What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
Hello WoundedEgo,

Well, I know you will faint ... but I actually agree with some of the things you have said... but then there are other things!

You wrote:
In the scriptures, God is a manlike deity who lives in the sky, along with other males.

I agree that God created a way to make his presence known in a visible manner. I even know where his visible presence/image lives.

Yes, It is a male image ... and scripture tells us that IT dwells within "unapproachable light."

Now the part about "along with other males" is something to explore. I do believe that God can created visible beings ... I know He created angelic beings who dwell in a realm where we don't see them unless a divine intervention is allowed ... but I know that they see God and He see them.

You conclude:
"Angels" also are males, DNA compatible with humans.

I do believe that some angelic beings are males ... but there are also super-natural created beings that look more like animals or mixtures of men and animals too. So to say that only male exist in the presence of God ... is an incorrect limitation.

I disagree that all super-natural beings have the ability to achieve sexual compatibility with humans. For this was God's commandment concerning mankind:
Genesis 1:27,28,29 KJV
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God ceated HE him; male and female
And God blessed THEM, and God SAID unto THEM: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it"

God commanded THEM /male and female Adam to reproduce. HE did not add anything to that commandment like: "And, oh yes, reproduce with angelic beings as well."

By not adding any other stipulation to their established nature ... meant that God only gave THEM the ability to procreate with fellow humans.

Now, there were super-human beings ... who did leave their first estate in order to cleave unto wives of their own and reproduce children. They produced human children ... who became ancient men of renown. God was not happy that they left their original state to find wives ... but, after all, they had been given that natural inclination by their creator!!!
So, who were they, who are mentioned in Gen.6?

They were sons born to Adam and Woman, before the two of them were sent out of the Garden. These sons of God born in the Garden unto mankind ... must have had no females yet born to which to cleave within the Garden. They left the LORD's presence in order to find wives!

If you read Gen. 6 carefully in the KJV, you will find that not once does God say that he is unhappy with angels ... but rather that he was ONLY unhappy with mankind ... and unhappy with these "sons of God" - IOW, "sons or males belonging to God, who were able to naturally reproduce with their wives and produce other men of renown!!!

You also wrote:
He (God) is not an invisible "ghost". In fact, if you want to know what God looks like, look at me. I am his image and likeness.

Well, no and yes!!!
God is an eternal, infinite, invisible spiritual deity.
But, because he created "a visible image" and shared ITS likeness with humanity ... then we look look like HIM ... especially the male form.

WoundedEgo, you have discovered a key to understanding who God is and how he works when you say: " In fact, if you want to know what God looks like, look at me. I am his image and likeness."



Well-known member
Sorry Keypurr ... God did not created another God like himself. He merely and wonderfully created a visible image for his use and used IT.

But, yes, God could create other spiritual entities ... like angelic beings and human individuals... BUT, these created beings are not equal with God ... for God had/has a way to impart of His spiritual nature by "measured portions."

Our Lord Jesus is the only fleshly walking mortal individual about which these things were said:
quote John 3:34,35
For he (Lord Jesus) whom God hath sent speaks the WORDS OF GOD: for God GIVETH NOT the Spirit BY MEASURE unto Him.
The Father loveth the Son, and HATH GIVEN ALL THINGS into His hand.

Therefore, only our Lord Jesus could consider it NOT robbery to be EQUAL with the ONE God.

The image was given the FULLNESS of the father. This my friend is another god or form of god. It had to be a spirit like the father. This is what Jesus was anointed with.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Friend, He doesn't believe that Jesus is God and neither do you. That is the clincher. We as Christians believe that God walked among His people.

1 John 1:1-2
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

Notice that 1 John states that the manifested Word of Life was handled with their hands. They left no stone unturned. He was visible, not invisible.

Good post....


Well-known member
Excuse me a second. I don't know about the rest of you, but I do not always write things without any spelling or grammatical errors ... so I like to edit my posts - sometimes several times.

But, I'm running into a problem. The adds won't go away and I am unable to scroll down my post to make corrections.

