What is the express image of God?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, God sent a saviour to us in Bethlehem. God sent his son, who would later die on the cross for us. Jesus was and is the flesh son of God. However it was his spiritual on that was in heaven who took over the body of Jesus at age 30 at his baptism. God needed to have a son in order to send a son. Jesus was born to hold that spiritual son Christ. That is why Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days, to adjust to the new power and knowledge he just received. It was only after he was baptized that Satan tempted him. Jesus became the Christ when He was anointed with Christ.

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So how do you handle that phrase; "which is Christ the Lord." He was Christ from His birth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, God sent a saviour to us in Bethlehem. God sent his son, who would later die on the cross for us. Jesus was and is the flesh son of God. However it was his spiritual on that was in heaven who took over the body of Jesus at age 30 at his baptism. God needed to have a son in order to send a son. Jesus was born to hold that spiritual son Christ. That is why Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days, to adjust to the new power and knowledge he just received. It was only after he was baptized that Satan tempted him. Jesus became the Christ when He was anointed with Christ.

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You're very confused my friend! Time for you to go
back to the drawing board!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Consider that if His son is a heir he can not be God. I believe that Christ made the worlds, but not Jesus. God provided a body for Christ to dwell in, that is Jesus. Since It was Christ who made all things for his father he had to be the fathers FIRST creation. Don't forget that Christ is the express IMAGE of the father. Christ is a spirit, Jesus was a man. Christ went into a man and became a man so he could die. After God raised him, God elevated him to Lord.

That is what I believe BR.

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Christ and Jesus are one of the same! Please tap the side of
your head; it may dislodge your grey matter and allow it to
start working properly!


Well-known member
Christ and Jesus are one of the same! Please tap the side of
your head; it may dislodge your grey matter and allow it to
start working properly!

Christ existed at the creation, Jesus did not. Christ is spirit that God sent to dwell in the body he prepared for his Christ. Hebrews 10:5 tells us that is so.

You don't go deep do you.

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Well-known member
But is he the most high God? No, his Father is. All power was given to Christ by his father.

Christ is a god but his father is his God. Christ is a creation for he is an image. Christ was IN Jesus, that is what made Jesus the Christ.

I think the Angel of the Lord took on many forms in the OT. There are many who believe that this is Christ (not Jesus) that might have done this. I tend to think that since Christ created everything, including Angels, that this is not so, but my mine is open on it.

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You know we have been through this discussion many times ... I'm surprised that you have not yet accepted that the Father is God and the Son is God. I don't know why you want to deny our Lord Jesus's own words and the words of the book of John.

Jesus said (some statements paraphrased for time):

When you have seen me you have SEEN THE FATHER. (this refers to the visible presence belonging to God - which both the Father and the Son bore.)

The Father and I are ONE. (This definitely refers to their being the same God - visibly as the presence of God and spiritually as well. John 3:34-35)

You call me Lord, and justly so, but why call me Lord and not do the things I tell you? (Jesus has just admitted that he is on earth in the form of God - as Emmanuel)

Before Abraham I Am - Abraham saw my day and was happy. (Colossians 1:15 tells us that the image that God used was the first born of all creatures. John 17:4-5 tells us that the WORD of God, who was God and was with God shared the same glorious bodily form with the Father before the world was. John 17:4-5 shows that the fleshly form of God on earth / Jesus was going to get the glory back after his resurrection.)

Isaiah 43:11 explains things so clearly ... just take time to accept what you read.
I (the ONE spiritual God), even I am the LORD (the visible bodily form belonging to God named LORD), beside ME as (Divine Spirit and the Image named LORD) there is no Savior.

IOW, The Son is just as much God as the Father was God.

Presently sits in heaven two glorious LORDLY presences representing the ONE God as Emmanuel the Father and Emmanuel the Son.

You wrote:
Christ is a god but his father is his God.

You are wrong. Christ is the ONE God and the Father is the ONE God, and they both appeared on earth with God's ONE visible image.

LORD God the Father (as a super-natural presence used by God) Lord Jesus the Son (as a fleshly presence used by God).
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Well-known member
You know we have been through this discussion many times ... I'm surprised that you have not yet accepted the the Father is God and the Son is God. I don't know why you want to deny our Lord Jesus's own words and the words of the book of John.

Jesus said (some statements paraphrased for time):

When you have seen me you have SEEN THE FATHER. (this refers to the visible presence belonging to God - which both the Father and the Son bore.)

