What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
Nothing is in likeness with God even if He says My Hand He is the Only One who knows what he says
Does God exist/dwell in any side of the universe?

If only God knows what he says ... or understands what he means ... or can comprehend what is written about him ... then why did God ever bother to speak to humans and angels?

Is not the purpose of speaking to others an attempt at communication?

Does God want to communicate to humans or not?
If he does ...who are we to say that he failed?

If he does want to communicate, and knows what he is saying, and tells us the truth, then we need to ask ourselves: What is he telling us that he wants us to know?

I believe that God is a great communicator ... I believe he means what he has said through his prophets ... through his preserved "written word"... and so forth; so, I read to try to understand and find truth. Yes, even about Him.


New member
The Book is`nt the original word of God it is like a scientist who tries to explain his knowledge to uninformed man the scientist should/may give examples(mimics) from the life of uninformed man that may modify the truth.

Your bottom line is that Truth is your God, right?

There is only what is the Truth and everything that is not.
even things you understand about this Allah are reqwuired to be the Truth, agreed?

Truth is the savior for men who must think to survive.
The lie leads tham ti filure and destruction.
Their salvation is in Truth, hence the god.

Do you agree?

Is Allah "Truth," or otherwise?


New member
... so, I read to try to understand and find truth.

So then you understand that Truth is your lord, the god you quest for and seek.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, “I am the (personification of the ideal), Truth,…
… the way, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me, (i.e.; Truth).


New member
Your bottom line is that Truth is your God, right?

There is only what is the Truth and everything that is not.
even things you understand about this Allah are reqwuired to be the Truth, agreed?

Truth is the savior for men who must think to survive.
The lie leads tham ti filure and destruction.
Their salvation is in Truth, hence the god.

Do you agree?

Is Allah "Truth," or otherwise?

You dont understand what i wrote.
The origininal word of God is`nt the Book(Bible or Quran) ............. read my post again esp. Quranic verse.


Well-known member
The heart should encourage the mind to think, to examine, to know but not to accept.
Is the feeling of express image of God(Jesus) part of the duty/ritual in Christianity??
Is the image of Jesus imaginary or real?who did draw it?
What do you mean by the word hope?

Hi Egyptianmuslim,
By hope ... if was referring to what my Bible says about my SEEING My Lord one day ... face to face... where I will be his child for ever after.

For me "this present life under the sun" is but a fleeting time span... filled with troubles (due to our mortality) and heart aches (due to the hardness of men's hearts) ... but I can get through this time of long suffering because I have the faith and the hope that God will fulfill his promises to those who honor him.

The concept regarding the "Image of God" comes from our holy writings. Besides the simple clear definition of the word "IMAGE" being: Something that can be seen with the human eye ... scripture also backs up the truth that God created an image for his personal use to enter into this world. With the use of other words and phrases that refer to His showing up we find truth substanciated.
Created man after our IMAGEGen. 1:26-26; in the image of God made He man Gen.9:6

The LORD talked and walked with mankind within the cool of the day. Gen.2

They hid themselves from the presence of the LORD Gen. 2

And Cain was sent out from (away from) the presence of the LORD.

Enoch walked with God and then he was not; for God took him.

The LORD appearedunto Abram Gen. 12:7;Gen.17:1;Gen. 18:1 quote: "And the LORD appeared unto him (Abram) in the plains of Mamre: and he(the LORD) sat in the tent door in the heat of the day." (BTW, the rest of the details of this event shows that it was honestly The LORD who sat in that tent doorway in the heat of the day ... and not Abram.)

And the WORD of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision (in a vision people SEE things super-naturally!) Gen.15:1

And the Angel (something that can be seen) of the LORD said unto her (Hagar) ... and Hagar said: Also here (in this place) I looked after the God that seeth me."
IOW ... she looked upon (saw) the God who is able to look upon (see) her.

