What is the express image of God?


New member
I don't remember reading in these books that Uranus had some sort of role to play in reading them. But I became curious about that point with Dave's comments.

For instance, I could probably give you a summary of what is told of God's plans as read within Leo and Aquarius by using this book.

I still haven't figured out if Dave thinks that Uranus should be worshiped as God ... or that he thinks Moses saw Uranus within a particular constellation, and that Moses knew about the ancient accounts of stories written within them and understood that God was about to reveal himself ... and that HE actually did at the event when HE spoke to Moses from within the bush that was not consumed.

Dave seems to insinuate that from that point forward the ancient Egyptian myths began to fade away ... and the acceptance of the ONE real God began to increase.

Now, I would never accept the worship of Uranus ... and I do believe that scripture bears out that the image of God, named LORD, did appear to Moses within the fire/light of the bush and spoke to him.

Dave seems to believe that God spoke to Moses ... but just didn't also appear.

Hi mr. 82.

What I am saying is that like the Cross, today, the Planets represented the Gods that were worshipped before the time of Moses.
A complex mythology which included Constellations as "houses for Gods/goddesses," a dozen, which were under the influence of the seven planets was a world wide phenomenon.

Exodus is telling us in an indirect way that Moses, a trained astronomer (who had attended the schools reserved for the household of Pharaohs), knew all about Astronomy.
On a high mountain, in a remote areas, on clear nights, Moses had the opportunity (and no doubt the bored state of his mind otherwise), to watch the stars.

Seeing that never-before-recognized Uranus would have send thoughts racing through his mind.
He held in his power scientific evidence that supported a whole new religion; an argument which none of Pharaoh's wise men or seers could dispel.

Planets move slowly through all the signs of the zodiac, they all understood.
The stars that compose the constellations do not move
Stars are fixed in a pattern that can be sketched by connecting the many stars as if dots.
These lines in the sketch are that burning (star light) bush and its branches.

It was through those "branches" that Uranus could be seen moving very very slowly.

Also, I believe God did speak to Moses at that same moment, because the Kingdom of God is within.
The whole of Exodus as it relates to what God says and Moses says is really internal and mental, because God is a spirit, not a man.

This hypothesis explains how an old man, like Moses, could have gotten away with confronting and debating and contradicting a Pharaoh and all his wise men.
Moses had scientific proof about a God unknown to Egypt, Pharaoh, all the court advisers, and the entire world.

But I believe the story supports the additional insight that Moses had Aaron and a growing body of other Jews who were pointing out the planet to everyone.
Killing or silencing Moses would have been to no avail.
The "fly" was loose and gathering converts.

Exod. 8:21 Else, if thou wilt not let my people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies upon thee, (pestering the people of Egypt with questions about Uranus), and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thy houses, (door to door, awakening them our Hebrew God, Jehovah's witnesses to them): and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of (Jehovah's witnesses), flies, and also the ground (in the public places of the communities) whereon they are.

Exod. 8:22 And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no swarms (pestering the people) of flies shall be there (because the Jews will rejoice in the sightings); to the end thou mayest know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth.

Exod. 8:23 And I will put a (religious) division between my people (of Judaism) and thy people (of Aten-Re): tomorrow shall this sign be, (Jehovah's witnesses, everywhere).

Exod. 8:29 And Moses said, Behold, I go out from thee, and I will entreat the LORD that the swarms of (proselytizing) flies may depart from Pharaoh, (Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV, 1379-1362 BC), from his servants, and from his people, tomorrow: but let not Pharaoh, (Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV, 1379-1362 BC), deal deceitfully any more in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the LORD.

Pharaoh reasoned wisely, that controlling Moses and this growing religion within the Egyptian religion was the safer course.
But things just got more and more out of hand.

In the end, all Egypt became monotheistic as recent archeology has verified:

Exod. 7:10 And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, (Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV, 1379-1362 BC), and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, (Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV, 1379-1362 BC), and before his servants, and it became a serpent (of the science of that day, even startling them in their contemplation of the astronomical facts he was about to announce).


