White Lives Matter


New member
, but selling dope and robbing others does not lift anyone up and out of that situation.

Feeling like your only way to get ahead in life is by selling dope and robbing is because of the slave mentality the democrats have imposed on them the last 50 years.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... present reality of racism...

i don't think anybody would deny that racism presently exists

i think where you become distressed is when others disagree with your understanding of how it exists, where it exists and why it exists

town said:
So no, indentured servitude isn't really the same thing as slavery, Angel. If you believe they are one or both terms isn't well understood by you.

which form of slavery, town?

the form that existed in British North America in the late 1700's, in which an african man who had earned his freedom voluntarily re-entered servitude in order to marry the enslaved woman he loved, and in which slaves were sent alone into the Pays d'en Haut on two year trading missions?

the form that existed in many places in the US, in which the slave was a part of the family?

or the brutal form of slavery that existed in the southern states and in the Caribbean, where slaves were treated like farm animals?

you should probably define your terms before mounting that high horse
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Black folks need to straighten themselves out and stop living in the past. At least 70% of Black males are connected to the prison system in some way or another. Black kids are raised with no Father in the house. Black on Black crime is a real problem.

it's rooted in poverty and despair, and the welfare system that encourages those mired in poverty to remain there

but it's getting better:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Is their welfare check tallied into their 'household income"?

i would expect so, yes

but that hard core of under 15K is pernicious - full of self-perpetuating behaviors and circumstances like poor neighborhoods, devaluing of education, exposure to violence and abuse - it's accepted now that many inner city youth suffer from PTSD caused by their violent environments

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Libs desire a Socialist country. If the forefathers of this country could only catch a glimpse of these Morons, they'd go into shock.
Maybe, after they got over women having rights and black people living free and in their neighborhoods. So it might take a while for them to get to your chosen umbrage.

Liberals have fewer brain cells and less gray matter.
Right wingers confuse declaration with information.

I have German ancestry, should I be called a "German-American?"
Sure. We have Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans falling out of trees. And given the historic persecution of the German peoples...I mean, given the historic persecution by the German peoples I can understand your need to identify.

Black folks need to straighten themselves out and stop living in the past.
That you think the problems of race are a) really just a reflection of the need for blacks to get their act together, b) are in the past else, and c) that your responsibility to the compact ends with pointing that out by and large is almost, but not quite, as astonishing as your figures.

At least 70% of Black males are connected to the prison system in some way or another.
That's vague enough. Would that include prison guards? People with a relative in prison? Kind of meaningless without a context. Source and authentication for that number? The last time I saw figures it was one in six incarcerated around 2001, which only approaches 70% if your math is broken. But I'm up for authority. What's yours?

Black kids are raised with no Father in the house. Black on Black crime is a real problem.
Here's an excerpt from an article you'll never read (link) that addresses some of the vaguely racist, comfortable mythology that's grown like weeds around the problem of single parent homes.
"Lastly it strikes me that there can be inherent problems at looking at an internal proportional number, when the external proportion may be at an far larger differential. To wit: there are almost five times as many White people in America as they are Black. So if you were to take the single-parent percentages for each and multiply them against the numbers of actual children involved what you would see is this:

Hispanic Children in Single-Parent Households: 28.6% x 16.3 Million = 4.66 Million
Black Children in Single-Parent Households: 54.7% x 11.2 Million = 6.12 Million.
[Corrected] White Children in Single-Parent Households: 22.1% x 55.9 Million = 12.3 Million.

So even with an almost twice as high internal percentage of single-parent households, the external percentage is that there are still only one third one half as many black children living in that situation as there are white..." From The Absent Black Father Myth--Debunked by the CDC, by Frank Walton

Another problem noted in the article is that blended families aren't accounted for, so children who might be in two parent households aren't counted as such if the two biological parents aren't both present. That sort of tabulation "means that the census bureau's data of "living arrangements" can be off by as much as 25% when dealing with blended families situations and even their much lower figures of Hispanic and Black single parent living arrangements could in fact be far, far lower than shown." Walton



Well-known member
i don't think anybody would deny that racism presently exists

i think where you become distressed is when others disagree with your understanding of how it exists, where it exists and why it exists

That's it right there. Dare not to question the Left's assumptions and conventional wisdom on who is or is not, or cannot be a racist else they fly off the handle.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's it right there. Dare not to question the Left's assumptions and conventional wisdom on who is or is not, or cannot be a racist else they fly off the handle.

like annabanahead did last night

and tardlyartie does every night :chuckle:


New member
Feeling like your only way to get ahead in life is by selling dope and robbing is because of the slave mentality the democrats have imposed on them the last 50 years.

Democrats seem to forget that LBJ when he signed the civil rights act said ( and I saw the video ) that with that legislation that the democrats would have those N****** voting democrat for the next 200 years.
The demon craps have destroyed the black American family but they never stop blaming others for what they themselves did.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Maybe, after they got over women having rights and black people living free and in their neighborhoods. So it might take a while for them to get to your chosen umbrage.

Right wingers confuse declaration with information.

Sure. We have Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans falling out of trees. And given the historic persecution of the German peoples...I mean, given the historic persecution by the German peoples I can understand your need to identify.

That you think the problems of race are a) really just a reflection of the need for blacks to get their act together, b) are in the past else, and c) that your responsibility to the compact ends with pointing that out by and large is almost, but not quite, as astonishing as your figures.

That's vague enough. Would that include prison guards? People with a relative in prison? Kind of meaningless without a context. Source and authentication for that number? The last time I saw figures it was one in six incarcerated around 2001, which only approaches 70% if your math is broken. But I'm up for authority. What's yours?

Here's an excerpt from an article you'll never read (link) that addresses some of the vaguely racist, comfortable mythology that's grown like weeds around the problem of single parent homes.
"[FONT=&]Lastly it strikes me that there can be inherent problems at looking at an internal proportional number, when the external proportion may be at an far larger differential. To wit: there are almost five times as many White people in America as they are Black. So if you were to take the single-parent percentages for each and multiply them against the numbers of actual children involved what you would see is this:

[FONT=&]Hispanic Children in Single-Parent Households: 28.6% x 16.3 Million = 4.66 Million[/FONT]
[FONT=&]Black Children in Single-Parent Households: 54.7% x 11.2 Million = 6.12 Million.[/FONT]
[FONT=&][Corrected] White Children in Single-Parent Households: 22.1% x 55.9 Million = 12.3 Million.

[FONT=&]So even with an almost twice as high internal percentage of single-parent households, the external percentage is that there are still only one third one half as many black children living in that situation as there are white..." From The Absent Black Father Myth--Debunked by the CDC, by Frank Walton[/FONT]
Another problem noted in the article is that blended families aren't accounted for, so children who might be in two parent households aren't counted as such if the two biological parents aren't both present. That sort of tabulation "means that the census bureau's data of "living arrangements" can be off by as much as 25% when dealing with blended families situations and even their much lower figures of Hispanic and Black single parent living arrangements could in fact be far, far lower than shown." Walton


Once more I couldn't finish reading your dribble. You see, I'm easily bored. I find you somewhat uninteresting. You desperately need some new material.


New member
Another bigot proclaiming no freedom in the cross ....

Wasn't aware you felt that way about yourself :chuckle:

Here's some penicillin for that...

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.