And unto Isaac he appeared Gen. 26:23

And on and on I could go ... I will share with you other terms that refer to God's created visible bodily form: God's Glory or the Glory of the Lord ... His presence ... the body of heaven in His clearness ... the image, the first born of all creatures (Colossians 1:15)

People who are looking for God see him appearing as the presence of the LORD all through scripture ... but those (even Christians) who deny this to be possible are not looking for him and do not see the truth as written... instead they often dance around with words and their meanings... even changing meanings to suit their theology. I simply read and believe that God is telling me the truth.

If you ever get the feeling that people are dancing around with clear speaking words ... that is when you should beware of what they are teaching.

When you wrote this I was thrilled:

The heart should encourage the mind to think, to examine, to know but not to accept.

Until I got to the last phrase: to know BUT NOT accept. Those two ideas don't logically go together.

Once you KNOW that you know that you know then you should accept. Your goal studying God's holy word is not seek and not accept, but to seek and FIND.


Well-known member
So then you understand that Truth is your lord, the god you quest for and seek.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, “I am the (personification of the ideal), Truth,…
… the way, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me, (i.e.; Truth).

Sure... I have read and I have found... I know The LORD/My Lord.

I even know how people come unto the Father LORD by WAY of My Lord.
I understand how Jesus was the WAY.
I understand why he is the TRUTH.
I understand why he is the LIFE.
Why he is the LIGHT of the World.
Why he is considered the WORD of God, who was God and was with God as well.
I know why he is called The ROCK of our salvation.
I understand how he is the corner stone and the capstone.
I know that he was the "exceeding great reward" promised unto Abraham.
I know how God manifested himself as a human being and as the super-natural Father.
I know that I have a personal relationship with my savior.

Plus some other things as well.


New member
If only God knows what he says ... or understands what he means ... or can comprehend what is written about him ... then why did God ever bother to speak to humans and angels?

Is not the purpose of speaking to others an attempt at communication?

Does God want to communicate to humans or not?
If he does ...who are we to say that he failed?

If he does want to communicate, and knows what he is saying, and tells us the truth, then we need to ask ourselves: What is he telling us that he wants us to know?

I believe that God is a great communicator ... I believe he means what he has said through his prophets ... through his preserved "written word"... and so forth; so, I read to try to understand and find truth. Yes, even about Him.
You do`nt understand me.
God is the greatest communicator but we ar`nt good receptors.
If a patient ask his doctor what is the coronary atherosclerosis? the doctor`s answer will not like his answer in medical exam. because the patient has no any medical background. likewise we have no any background about immaterials(other life) thus God make imitations(like my hand or my eye)
You said that God created Adam in His Image, Do you know that Adam is`nt the 1st human on the land and human is Ape-like?
what is the human image in the Eye of God is it one or multi-dimentional?why?


Well-known member
You do`nt understand me.
God is the greatest communicator but we ar`nt good receptors.
If a patient ask his doctor what is the coronary atherosclerosis? the doctor`s answer will not like his answer in medical exam. because the patient has no any medical background. likewise we have no any background about immaterials(other life) thus God make imitations(like my hand or my eye)
You said that God created Adam in His Image, Do you know that Adam is`nt the 1st human on the land and human is Ape-like?
what is the human image in the Eye of God is it one or multi-dimentional?why?

Well, now I think I've learned something interesting about your beliefs. I'm surprised, but you accept the theory of evolution. I believe that God created the first man (our ancestor) Adam.
I don't believe that God evolved him from an ape. Father Abraham did not have a great... grandaddy ape.

This is what I believe that, at some point, an invisible God decided to create visible things. He created everything by himself and for himself. Part of his great plan was to have a family of children and part of that plan included that he would one day fellowship with his family forever forward in a prepared place or a kingdom.

According to our holy writings God chose to have his children look like him. While God had created angelic creatures with multiple heads and hooves and as a mixture of human like features and animal like features. Yet, it seems He wanted his kingdom children to look like him when the time came to dwell as a family.

As far as understanding God's word, most Christians believe in the promise that the Holy Spirit of God will help us understand what God wants us to know if we just seek him... I accept this. (Though it is amusing how differently some of us think these days on TOL.)

