ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


TOL Subscriber
I wasn't looking for your help.

You are not hungering and thirsting for the words of God in the O.T., either, which would provide you with much spiritual light of the Truth that incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ. Luke 24:44-49.


New member
You are not hungering and thirsting for the words of God in the O.T., either, which would provide you with much spiritual light of the Truth that incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ. Luke 24:44-49.
What ? Why. Steko hungers and thirsts for the Word of God, 'whole kit'n k'boodle, no doubt about it, and you should know this. Steko is not your enemy or your opponent.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So what temple is in focus here--

Rev 11:1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
Rev 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

Act 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

Is it a living temple or a temple of stone?


LA, you ought not to be teaching anyone, anything! You need
to listen to the "Grace Message" and place ALL your faith in
Christ and none in yourself!


Well-known member
You are not hungering and thirsting for the words of God in the O.T., either, which would provide you with much spiritual light of the Truth that incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ. Luke 24:44-49.



Well-known member
People like Tet, LA, Nang, et al, often make me wonder something.

The warnings to the redeemed end-times Jewish churches regarding "Jews who are not..." (Rev 2:9, 3:9). Could those false Jews in "the synagogue of Satan" be the millions of works-oriented Gentiles of Christendom left behind at the Rapture who will receive the strong delusion, who will receive the mark, who will bow to Antichrist when he sits in the temple (which at that time will amount to a synagogue of Satan)...all because they now believe (to one degree or another) they alone and forever are God's Israel? Based on what they already believe, wouldn't what we're told about Antichrist give them exactly what they're expecting?

What you think, I way out in the tall grass on this one?

PS Note this question is directed specifically and exclusively to MADs, but watch how many non-MADs jump on it, demonstrating not only how rude they are but an utter lack of self-control, demonstrating 2 Timothy 3:3.


New member
You are not hungering and thirsting for the words of God in the O.T., either, which would provide you with much spiritual light of the Truth that incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ. Luke 24:44-49.

I think that you assume far too much, or maybe you need to clean your crystal ball.


Every time? I see prophecies not completely fulfilled, but know that they will most certainly come to pass in the future. A couple of examples:

The Lord closed the book before finishing this one~

I said "were being fulfilled"

The OT prophecies "were" being fulfilled up to, and until 70AD.

I think it's because it's not completely fulfilled yet!

It is completely fulfilled.


No one has to have the knowledge of the truth of what Paul taught to be saved. Notice that little three letter word:

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

You're making my point.

It's why I consider you a believer.

In the above verse, it's what is written after the word "and" where you have fallen off the path.

We endevour to come unto the knowledge of the truth by study (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV), comparing spiritual things with spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:13 KJV), meditating (1 Timothy 4:15 KJV), considering (2 Timothy 2:7 KJV), on and on...


However, you have been duped by John Nelson Darby and other Dispensationalists.

But, I was duped by Darby for 25 years before I came to the knowledge of the truth, so there is hope for you.


People like Tet, LA, Nang, et al, often make me wonder something.

Hopefully they will make you wonder why you have chosen to be a follower of John Nelson Darby.

The warnings to the redeemed end-times Jewish churches regarding "Jews who are not..." (Rev 2:9, 3:9).

There are no "end-times Jewish churches". This is science fiction. This is the same rubbish that Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, Harold Camping, and other Dispensationalists preached.

Could those false Jews

"False Jews" were the Jews in the first century who rejected Christ Jesus.

left behind at the Rapture

Science Fiction

am I way out in the tall grass on this one?

You're a follower of John Nelson Darby, you are so far out in the tall grass, your posts keep getting more ridiculous the more you try to make the Bible fit Darby's false teachings.



You don't get to say who can and who can't post in this thread.

If you want to only hear from your fellow Darby followers, go start a thread in the Theology Club. You guys can go on and on about how all non-Darby followers are unsaved and going to hell, all the while patting yourselves on the backs, and telling each other "correctomundo" while parroting Darby's false teachings.

However, in this thread, Darby's false teachings will be exposed for what they are - Rubbish!!!