ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?

Cross Reference

New member
It's not the offer on the table. The gospel of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth not Acts 2:38.

This is what the gospel of salvation is all about: "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent". John 17:3 (ESV)

The power for "knowing" 'unto' this purposed "salvation" can only be by the Baptism of Jesus Christ the Disciples of Jesus experienced in Acts 2. It is by the "Comforter" Whom He has sent which will perform our "education". "Do not leave ]your] Jerusalem without it" Luke 24:49


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The last several posts by Nang about heir's appearance. Unprovoked by heir. Just mean and nasty comments from a crotchety old hag. I don't care if you ban me for life, but TOL has been a pile of garbage ever since this b.itch has been here.

Show some class and remove this runt from your site, and you can send me with her. I don't care.
She's done things like this ever since she came here.

I applaud you for taking up for Heir by pointing out how wicked Nang can be at times.

But I would prefer that you stick around and not be banned over the likes of Nang.
We need folks like you HERE that tell about the grace message.

Desert Reign

For me, MAD is the idea that the rules for salvation changed, and the change was introduced by Paul. Can you give a simpler explanation for this aspect of the history of the gospel?

Yes. The rules for salvation have always been the same. This is a much simpler idea and is more consistent with God's character. You imply that you believe that MAD is simple but this is only because you encapsulate it in a sentence. But what those rules are and how they have changed - that is where it gets very complex and indeed unravels. I see no need to go further than stating that the rules of salvation have always been the same. At all times, in all ages, in every place, for every skin colour, regardess of language spoken or personal history or morality, for all peoples. Because God is just and fair and treats all people the same, without distinction, as regards salvation.
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Cross Reference

New member
Yes. The rules for salvation have always been the same. This is a much simpler idea and is more consistent with God's character. You imply that you believe that MAD is simple but this only because you encapsulate it in a sentence. But what those rules are and how they have changed - that is where it gets very complex and indeed unravels. I see no need to go further than stating that the rules of salvation have always been the same. Because God is just and fair and treats all people the same, without distinction, as regards salvation.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The rules for salvation have always been the same.

The means by which we are saved has always been the same. All men are saved through the work of Jesus Christ.

Is this what you mean by the "rules"?

The rules surrounding how we express our commitment to Christ have changed. They must have, given that for half of our history, He had not yet died on the cross.

Cross Reference

New member
The means by which we are saved has always been the same. All men are saved through the work of Jesus Christ.

All men are "redeemed" by the work of Jesus Christ. Their salvation is then up them by believing what Jesus accomplished in their behalf. Paul's ministry was to persuade them by relating the account of it all to the witness of his own life.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
She's done things like this ever since she came here.

I applaud you for taking up for Heir by pointing out how wicked Nang can be at times.

But I would prefer that you stick around and not be banned over the likes of Nang.
We need folks like you HERE that tell about the grace message.

I agree.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I am sorry you have been sick, but why don't you pencil the brows that still show?

And my coming after your fake face, is not worse than your criticizing my testimony of faith.

So there . . .

You have a "fake belief system!" I hate to be the one to
break the news to you but, it's true! Posting about avatars,
is that the best you can do? Nang, your credibility is
evaporating rapidly! Hold onto what little you have left?

Which is less then what you started with!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I do. You have no idea what you are talking about. You can't knock down the sound doctrine I believe so you are trying to divert attention from your theological shortcomings to my face.

You call the "MAD gospel" which is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV "fake" and ignore passage after passage showing that it was kept secret since the world began and that God in His wisdom kept it a mystery for had the princes of this world known it, they wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory. You also deny that dispensations were committed and given by God to the apostle Paul. You call it all Gnosticism and mysticism.

You've got nothing, but your made up terms. I have the Sword of the Spirit.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nang preaches a false belief system. (Calvinism) Now, she's attacking
others by what their "avatars" look like! How 'childish' can a grown up
woman get? Nang just got off being banned for such childish behavior!

Is Nang working against herself? Does she want to get banned again, for
the same outlandish/immature behavior? Stay tuned!


New member
I am sorry you have been sick, but why don't you pencil the brows that still show?

And my coming after your fake face, is not worse than your criticizing my testimony of faith.

So there . . .

What you're doing is extremely childish and represents a new low. Debate what you disagree on and leave personal appearance out of it. In other words, be an adult.


New member
Yep. Cross Reference, 'rulz, Andyc, all want to be seen full of wine in front of men. They want people to judge their flesh. They want no part of having their flesh cut off.


Performance gets you nowhere with God. The flesh profits nothing.
Disciplining the flesh softens our hearts towards God, and this is what Madism fights against. There is a purpose in living a godly christian life, but this purpose is not to win brownie points with God, but to rather to be a faith filled, loving, gentle, compassionate witness, and a useful brother or sister in Christ for the gospel's sake.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

Performance gets you nowhere with God. The flesh profits nothing.
Disciplining the flesh softens our hearts towards God, and this is what Madism fights against. There is a purpose in living a godly christian life, but this purpose is not to win brownie points with God, but to rather to be a faith filled, loving, gentle, compassionate witness, and a useful brother or sister in Christ for the gospel's sake.

Which is?


New member
That is sad . . . this passage is simply a brief summary of the gospel message, but the entire bible contains the full Gospel message.

To be satisfied with 4 verses, is to take away from the rest of the Word of God that has the power to save.

I think MAD cheats people, when they point to Paul, but do not refer to the teachings of Jesus Christ, who is the DIVINE SOURCE of grace.

Paul was a saved sinner . . . and not the Lord God Almighty, come in flesh from heaven, by whose words we are to live. (Read the rest of I Corinthians 15, which is terribly neglected by MAD!)

Mad is all about justification of the flesh.
There is no talk of a changed life through faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. When talk of "change" is mentioned, this is interpreted as unnecessary works. This is what makes the mad movement a deadly cancer to the body of Christ and extremely heretical, and should rightly be condemned.