ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
There were too many details from a Bible believer and you couldn't touch it. Where's all your Jew talk now?

I can share from word document. :)

complete lack of acknowledgement that Israel split into two and God divorced 10/12 of all Israelites, and the making all Israelites Jews.

All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews.

The Jews were the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

The House of Israel included every tribe except Judah, Benjamin, and some Levites. (no Jews)

That's not what I am saying.

I am saying that Gentiles become Israel.

It was the fall of Israel in 750BC that made salvation available to the Gentiles.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
And just in case it hasn't been posted today;

E. W. Bullinger invented...Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger...John Nelson Darby....Darby...Darby and Bullinger ...Darbyites and Bullingerites

Darby and Bullinger.

Darby and Bullinger

Darby and Bullinger.

Darby and Bullinger

Darby and/or Bullinger

Darby and Bullinger...Darby's and Bullinger's ...Darby and Bullinger.

John Nelson Darby/E. W. Bullinger

John Nelson Darby and E. W. Bullinger... Darby/Bullinger

E. W. Bullinger... Bullinger ...Bullinger's ...Bullinger

John Nelson Darby and E. W. Bullinger... Bullinger ...Darby and Bullinger...Darby and Bullinger.

Darby and Bullinger...Darby and Bullinger

John Nelson Darby/ E.W. Bullinger ...Darby & Bullinger
Last edited:


How can I be in Christ and not know the gospel that Paul preached that stablishes the believer into the one Body?

Paul taught soteriology, eschatology, Christology, ecclesiology, etc.

You somehow think everything Paul taught is found only in 1 Cor 15: 1-4


The Body of Christ began with Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9.

Paul was baptized with water by Ananias (whom you refer to as a "kingdom" believer)

So, you have someone from the "old" church baptizing someone into a brand "new" church with a water ceremony that you claim has no part in the "new" church.


TOL Subscriber
Paul taught soteriology, eschatology, Christology, ecclesiology, etc.

You somehow think everything Paul taught is found only in 1 Cor 15: 1-4
Why are you always moving the goal post? You said I don't know the gospel Paul preached, but I do! It's the gospel that Paul declared in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV which I received, wherein I stand, by which also I am saved.

I know it!


TOL Subscriber
Paul was baptized with water by Ananias (whom you refer to as a "kingdom" believer)

So, you have someone from the "old" church baptizing someone into a brand "new" church with a water ceremony that you claim has no part in the "new" church.
Ananias did not know Paul's gospel. He did what he knew. It has no bearing on Paul being the first in the Body of Christ.

Your desperation is showing.


Why are you always moving the goal post? You said I don't know the gospel Paul preached, but I do! It's the gospel that Paul declared in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV which I received, wherein I stand, by which also I am saved.


I believe you understand what Paul taught regarding soteriology (salvation) for believers today as good as anyone I ever met.

Where you fail miserably is your demarcation line with Jews and Gentiles, both in the past, and in the future. Because of this demarcation line you have made, you fail to understand the NC, and how Christ Jesus fulfilled the Law and Prophets.

Paul constantly went on and on about how there was no demarcation line anymore, and how there never would be ever again.

Dispensationalists claim to take the literal approach to scriptures. That's the same mistake the Pharisees did with OT prophecies pertaining to their Messiah. Because the Pharisees took the OT prophecies literally, they rejected their Messiah.

You make the same mistake as the Pharisees.


Ananias did not know Paul's gospel.


He did what he knew.


It has no bearing on Paul being the first in the Body of Christ.

What then was the purpose of Ananias baptizing Paul?

Why did the first person in the BOC (your claim) need to be baptized, but all subsequent members of the BOC not need to be baptized?

I thought you guys claim Paul was a prototype?


TOL Subscriber

I believe you understand what Paul taught regarding soteriology (salvation) for believers today as good as anyone I ever met.
Then stop saying I don't know Paul's gospel. It's idiotic to say I don't when I do and you know I do.

Where you fail miserably is your demarcation line with Jews and Gentiles, both in the past, and in the future.
Now you sound like godrulz (that's not a complement).
Because of this demarcation line you have made, you fail to understand the NC, and how Christ Jesus fulfilled the Law and Prophets.
I understand the NC just fine. It's pretty straightforward language (Hebrews 8:8-13 KJV)!