From a personal testimony, which is real for me ... I learned something first hand from the Holy Spirit in me. I was praying or talking with God about life, actually, whining a good bit.
Something like this:
Lord, why is life so hard? Why all the suffering, heart aches, turmoil and hate, sickness and death... I mean I was listing all sorts of worldly troubles and on a role with my whining about WHY it was all continuing. I, suddenly asked: "If Jesus has completed his work on the cross, then why is there still suffering? Why aren't things already perfected?"
Out of no where as still small voice, called my name and said: "I waited on you!"

Now, one might think that this would make to "all puffed up" about myself, but actually the opposite was the result, because scripture began to flood my mind and pieces began to come together.

God was growing himself a family. His first command for mankind was to multiply and reproduce. When death entered the world due to "the sin" in the Garden, then God made death a process taking place over time, so that birthing of children could continue to take place over time... therefore salvation also is a process taking place over time. By making all three of these things processes then God allows for the completion of his family to take place. God waiting on me to be born, he waited on you, egyptianmuslim, he has waited and still is waiting on more of his children to be born unto him.

I began to praise God for his wisdom and mercy. I thanked him for waiting on me ...and my children and my grand children. And I stated that with his help I would make it through this time of long suffering and it would all be worth it in order to spend eternity with him and my loved one for ever after in his kingdom.

Now, when I start to whine ... I can't continue ... because I know that I know that it is God's mercy that he is waiting to finish all things. It is amazing how our Lord can hush our mouths with such wise short statements followed by revelation knowledge.

Must go. I'm enjoying our conversation and our sharing or beliefs.

elisabeth e

New member
Pretty simply. In that instance "Adam" in Hebrew means "mankind."

"Them" is adam and eve. It even says so. "Male and female" "created" "He"

Though we are apes, the bible does not imply this.


New member
Well, now I think I've learned something interesting about your beliefs. I'm surprised, but you accept the theory of evolution. I believe that God created the first man (our ancestor) Adam.
I don't believe that God evolved him from an ape. Father Abraham did not have a great... grandaddy ape.

This is what I believe that, at some point, an invisible God decided to create visible things. He created everything by himself and for himself. Part of his great plan was to have a family of children and part of that plan included that he would one day fellowship with his family forever forward in a prepared place or a kingdom.

According to our holy writings God chose to have his children look like him. While God had created angelic creatures with multiple heads and hooves and as a mixture of human like features and animal like features. Yet, it seems He wanted his kingdom children to look like him when the time came to dwell as a family.

As far as understanding God's word, most Christians believe in the promise that the Holy Spirit of God will help us understand what God wants us to know if we just seek him... I accept this. (Though it is amusing how differently some of us think these days on TOL.)

From a personal testimony, which is real for me ... I learned something first hand from the Holy Spirit in me. I was praying or talking with God about life, actually, whining a good bit.
Something like this:
Lord, why is life so hard? Why all the suffering, heart aches, turmoil and hate, sickness and death... I mean I was listing all sorts of worldly troubles and on a role with my whining about WHY it was all continuing. I, suddenly asked: "If Jesus has completed his work on the cross, then why is there still suffering? Why aren't things already perfected?"
Out of no where as still small voice, called my name and said: "I waited on you!"

Now, one might think that this would make to "all puffed up" about myself, but actually the opposite was the result, because scripture began to flood my mind and pieces began to come together.

God was growing himself a family. His first command for mankind was to multiply and reproduce. When death entered the world due to "the sin" in the Garden, then God made death a process taking place over time, so that birthing of children could continue to take place over time... therefore salvation also is a process taking place over time. By making all three of these things processes then God allows for the completion of his family to take place. God waiting on me to be born, he waited on you, egyptianmuslim, he has waited and still is waiting on more of his children to be born unto him.

I began to praise God for his wisdom and mercy. I thanked him for waiting on me ...and my children and my grand children. And I stated that with his help I would make it through this time of long suffering and it would all be worth it in order to spend eternity with him and my loved one for ever after in his kingdom..