The Father and I are ONE. (This definitely refers to their being the same God - visibly as the presence of God and spiritually as well. John 3:34-35)

You call me Lord, a justly so, but why call me Lord and not do the things I tell you? (Jesus has just admitted that he is on earth in the form of God - as Emmanuel)

Before Abraham I Am - Abraham saw my day and was happy. (Colossians 1:15 tells us that the image that God used was the first born of all creatures. John 17:4-5 tells us that the WORD of God, who was God and was with God shared the same glorious bodily form with the Father before the world was. John 17:4-5 shows that the fleshly form of God on earth / Jesus was going to get the glory back after his resurrection.)

Isaiah 43:11 explains things so clearly ... just take time to accept what you read.

I (the ONE spiritual God), even I am the LORD (the visible bodily form belonging to God named LORD), beside ME as (Divine Spirit and the Image named LORD) there is no Savior.

IOW, The Son is just as much God as the Father was God.

Presently sits in heaven two glorious LORDLY presences representing the ONE God as Emmanuel the Father and Emmanuel the Son.

You wrote:

You are wrong. Christ is the ONE God and the Father is the ONE God, and they both appeared on earth with God's ONE visible image.

LORD God the Father (as a super-natural presence used by God) Lord Jesus the Son (as a fleshly presence used by God).

Believe as you wish but Christ is recorded as the express IMAGE of God, not god. That would mean he reflects who and what God is. That also means that he is a creature that can die on the cross.

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Well-known member
Poor Keypurr is truly inundated with extremely nutty ideas! He's caught
up in a maelstrom of self-deluded anti-reasoning!

I get them from scripture GM. Disprove them if you can. I welcome all ideas that might disagree. You got to agree though that I do a lot of thinking.

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New member
Believe as you wish but Christ is recorded as the express IMAGE of God, not god. That would mean he reflects who and what God is. That also means that he is a creature that can die on the cross.

I have seen sons who were the very image of their father. The same thing for mothers and daughters. It just never occurred to me that the sons and daughters were not human just because they looked like a parent.


Well-known member
I have seen sons who were the very image of their father. The same thing for mothers and daughters. It just never occurred to me that the sons and daughters were not human just because they looked like a parent.

The point I tried to make friend is the father is spirit and so is his son Christ. However Jesus is the human son and is not the EXPRESS IMAGE of his Father. He was pure sinless MAN, born to Mary. He was anointed with Christ which came with power and knowledge. He went into the wilderness for forty days to adjust to this power where he was tempted. The Bible tells us that God can not be tempted and Jesus was. Christ is a creation he/it can die. God can't.

I know my thoughts sound crazy but they fit scripture very well. I just take the words as they are written. I put them together and form my opinion. This theory came to me when I was researching the morning stars. I saw words that I have seen many times yet I didn't see them as I do now. I fully think that God wanted me to see this. I share them so that others may see what I see as truth.

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Well-known member
Believe as you wish but Christ is recorded as the express IMAGE of God, not god. That would mean he reflects who and what God is. That also means that he is a creature that can die on the cross.

Posted from the TOL App!

Ah yes, Christ is recorded as the express IMAGE of God ... and the key to understanding what that exactly means is understanding what the IMAGE of God is and how the invisible spiritual God used IT.

Your comments only touched on the "tip of the ice-burg" of the full meaning of what the IMAGE of God is and how he used IT.

Yes, the IMAGE was a created creature and when it was manifested in the form of flesh IT could experience death ... but because that image belonged to the eternal God himself, HE was able to resurrect IT from physical death and then glorify IT.

This demonstrates for you and I that the ONE God is able to resurrect our earthly bodies as well and then glorify them after the example HE performed through the Christ (who was God among men appearing with a fleshly image).

Think deep - search scripture - Keypurr...


Well-known member
Christ is the visibility of the invisable God.

I agree ... but would express things this way:
God came as the Christ/Savior as promised (Isaiah 43:11)
Where God had manifested his visible presence as a super-natural bodily form in the past ... HE finally manifested his presence in the form of a fleshly body when the time came for the work of the Christ/Savior.

Our Lord Jesus was the Christ/Savior, who was the invisible God, finally appearing in a visible mortal body.


Well-known member
Ah yes, Christ is recorded as the express IMAGE of God ... and the key to understanding what that exactly means is understanding what the IMAGE of God is and how the invisible spiritual God used IT.

Your comments only touched on the "tip of the ice-burg" of the full meaning of what the IMAGE of God is and how he used IT.

Yes, the IMAGE was a created creature and when it was manifested in the form of flesh IT could experience death ... but because that image belonged to the eternal God himself, HE was able to resurrect IT from physical death and then glorify IT.

This demonstrates for you and I that the ONE God is able to resurrect our earthly bodies as well and then glorify them after the example HE performed through the Christ (who was God among men appearing with a fleshly image).