Frustrating for an imperfect person like me. Does anyone know how to tell Knight?


New member
In the beginning was the Word, (i.e.; Truth: [John 14:6]),

The allusion is to Gen 1... "let there be..." - not "Truth".

and the Word,
(Truth, itself), was (synonymous) with God, (i.e.; Reality),
and the Word, (Truth: [John 14:6]), was (indistinguishable from Reality), God, (the almighty for all men).[/quote]

The particular Greek construction used by John does not speak of "identity" but rather of "quality." That which God speaks is "God-utterance".

2 "He," (Truth, the symbolic Word to come: [Jud 1:3]) was with God, (i.e.; the ever unfolding Reality), in the beginning, (that is, the initial unfolding of material Reality in what was the actiual physical Creation).

No, the bottomless sea already existed, as did the land submerged within it.

Jn 1:3 ALL (real) THINGS, (phenomenally, i.e.; mentally), came into existence, (for man), through him, (i.e.; this concept of Truth), and apart from him, (this ideal of Truth), not even ONE (real) thing came into (actual) existence (for men).



Well-known member
Quoting you and agreeing with you: "Hello my friend,"

Well, yes and no.
You won't seem to get past the concept of the "Spirit" to see how the ONE invisible Spirit used the ONE visible image He created.

You wrote:
The image was given the FULLNESS of the father.

Yes ...oh yes! But the image is not God ... but rather a created presence that fully represents Him in the eyes of men.

According to my senses ... especially my eyes, I might be able to say: "I SAW God ... a body of heaven in His clearness."

But to break it down into detailed truth this is what I SAW and what I should say:
"I SAW the image God, which was created by Him to represent ALL of His invisible nature unto my human eyes!"

You wrote:
This my friend is another god or form of god.

No, it is not another God or form of God. It is THE one FORM of God... the one and only form. The ONE God created only ONE image to represent His Oneness. He used the ONE image more than once in order to manifest only himself as the Creator and the Savior.

Jesus reiterated the truth to us about there being only ONE God and only ONE IMAGE... when he said things like this to the people of his day who SAW HIM.

"When you have SEEN ME... you have SEEN the FATHER. The Father and I are ONE."

Jesus the Savior was God and appeared with the presence of the LORD (which is the name given to the special created image that appears representing the ONE God.)

Fulfilling Isaiah 43:11
I (the ONE spiritual God), even I AM the LORD (the ONE image belonging to God that appears), beside ME (as the ONE spiritual God and the ONE visible LORD) there is no savior!!!"

You wrote:
It had to be a spirit like the father. This is what Jesus was anointed with.

Spirit is invisible ... and yes our Lord Jesus was associated with ALL of the invisible spirit of God (John 3:34,35)...
but IT (the image was a created bodily form that was given life in IT so that God could use IT to represent Him visually within His own creation."

Yes ... the image, when used to represent God the OT Father, was of a more super-natural essence. I think this is what you are prone to call "a spiritual form" If so, I agree in part ... and would not bother to argue with how you want to use that word - 'spirit' to describe a super-natural form...

But I use 'Spirit' differently from you. To me that word only applies to the invisible nature of God - and not to any visible presence. It could even be used to describe the nature of a human that cannot be seen.

For example:
If I were to talk about the "spirit of man" ... I would be talking about the invisible nature associated with a person that makes him inwardly a unique individual. The "invisible spirit of man" is what leaves this present body and goes to be with the LORD at physical death.

Now, regarding our Lord Jesus: When the created image of God was used to represent God the Son, then IT was of natural mortal flesh.

But what we have in the Father and the Son is the same God ... same image ... just manifested of different essences ... one -super-natural ... the other - natural.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I believe the family is in the image of God

we all have a mother and father which makes us part of a trinity


New member
I believe the family is in the image of God

we all have a mother and father which makes us part of a trinity

1Co 11:6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
1Co 11:7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

In the scriptures, God is "the father" not "the family."

1Co_8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.


New member
Nothing is similar to God, God is not like anything, God is a Spirit (Power that has no mirror image).