I appreciate all what you said, you are a nice good Christian.
Do you deny existing of a human/man before Adam?
Ps, the differance between you and me is that you construct /originate your belief from the Bible but i originate my beliefs from free thinking (but usually i find the result is identical to Quran), i believe that God is`nt comparable with human or any of His creature, I asked you many times Q about God you did`nt give answers do you know why because God is`nt comparable to anythings. Human is`nt like the car, we ar`nt in the Image of God, Jesus is`nt the express image of God Who does`nt live in one part/side of the universe but He contains the universe ,how, i dont know because i do`nt know the borders of the universe can you tell me the after of that borders?. The greatest differance between Islam and Christianity is that you minimise God making Him like a man but Islam enlarges God till unknowledge of Him(above our thoughts). We are slaves of God working in His gardens/lands.

Now, when I start to whine ... I can't continue ... because I know that I know that it is God's mercy that he is waiting to finish all things. It is amazing how our Lord can hush our mouths with such wise short statements followed by revelation knowledge.
Must go. I'm enjoying our conversation and our sharing or beliefs
Do you know what is the duty of the Muslim?
1- Correct believing in God (not minimising Him "like making Him as His creatures")
2- Doing right works(commandments of God)
3- Be merciful toward God`s creatures and fighting the corrupts(the people or any thing who corrupts the nature of the things)

Can you tell me what is the duty of the Christian?


Well-known member
How do you explain Gen 5:2?

Gen 5:2 Male and female created he THEM; and blessed THEM, and called THEIR name Adam, (a species?), in the day when THEY were created.


I agree that Adam ... is a word for mankind ... and I believe that the genetic code for all of humanity was contained within the DNA of male and female. Yes, this does make the pronoun THEM appropriate.

Genesis one reveals that God established the human race and was to use a male and a female to bring it forth, but I believe that in the beginning stages male and female were spirits. I believe that God, with his omni-awareness ability knew every human being that might ever be born for all humanity was created at that moment ... just not all were manifested within the world. That was to happen over time. This also explains how God knew individuals before they were born or conceived.

Genesis two explains that God using the elements of creation, which he called "ground," gave humanity ONE visible bodily form and IT was made after God's own IMAGE. IT was the presence of a male body. Female was still invisible at first, but was later manifested separately within the world having her own unique body ... and after her manifestation reproduction began.

Yes, I believe from the evidence I've found in Genesis that reproduction began within the Garden. I also have concluded that more than likely only sons were born unto male and Woman while within the Garden.

This explains the "sons of God" who left the Garden and came naturally unto the daughters of men (daughters, who were ultimately born unto male and female outside of the Garden) and had human children with them. Children, who ultimately became men of renown upon the earth.

Some pondering in this paragraph:
I have not pursued any study of exactly when Adam and female began producing daughters ... but I wonder whether daughters might have come first ... and these would have been the early wives of these "sons of God." They took their wives and started family tribes of their own. This would explain why either Adam or Eve finally exclaimed with joy when Cain was finally born, "I have gotten a man from the LORD." It wasn't that they did not know what a man child was ... for they knew one when they saw one ... but rather may have been that Cain was the first male born outside of the Garden.

These "Genesis 6- sons of God" born unto male and female in the Garden ... were doing what came naturally to them. After all, God had commanded mankind (male and female) to cleave and multiply and reproduce.
Even Adam understood the reality of God's command and explained it rather well for us:
Genesis 2:24
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall become one - flesh.

God commanded it and Adam understood it. I wonder why people today have so much trouble getting it.

These "sons of God" born in the Garden left the presence of the Lord and found wives and then had human children. God was not happy that they chose to leave the Garden and stated His aggravation with men (mankind), because of THEIR continued rejection of being in a relationship with Him as THEIR Lord. Never once does God mention in Gen. 6 that He was angry with some angels. He was only angry with MEN.

God does not tell us in scripture that Angels were ever given a command (an ability) to reproduce or multiply with females. Only humans were to reproduce after their own flesh.

BTW, I can show you in detail ... where my conclusions match truth within scripture - except the pondering paragraph.