Exod. 7:11 Then Pharaoh, (Akhenaten or Amenhotep IV, 1379-1362 BC), also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did (argue) in like manner with their enchantments (and attempted denials of this discovery made by Moses, of the unseen planet Uranus, a new God in the world's religions).


Exod. 7:12 For they cast down every man his rod (of scientific astronomical authority) and they became serpents (of scientific truth insisting that Uranus was a mere star): but Aaron's rod, (including the seven planets already known), swallowed up their rods (of scientific jargon by insisting Uranus was a wandering star which changed its alignment among the Constellations).


Aaron moved his fist across the hand of the twelve constellations arguing that his Planet was a wanderer among the fixed stars.


New member
1) It isn't rational to conclude that Moses discovered Uranus when there is no mention of Uranus by Judaism, either.

2) You would have to know what year David wants his claims to apply to and then transverse backwards until you reach the specific constellation that Uranus was in for that time period.

When Flamsteen was making his star catalogue he had documented Uranus as 34 Tauri in 1690. He documented it again on 5 other occassions, never realizing it was a planet, not a star.

2 times he had documented it in the Taurus constellation and then in 1715 he had documented it another four times as a star in the Leo constellation as it slowly moved position in the night sky. It again was discovered in 1756, but in the the Aquarius constellation



1) My very point is that YHVH, "I am," is what the Jews in 1352 were calling Uranus.Surely you do not think they would have used the word Uranus for the sighting if this Unseen God,.... right???

2) In 1352AD, from Cairo, Egypt, the planet Uranus was above the horizon in the night sky from dusk at @6PM until early morning at 3AM, a pefect opportunity for Moses to have spotted it:



Well-known member
Well, Dave you are talking way over my head with your ideas that are new to me.

All I know is that people did worship the creation as gods ... such as the sun, moon, stars, and maybe even planets. I do accept the fact that there are ancient stories written of God's plans within the history of the ancient constellations.

The reason I believe this is because I had a dream about one ... before I had ever even thought about such things ... and friends helped me find my dream on star maps ... and led me to a book that explained the significance of my dream.

Yet, when I study God ... I use my KJV Bible, and I'm not familiar with the figurative language that you use ... and not your charts either. However, I have found that there is enough truth in my Bible for me to comprehend things of the ONE God.

It pleases me to know that you believe this:
Also, I believe God did speak to Moses at that same moment, because the Kingdom of God is within.

On this point we can agree ... that God is real ... and can speak to human beings within - as spirit speaks to spirit.

I appreciate reading of new ideas that might open up my understanding of God ... but I'll be honest some of your ideas are still a bit confusing to me.

I check out your comments and continue to ponder your thoughts.

BTW, just so you will know ... I'm a "she."


Well-known member

1) My very point is that YHVH, "I am," is what the Jews in 1352 were calling Uranus.Surely you do not think they would have used the word Uranus for the sighting if this Unseen God,.... right???

2) In 1352AD, from Cairo, Egypt, the planet Uranus was above the horizon in the night sky from dusk at @6PM until early morning at 3AM, a pefect opportunity for Moses to have spotted it:


Hi Dave, me again. I have a brother who has studied books that relate to your thinking. He tries to tie in scripture with these books. I have a hard time trying to follow his theories like I am having with yours. I think I see what your saying then I realize I don't. Its not your fault friend for most of my attention is given to scriptures and I am limited as to what I understand. I have read that there were many folks at the time of Jesus birth that looked for the star of Bethleham. The wise men for exmple, were folks that belived that the stars tell us a story. Makes me wish I got into it deeper when I was younger.



New member
Hi Dave, me again. I have a brother who has studied books that relate to your thinking. He tries to tie in scripture with these books. I have a hard time trying to follow his theories like I am having with yours. I think I see what your saying then I realize I don't. Its not your fault friend for most of my attention is given to scriptures and I am limited as to what I understand. I have read that there were many folks at the time of Jesus birth that looked for the star of Bethleham. The wise men for exmple, were folks that belived that the stars tell us a story. Makes me wish I got into it deeper when I was younger.


