ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
How many MADist's quotes about Israel/1948 do I have to post?

How many Preterists claim that they have infallible teachers, like you do?

How many of your posts, that witness that you assert that you have infallible teachers, do I have to post?

Clown Craigie won't answer that. Why is that, Craigie?


New member
IMJ likes to pretend that everyone who lays claim to the name of Jesus can go ahead and push incorrect doctrine (cause incorrect doctrine just doesn't matter).

Doctrine is a principle or policy of certain beliefs.

A doctrine that claims the name of Jesus, but says that Jesus is a pink mystical unicorn is a false doctrine with another Jesus.

Doctrine matters.

No, that is not the case at all, Tam. What I am stating is that doctrine which is refuted by Scripture in any way can not be 100% correct and therefore, has no stand when it comes to demanding everyone follow it. OSAS would be a perfect example of that as well as the doctrine of the elect and MAD.


A doctrine that claims the name of Jesus, but says that Jesus is a pink mystical unicorn is a false doctrine with another Jesus.

Your doctrine claims the name of Jesus, then claims in the future Jesus is going to sit on a throne in the Middle East and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Doctrine matters.

Yes, I know.

Which is why I can't understand why you follow a doctrine that teaches Jesus is going to sit on a throne and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your doctrine claims the name of Jesus, then claims in the future Jesus is going to sit on a throne in the Middle East and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Yes, I know.

Which is why I can't understand why you follow a doctrine that teaches Jesus is going to sit on a throne and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

You claim that the "early believers in Acts" were lost, as they followed the law.
You claim Paul was lost, as he offered a sacrifice, kept the feasts, followed the law.


TOL Subscriber
I don't know if he is referring to ontological hope or after having moved into ontological faith.

I cannot answer until I know this.

It was a serious information question. What does the MAD position present as the meaning for "in Christ" and "put on Christ"?

My impression was that MADs are strict literalists, ut seem to represent these references figuratively or metaphorically as an assigned status or position, etc.

Would you (or whomever) clarify that, please?

patrick jane

It was a serious information question. What does the MAD position present as the meaning for "in Christ" and "put on Christ"?

My impression was that MADs are strict literalists, ut seem to represent these references figuratively or metaphorically as an assigned status or position, etc.

Would you (or whomever) clarify that, please?

i think, if you slowed things down a bit - PPS, you might finally STOP asking questions and start answering them. i admit, i am impressed with your vocabulary and seeming knowledge of all things philsophical, including terminology and translation. just me, but i type and post exactly as i speak in person. i also know, you can't possibly speak in the same words during "real life" interaction. unless you hang out at universities and seminaries. i'm not speaking of this post, but posts i've seen. any "big" word you use can be communicated in a more "understandable" context. in a way, i suppose i'm calling you out, to put your beliefs in REAL words. don't pretend you don't know what i'm sayin' - :jazz:

patrick jane

in addition, if you choose to ASK a particular "doctrine" or belief exactly what they mean, maybe we should know exactly what you believe

patrick jane

Your doctrine claims the name of Jesus, then claims in the future Jesus is going to sit on a throne in the Middle East and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Yes, I know.

Which is why I can't understand why you follow a doctrine that teaches Jesus is going to sit on a throne and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

wow. i see more everyday. when and where did ANYBODY or ANYTHING say that Jesus will sit on a throne and OVERSEE ANIMAL sacrifices ? - demented thinking. there are no doctrines. read The Bible again and again, but next time, stop your wandering mind and FOCUS. Pray and Understand. then read it again. repeat as needed. rinse well. jk - i have a problem, GENERALLY SPEAKING, with folks that talk down to others, insult, accuse, and attempt to LOWER others to their level. not you !!! - the people i'm talking to already know. - it's the people who are already "finished" and tell others HOW MUCH they are WRONG and also, just as a final word - ARE GOING TO HELL - in reality, there won't be very many in "hell' - ask me how i know - :baby:


when and where did ANYBODY or ANYTHING say that Jesus will sit on a throne and OVERSEE ANIMAL sacrifices ?

Here you go:

If you are going to keep using Ezekiel as your prooftext of a future Jewish kingdom on planet earth, then why do you not address the animal sacrifices for a sin offering that are in Ezekiel?

(Ezek 43:22 KJV) And on the second day thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin offering; and they shall cleanse the altar, as they did cleanse it with the bullock.
I have addressed this. I believe there will be sin offerings, as it says. There will be flesh and blood people who live during this time who are neither New Covenant Israel nor the Body of Christ. They will be taught every jot and tittle of the law, as Jesus Christ has said.

It's what Dispensationalism teaches.

They claim Ezk 40-48 is a yet future prophecy.


EZ 40-48 contains prophecy for our time and into the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth.

Er, no.

Ezekiel 40-48 speaks many times of animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

There is NO WAY this can be the yet future. The book of Hebrews makes it clear that Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all time.

To claim there will be future animal sacrifices for sin atonement is a denial of what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross.

Lazy afternoon

Er, no.

Ezekiel 40-48 speaks many times of animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

There is NO WAY this can be the yet future. The book of Hebrews makes it clear that Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all time.

To claim there will be future animal sacrifices for sin atonement is a denial of what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross.

I am not claiming EZ 40-48 teaches future animal sacrifices for sin.



I am not claiming EZ 40-48 teaches future animal sacrifices for sin.

It does.

For example:

(Ezek 43:22 KJV) And on the second day thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin offering; and they shall cleanse the altar, as they did cleanse it with the bullock.

Lazy afternoon

It does.

For example:

(Ezek 43:22 KJV) And on the second day thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin offering; and they shall cleanse the altar, as they did cleanse it with the bullock.

Are you now claiming that is future?

Tell me how you can do this now--

Joh 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
Joh 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
Joh 6:55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
Joh 6:56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
Joh 6:57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.



Are you now claiming that is future?

If course not. No OT prophecies are unfulfilled. All OT prophecies have been fulfilled in Christ Jesus.

Tell me how you can do this now--

Joh 6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
Joh 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
Joh 6:55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
Joh 6:56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
Joh 6:57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.


Back up and read verse 35

(John 6:35) Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.


New member
Doesn't matter to me. Suit yourself.

I was speaking of the logical implications of claiming there are no distinctions in Christ, yet at the same time claiming one.

You'll have to explain that as I have most definitely stated that there is distinction in Christ, just not the distinction of Jew or Gentile.