New member
The greatest differance between Islam and Christianity is that you minimise God, making Him like a man, but Islam enlarges God till unknowledge of Him(above our thoughts).

This failed logic was the basis for Mohammed's rejection of christian teachings.
But he did not understand the gospel.

The New Testament makes Truth our God.

The Spirit of Truth can enter into our mind.
Truth has a Father who is the Force behind the ever unfolding Reality that sires Truth in His wake.

These rhree ideas are the essenc of the trinity.
Each concept, father, spirit, son is synonymous.


New member
Pretty simply. In that instance "Adam" in Hebrew means "mankind."

"Them" is adam and eve. It even says so. "Male and female" "created" "He"

Though we are apes, the bible does not imply this.

The Bible actually does imply that we have evolved from apes (as science says), since the clear factual enumeration of 22 links in the ascent of three racial stocks of man, flooding Out-of-Africa 40 thousand years of "days and nights" ago when all Neanderhals went extinct is exactly what Science has discovered to be true:




The Last Human: A Guide to Twenty-Two Species of Extinct Humans
by G.J.Sawyer, (Author)



Well-known member
Good afternoon egyptianmuslim,
You asked me:
Do you deny existing of a human/man before Adam?

Yes, I do. I know that God may have created the angels before us... such as the ones we read about in scripture. God might have also created other beings of which I am not aware. After all, my Bible is a history of mankind as we know it. I believe that people as I know them all came from one ancestor and this was male/female = Adam.

I do not believe that there are two groups of people on earth ... such as those human who descended from humans and those who are just evolved apes. Even though people some times do act like apes.

But the God of the Christians is a God who created humanity for a purpose and part of that purpose is to make us his family. Any Father likes it when his sons and daughters favor him. Our God created an image for himself and the chose to have his children favor him ... so, he shared his likeness with their ancestor. We know him as Adam (the first of created humanity).

However, I do believe that there were sons born unto male and female while they were in the Garden. These sons born unto male and female could be considered "sons of God." They were the "sons of God" from Genesis 6 that left the Garden and came unto daughters of Adam and Eve upon the earth (outside of the Garden)

Yet, even they (these sons of God) naturally had children that became men of renown upon the earth. IOW, they were men in the first place and their wives were human as well ... and their children were humans as well.

Pondering possibilities here ... without evidence:
I theorized that by the time Cain and Abel came along that it was unto these groups of people that Cain went to find a wive and to live among when he was sent away from his dad and mom.

Your strategy for studying is:
Ps, the differance between you and me is that you construct /originate your belief from the Bible but i originate my beliefs from free thinking

You are correct about me ... and yet I keep an open mind as I study, and sometimes I draw different conclusions from other people.

You wrote:
i believe that God is`nt comparable with human or any of His creature, I asked you many times Q about God you did`nt give answers do you know why because God is`nt comparable to anythings.

I thought I was very thorough. Which of your questions about God have I not answered?

Human is`nt like the car, we ar`nt in the Image of God, Jesus is`nt the express image of God Who does`nt live in one part/side of the universe but He contains the universe ,how, i dont know because i do`nt know the borders of the universe can you tell me the after of that borders?.

Whew, you covered a lot of territory in that paragraph. I agree that a human is not a car, but regarding the Image of God: We are created in the likeness and after the Image belonging to God. I believe this for two reasons:
1.) Scripture tells me so and I accept scripture as God's inspired truth.
2.) When I study scripture, the conclusions I find in it are compatible with what I see within this world; so, evidence from one seems to substantiate the other.

You wrote:
The greatest differance between Islam and Christianity is that you minimise God making Him like a man but Islam enlarges God till unknowledge of Him(above our thoughts)
. We are slaves of God working in His gardens/lands.

I don't say God is like a man ... I say God chose to created an image for himself and it was created just like he wanted it to look. The reason I know what God's created presence looks like is because God said that he did this: Genesis 1:26-17
"Let's make man in our IMAGE and after our likeness..."
So God created man in His Own Image, in the image of God created He (God) him (the first human); male and female created He (God) them(male and female humans).

