I said that human is Ape-like (not evolved from Apes)
It is against Quran to say that Adam was evolved from Apes
Wonderful! I was shocked at what I had thought you meant.
I said that human is Ape-like (not evolved from Apes)
It is against Quran to say that Adam was evolved from Apes
I said that human is Ape-like (not evolved from Apes)
It is against Quran to say that Adam was evolved from Apes
I think that Genesis 6:1-4 refers to other species of human, also Quran refers that Adam was not the 1st human:
Q 2:21. O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2).
Q 2:30. And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth." They said: "Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You." He (Allah) said: "I know that which you do not know."[/B]
Q 2:30. And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels:
... "Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth."
Whew! Let me know what is your question to which I haven't responded.
Quran is`nt a book of science, also God sent it primarily to uninformed bedouins, if you read all my posts here you will understand.I thought most Muslims believe that the Quran is in agreement with science and the natural world?
This is no longer the case?
Sure you know the history of Christianity and you know that thousands of people tried to explain the phenomenon of Jesus because Jesus departure was without giving any cut off/clear teachings to his followers/jews . All what you(Ps82) said is a concept like many concepts.A Christian owes all of their worship and honor unto the only ONE who can "save/rescue" them from this world of death and nature of imperfection/sin.
Only God, who created us can fix us. Only God can perform this miracle! Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; besides ME (God) there is no Savior.
So, you might ask: Why then do Christians praise and worship Jesus Christ? That's easy: Because He is God come as the Savior ... come into the world to rescue his children!
We worship our Lord Jesus because he was the form of God that was manifested in mortal flesh... and it was through that flesh that God felt pain and suffering ... was subjected to humiliation and scorn from men ... and tasted death of the body. We owe all worship and honor unto our fleshly Lord, because the Father LORD wants us to acknowledge him as our hero for all the things he endured in order to bring the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE unto us.
So, I had asked you a question, which I don't believe you have answered: Who is your Lord to you?
Because knowing the true identity of the LORD is key to knowing who you actually worship.
I've tried to explain who "the LORD" is to me. God created a living IMAGE for his personal use, then God used IT. God named IT - LORD (King James English) and the invisible ONE spiritual God manifested His presence within his own creation first as Father LORD ... (a super-natural form of his image - angelic by nature) ... and manifested IT again within his own creation as Son Lord ... (a natural form of his own image - flesh by nature) The bodily image named LORD only represents the ONE God (aka - the LORD, the LORD God).
Our Lord Jesus (God the Son) did not plan to stay and bring all processes to an end when he came as the savior.
He, being God, was not ready to end "children being born" unto him ... therefore, suffering and dying have continued unto this day... and it will continue until our Lord is ready to do away with, birthing, death, hell, sin, and the devil.
Our worship of "Our Lord Jesus, who is God as our promised Savior,"
a.) Gives glory to God the Father - who is our ONE God and ONE LORD who thought up his creation and this PLAN.
b.) Gives glory to God the Father... who had to watch his own image manifested of flesh suffer and die for us
c.) Gives glory to God the Father ... who had to personally endure hardships and taste death throughhis manifested fleshly image.
e.) Gives glory to God the Father because this is what he wants us to do. The ONE God glorified the Son ... so that the Son would glorify Him among men. God is not only our creator and judge, but is our friend and our hero... and is our future Lord and king and high priest forever forward.
He will come according to his will and will finally manifest all the things which he has already accomplished for us.
that God did`nt create Adam in His Image, because we are in the image of Ape and some of other animals(head,neck,upper limbs,trunk, and lower limbs) this image is designed for the life on the land
1-Do you believe that God has orifices?
Muslims believe that God contains the universe and exceeds more
2-do you believe that there are borders or margins to/for God?
Quran is`nt a book of science, also God sent it primarily to uninformed bedouins, if you read all my posts here you will understand.
Elisabeth, i dont know your belief(MJ)?
Sure you know the history of Christianity and you know that thousands of people tried to explain the phenomenon of Jesus because Jesus departure was without giving any cut off/clear teachings to his followers/jews . All what you(Ps82) said is a concept like many concepts.
