Nothing is similar to God, God is not like anything, God is a Spirit (Power that has no mirror image). Creation and nature is the face of God
Is God a male ?
Hello egyptianmuslim,
Thank you for speaking to me. I love this topic... and liked your comments.
I agree with you in some ways ... but with an exception on one point especially.
No created human being or created angel is equal to the ONE invisible omni-everything spiritual God.
Yes, God is a Spirit... and the essence of spirit does not reflect in a mirror.
Yes, the entire creation and nature reveals to us the nature of our invisible God.
Our ONE spiritual God, who was able to create things out of invisibility and then bring them into the LIGHT of visibility ... was also able to create beings who would be able to behold the visible things He created.
IOW ... the invisible God created something called "visibility!"
Just as God was able to create a physical form that had life in it ... and then add additional life (that some people call man's unique "soul") to it ... in order to form a completed visible human being ... SO TOO was God able to create a living form for himself and to use IT. He associated his own unique invisible nature to this created visible image.
No, we cannot see the spiritual God ... but we were created to SEE God's created specifically personal visible living form or image.
In Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 KJV ... where it is written ... and THEY SAW GOD ... the body of heaven in HIS clearness!!!"... then these men had seen the created visible image of God (aka - His heavenly body).
Part of God plans when he created mankind was to reveal himself to them ... build a Family ... to dwell eternally in a righteous kingdom.
Imagine this coming true! People from through out the nations of the world,
who had thought that their nations could never get along with each other here on earth, will one day live together in peace as brother and sister.
We will be able to do this in his kingdom one day - because God's Christ completed his work upon the cross to provided the example ... or THE WAY of how we are to be circumcised from our fleshly imperfections and our hard hearts to make us righteous.
This is the "good news" of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The invisible God was able to come among men and come within HIS own creation by associating all of His nature with a literal living mortal bodily form in order to fix all the things wrong with mankind... inside and out ... visible and invisible things.
Is it any wonder that the Most High God created Adam (mankind) after the likeness and image of himself?
This made HIM
the perfect match to fix what was broken IN US.
We will be the eternal children of our LORD in the kingdom of His Son... a family that resembles HIS presence/image and each other too ... for we were created after His likeness and after His image.
Praise God for already having
Christ the savior in His mind before he even created us.
Read Colossians 1: 13 -15
(The ONE invisible God)who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
(His Son) in whom we have redemption(salvation) through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
(His Son) who is
the image of the INVISIBLE God, (the image being) the first born of every creature.