For me this is the truth. God was not made AFTER MAN'S IMAGE ... but just the opposite. God graciously shared HIS LIKENESS and IMAGE with humanity. God doesn't look like us ... but we favor His presence! God had his created image FIRST.

Colossians 1:15 tells us that the Image of or belonging to God, was the first born of all creatures!

You wrote:
Do you know what is the duty of the Muslim?
1- Correct believing in God (not minimising Him "like making Him as His creatures")
2- Doing right works(commandments of God)
3- Be merciful toward God`s creatures and fighting the corrupts(the people or any thing who corrupts the nature of the things)

Well, those things all sound very humble and many Christians would join in with the same goals. I believe in following God's guidelines for a life that pleases him ... I love animals. I believe that we should worship no other gods before the ONE true God. But I understand that my salvation is not "all about ME." I owe everything to My God, who planned the way for me to be rescued from my imperfections. In other words - A WAY for me to be "saved" and made righteous so that I can dwell eternally in his perfected kingdom. The Savior is THAT WAY. Our Lord Jesus the Savior was God coming to bring us The TRUTH, The WAY, and the LIFE.

Only God fits the bill for being the ONE who can provide The honest TRUTH ... the miraculous WAY for our perfected righteousness ... and the extra measure of LIFE to take us into eternity. In the NT our Lord God the Son (aka Lord Jesus) said that HE was all three of these things ... and in the OT our LORD God said: I (God), even I am the LORD (The LORD God), beside ME there is no savior.

Our Lord Jesus is God appearing in flesh. And God made this possible by creating an image for himself before the world was ... and, as God the creator of everything, was able to manifest his image of the essence of flesh to become The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE for us. This is so easy to understand and even nature supports this truth. Just look at what God did to created Adam and give him a visible body. If we see that God could do such a creative thing for Adam (humanity), then who is man to tell God that He could do this sort of thing for Himself - first?

To say that God allowed people to evolve from another creature such as apes ... is an insult to God's intelligence and mocks his ability to create wisely and with perfection in the first place. To call other human beings apes is an insult to God and His own image. BTW, if apes naturally evolve into human beings ... then why hasn't this process continued. Where are these apes that are in process now?
Now, even though, every once in awhile I'd like to insult someone and call them an ape ... yet, I do understand that this insult is not the truth.

You also asked:
Can you tell me what is the duty of the Christian?

A Christian owes all of their worship and honor unto the only ONE who can "save/rescue" them from this world of death and nature of imperfection/sin.

Only God, who created us can fix us. Only God can perform this miracle! Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; besides ME (God) there is no Savior.

So, you might ask: Why then do Christians praise and worship Jesus Christ? That's easy: Because He is God come as the Savior ... come into the world to rescue his children!

We worship our Lord Jesus because he was the form of God that was manifested in mortal flesh... and it was through that flesh that God felt pain and suffering ... was subjected to humiliation and scorn from men ... and tasted death of the body. We owe all worship and honor unto our fleshly Lord, because the Father LORD wants us to acknowledge him as our hero for all the things he endured in order to bring the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE unto us.

So, I had asked you a question, which I don't believe you have answered: Who is your Lord to you?
Because knowing the true identity of the LORD is key to knowing who you actually worship.

I've tried to explain who "the LORD" is to me. God created a living IMAGE for his personal use, then God used IT. God named IT - LORD (King James English) and the invisible ONE spiritual God manifested His presence within his own creation first as Father LORD ... (a super-natural form of his image - angelic by nature) ... and manifested IT again within his own creation as Son Lord ... (a natural form of his own image - flesh by nature) The bodily image named LORD only represents the ONE God (aka - the LORD, the LORD God).

Our Lord Jesus (God the Son) did not plan to stay and bring all processes to an end when he came as the savior.

He, being God, was not ready to end "children being born" unto him ... therefore, suffering and dying have continued unto this day... and it will continue until our Lord is ready to do away with, birthing, death, hell, sin, and the devil.