Think deep - search scripture - Keypurr...

Oh my longtime friend I always think deep. We seem to agree on this. When you consider what the express image of God is its changes the content of established theology. Christ is an invisible spirit like his father. He changed his form to be in the body prepared for him.

How awesome is our God and Lord.


Well-known member
Oh my longtime friend I always think deep. We seem to agree on this. When you consider what the express image of God is its changes the content of established theology. Christ is an invisible spirit like his father. He changed his form to be in the body prepared for him.

How awesome is our God and Lord.

Yes, our God is awesome.

Regarding this statement:
Christ is an invisible spirit like his father. He changed his form to be in the body prepared for him.

Now, I know that words and names mean so much to some people; so, I must ask:
Do you consider The WORD of God mentioned in John 1 to be equal in identity to The CHRIST?

Personally, I consider The CHRIST, The WORD, The SAVIOR all to be speaking of the Promised ONE of God.

Now, it seems to me that you want to say that the CHRIST is an invisible spirit ... where I would say that the WORD is an invisible spirit. If you think CHRIST and the WORD are one and the same invisible spirit, then I will accept your conclusion in our discussion. I will not quibble over that detail.

However, I am prone to say that The CHRIST and The SAVIOR are more than Spirit.

To me the SAVIOR is both the spirit of God and the physical form of God who appeared among men as Emmanuel. I think that most people consider The CHRIST and The Savior to be what they saw in our Lord Jesus when he walked the earth.

Since I have done much study over the image of God and have found that God gave his physical image the name of LORD/YHWH/Jehovah (Exodus 6:3; Exodus 3:6; Exodus 34:5,6 ... then it makes Isaiah 43:11 so clear.

I know that I quote it often... and I just don't see why others don't see clearly what I see.

I (the ONE Spiritual God), even I AM the LORD (the name of God's visible image when he appeared among men), beside ME (as the Spiritual God in a visible form) there is no savior.

If you consider Jesus the CHRIST to be the SAVIOR, then you must see that this verse says that he is the ONE God/I Am in the visible image of God named LORD.

This is why Jesus said that people correctly called him Lord, because he as the Christ was God appearing with his personal image named Lord.

Watch this interesting verse that will remind you of Psalm 110:1
You know that Lord Jesus the Christ in human form told people that Abraham saw his day and was glad of it ... well so did Moses. As soon as the LORD God had come down and allowed Moses to look upon all his goodness and glory in the form of the LORD ... this is what Moses did and said:

Exodus 34:8,9
8 And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped (God who appeared in the glory of the LORD and who called out his name as he passed by Moses).
9 And he (Moses) said, "If now I have found grace in thy sight, O LORD, let My Lord, I pray thee, go among us."

If the visible presence of the LORD God the Father was too dangerous to look upon as IT approached in all its goodness and glory but only safe to see the back parts as IT departed, then who or what was the My Lord that Moses was asking to go among them?

Three clues:
1.) God makes a promise to Moses - Exodus 23:20-23
20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared (The Promised Land).
21 Beware of him (who will lead you into the Promised Land), and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name (LORD) is in him.
22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice (the voice of the ONE who comes to lead), and do all that I speak (through him); then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

(Is it any wonder that Jesus said something like this: "You call me Lord and correctly so, but why do you call me Lord and do not do what I say - IOW, why do you not obey me if I am Lord?"

23 For MINE (God's) ANGEL shall go before thee (into the Promised Land), and bring thee in unto the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.

(Just like the angelic presence that belonged to God, which could be safely seen, went before the children of Israel ... so would our Lord of flesh go before us into the promised place he has prepared for us.)

So how do I know that the angelic presence that God called MINE ANGEL is the form belonging to God named LORD?

2.) Well, all I had to do was consider who showed up when Joshua was about to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land.

Joshua 5:13,14,15
13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, "Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?"
14 And he said, "No (I'm not for your adversaries), but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship (just as Moses had done before the LORD) and said unto him, "What saith my Lord unto his servant?"
15 And the captain of the LORD's host said unto Joshua, "Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy." And Joshua did so.

Why did Joshua worship and why did the "special man sent by God) tell him the ground where he stood was holy?

Because this was the Angelic presence that belonged to God, which men could behold safely, which Moses had asked for to go before the people, had shown up. This "My Lord" angelic being was God come among men in a more safe presence, and this bodily form belonging to God came in the name of the Lord as God said IT would.

