What is the express image of God?


New member
I wish you peace Paul for I have peace. If you do not understand that, I suggest you keep on reading the scriptures til you do. God is love, love is only good when you share and display it.

You have your views, I do not agree with all of them.

Keypurr!! - I realize that that’s the way ( you Feel ), But Christians ((( Don’t “LIVE” ))) On Feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Christian (( “LIVES” )) By, and On Faith, and ((( Nothing else ))), Let alone our Foolish Feelings that are straight from (((( HELL )))). – The Feelings of the flesh have (( nothing )) to do with the “LIFE” Christ gave to the (((((( “Church” )))))) Not to (( You ))!!!!!!! The Flesh Profits ( nothing ) no matter ( how it feels ), Spirits don’t (( “FEEL” Anything ))!!!!!! -- Can you not get that through your Head????????

Then (( "Seek a Sign" ))!!!!!!!!

Paul – 083112


New member
- The express image of a person is his work (positive or negative).
- The express image of God is the creation. Creation is a very powerful thing that we can see it by our sensation and research.
- Jesus is nothing except an old story that may be a myth in the mind of some others, but creation and nature are living things in front of all.


New member
- The express image of a person is his work (positive or negative).
- The express image of God is the creation. Creation is a very powerful thing that we can see it by our sensation and research.
- Jesus is nothing except an old story that may be a myth in the mind of some others, but creation and nature are living things in front of all.

(( Fools say the same thing every day ))!!! – But, your work nor God’s work has anything to do with anything; - much less having to do with one’s “Salvation”, or haven’t you heard??? -- (( It’s By “Faith” )) in what God said. - ( Everything God said, ((( Is “Jesus” ))) the Anointed Word ) / ( Christ )!! – ((( Remember, - “And the ( Word ) was made Flesh” ))), and the Word of God is “Jesus”, and He was Anointed by the Holy Ghost / Jesus the Christ. - In other Words, “The Word" is the Holy Ghost / God who is that Holy Spirit of the Word of Truth!!!!!!!! – John 1:1 KJV --- Now Eat That or prove it Wrong!!!!!!!!

Paul – 090112

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
(( Fools say the same thing every day ))!!! – But, your work nor God’s work has anything to do with anything; - much less having to do with one’s “Salvation”, or haven’t you heard??? -- (( It’s By “Faith” )) in what God said. - ( Everything God said, ((( Is “Jesus” ))) the Anointed Word ) / ( Christ )!! – ((( Remember, - “And the ( Word ) was made Flesh” ))), and the Word of God is “Jesus”, and He was Anointed by the Holy Ghost / Jesus the Christ. - In other Words, “The Word" is the Holy Ghost / God who is that Holy Spirit of the Word of Truth!!!!!!!! – John 1:1 KJV --- Now Eat That or prove it Wrong!!!!!!!!

Paul – 090112

Paul, If you would stop using so many parenthesis and exclamation points it may be easier to decipher your posts.


Well-known member
- The express image of a person is his work (positive or negative).
- The express image of God is the creation. Creation is a very powerful thing that we can see it by our sensation and research.
- Jesus is nothing except an old story that may be a myth in the mind of some others, but creation and nature are living things in front of all.

definitions of image:
1.) a copy or representation of a person or thing, DRAWN, PAINTED, etc. especially a statue... a sculptured figure ...
2.) the VISUAL impression of something produced by a reflection in a mirror, or through a lens, etc.
3.) a person or thing very much like another; a copy, a counterpart; a likeness.
4.) a mental PICTURE of something;

Now there are other meanings ... but all of you who deny that God created a VISIBLE FIGURE of a body for his personal use ... have to deny the reality of the first four definitions of IMAGE. All of these have to do with it being something that can be SEEN visually!

You all are muddling the truth ... choosing possible choices of definitions that suit your false doctrines rather than the definitions that fit the written word of God.


Well-known member
God made a plan ... and part of that plan was for HIM to come as the savior of the word. Isaiah 43:11 I (God), even I AM the LORD, beside ME there is NO SAVIOR.

God created a visible bodily form / and image/ for HIMSELF and then used it to manifest himself unto the world ... beginning with Adam and Woman (Gen.2 and Gen. 3) in the Garden ... continuing unto the Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Exodus 6:3) ... and continuing to Moses (Exodus 3:6) ... and then to 74 men of Israel at one time as "the body of heaven in HIS clearness" (Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 Old KJV.)

For some reason only known to God HE chose Abraham out of all the men on earth to receive the promise of "God's exceeding great reward."
Genesis 15:1
quote: After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, "Fear not, Abram: I (God the LORD) AM your shield, and your "exceeding great reward."

It would be through Abraham ...and through his promised son, Isaac, that God would choose to write a story in human history that would miraculously one day produce himself ... as the "exceeding great reward."

Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus said this about himself: "Before Abraham ... I AM!" Abraham saw my day and was glad of it!

Our Lord Jesus was the visible manifestation of God's bodily form that appeared unto men of old ... who had finally arrived representing God himself (Emmanuel) among us with a fleshly bodily form / an image /. Coming just as he had promised Abraham.

The reason the Jews wound up with the the task of pointing to HIS arrival through their historical family tree ... was simply because God wanted to write his story in human history for all to witness. God first chose Abraham and then manipulated the lineage HE wanted all the way up to the Christ- our Lord Jesus.

The story of Abraham tgrough the Jews to Jesus is a miraculous story ... but the truth remains that God was sending himself as the Savior and he wanted the world to recognized that HE had accomplished IT in his own way. Jews are not better or worse than any other people on earth ... and God did not come JUST for the salvation of the Jews. He came there first ... because they were his lineage ... but Christians all know that HE came to save all mankind. God, as the manifested LORD, loved the world so much that HE offered HIMSELF as Lord, when HE manifested Himself visually as his own begotten Son, for the salvation of all men.

People who hate Christ probably hate the Jews ... because of what they stand for ... which is: the miracle God wrote in human history to tell the world of his coming.
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Well-known member
- The express image of a person is his work (positive or negative).
- The express image of God is the creation. Creation is a very powerful thing that we can see it by our sensation and research.
- Jesus is nothing except an old story that may be a myth in the mind of some others, but creation and nature are living things in front of all.

Thank you for you thoughts but an express of God would be a spirit not the creation. The creation would be a display of his power. God is a spirit. He created an express image of that spirit. That makes that spirit a form of God. I think this spirit was put into Jesus and that is what made him the Christ.

It is my understanding that you see Jesus as a prophet, I do also, but he is much greater than a prophet. He is the son of God both in the flesh and in the spirit.


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Thank you for you thoughts but an express of God would be a spirit not the creation. The creation would be a display of his power. God is a spirit. He created an express image of that spirit. That makes that spirit a form of God. I think this spirit was put into Jesus and that is what made him the Christ.

It is my understanding that you see Jesus as a prophet, I do also, but he is much greater than a prophet. He is the son of God both in the flesh and in the spirit.


Friend, He doesn't believe that Jesus is God and neither do you. That is the clincher. We as Christians believe that God walked among His people.

1 John 1:1-2
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

Notice that 1 John states that the manifested Word of Life was handled with their hands. They left no stone unturned. He was visible, not invisible.


Well-known member
Friend, He doesn't believe that Jesus is God and neither do you. That is the clincher. We as Christians believe that God walked among His people.

1 John 1:1-2
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

Notice that 1 John states that the manifested Word of Life was handled with their hands. They left no stone unturned. He was visible, not invisible.

Your wrong abut me BR. I believe that Christ is a form of God. I do not believe he is the father or almighty. He is the son of the most high God. So he is a god, but not the mosty high God. We know that Jesus has a God, where is it written that the father has a God?

He doesn't. That is the point friend.

So who is Jesus? He is the son of the most high God. He is a god.
God created him FIRST. Then he used Christ to create the world and time and everything else. I did not write the book of Hebrews or Colossians BR.

I know you do not see what I do, and I wonder why, but then I think of all the years I did not see it either.


New member
definitions of image:
1.) a copy or representation of a person or thing, DRAWN, PAINTED, etc. especially a statue... a sculptured figure ...
2.) the VISUAL impression of something produced by a reflection in a mirror, or through a lens, etc.
3.) a person or thing very much like another; a copy, a counterpart; a likeness.
4.) a mental PICTURE of something;

Now there are other meanings ... but all of you who deny that God created a VISIBLE FIGURE of a body for his personal use ... have to deny the reality of the first four definitions of IMAGE. All of these have to do with it being something that can be SEEN visually!

You all are muddling the truth ... choosing possible choices of definitions that suit your false doctrines rather than the definitions that fit the written word of God.

Nothing is similar to God, God is not like anything, God is a Spirit (Power that has no mirror image). Creation and nature is the face of God

Is God a male ?


New member
(( Fools say the same thing every day ))!!! – But, your work nor God’s work has anything to do with anything; - much less having to do with one’s “Salvation”, or haven’t you heard??? -- (( It’s By “Faith” )) in what God said. - ( Everything God said, ((( Is “Jesus” ))) the Anointed Word ) / ( Christ )!! – ((( Remember, - “And the ( Word ) was made Flesh” ))), and the Word of God is “Jesus”, and He was Anointed by the Holy Ghost / Jesus the Christ. - In other Words, “The Word" is the Holy Ghost / God who is that Holy Spirit of the Word of Truth!!!!!!!! – John 1:1 KJV --- Now Eat That or prove it Wrong!!!!!!!!