Is God a male ?

What is the express image of God in the mind of Abraham or Nuh or Adam?

What is the express image of God in the mind of any believer like Jews?

Do animals know God?

What is the express image of God in the mind of the dog?

You just threw the whole Word of God away!!!!

1 John 3:2 KJV -----///--- ((( They're called "Christians" ))), "Like Christ", "Like God". - Like "from the dust thou art, the Creation thou shalt return"!! - Doesn't God say just that, and you call Him a foollsh Creator!!!!

Paul -- 090312


New member
The allusion is to Gen 1... "let there be..." - not "Truth".

and the Word, (Truth: [John 14:6]), was (indistinguishable from Reality), God, (the almighty for all men).

The particular Greek construction used by John does not speak of "identity" but rather of "quality." That which God speaks is "God-utterance".

No, the bottomless sea already existed, as did the land submerged within it.


Thanks for trying to analyze the verses within the medieval jargon that has wrestled with this for centuries now.

It is simple though, that is, the idea behind John 1:1.

In the beginning, at that first split second when all things came into being, at the moment of the Big Bang,... there was also the ideal we call Truth.

This Truth, as a concept, began then, too, forever recording and reporting the ever changing and unfolding events of the creation.

Truth and the unfolding events that continue to this second are like father and son.
One begets the other, and both are the image of one another.

For mortal man, it is impossible to distinguish Truth from this father of what actually exists, because Truth corresponds one-to-one with what is real.


New member
I believe the family is in the image of God

we all have a mother and father which makes us part of a trinity

But mom and dad are joined together, one (1) flesh, not two.



New member
But mom and dad are joined together, one (1) flesh, not two.


Are you speaking of the Lost, or just the Saved, or all??
(( “God” )) has never joined two lost fools to together for anything. That’s the desire of Satan. – “It’s what (( “God” )) has joined together!! – (( Jesus joins the Lost to ( His Wife ) the Church, at Baptism ))!! – Now that all things are fulfilled; that is the ( Only ) joining that Jesus does. – Not a man to a woman. - The ( man joins himself ) to the wife in Sex, not Christ!!! -- Show us where God joins anything after the End!!!! – Matthew 22:30 KJV –

Paul – 090312


New member
Thanks for trying to analyze the verses within the medieval jargon that has wrestled with this for centuries now.

It is simple though, that is, the idea behind John 1:1.

In the beginning, at that first split second when all things came into being, at the moment of the Big Bang,... there was also the ideal we call Truth...

Actually, the "universe" was already there in the beginning; God is only credited with making:

* the sky - a solid structure that supported "the waters above"
* the dry land - which already existed, submerged in the bottomless sea; he just pulled it up and set it on mysterious pillars;

This is why John 1 says that he, by means of his utterances of "let there be.." only made **those things that were made**... The others already were there.

Moses didn't know squat about actual science.


New member
Actually, the "universe" was already there in the beginning; God is only credited with making:

* the sky - a solid structure that supported "the waters above"
* the dry land - which already existed, submerged in the bottomless sea; he just pulled it up and set it on mysterious pillars;

This is why John 1 says that he, by means of his utterances of "let there be.." only made **those things that were made**... The others already were there.

Moses didn't know squat about actual science.

(((( Genesis 1:1 KJV - ))))!!!!

Paul -- 090312


New member
Does this look like a family to you?:

Dan 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
Dan 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

Or this?:

Eze 1:26 And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.
Eze 1:27 And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.
Eze 1:28 As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.

Or this?

Rev 4:3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

No, God is not a "family" but rather a manlike deity who lives in the sky.


Well-known member
"Express image" is a rather poor translation. "Exact impress" would be better, though if you don't think in terms of God impressing his CHARACTER into his human son you won't get what it's about. The word comes from the idea of a stamp making an impression in a wax seal. The impression "looks like" the stamp (only reversed on the z axis) but is not the same as the stamp. Again, don't think in terms of what you see with the eyes, think in terms of the godly character built into Christ. He was Immanuel, "God With Us," in this very real sense.