3.) Moses speaks to the Lord face to face and asks God to promise him something and God grants it.
Exodus 33:11-17
Paraphrased slightly
12 Moses said: "See, you (Lord God) say unto me, 'Bring up this people: but you have not let me know whom you wilt send with me. Yet you (LORD God) hast said, I know you (Moses) by name, and you (Moses) have found grace in my sight."
13 If I (Moses) have found grace in thy (LORD God's) sight, show me now thy way..."
14 And HE (the LORD God) said, "MY PRESENCE" shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.

Moses still unsure is insistent with God:
15 Moses says: "If YOUR PRESENCE go not with me, then carry us not up from hence."
16 The LORD replies: "I will do this thing that you have spoken."

Hopefully, now you can comprehend that the "MINE ANGEL belonging to God - aka - the presence of the LORD" was who would go with the children of Israel into the Promised Land.

This is the angelic presence that showed up to Joshua ... and the presence that Moses called "My Lord" and whom Joshua also referred to as "My Lord." This is the "My Lord" whom King David in Psalm 110:1 understood to exist. The LORD God told his "My Lord" that he would sit at his right hand until God had made all his enemies as a foot stool to him.

This "My Lord" was the pre-incarnate presence of our Lord Jesus... Is it any wonder that Jesus said: "You correctly call me Lord; so, why don't you obey me?"
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Well-known member
Oh, Keypurr and others, I meant to make one last point.

Lord Jesus said something like this - that Abraham had seen His promised Predestined Day and was glad to know of it.

This is a verse where the LORD God the Father revealed to Abraham who would be the Son promised unto him that would do wonderful things and inherit the promises made to Abraham.

Genesis 15:1
After these things the WORD (as mentioned in John 1) of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision (IOW, Abram saw the WORD of the Lord). saying: "Fear not, Abram: I AM (God as The WORD and Lord who is) your shield, and (I AM God as The WORD and Lord who is) your EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD."

Thus Isaiah 43:11 is very correct:
I (the ONE spiritual God), even I AM the LORD (God appearing unto men in the name of the LORD), beside ME (as the spiritual God appearing as the visible Lord) there is no savior.

Abraham got it ... so will you one day Keypurr.


Well-known member
Yes, our God is awesome.


Regarding this statement:

Now, I know that words and names mean so much to some people; so, I must ask:
Do you consider The WORD of God mentioned in John 1 to be equal in identity to The CHRIST?

Personally, I consider The CHRIST, The WORD, The SAVIOR all to be speaking of the Promised ONE of God.

Now, it seems to me that you want to say that the CHRIST is an invisible spirit ... where I would say that the WORD is an invisible spirit. If you think CHRIST and the WORD are one and the same invisible spirit, then I will accept your conclusion in our discussion. I will not quibble over that detail.

However, I am prone to say that The CHRIST and The SAVIOR are more than Spirit.

I question if "word" is the correct translation of "logos" in John 1.
If "logos" is plan or reason and Christ is the center of that plan then in a way we are in agreement. But I do not see Christ as God. I see him as the created spiritual son of God.

To me the SAVIOR is both the spirit of God and the physical form of God who appeared among men as Emmanuel. I think that most people consider The CHRIST and The Savior to be what they saw in our Lord Jesus when he walked the earth.

I see Jesus as the Savior as he can die for us. But in a way Christ, the copy of God, was IN him. Christ is a created form of God, he is in effect a god for he was given the power and fullness of the father.

Since I have done much study over the image of God and have found that God gave his physical image the name of LORD/YHWH/Jehovah (Exodus 6:3; Exodus 3:6; Exodus 34:5,6 ... then it makes Isaiah 43:11 so clear.

I know that I quote it often... and I just don't see why others don't see clearly what I see

I agree that you are the big supplier of invisible images on TOL. You have a big head start on me friend, but I'm learning fast.

I (the ONE Spiritual God), even I AM the LORD (the name of God's visible image when he appeared among men), beside ME (as the Spiritual God in a visible form) there is no savior.

If you consider Jesus the CHRIST to be the SAVIOR, then you must see that this verse says that he is the ONE God/I Am in the visible image of God named LORD.

Not so, Both Jesus and Christ are like tools God used to save the world. They both were agents of the Father. When God combined them Jesus became the Christ, and some after the savior also. Jesus was born to be the savior, Christ in him also died on the cross.

This is why Jesus said that people correctly called him Lord, because he as the Christ was God appearing with his personal image named Lord.

No, he as the exact image was appearing to display who God is.

Watch this interesting verse that will remind you of Psalm 110:1

You know that Lord Jesus the Christ in human form told people that Abraham saw his day and was glad of it ... well so did Moses. As soon as the LORD God had come down and allowed Moses to look upon all his goodness and glory in the form of the LORD ... this is what Moses did and said:

Exodus 34:8,9
8 And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped (God who appeared in the glory of the LORD and who called out his name as he passed by Moses).
9 And he (Moses) said, "If now I have found grace in thy sight, O LORD, let My Lord, I pray thee, go among us."

