White Lives Matter

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Zoo, who exited with no particular fondness for me, was sharper and fairer on his worst day here than you likely will ever manage, because mistaken or not (and he made them, with the faith and with some who cared about him) he aimed higher. Granite, like everyone, had his moments. But dismissing him as a halfwit just makes you look even less discerning, which is saying something (and wouldn't it be grand if you managed to, one of these). Barbarian would no doubt find your still thinking on him amusing enough.


It's so telling when the rabid element refer to the likes of these as trolls. I guess Musterion was probably that yelping dog he refers to so much...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i missed this buried in all the dribble:
Zoo, who exited with no particular fondness for me, was sharper and fairer on his worst day here than you likely will ever manage, because mistaken or not (and he made them, with the faith and with some who cared about him) he aimed higher.

because he "aimed higher" he was therefore "sharper and fairer"? :freak:

first of all "he aimed higher" assumes facts not in evidence

secondly, you draw an unjustified conclusion from the unsupported declaration

town said:
Granite, like everyone, had his moments.

yes, they were mostly moments that an adult would be ashamed of

town said:
But dismissing him as a halfwit

is an astute observation, based on Granite's posting history and frequent flame outs

town said:
Barbarian would no doubt find your still thinking on him amusing enough.

oh, barbie was well worth remembering - he was one of the craftiest trolls i've encountered on boards like this

on this site, he's second to only one poster

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Zoo was a smug pervert who unashamedly called the most vile evil "good." Granite was a moody juvenile halfwit. Barbie a straight up dishonest liar.

Actually unhinged? The female.

No, zoo wasn't, and for you to criticize others for smugness is more irony overload...He wound plenty of the more zealous up because he could pick apart the lunacy of extremism and in such a facetious manner to boot. He was also pretty unflappable, much like Barb in that respect and boy, didn't that wind some of you lot up. The same with Granite. Even though Stripe had long been on his ignore list it didn't stop Stripe from constantly trying to get his attention.


Nah, just posters who got right under some of you lot's skin.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Not quite 70%. It may have been 1 in 6 in 2001, but over their lifespan, 1 in 3 will be incarcerated at some point in their life.
That would move it from roughly 17% in 2001 to an alarming 33% in present day, if that estimation holds true. Which would be a wee bit short of the 70%. In the same way GM is a wee bit short of reasoned or fair in the attempt.

Here is Grosn original point;
At least 70% of Black males are connected to the prison system in some way or another.
It's a meaningless statement unless you (the person advancing it) wants to demean or taint a group by finding a way to connect the infamous and innocuous.

So it's a bit like saying Americans overwhelmingly elected Trump, if you concentrate on the EC. :plain:

He didn't say in prison at one time or even over the course of their lifetime. He said connected to the prison system.
Supra. It's a junk statement with only one sad purpose.

He must be including those on parole or have close friends or relatives in the prison system.
No, the numbers we looked at would cover parolees. And including the latter and, who knows, prison guards, people whose living is tied to the system, deserves a loud "Whooo-ha!" as a sad effort to taint, supra.

That number may be close to 70%.
I doubt it, but if it did the value would only exist in its ability to frame GM's desperation, gullibility, or willingness to use a dishonest tactic toward a disreputable end.


I got into this stupid argument last night with a black girl I knew back in high school. She's been on my FB for years and we don't regularly talk, but she made this post demonizing Trump and talking about BLM- and when I responded to it, you can figure what happened next :chuckle:

She acted EXACTLY as you see them act when they are on the streets 'protesting'- completely irate, loud and obnoxious, impossible to have any discourse with..
because they know that they are perpetuating a fake agenda. They don't want to hear the sound of reason :rolleyes:

And the thing is, this girl has a very privileged life- she graduated in the same year I did, went to the university here, and lives a very fruitful life.
But this what these so called movements do to people, they turn others into blithering idiots what think they are victims.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You shouldn't write me off so quickly. I am just going by what you said and your giving credence to those who ban.

I don't agree with every ban that's been given on here. Where it comes to any sort of stalking or continued harassment then I fully support those. Where it comes to heated exchanges then it's a bit different depending. There's a self admitted bias on the forum and I'm on the "wrong" side of it not being to the 'far right'. Yet I usually manage to stay within forum rules and even within the barbed exchanges there's room for maneuver.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
iow, trolls

One more to you then.

Trolls don't so much get under the skin. They're more like gnats, annoying sure and generally irritating but they don't maintain much longevity in the memory once they're gone. When you disappeared for months after a flame out you weren't thought of much until you came back under another user name and started doing the exact same thing. Telling that you once thought that a former moderator and also a conservative Christian deserved to be perma banned on here after your recently bumped and subsequently locked thread over in 'and the rest'.

Wonder why bybee wound you up so much?

Still, as you were SOD.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I got into this stupid argument last night with a black girl I knew back in high school. She's been on my FB for years and we don't regularly talk, but she made this post demonizing Trump and talking about BLM- and when I responded to it, you can figure what happened next :chuckle:
You trolled a black girl you don't really know well but went to HS with...on FB. Yeah, given your comments about women and minorities I can imagine what happened, both with the nature of your response and her reaction to it.

She acted EXACTLY as you see them act when they are on the streets 'protesting'- completely irate, loud and obnoxious, impossible to have any discourse with..
See, your rich fantasy life aside, you can't really do much of that on FB. It's all mostly just typing a lot. :plain:

because they know that they are perpetuating a fake agenda.
They women or they black? I want to keep your prejudice as accurately categorized as is possible.

They don't want to hear the sound of reason :rolleyes:
Or maybe just you, which if your statement is true would make them completely deaf, hearing neither reason nor, you know, you.

And the thing is, this girl has a very privileged life- she graduated in the same year I did, went to the university here, and lives a very fruitful life.
So you're saying all you really have in common is geography?

But this what these so called movements do to people, they turn others into blithering idiots what think they are victims.
You're half right...if not the half you mean.


You trolled a black girl you don't really know well but went to HS with...on FB. Yeah, given your comments about women and minorities I can imagine what happened, both with the nature of your response and her reaction to it.

Yeah, she's just a victim in the matter right?

Shouldn't have expected another response.

They women or they black? I want to keep your prejudice as accurately categorized as is possible.

You can have discourse with a black man, or even an older black woman.
Try having a conversation with a young black woman on this subject. If it doesn't end up with her acting like an irate idiot than you'll have unlocked a secret door of the universe :rotfl:

The point is, your agendas set in very well with them :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yeah, she's just a victim in the matter right?
No, she's a girl you mostly don't know who you decided to troll on FB and then you decided to come here and make her your fantasy illustration/confrimation of your bias. Only you used terms to describe her that don't really make sense in relation to a FB post and you forgot that most of the people here have read you going on about both women and the BLM movement.

So the only real question, I suppose, was who exactly you meant to fool?

You can have discourse with a black man, or even an older black woman.
Well, I can, sure. Any reasonable human being can have a reasonable conversation with any other reasonable human being. Race doesn't really factor into that equation.

Try having a conversation with a young black woman on this subject. If it doesn't end up with her acting like an irate idiot than you'll have unlocked a secret door of the universe
Again, no one here knows what she wrote or what you wrote to her. I do know that you tried to describe your drive by of a relative stranger singularly in terms of her response, which you characterized this way:

"She acted EXACTLY as you see them act when they are on the streets 'protesting'- completely irate, loud and obnoxious, impossible to have any discourse with.."

And I noted that most of that was hard to actually get out of a FB post, which is (again) mostly just typing.

The point is, your agendas set in very well with them
The point is your filter needs cleaning.