I must tell you both, Ps82 included, that I apprciate your democratic behavior and sane ability to tolerate ideas foreign to things already rather set in your mind.
What I present in these interpretations is a rational and factual based way of understanding the Exodus story.
It explains such things as why a Pharaoh and a whole ruling party in Egypt would have tolerated what the story says happened.

It also explains why that same Pharaoh actually converted to monotheism, and event never ever occurring before or after his death, and so embarrassing to the Egyptian Pharaohs thereafter that they erased the evidence of the events from history.

That the world had no historical record of the story we find in Exodus and only revealed what had happened through archeological discovery in the last century speaks volumes in regard to how cataclysmic the events precipitated by Moses actually were.

Akhenaten, pronounced ah kuh NAH tuhn, ruled ancient Egypt as pharaoh from about 1367 to 1350 B.C. He was married to Queen Nefertiti. Akhenaten was a religious reformer devoted solely to the worship of Aten, the sun god. During the early part of his reign, perhaps while co-regent with his father, Amenhotep III, he abandoned the state religion of Amun.

The change was sudden. The shift probably took place between 1352 BC and 1338.
Temples were shut down, religious texts destroyed, and all practice of the old faith brought to a standstill. In Ancient Egypt there was no concept of the separation of church and state; on the contrary, the church was a branch of the state, integrally tied into state business. In this political climate, the Pharaoh could reinvent church doctrine if he chose to, and Akhenaten did just that. It is difficult to imagine quite what this would have done to the collective mind of the Egyptian populace, but it would most likely have taken the rug out from underneath them; religion for the masses is never quite the same as it is for the priests who administer it, but popular faith plays a basic role in daily life.

All of a sudden the truths and modes of thought to which the people had become accustomed were forbidden or destroyed. The reaction of a people trying to come to terms with this loss of their entire psychological and theological foundation resembles the grief of those who are faced with the death of a family member.
Egyptian cultural life and the identity of an individual rested on state festivals, which Akhenaten prohibited as part of his eradication of the old faith.
This was the death of a fundamental way of life [Exod. 11:5].

Akhenaten killed the old faith to bring about his new one, an example of an end joined with a beginning.

For the majority of Egyptians, the Age of Amarna was one of destruction, persecution, suppression, and godlessness of darkness by day, the formula used to refer to the experience of divine absence.”

One can imagine confusion and mourning on a country-wide scale, for the death and plunging into darkness of the old way [Exod. 10:22]; it is cruel irony that this dark time was symbolized at the official level by the pre-eminence of sunlight in all aspects of life.
And yet, following on the heels of this death [Exod. 11:5] came an ideological rebirth.

elisabeth e

New member
Why would He use a Theistic Evolution Bible if he did not adhere to its principles?

There is no theistic evolution bible.

Theistic evolution is an interpretation of a normal bible and depending on what denomination you are (RCC, Methodist, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican) dictates what particular version of the bible you use. Most often that is simply the KJV.

The theistic evolution bible that he speaks of is his own private rewrite of the bible which he wrongly attaches the term "theistic evolution" to.

What he posts on his site has absolutely nothing to do with the theistic evolution position which can be stated as thus:

Theistic evolution is the belief that evolution is true and is guided by an intelligent supernatural agent.

It is not the idea that the bible and science must both be compromised and rewritten so that they say the same thing.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is no theistic evolution bible.

Theistic evolution is an interpretation of a normal bible and depending on what denomination you are (RCC, Methodist, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican) dictates what particular version of the bible you use. Most often that is simply the KJV.

The theistic evolution bible that he speaks of is his own private rewrite of the bible which he wrongly attaches the term "theistic evolution" to.