I question if this was the lord or the Angel of the Lord. I wonder if the Angel of the Lord is Christ.

If the visible presence of the LORD God the Father was too dangerous to look upon as IT approached in all its goodness and glory but only safe to see the back parts as IT departed, then who or what was the My Lord that Moses was asking to go among them?

Three clues:
1.) God makes a promise to Moses - Exodus 23:20-23
20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared (The Promised Land).
21 Beware of him (who will lead you into the Promised Land), and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name (LORD) is in him.
22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice (the voice of the ONE who comes to lead), and do all that I speak (through him); then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

(Is it any wonder that Jesus said something like this: "You call me Lord and correctly so, but why do you call me Lord and do not do what I say - IOW, why do you not obey me if I am Lord?"

23 For MINE (God's) ANGEL shall go before thee (into the Promised Land), and bring thee in unto the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.

(Just like the angelic presence that belonged to God, which could be safely seen, went before the children of Israel ... so would our Lord of flesh go before us into the promised place he has prepared for us.)

Don't forget that Christ was IN Jesus, so it was not Jesus that was in the OT, but Christ.

So how do I know that the angelic presence that God called MINE ANGEL is the form belonging to God named LORD?

3.) Well, all I had to do was consider who showed up when Joshua was about to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land.

Joshua 5:13,14,15
13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, "Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?"
14 And he said, "No (I'm not for your adversaries), but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship (just as Moses had done before the LORD) and said unto him, "What saith my Lord unto his servant?"
15 And the captain of the LORD's host said unto Joshua, "Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy." And Joshua did so.

Being captain of the LORD host this could be Christ.

Why did Joshua worship and why did the "special man sent by God) tell him the ground where he stood was holy?

Because this was the Angelic presence that belonged to God, which men could behold safely, which Moses had asked for to go before the people, had shown up. This "My Lord" angelic being was God come among men in a more safe presence, and this bodily form belonging to God came in the name of the Lord as God said IT would.

3.) Moses speaks to the Lord face to face and asks God to promise him something and God grants it.
Exodus 33:11-17
Paraphrased slightly
12 Moses said: "See, you (Lord God) say unto me, 'Bring up this people: but you have not let me know whom you wilt send with me. Yet you (LORD God) hast said, I know you (Moses) by name, and you (Moses) have found grace in my sight."
13 If I (Moses) have found grace in thy (LORD God's) sight, show me now thy way..."
14 And HE (the LORD God) said, "MY PRESENCE" shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.

Moses still unsure is insistent with God:
15 Moses says: "If YOUR PRESENCE go not with me, then carry us not up from hence."
16 The LORD replies: "I will do this thing that you have spoken."

Hopefully, now you can comprehend that the "MINE ANGEL belonging to God - aka - the presence of the LORD" was who would go with the children of Israel into the Promised Land.

This is the angelic presence that showed up to Joshua ... and the presence that Moses called "My Lord" and whom Joshua also referred to as "My Lord." This is the "My Lord" whom King David in Psalm 110:1 understood to exist. The LORD God told his "My Lord" that he would sit at his right hand until God had made all his enemies as a foot stool to him.

This "My Lord" was the pre-incarnate presence of our Lord Jesus... Is it any wonder that Jesus said: "You correctly call me Lord; so, why don't you obey me?"

Where we differ is I see Christ in the OT, you see Jesus. It was Christ who was high of the host of heaven, Jesus was born to Mary.

Friend, we agree a lot but not on all. And that is OK for our opinions are based on when we see in God's words using a seeking heart.



Well-known member
Oh, Keypurr and others, I meant to make one last point.

Lord Jesus said something like this - that Abraham had seen His promised Predestined Day and was glad to know of it.

This is a verse where the LORD God the Father revealed to Abraham who would be the Son promised unto him that would do wonderful things and inherit the promises made to Abraham.

Genesis 15:1
After these things the WORD (as mentioned in John 1) of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision (IOW, Abram saw the WORD of the Lord). saying: "Fear not, Abram: I AM (God as The WORD and Lord who is) your shield, and (I AM God as The WORD and Lord who is) your EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD."

Thus Isaiah 43:11 is very correct:
I (the ONE spiritual God), even I AM the LORD (God appearing unto men in the name of the LORD), beside ME (as the spiritual God appearing as the visible Lord) there is no savior.

Abraham got it ... so will you one day Keypurr.

You have a kind heart friend.

God is the savior because he sent the savior.