Your verse does not specifically say that "those who were created before you" are "other men." The possibility is open for angels. Are there other verses within the same passages that links "other men" to "those created before"?.
Q 2:30-39 tell the story of Adam, in which God told the angels that He would replace a generation other than that on the earth, the angels said "Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood ",How the Angels did know that the new generation will make mischief? , this means that the Angels expected that the new generation will be like the old one but God should place them(Angels) instead of mankind because (they"mankind" will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we"angels" glorify You with praises and thanks ") Angels said. God said "I know that which you"Angels" do not know."As I read Q2:30 I saw no mention of any "other" humans... BUT I do see a reference to "angels."
The next phrase is very interesting, but it still does not mention "other" humans. Rather the sentence talks about the reproduction of generations and generations of the same human beings that were mentioned in Q2:21.
The angels did not know that the new generation(of Adam) will be higher(intelligent) than the old one(wild) but God did know, Q 2:31. And He taught Adam all the names (of everything) , then He showed them to the angels and said, "Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful."ie Adam generation has a good memory and can talk.Wow!
That last sentence is such a wonderful statement! Our scripture follows up with the answer to what it was that God knew that the Angels didn't know.
I Peter 1:3-12 (To save space, I'll try to paraphrase)
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus... who hath begotten us again unto a lively HOPE by the (demonstration of the) resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
unto an inheritance ... that fadeth not away ... (an inheritance) reserved in heaven for you (human beings).
(humans) who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation...(now since the suffering Christ are) ready to be revealed in the LAST TIME.
that the trial of your faith ... might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
receiving the end of your faith - even the salvation of your souls.
(These were things) of salvation of which the prophets have inquired and searched ... and who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you (from God)
They (the prophets of old) searched (the truth of these things) at the time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, ... when the Spirit of Christ (long) beforehand (long before the NT times) testified of the (predicted) sufferings of the Christ, and the glory that should follow (his time of suffering.)
Unto (the past prophets) whom it (the truth) was revealed, that not unto themselves (in their day), but unto us (who live since Christ came and suffered) they (the prophets) did minister the things, (these things) which are now reported unto you by them (the disciples and followers of Jesus) that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven (by our suffering Christ); which things the angels desire to look into (or desire to investigate).
Just wow, the angels did not understand God's plan for humanity. In your own verses God said that they did not know. Their not knowing and understanding made the angels question God's reasoning by asking:
"Will You (Most High God) place therein (on earth) those (men and their future descendants) who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we (angels) glorify You with praises and thanks?"
Well, the angels had the hearts and behaviors of men figured out pretty good... but they did not know the plans God had for man ... Plans that are the good news of the grace God would show unto mankind - even unto the salvation of the souls of the faithful.
It amazes me that, so far, the writings you have shown me match up with verses in my Bible so well. I had no idea that this would be true.
Hi egyptianmuslim,
Thanks for sharing your holy words. I enjoy searching through the ideas, and this is one of my favorite topics.
You conclude:
And shared your proof:
From my perspective this is what I see in your verses:
... who created you (O mankind) and those who were before you
In the last phrase of Q2:21 ... I see the probability that angelic beings were created before mankind. There is evidence of this in the Christian Bible. We know that Satan was originally Lucifer ... who was a very special super-natural being with specific and special responsibilities regarding the worship of the ONE God.
Your verse does not specifically say that "those who were created before you" are "other men." The possibility is open for angels. Are there other verses within the same passages that links "other men" to "those created before"?
As I read Q2:30 I saw no mention of any "other" humans... BUT I do see a reference to "angels."
The next phrase is very interesting, but it still does not mention "other" humans. Rather the sentence talks about the reproduction of generations and generations of the same human beings that were mentioned in Q2:21.
My Bible supports the truth that mankind reproduces by generation after generation, after generation ... etc.
