious legalist.
Danoh's version of showing grace.

Worst of all is your hypocritical intolerance of anyone daring to point any of this out to you.
This one just crack me up that he could be so oblivious to what he, himself, does.

He is amusing though, I'll give him that much.

Nevertheless, I care about him to point out his hypocritical intolerance of anyone daring to point any of this out to him.


New member
Danoh's version of showing grace.

Danoh's version of showing grace.

Danoh's version of showing grace.

Danoh's version of showing grace.

This one just crack me up that he could be so oblivious to what he, himself, does.

He is amusing though, I'll give him that much.

Nevertheless, I care about him to point out his hypocritical intolerance of anyone daring to point any of this out to him.

As I've noted elswhere - you outsmart yourself.

Calling someone out does not mean one does not care about them.

Paul himself had had to address your exact kind within our own. Thus his...

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

But you are attempting to do what you and your pals always do - deflect once more, whenever any of your errors, and or duplicity is called out.

Right away you twist either of those two as not having the truth of Romans 5:8 in mind towards you and your pals.

There is no reasoning with your kind.

Or as the Apostle you each assert you follow had had to describe himself to, within the gospel the grace of God ..

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

He is talking about your exact high-fiving of one another's pettiness towards anyone you and your pals consider not of your number, or who call you out either on your errors, or worse - on your duplicity.

Doing so does not mean one does not care about the spiritual welfare of such as you.

It's time you once more read Romans thru Philemon. You and your pal's exact duplicity is repeatedly addressed by the Apostle you each claim to follow.

And always in the spirit of the truth of Romans 5:8, no matter how tough he is with such.

For there but for the grace of God obeyed, goes any one of us...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
As I've noted elswhere - you outsmart yourself.
Nah, just you.

Calling someone out does not mean one does not care about them.
It is because I care about you that I point out to you your graceless, hypocritical, insulting behavior.
To no avail as you will again try to justify your graceless, hypocritical, insulting behavior as being 'helpful'.

Take that as you will.
I'll be here to 'help' you anyway, cause, you know, I care.


New member
The good news is about Jesus, not about humans and Paul and land.

Ain't a MAD and or so called "MAD" who would dispute that - not - a - one.

Clearly, such as you and IP continue to misunderstand what either MADs are actually talking about.

But, you are where you are.

Romans 14:5 in memory of Romans 5:8.


TOL Subscriber
There ya go, Musti - you wanted a post (again) on who on here holds to two supposed gospels of Paul - well there ya have it (again) - from queen insolent herself :chuckle:
Get your facts straight, D. Paul preached three gospels: the gospel of God, the gospel of Christ, and the gospel of the grace of God.



New member
Get your facts straight, D. Paul preached three gospels: the gospel of God, the gospel of Christ, and the gospel of the grace of God.


Lol - you're right - I'd forgotten your confused assertion is actually 3 supposed gospels of Paul, not two.

STP pointed that out to me on some other thread, but it momentarily slipped my mind.

You're right; you're even more confused than I had remembered you and your pals being :chuckle:

Nevertheless, heir - Romans 14:5 towards ya, in memory of Romans 5:8.