Paul – 090112

Nothing is similar to God, God is not like anything, God is a Spirit (Power that has no mirror image).

Is God a male ?

What is the express image of God in the mind of Abraham or Nuh or Adam?

What is the express image of God in the mind of any believer like Jews?

Do animals know God?

What is the express image of God in the mind of the dog?


New member
Friend, He doesn't believe that Jesus is God and neither do you. That is the clincher. We as Christians believe that God walked among His people.

Indeed, if you want to "buy or sell" in "Christendom" then you have to have the "Trinitarian" number emblazoned on your forehead! (Jesus is not a Christian because on his forehead is his father's name).

1 John 1:1-2
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

Notice that 1 John states that the manifested Word of Life was handled with their hands. They left no stone unturned. He was visible, not invisible.

The "beginning" here is the beginning of the Christian faith. The word "Word" should be translated "message" (because that is his subject - "the original message of Christ's everlasting life").

Notice that he says the life they witness was *aligned with* the father. (The word PROS, when used with an accusative, denotes "purpose").

Jesus was tangible. But the message was only tangible and visible in the sense that they could witness Jesus' behavior. And his behavior because the basis of reproving those who claim to be Christians but conduct themselves unlike Jesus.


Well-known member
Nothing is similar to God, God is not like anything, God is a Spirit (Power that has no mirror image). Creation and nature is the face of God

Is God a male ?
Hello egyptianmuslim,
Thank you for speaking to me. I love this topic... and liked your comments.

I agree with you in some ways ... but with an exception on one point especially.
No created human being or created angel is equal to the ONE invisible omni-everything spiritual God.
Yes, God is a Spirit... and the essence of spirit does not reflect in a mirror.
Yes, the entire creation and nature reveals to us the nature of our invisible God.

Our ONE spiritual God, who was able to create things out of invisibility and then bring them into the LIGHT of visibility ... was also able to create beings who would be able to behold the visible things He created.

IOW ... the invisible God created something called "visibility!"

Just as God was able to create a physical form that had life in it ... and then add additional life (that some people call man's unique "soul") to it ... in order to form a completed visible human being ... SO TOO was God able to create a living form for himself and to use IT. He associated his own unique invisible nature to this created visible image.

No, we cannot see the spiritual God ... but we were created to SEE God's created specifically personal visible living form or image.

In Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 KJV ... where it is written ... and THEY SAW GOD ... the body of heaven in HIS clearness!!!"... then these men had seen the created visible image of God (aka - His heavenly body).

Part of God plans when he created mankind was to reveal himself to them ... build a Family ... to dwell eternally in a righteous kingdom.

Imagine this coming true! People from through out the nations of the world, who had thought that their nations could never get along with each other here on earth, will one day live together in peace as brother and sister.

We will be able to do this in his kingdom one day - because God's Christ completed his work upon the cross to provided the example ... or THE WAY of how we are to be circumcised from our fleshly imperfections and our hard hearts to make us righteous.

This is the "good news" of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The invisible God was able to come among men and come within HIS own creation by associating all of His nature with a literal living mortal bodily form in order to fix all the things wrong with mankind... inside and out ... visible and invisible things.

Is it any wonder that the Most High God created Adam (mankind) after the likeness and image of himself?
This made HIM the perfect match to fix what was broken IN US.

We will be the eternal children of our LORD in the kingdom of His Son... a family that resembles HIS presence/image and each other too ... for we were created after His likeness and after His image.
Praise God for already having Christ the savior in His mind before he even created us.

Read Colossians 1: 13 -15
(The ONE invisible God)who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
14 (His Son) in whom we have redemption(salvation) through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
15 (His Son) who is the image of the INVISIBLE God, (the image being) the first born of every creature.


Well-known member
Nothing is similar to God, God is not like anything, God is a Spirit (Power that has no mirror image).

Is God a male ?

What is the express image of God in the mind of Abraham or Nuh or Adam?

What is the express image of God in the mind of any believer like Jews?

Do animals know God?

What is the express image of God in the mind of the dog?

Do you think it would be safe to assume that God, being a spirit, could create another spirit just like him?

I believe he did just that. Long before he created the worlds he created his Christ. God used this spirit to create everything else, time, the worlds, mankind. To show himself to mankind he put this spirit into his physical son Jesus. Seeing Jesus we can see and understand his and our God.

These are my thoughts as to what I see in scripture. I wish I understood what you believe. I'm sure it would be of interest to see another person's views on God.



Well-known member
Sorry Keypurr ... God did not created another God like himself. He merely and wonderfully created a visible image for his use and used IT.

But, yes, God could create other spiritual entities ... like angelic beings and human individuals... BUT, these created beings are not equal with God ... for God had/has a way to impart of His spiritual nature by "measured portions."