What he posts on his site has absolutely nothing to do with the theistic evolution position which can be stated as thus:

Theistic evolution is the belief that evolution is true and is guided by an intelligent supernatural agent.

It is not the idea that the bible and science must both be compromised and rewritten so that they say the same thing.

Thank You.

elisabeth e

New member
Hi elizebeth,
Well, according to "Witness in the Stars" and another more recent version of its content ... there is a story of God's work written within the constellations and their stars... particularly within their more ancient names. I don't remember reading in these books that Uranus had some sort of role to play in reading them. But I became curious about that point with Dave's comments.

For instance, I could probably give you a summary of what is told of God's plans as read within Leo and Aquarius by using this book.

I am familiar with the concept.

It doesn't have anything to do with Dave's claims, however.

He tends to come up with his conclusions first and forge the evidence later.

You are correct in assessing that he is stating that an event regarding Moses was a catalyst for the Egyptian myths to disappear and for everyone to come under a monotheistic belief.

Since he doesn't have any evidence for this claim, he invented the Uranus story.

elisabeth e

New member

1) My very point is that YHVH, "I am," is what the Jews in 1352 were calling Uranus.Surely you do not think they would have used the word Uranus for the sighting if this Unseen God,.... right???

2) In 1352AD, from Cairo, Egypt, the planet Uranus was above the horizon in the night sky from dusk at @6PM until early morning at 3AM, a pefect opportunity for Moses to have spotted it:

Both of these are speculation based on absolutely nothing.

There is no indication whatsover for your bracketed fiction.

You don't have a point, you have a claim. One that you have yet to provide any evidence for.

You just grabbed for any date that would be convenient and insist that Moses must have then discovered the planet.

Pretty silly, actually.


Well-known member
Nice to speak with you Elisabeth. Dave seems so passionate ... At least, he gets and "A" in that.


Well-known member
I must tell you both, Ps82 included, that I apprciate your democratic behavior and sane ability to tolerate ideas foreign to things already rather set in your mind.
What I present in these interpretations is a rational and factual based way of understanding the Exodus story.
It explains such things as why a Pharaoh and a whole ruling party in Egypt would have tolerated what the story says happened.

It also explains why that same Pharaoh actually converted to monotheism, and event never ever occurring before or after his death, and so embarrassing to the Egyptian Pharaohs thereafter that they erased the evidence of the events from history.

That the world had no historical record of the story we find in Exodus and only revealed what had happened through archeological discovery in the last century speaks volumes in regard to how cataclysmic the events precipitated by Moses actually were.

Akhenaten, pronounced ah kuh NAH tuhn, ruled ancient Egypt as pharaoh from about 1367 to 1350 B.C. He was married to Queen Nefertiti. Akhenaten was a religious reformer devoted solely to the worship of Aten, the sun god. During the early part of his reign, perhaps while co-regent with his father, Amenhotep III, he abandoned the state religion of Amun.

The change was sudden. The shift probably took place between 1352 BC and 1338.
Temples were shut down, religious texts destroyed, and all practice of the old faith brought to a standstill. In Ancient Egypt there was no concept of the separation of church and state; on the contrary, the church was a branch of the state, integrally tied into state business. In this political climate, the Pharaoh could reinvent church doctrine if he chose to, and Akhenaten did just that. It is difficult to imagine quite what this would have done to the collective mind of the Egyptian populace, but it would most likely have taken the rug out from underneath them; religion for the masses is never quite the same as it is for the priests who administer it, but popular faith plays a basic role in daily life.

All of a sudden the truths and modes of thought to which the people had become accustomed were forbidden or destroyed. The reaction of a people trying to come to terms with this loss of their entire psychological and theological foundation resembles the grief of those who are faced with the death of a family member.
Egyptian cultural life and the identity of an individual rested on state festivals, which Akhenaten prohibited as part of his eradication of the old faith.
This was the death of a fundamental way of life [Exod. 11:5].

Akhenaten killed the old faith to bring about his new one, an example of an end joined with a beginning.

