the pre-destined Lord of the universe, (Truth),
the appointed heir (in the wake)
of all things (that have actually been created)...
"Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, (i.e.; the Truth sired in the wake of the unfolding Reality before us),
whom he (almighty Reality, itself),
hath appointed heir, ( or the express image)
of all things,... by whom, (i.e.; this concept of what is true),
also he made (the congruent image of)
the worlds, (one external to man and one envisioned within, mentally)
...nevertheless "took on Him, (
while in the State of the Christ), the nature of a bondservant by
becoming (again, as before he was baptized),
a man like other men"....
who, [Christ],
though he was in the form [Gk morphE]
of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited,
but emptied [Gk keno, from which English "kenosis" is derived]
himself, taking the form of a slave (i.e.; as Jesus, and no longer, The Christ),
being born in human likeness [Gk homoima].
And being found, (again, as before his baptism: [Matt 3;16,17][),
in human form [Gk schema], (returned to the son-of-man, again)
