What is the express image of God?


New member

And if He was with God before creation, in order to be created he would have to have been part of that creation. Christ is an eternal being my friend. Some day you will see it.

That at the moment of the Big Bang Beginning, (i.e.; in the beginning), Truth was with the unfolding of material Reality, as that Truth formed in its wake.

This is the only way John 1:1 could make sense rationally and logically.
All the religious explanations before this has become clear are nonsense based solely on attempts to conjure metaphyical ideas that are not directly supported by either scriture or common sense:

In the beginning was the Word, (i.e.; Truth: [John 14:6]), and the Word, (Truth, itself), was (synonymous) with God, (i.e.; Reality), and the Word, (Truth: [John 14:6]), was (indistinguishable from Reality), God, (the almighty for all men).

2 "He," (Truth, the symbolic Word to come: [Jud 1:3]) was with God, (i.e.; the ever unfolding Reality), in the beginning, (that is, the initial unfolding of material Reality in what was the actiual physical Creation).

Jn 1:3 ALL (real) THINGS, (phenomenally, i.e.; mentally), came into existence, (for man), through him, (i.e.; this concept of Truth), and apart from him, (this ideal of Truth), not even ONE (real) thing came into (actual) existence (for men).

Totton Linnet

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When religious people couch their ideas about the bible is statements which they themselves say "the human mind can not wrap itself around," they admit that they make no sense at all, de facto no one could understand them or their point.

What is simple is that Truth is our High Priest that shines light on the almighty Reality we are nurtured and threaten by.
You understand eternity...please tell

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
TOTTON, WE JUST AGREED, Christ is a creation.

Your on the right track at last.

Yes but you do not understand eternity, when a thing begins or ends in eternity, it is beyond our ability to understand.

Also I am saying that He is the visible creation of the invisible God and so IS God who always was and is and evermore shall be, having no beginning or end.

He IS the Person of God, He took upon Himself Sonship.

God is completely unknown and unknowable apart from Christ so your assertion that you worship "the one true God" and not Christ is nonsense for there is only one substancial Person of God and that is Christ....God is a spirit without shape or form, Christ is the visible form and Person of God.


New member
Yes, the Spirit of God IS God, the Father. think or the Father as the Creator, or creating aspect of God, the Son, the connection between man and God, the Holy Spirit as the aspect of God, which guides us; I call it Grace.

We are too old to care about the best argument, what we should care about is being right with God. Christ is the door, please enter and all your questions, you shall know, even if you cannot prove any of it.

Wise counsel. If only people were to heed it!

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I think the spirit of God is FROM God. I fail to see it as a seperate being. I have always thought this way, it just seems to make sense.

I am open for the idea of others who think in a different way.

Well if you reject Jesu's teaching in the matter what's the point of asking anyone else?


New member
You understand eternity...please tell

Yes, I do.

I mean eternity as used in the Bible sense, of course.
Eternal Life is not exactly that infinity people would suppose, but more conotative of "continuing life."

Search Results



1.Lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
2.Valid for all time; essentially unchanging.
everlasting - perpetual - timeless - undying - perennial

This refers to the perpatual existence of our species as opposed to what happen in the Floof Out-of-Africa 40 thousand years of "days and nights" ago when all mankind except Modern manbecame extinct.

The promise is that we shall not become extinct because we will have honestly faced Reality with the Truth we come to accept about ourselves and our place and obligations in and to the environment Earth has presented to us.
This is particular elevant to how we deal with our most threatening of forces, man himself.

But, we will also be changed in such as way that we will know we have lived a long time in other lives we have experienced:

Revelation 21:4-5
And God, (blessing them with Total Phylogenetic Consciousness: [Carl Jung]), shall wipe away, (in their awakened Unconscious Mind: [Freudian Hypothesis]), all tears from their eyes, (for life is a genetically remember able continuum from one generation to the next living generation);
(in genetic memories of prior existences held in our Unconscious Mind) there shall be no more death... (For we shall not all "sleep:" [1Co15:51], but total phylogenetic Consciousness will have evolved), neither sorrow... (For we, individually, are part of a living continuum of our own past, flowers upon our genetic vine), nor crying,.. (for we are happy in these revelations of reconstitution from our human gene pool), neither shall there be any more pain... for the former things (in Modern Homo sapiens paradigm of the life experience) are passed away.

And “He,” (the ancient, phylogenetic, Collective Unconscious Mind), that sat upon the throne (within the kingdom of the evolving Homoiousian sapiens' brain: [Luke 17:21]) said, Behold, (in this way, through evolution: [Gen 9:11-18]), I make all things (in human experience) new.
And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true, (i.e.; Christ himself, the gospel Truth, rational, and scientifically feasible), and (worthy of) faithful (belief).