For the majority of Egyptians, the Age of Amarna was one of destruction, persecution, suppression, and godlessness of darkness by day, the formula used to refer to the experience of divine absence.”

One can imagine confusion and mourning on a country-wide scale, for the death and plunging into darkness of the old way [Exod. 10:22]; it is cruel irony that this dark time was symbolized at the official level by the pre-eminence of sunlight in all aspects of life.
And yet, following on the heels of this death [Exod. 11:5] came an ideological rebirth.

Dave, I think our early church fathers destroyed a lot of books that should have been kept. But we will never know because someone wanted to protect us from the fables of the pagans so they could start there own. They kind of picked and choose what we were to learn.


New member
Dave, I think our early church fathers destroyed a lot of books that should have been kept. But we will never know because someone wanted to protect us from the fables of the pagans so they could start there own. They kind of picked and choose what we were to learn.

The books that have come down to us in the form of canon are certified now because they contain the Gospel that has ben preached over all the World.

Christ said, "THIS gospel shall be preached over all the world," and the OT and NT have been the one so preahced.

I do agree that many ideas and other books from our forefathers have been lost and even pi=urposely destroyed.
They may well have added many good ideas and insights for us in this generation.

However, we know that whatever they thought, and regardless of whether they were actually righy but at the wrong time in their own understani=dings, the books have been sealed and locked.

We await the king of the Bible, the one who will open the closed book, the king over all Judaism, to include the Christianity that has been spliced onto it.

He is a mortal man, but one who will forevermore be the massiah who brings all the denominational montheists together in an everlasting ecumenicalism.

Revelation 5

King James Version (KJV)

5 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

3 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.

5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.


New member
Hello again egyptianmuslim
First this quote interests me. When reading it with my revelation that God created a visible presence that he created specifically for his personal use to reveal himself within the creation ... and then actually used it , makes me wonder about this specific line.

"We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), Ya'qub (Jacob),

Which is found in your quote:

My question to consider about this point is:

What was IT that was "SENT DOWN" to them?.
In another part of your same quote another (a separate) statement was made:

"AND THAT which HAS BEEN GIVEN TO Musa (Moses) and 'Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord.

One thing was SENT DOWN ... while another separate thing WAS GIVEN UNTO

The fact that these are listed as two things rather than saying THAT WHICH WAS SENT DOWN AND GIVEN UNTO Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses

The verse you also shared:
...unto Musa (Moses) and 'Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them

The pronouns "their" and "them" refer to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the 12 of Israel, the prophets, and Jesus. So, this does seem to mean that the teachings of Muhammad does not make a distinction between any of THEM, because the ONE God talked to each of them.

So, this leaves open the conclusion that there can be made A DISTINCTION between THAT which WAS SENT DOWN ... and THAT which WAS GIVEN UNTO.

Now, you may not accept this due to what you believe ... but I think that you will have to admit ... that the actual wording of your quote leaves open a possibility that these are TWO separate things God shared with these selected men.

My beliefs tell me that these two items listed in your verses can refer to the IMAGE of God being SENT DOWN upon the earth among men ... (which matches my Bible) ... and that the thing which WAS GIVEN UNTO men was the spiritual WORD of God - revealing truth and revelation from Him spirit to spirit - (which matches my Bibile).

Now I will take a close look at your last two quotes, but will respond to them in a separate post.
God says
Q 42:51. . It is not given to any human being that Allah should speak to him unless (it be) by Inspiration, or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends a Messenger to reveal what He wills(= it) by His Leave. Verily, He is Most High, Most Wise

Well, that is so comforting to my heart:
... Believers and Muslims were said to bot believe in their LORD ... and to hear Him, obey Him, seek His forgiveness, and understood that it is unto Him (Our Lord) is the return (of all.)

So far so Good.

BUT I have a question for you, egyptianmuslim, that is THE KEY to understanding:
Who is IT that we both (believers and Muslims) are to worship, obey, and believe? Who is the LORD?