Dispensationalists claim to take the literal approach to scriptures.
Yes, I take God at His word as you should!


It's pretty straightforward language (Hebrews 8:8-13 KJV)

Why would the writer of Hebrews quote Jeremiah for any other reason then to show that the prophecy was being fulfilled?

Every time Jesus quoted an OT prophecy about Him, it was to show that that prophecy was being fulfilled.

Peter quoted OT prophecies in Acts 2 to show that the prophecies were being fulfilled.

James quoted OT prophecies in Acts 15 to show that the prophecies were being fulfilled.

Paul quoted many OT prophecies to show that the prophecies were being fulfilled.


Then stop saying I don't know Paul's gospel.

Paul's gospel is more than just soteriology.

Just because you have mastered the soteriology part, it doesn't mean you automatically know the rest of it.

*Although, it's good that you mastered the most important part of Paul's gospel.


Now you sound like godrulz (that's not a complement).

Godrulz is a Dispensationalist just like you. The only difference is he's an Acts 2 Dispie, and you're an Acts 9 Dispie.

However, his soteriology is messed up because he's into Finney's Moral Government false teachings.

Not to mention he thinks he can lose his salvation.


Well-known member
Dispensationalists claim to take the literal approach to scriptures. That's the same mistake the Pharisees did with OT prophecies pertaining to their Messiah. Because the Pharisees took the OT prophecies literally, they rejected their Messiah.

You make the same mistake as the Pharisees.

So....Israel was supposed to not believe the Prophets through which GOD spoke to them concerning the Messianic Kingdom?


So....Israel was supposed to not believe the Prophets through which GOD spoke to them concerning the Messianic Kingdom?

I didn't say anything about not believing the prophecies, I said the Pharisees took the prophecies literally.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Where you fail miserably is your demarcation line with Jews and Gentiles, both in the past, and in the future.


Hi cm:

As a dispensationalist, I am taught that whatever is written in the Bible was/is specific to certain people at a certain time. Sounds simple, but there are also things written that are transdispensational (i.e. murder)

The next really hard part is Jesus. Jesus said many things in the Bible, told many parables, etc. Since He is our Savior, it would appear natural to accept what he said or taught as being for us.

However, even the softest dispensationalist understands that Jesus first upheld the law, and taught the law, which does not apply to us. Unfortunately there are believers who don’t even understand this, and take everything Jesus said as being for us, and they get real emotional around it.I acknowledge that there were two mysteries, one hidden in scripture and one hidden not in scripture, but hidden since the foundation of the world

Does Paul mean the mystery hidden since the foundation of the world, and the preaching that Jesus Christ did when He was alive?
However, there is definitely stuff for us, stuff not for us, and stuff for everyone.

James 1

8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.


TOL Subscriber
So....Israel was supposed to not believe the Prophets through which GOD spoke to them concerning the Messianic Kingdom?
According to the preterest we aren't to believe the word of God means what it says: this is how tet and those who want to spiritualize things away can make the Bible say whatever they want. Then they tell us to believe the Bible:

No, I see you as a very confused believer.

Hopefully someday, you will give up following Darby, and believe what the Bible says.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I believe you understand what Paul taught regarding soteriology (salvation) for believers today as good as anyone I ever met.

Where you fail miserably is your demarcation line with Jews and Gentiles, both in the past, and in the future. Because of this demarcation line you have made, you fail to understand the NC, and how Christ Jesus fulfilled the Law and Prophets.

Paul constantly went on and on about how there was no demarcation line anymore, and how there never would be ever again.

Dispensationalists claim to take the literal approach to scriptures. That's the same mistake the Pharisees did with OT prophecies pertaining to their Messiah. Because the Pharisees took the OT prophecies literally, they rejected their Messiah.

You make the same mistake as the Pharisees.

Translation: The Lord Jesus Christ did not literally die on a literal cross and literally rise from the dead...

Sophistry...obsessed....No other option, for spamming that on every thread.

How did you get so stupid, Craigie, besides satanic?