Our worship of "Our Lord Jesus, who is God as our promised Savior,"
a.) Gives glory to God the Father - who is our ONE God and ONE LORD who thought up his creation and this PLAN.
b.) Gives glory to God the Father... who had to watch his own image manifested of flesh suffer and die for us
c.) Gives glory to God the Father ... who had to personally endure hardships and taste death throughhis manifested fleshly image.
e.) Gives glory to God the Father because this is what he wants us to do. The ONE God glorified the Son ... so that the Son would glorify Him among men. God is not only our creator and judge, but is our friend and our hero... and is our future Lord and king and high priest forever forward.

He will come according to his will and will finally manifest all the things which he has already accomplished for us.

Whew! Let me know what is your question to which I haven't responded.


New member
However, I do believe that there were sons born unto male and female while they were in the Garden.

These sons born unto male and female could be considered "sons of God."


That would contradict sripture.

We read that both Cain and Abel are born after Adam and Eve are locked out of the garden.

Genesis 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.

2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.


Well-known member

That would contradict sripture.

We read that both Cain and Abel are born after Adam and Eve are locked out of the garden.

Genesis 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.

2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Do you ever wonder where Cain found a wife? I guess wevhave to assume that years passed and Adam and Eve had many more children than recorded.

elisabeth e

New member
since the clear factual enumeration of 22 links in the ascent of three racial stocks of man, flooding Out-of-Africa 40 thousand years of "days and nights" ago when all Neanderhals went extinct is exactly what Science has discovered to be true:

Not science.

In paleontology with have many more than 22 species of hominids.

In genetics, there are no racial stocks. There are no races.

In 2012, even Christopher Stringer challenges his 20-year-old Out of Africa theory in a new book: http://us.macmillan.com/lonesurvivors/ChrisStringer

In radiometric dating, Neanderthals and other species were around much more recently than 40,000 years ago.

The disciplines of science do not support your claims.


New member
Good afternoon egyptianmuslim,
You asked me:

Yes, I do. I know that God may have created the angels before us... such as the ones we read about in scripture. God might have also created other beings of which I am not aware. After all, my Bible is a history of mankind as we know it. I believe that people as I know them all came from one ancestor and this was male/female = Adam.

I do not believe that there are two groups of people on earth ... such as those human who descended from humans and those who are just evolved apes. Even though people some times do act like apes.

But the God of the Christians is a God who created humanity for a purpose and part of that purpose is to make us his family. Any Father likes it when his sons and daughters favor him. Our God created an image for himself and the chose to have his children favor him ... so, he shared his likeness with their ancestor. We know him as Adam (the first of created humanity).

However, I do believe that there were sons born unto male and female while they were in the Garden. These sons born unto male and female could be considered "sons of God." They were the "sons of God" from Genesis 6 that left the Garden and came unto daughters of Adam and Eve upon the earth (outside of the Garden)

Yet, even they (these sons of God) naturally had children that became men of renown upon the earth. IOW, they were men in the first place and their wives were human as well ... and their children were humans as well.

Pondering possibilities here ... without evidence:
I theorized that by the time Cain and Abel came along that it was unto these groups of people that Cain went to find a wive and to live among when he was sent away from his dad and mom.

Your strategy for studying is:.
I think that Genesis 6:1-4 refers to other species of human, also Quran refers that Adam was not the 1st human:

Q 2:21. O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2).

Q 2:30. And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth." They said: "Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You." He (Allah) said: "I know that which you do not know."


New member
To say that God allowed people to evolve from another creature such as apes ... is an insult to God's intelligence and mocks his ability to create wisely and with perfection in the first place. To call other human beings apes is an insult to God and His own image. BTW, if apes naturally evolve into human beings ... then why hasn't this process continued. Where are these apes that are in process now?
Now, even though, every once in awhile I'd like to insult someone and call them an ape ... yet, I do understand that this insult is not the truth.
I said that human is Ape-like (not evolved from Apes)
It is against Quran to say that Adam was evolved from Apes