Is God different in the mind of Adam than that Abraham?
Allah is the WE who show Muhammad the vision of the farthest Mosque in Jerusalem and was the WE who blessed IT as a holy place...


We (Muslims) have blessed (the site of Jerusalem), in order that We might show him (Muhammad) of Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.)

We = God, it is the tongue of kings and masters in arabic , the king does not do all the things by himself hand only. Likewise God created the car(by human"let Us create the car")


I get your point ... because I have had dreams of the night, visions of the day, heard words of knowledge inside my spirit, received prophetic revelations of things that would and did happen in my future, and heard the audible voice of God call my name.

To me they mean God is real, alive, and knows what is going on in my life ... and cares for me personally ... but to others they are taken as "stories to be pondered."
Revelations of God are to all but are different according the type of revelated thing
Q 91:7. And by NAFS (Adam or a person or a soul, etc.), and Him Who perfected him in proportion;

8. Then He showed him what is wrong for him and what is right for him;

9. Indeed he succeeds who purifies his ownself (i.e. obeys and performs all that Allah ordered, by following the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism and by doing righteous good deeds).

10. And indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself (i.e. disobeys what Allah has ordered by rejecting the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism or by following polytheism, etc. or by doing every kind of evil wicked deeds
I find that it is difficult for most people to think of God as being human-like, but it is the words of my Holy Bible that reveals to me that mankind was created after HIS IMAGE (a visible thing) and after HIS likeness (Genesis 1:26-27) ... and that God was able to share HIS IMAGE with the Savior Jesus.
Colossians 1:15
(Jesus) who is the IMAGE OF GOD (manifested in flesh and blood), (the image being) the first born of all creatures...

I accept this truth ... and this tells me that God had ONE image and he shared ITS look with the first man Adam ... and that when the invisible WORD of God was manifested among men as Emmanuel - then HE also shared ITS same look ... and, therefore HIS appearance as the IMAGE OF GOD as flesh made HIM look like any other mere man.

But John 1 tells us that HE was The WORD of God ... and was The LIGHT of the World ... who had come as flesh among men ... yet men did not recognize who HE really was.

So, I believe it is hard for people to believe that God could manifest a created living presence of a male form and use IT to represent HIM within his own creation.

The people think that God has 2 Eyes to see or 2 Ears to hear ...,....... and Emotion/heart to feel or mind to think like a human. Also the Books say the same because as i said before that The Book is`nt the original word of God it is like a scientist who tries to explain his knowledge to uninformed man the scientist should/may give examples(mimics) from the life of uninformed man that may modify the truth.Q 18:109. Say (O Muhammad to mankind). "If the sea were ink for (writing) the Words of my Lord, surely, the sea would be exhausted before the Words of my Lord would be finished, even if we brought (another sea) like it for its aid." .


Well-known member
You asked:
Is God different in the mind of Adam than that Abraham?

Well, a lot of time elapsed between Adam and Abraham. Adam lived in a divinely planted special Garden in the presence of his creator. The creator, who formed his body of the ground, is said to have walked and talked with man and woman until he sent them out and away.

Even between Noah and Abraham much time had passed and men on earth had begun to worship idols of their own design again.

I think that God had to reintroduce himself to Abraham in a personal way, and after that Abraham had a pretty good idea that the ONE Most High God was not an idol of some sort.
Exodus 6:3
And I(God) APPEARED unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, BUT by my name JEHOVAH (translated Lord in KJEnglish) was I not known to (any of) them.

After God appeared as the ONE God Almighty, then Abraham knew that the true God was the God who could SHOW UP. Abraham knew that he was worshiping the true God .. of Adam and Noah.

However, it was not until the days of Moses that the NAME of JEHOVAH (or LORD-KJE) was known to mankind. After Moses was told the proper name for the GOD who could show up ... then he included it when writing his five books of scripture. That's why LORD was used when discussing the ONE God through out the book of Genesis and so on. Moses knew exactly when and how to use the NAME for the appearance of God among men. When I read my Bible I remember that when the NAME of the LORD is used ... it means that God actually showed up ... or, at least, that the one speaking was the God who can show up.

