White Lives Matter

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That there was inhumanity shown in other places by other people doesn't change our own U.S. history of slavery, the treatment of Blacks as less than human, as property to be bought, sold and abused, to be segregated from the civil rights enjoyed by other citizens. It's a history you want to downplay, for God only knows what reason.

not sure why you think i want to downplay it

as it was practiced in the American south and the Caribbean, it was wrong, it was evil and the white people involved in it - like town's ancestor - were evil men who deserved summary execution

here's a newsflash for you: slavery was ended 152 years ago


New member
That's vague enough. Would that include prison guards? People with a relative in prison? Kind of meaningless without a context. Source and authentication for that number? The last time I saw figures it was one in six incarcerated around 2001, which only approaches 70% if your math is broken. But I'm up for authority. What's yours?


Not quite 70%.

It may have been 1 in 6 in 2001, but over their lifespan, 1 in 3 will be incarcerated at some point in their life.

Here is Grosn original point;
At least 70% of Black males are connected to the prison system in some way or another.

He didn't say in prison at one time or even over the course of their lifetime. He said connected to the prison system.

He must be including those on parole or have close friends or relatives in the prison system. That number may be close to 70%.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Full chimp-out rhetorical poo-flinging mode? No surprise there. Challenge her programming and she goes all Norman.

SOD's a troll so his usual shtick is only to be expected. This kinda thread plays right into his wheelhouse, sad as that is. You're not really that far behind him and the irony of you talking about 'programming' when you haven't shown any evidence that you can actually think outside of crackpot far right blogs is threatening another irony meter factory.

The 'joys' of fundamentalism...


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
SOD's a troll so his usual shtick is only to be expected. This kinda thread plays right into his wheelhouse, sad as that is. You're not really that far behind him and the irony of you talking about 'programming' when you haven't shown any evidence that you can actually think outside of crackpot far right blogs is threatening another irony meter factory.

The 'joys' of fundamentalism...


so go find another discussion board to bother, :loser:

one where you're wanted :wave2:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The alignments eventually reveal all, just as the smote dog yelps first.

Typical Musty M.O.

Start thread or post. If no interest then declare that 'leftists' are shying away. If they respond then declare they're doing so because they've been 'hurt' by some imaginary stone or barb.

Laughable dude. You should do better.


New member
because you stamp your foot and declare it?


What's the point in declaring something as racist, homophobic, xenophobic.....all the favorite terms of the SJW? What does it solve other than to shut someone up who is declaring something you cannot bear to hear? Is it going to get rid of said racism? Probably not. Perhaps, it would be helpful to examine the reason the person is making racist declarations? Its a cop out to declare the person as a deplorable/ unredeemable. From my experience, people who hold racist attitudes do so for very tangible reasons. That is what I see happening on this board and they are castigated for merely taking notice of those reasons.

When those reasons are pointed out, the SJW says it is the result of years of slavery, jim crow, prejudice etc..The so called racist, is tired of hearing that same old excuse with no improvement in the situation over several decades. They have a valid point and its not a racist point.


New member
I'll just stick with this one for now thanks. Unlike yourself I don't 'bother' the board by trolling and stalking or spamming up the report box...


Unlike yourself, Doser addresses all points in a logical manner and does not jump straight to character assassination or comment on a tangential point and not the main point like you do.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Unlike yourself, Doser addresses all points in a logical manner and does not jump straight to character assassination or comment on a tangential point and not the main point like you do.


Whoa, wait...you were being serious?!

Ya, the guy calls folk retards as if the words gonna be removed from dictionaries cos it's about the only thing he can do in lieu of wit, and has gotten more bans, usernames and infractions than anyone else in the history of this forum for stalking and trolling.

So ya know, you're either incredibly selective about what you read or you kinda need to get a grip.



Well-known member
One can disagree with his methods but having watched Res for some years now, in personal interactions he resorts to the R-word after repeated attempts to be reasonable with the incorrigibly stupid, or when someone comes out of nowhere with a total A-bomb of idiocy. Short of that, he does not toss around the label willy-nilly. You have to earn him calling you a retard.

Just my opinion.