This is the perfect verse o understand what happened at te transfiguration.
Phil 2:6-8, "...although (Jesus), EXISTED IN THE FORM OF GOD, (morphing into the image of almighty reality as the personified Truth), He did not regard (Truth as) equality with God, (i.e., The Almighty Reality), a thing to be grasped (in that, one is but the mental image of the other),...
.... but EMPTIED Himself, (in a Ritual of Kenosis that did portray the evacuating of noxious and defiling effects leaving an ascetic form of behavior accompanied with austerities), taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of MEN.
And being found in appearance as a man, He HUMBLED Himself by becoming obedient to the point of DEATH, even death on a cross.
It is difficult for me to understand you.
It is difficult for people who have a psychologically set mind based upon the social or religious paradigm that they were raised in.
These people can not hear nor see things differently.
The tend to oppose ideas even irrationally, if need be.
Any answer back to a perplexing argument against the things they already believe is enough to allow them to continue in r=error.
The whole gospel is about that.
The whole of Israel, especially the Pharisees who insisted their own iunterpretation found Jesus wanting opposed what ever Christ said.
One must think oputside the box.
One ought be encouraged to think differently after 2000 years of arguing with the Jews, and not converting them even yet.
Rituals of Kenosis, or emptying; the other, as rituals of Plerosis, or filling.
Rituals of Kenosis portray the evacuating of the meaning of time as it approaches the end of a cycle. The wearing down of time at this moment produces noxious and defiling effects, and thus the appropriate response is an ascetic form of behavior accompanied with austerities.
In the rituals of Plerosis, the filling of time or the beginning again of the new time, dramas of excess and overabundance of power are portrayed in the rituals. Specific dramatic roles in these rituals imitate the power of deities in bringing about the renewal of the time of the cosmos. The interpenetration of the human imitation and cooperation with the deeds of the myth creates the dramatic character of the rituals.
Jesus "took on" the human form.
It was part of the kenosis, his emptying of himself.
Human form did not suddenly become the "image of God."
A key passage on this event is Philippians 2:6-7 (comments in [ ] are mine):
Philippians 2:6 who, [Christ], though he was in the form [Gk morphE] of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited,
Philippians 2:7 but emptied [Gk keno, from which English "kenosis" is derived] himself, taking the form of a slave (as Jesus, no longer The Christ), being born in human likeness [Gk homoiOma].
And being found in human form [Gk schEma], (returned to the son-of-man, again)