So, who is the LORD of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Moses?
He is the ONE invisible spiritual God, who men can't see, but who also was able to make his presence known unto men by APPEARING unto them. It was the ONE true invisible God who gave His visible presence a NAME - The LORD/JEHOVAH.

This is the LORD that Israel/Jews and Christians worship.

But, sadly, many Jews and Christians don't understand that God was able to create a literal way to appear unto men and angels within his own creation. Perhaps neither do many Muslims. That is why I wondered if we all had the same God in mind when we say LORD.

How did God appear as the presence of the LORD?
Ans. God created a visible image for his personal use ... and used IT to SHOW UP.

You had a scripture that said that men could not see God ... and so does our Bible ... and those statements are true. No human was created to see INVISIBLE SPIRIT... YET, we were given the ability to see created things ... like a bodily form.

After all, the invisible God accomplished a way for Adam to appear within the created world ... who are we to say that God couldn't create A WAY to manifest his own appearance within his own creation?

My Bible is full of examples of where God did appear and did speak to men ... in dreams of the night, open-eyed visions, and face to face.

I've had an open-eyed vision. I did not see the LORD ... but God did rearrange my sight so that I suddenly saw something that had not been in front of my eyes before... so I have an idea that God can open our eyes to see into other realms and to even see HIM - if he so desires. I know you will say that this is my "reality" and it cannot be yours ... so, I pray that the LORD of the Christian, the Jews, and the Muslims allows it to be your reality to see him.

I also suggest that you do what I did ... search scripture ... search your holy writing ... to see if you can find any evidence that God did SHOW UP. Any verses that leave that possibility open.
Last edited:


New member
For me creation is the reflected image of God i dont try to see the unseens but i feel(never see) by my heart.
We can not photograph the image that appears in our mind.
Great love or fear may draw a picture in our mind that is not real.
Some people dive in thoughts that do not reflect the reality, some of them step by step become away from health and reality, i classify those people into 2 groups 1- Independent and productive group who are beneficial to themselves and to other people(healthy group)
2-dependent and unproductive group who are harmfull to themselves and to other people


Well-known member
For me creation is the reflected image of God i dont try to see the unseens but i feel(never see) by my heart.
We can not photograph the image that appears in our mind.
Great love or fear may draw a picture in our mind that is not real.
Some people dive in thoughts that do not reflect the reality, some of them step by step become away from health and reality, i classify those people into 2 groups 1- Independent and productive group who are beneficial to themselves and to other people(healthy group)
2-dependent and unproductive group who are harmfull to themselves and to other people

This sort of makes me think of this idea:
Some people worship the creation and the creature rather than worshiping the creator.

It / Everything is all about HIM ... about a super-natural invisible Spiritual God, who chose to create visible things... and who wants to ultimately have a personal relationship with the ones he created for that purpose... like a family of God.

My scripture gives me hope: Seek me with your heart and I will reveal myself unto you.


New member
I also suggest that you do what I did ... search scripture ... search your holy writing ... to see if you can find any evidence that God did SHOW UP. Any verses that leave that possibility open.
Nothing is in likeness with God even if He says My Hand He is the Only One who knows what he says
Does God exist/dwell in any side of the universe?


New member
This sort of makes me think of this idea:
Some people worship the creation and the creature rather than worshiping the creator.

It / Everything is all about HIM ... about a super-natural invisible Spiritual God, who chose to create visible things... and who wants to ultimately have a personal relationship with the ones he created for that purpose... like a family of God.

My scripture gives me hope: Seek me with your heart and I will reveal myself unto you.
The heart should encourage the mind to think, to examine, to know but not to accept.
Is the feeling of express image of God(Jesus) part of the duty/ritual in Christianity??
Is the image of Jesus imaginary or real?who did draw it?
What do you mean by the word hope?