Our Lord Jesus is the only fleshly walking mortal individual about which these things were said:
quote John 3:34,35
For he (Lord Jesus) whom God hath sent speaks the WORDS OF GOD: for God GIVETH NOT the Spirit BY MEASURE unto Him.
The Father loveth the Son, and HATH GIVEN ALL THINGS into His hand.

Therefore, only our Lord Jesus could consider it NOT robbery to be EQUAL with the ONE God.


Well-known member
Hello again egyptianmuslim,
Ooough ... your questions are so good. I just couldn't resist jumping in.

You wrote:
Nothing is similar to God, God is not like anything, God is a Spirit

Yes ... God is the ONE invisible divine Spirit.

You added that God is:
(Power that has no mirror image).

Then asked:
Is God a male ?

God the Spirit is not a male ... BUT the image He created and used was that of a visible MALE BODY! This makes me accept that God chose for us to know Him as a MALE form.

Why else would Paul say that a woman, who is speaking in public by prophesying in the name of the LORD, should either cover her female glory of long hair on her head ... or cut it short like a man's? He female form does not correctly represent the form of God before public eyes. She must alter her form to hide her femaleness out of respect for the original form of God's image.

How do I know his image was that of a MALE? Because God said that he created the body of Adam (mankind) after His Own Likeness and Image!!!

Adam was a visible male ... (for female was still hidden within the invisible nature of mankind ... her physical form was not manifested in its unique form until later)

Therefore, if Adam looked like a MALE ... and was created after the IMAGE of God ... then God's image was that of a male.

Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus manifested of flesh ... looked like a typical man ... without having anything special "unusual look" about his appearance that would make a person think that he was the divine God?

You also asked:
What is the express image of God in the mind of Abraham or Nuh or Adam?
Well, I don't know Nuh ... but I know that God appeared and talked to Adam while he was in the Garden ... and to Abraham. Exodus 6:3 KJV

You asked:
What is the express image of God in the mind of any believer like Jews?

I can't answer this one ... I think that there are probably many Jews who do not believe that God appeared to their forefathers.

You asked:
Do animals know God? What is the express image of God in the mind of the dog?

Well, as soon as I can speak "animal" I'll ask ... but scripture does tell of one story where God spoke through the mouth of an animal ... and that the animal saw an angelic presence. I guess God can appear when he wants and to whom he wants.

Surely there is something within your sacred books that give some clue to the truth that God appeared unto Abraham...

Please let me know if there is.


New member
Sorry Keypurr ... God did not created another God like himself. He merely and wonderfully created a visible image for his use and used IT....

In the scriptures, God is a manlike deity who lives in the sky, along with other males. He is not an invisible "ghost". In fact, if you want to know what God looks like, look at me. I am his image and likeness.

"Angels" also are males, DNA compatible with humans.

In this way, they are all similar to many other deities that they replaced among the "pagans".


New member
We as Christians believe that God walked among His people.

1 John 1:1-2
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

Notice that 1 John states that the manifested Word of Life was handled with their hands. They left no stone unturned. He was visible, not invisible.

That "Word" was Truth, and itID walk among those men in 32AD.

They crucified The Truth, but it rose again and conquered the whole enemy world of Rome.

In the beginning was the Word, (i.e.; Truth: [John 14:6]), and the Word, (Truth, itself), was (synonymous) with God, (i.e.; Reality), and the Word, (Truth: [John 14:6]), was (indistinguishable from Reality), God, (the almighty for all men).

2 "He," (Truth, the symbolic Word to come: [Jud 1:3]) was with God, (i.e.; the ever unfolding Reality), in the beginning, (that is, the initial unfolding of material Reality in what was the actiual physical Creation).

Jn 1:3 ALL (real) THINGS, (phenomenally, i.e.; mentally), came into existence, (for man), through him, (i.e.; this concept of Truth), and apart from him, (this ideal of Truth), not even ONE (real) thing came into (actual) existence (for men).


New member
It does NOT say "reflection." The word means "radiance" or "effulgence." See the op to my thread about this.


Gen. 1:26 And God, (The Universal Force, the Macrocosmos), said, "Let us, (the Natural Laws), make man, (a conscious mind, to model us, the unfolding Universe, as a Microcosmos of his mind), in (order that) our image (might be modeled after our own orderly organization): and let him (that conscious mind,) have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Gen. 1:27 So God (The Universal Force) created man (an abstract mind in his own image, enabled to image The Universal Force, abstractly and mathematically), so created God (The Universal Force) him; male and female created he them.


New member
Do you think it would be safe to assume that God, being a spirit, could create another spirit just like him?


Of course...

God is the almighty Force behind the ever unfolding Reality that sires the Truth which was manifest in Christ in 32AD.

Christ is the Truth, the way, the life for men who depend upon imaging what is in the external Reality as a model of Truth in their head.