Gen. 5:1 These are the generations of Adam
Gen. 6:9 ..... the generations of Noah
Gen. 10:1 ....the generations of the sons of
Gen. 10:32 ....the sons of Noah after their generations
Lev. 23:43 ... that your (future) generations may know that I made
All of these references refer to one generation of adults fathering future descendants. The use of "generation" does not infer "other types of human beings who didn't descend from Adam."
[/U]They (the angels) said: "Will You place therein those (men and their future descendants) who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we (angels) glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You [O Most High God] above all[the created angels and men] that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You." He (Allah) said (to the angels questioning Him): "I know that which you (angels) do not know."
That last sentence is such a wonderful statement! Our scripture follows up with the answer to what it was that God knew that the Angels didn't know.
I Peter 1:3-12 (To save space, I'll try to paraphrase)
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus... who hath begotten us again unto a lively HOPE by the (demonstration of the) resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
unto an inheritance ... that fadeth not away ... (an inheritance) reserved in heaven for you (human beings).
(humans) who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation...(now since the suffering Christ are) ready to be revealed in the LAST TIME.
that the trial of your faith ... might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
receiving the end of your faith - even the salvation of your souls.
(These were things) of salvation of which the prophets have inquired and searched ... and who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you (from God)
They (the prophets of old) searched (the truth of these things) at the time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, ... when the Spirit of Christ (long) beforehand (long before the NT times) testified of the (predicted) sufferings of the Christ, and the glory that should follow (his time of suffering.)
Unto (the past prophets) whom it (the truth) was revealed, that not unto themselves (in their day), but unto us (who live since Christ came and suffered) they (the prophets) did minister the things, (these things) which are now reported unto you by them (the disciples and followers of Jesus) that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven (by our suffering Christ); which things the angels desire to look into (or desire to investigate).
Just wow, the angels did not understand God's plan for humanity. In your own verses God said that they did not know. Their not knowing and understanding made the angels question God's reasoning by asking:
"Will You (Most High God) place therein (on earth) those (men and their future descendants) who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we (angels) glorify You with praises and thanks?"
Well, the angels had the hearts and behaviors of men figured out pretty good... but they did not know the plans God had for man ... Plans that are the good news of the grace God would show unto mankind - even unto the salvation of the souls of the faithful.
It amazes me that, so far, the writings you have shown me match up with verses in my Bible so well. I had no idea that this would be true.
The few verses you are examining seem to agree with Evolution in that it suggests that other creatures before man are the links we have to apes and all the life further down the Tree of Life from which we branched off 7 million years ago:
Good evening Ps82
ِThose questions tried to tell you that God did`nt create Adam in His Image, because we are in the image of Ape and some of other animals(head,neck,upper limbs,trunk, and lower limbs) this image is designed for the life on the land
1-Do you believe that God has orifices?
Muslims believe that God contains the universe and exceeds more
2-do you believe that there are borders or margins to/for God?
That is not what I was suggesting. Any "other creatures" ... are to me angelic beings.
A major problem with your chart:
Jared is Enoch's father, not his cousin.
Well, it is the picture I get from reading the holy writings of the men unto whom God came with words of truth ... both the OT and NT.
You and I will probably never agree on things because I don't believe we accept each others holy writings. And from some things you have said, I'm not sure you accept all the things in your holy writings.????
Of course there is a great match between Quran and Bible( OT and the Gospel)It's sad that we are each looking for truth, but we aren't using the same WORD.
Even after I was able to show you that some of the verses you shared were quite compatible to verses and truths revealed within my Bible, you do not want to admit that they match.
God is the creator, He is One, His Characters is superior to any thing, we should do his commandmentsWithout common ground we cannot come to terms on what we know about God.
BUT, I've enjoyed our conversation anyway.
"...the express image of his person...(Hebrews 1:3).
In this case the writer of Hebrews is expressing Jesus' substantial quality and nature of God. Of God's spirit, but also of His character. When I see Jesus through the gospel I am seeing God. When Jesus speaks to me through His gospel it is actually God speaking to me. "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things" (Hebrews 1:2).