New member
Posted by Ktoyou
Yes, the Spirit of God IS God, the Father. think or the Father as the Creator, or creating aspect of God, the Son, the connection between man and God, the Holy Spirit as the aspect of God, which guides us; I call it Grace.


Wise counsel. If only people were to heed it!

The Grace of God is that He created us, Modern man, in a way that makes us capable of mentally imaging the almighty Reality within which He has set us.

He, himself, is that Force that eternally unfolds the next frame of Reality.
Truth is our salvation, which is available to man, by his design and with the grace of the intellect he bestowed upon us.

There is no benefit in heeding anyother ideas if one misses this point by superimposing metaphysical nonsense onto scripture.


Well-known member
From Dictionary.com

   [ih-tur-nl] Show IPA
without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing ( opposed to temporal): eternal life.
perpetual; ceaseless; endless: eternal quarreling; eternal chatter.
enduring; immutable: eternal principles.

Notice the First definition. without beginning or end.

If you keep this up with me for a couple of more posts, it will be another sleepless night for you.

But scripture implies he was a creation. The first of created.
I accept part 2.) he will live eternally.

I believe only the Father is eternal with no beginning.


New member
Yes, I do.

I mean eternity as used in the Bible sense, of course.
Eternal Life is not exactly that infinity people would suppose, but more conotative of "continuing life."

Search Results



1.Lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
2.Valid for all time; essentially unchanging.
everlasting - perpetual - timeless - undying - perennial

This refers to the perpatual existence of our species as opposed to what happen in the Floof Out-of-Africa 40 thousand years of "days and nights" ago when all mankind except Modern manbecame extinct.

The promise is that we shall not become extinct because we will have honestly faced Reality with the Truth we come to accept about ourselves and our place and obligations in and to the environment Earth has presented to us.
This is particular elevant to how we deal with our most threatening of forces, man himself.

But, we will also be changed in such as way that we will know we have lived a long time in other lives we have experienced:

Revelation 21:4-5
And God, (blessing them with Total Phylogenetic Consciousness: [Carl Jung]), shall wipe away, (in their awakened Unconscious Mind: [Freudian Hypothesis]), all tears from their eyes, (for life is a genetically remember able continuum from one generation to the next living generation);
(in genetic memories of prior existences held in our Unconscious Mind) there shall be no more death... (For we shall not all "sleep:" [1Co15:51], but total phylogenetic Consciousness will have evolved), neither sorrow... (For we, individually, are part of a living continuum of our own past, flowers upon our genetic vine), nor crying,.. (for we are happy in these revelations of reconstitution from our human gene pool), neither shall there be any more pain... for the former things (in Modern Homo sapiens paradigm of the life experience) are passed away.

And “He,” (the ancient, phylogenetic, Collective Unconscious Mind), that sat upon the throne (within the kingdom of the evolving Homoiousian sapiens' brain: [Luke 17:21]) said, Behold, (in this way, through evolution: [Gen 9:11-18]), I make all things (in human experience) new.
And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true, (i.e.; Christ himself, the gospel Truth, rational, and scientifically feasible), and (worthy of) faithful (belief).

Eternal Life is the “Eternal”!!! - What else could “Eternity” possibly be?? - The “Life of God” is the (( only )) Eternal thing that exists!! -- All things that are “Eternal”, is God, and His (( “Life” )). - There is nothing else that can be described by any other thing than ((( Jesus Christ, - that “Eternal Life” )))! - Now prove that wrong!!!!

Paul – 082912


New member
But scripture implies he was a creation. The first of created.
I accept part 2.) he will live eternally.

I believe only the Father is eternal with no beginning.

How could "Eternal Life" ever have been (( Created ))??? - How could the "Eternal" ever have been Created??? - How could the "Savior" / "Jesus the Christ" / "Eternal Life", - possibly, ever have been (( Created ))??? -- (( How could the "Gospel" ever have been "Created" ))?????? ---- Maybe you should read the book some and ((( Believe what you can never "SEE" )))!!!!!

Paul -- 082912


Well-known member
How could "Eternal Life" ever have been (( Created ))??? - How could the "Eternal" ever have been Created??? - How could the "Savior" / "Jesus the Christ" / "Eternal Life", - possibly, ever have been (( Created ))??? -- (( How could the "Gospel" ever have been "Created" ))?????? ---- Maybe you should read the book some and ((( Believe what you can never "SEE" )))!!!!!

Paul -- 082912

Its the way eternal is defined Paul. Eternal does not have to include past. We hope for eternal life also, but we had a start. Christ exsisted before all worlds and creatures, but he himself was the first creation. God explained to you in the books of Colossians and Hebrews how Christ came to be.

Peace Paul


Well-known member
Hi Keypurr,

You wrote:
I think his image could die and did.

YES - again in this way. The super-natural image described in the OT was not mortal flesh ... and could not die. It was a "heavenly body" ... and sometimes referred to as "the angel of God" as well as other terms used to describe IT.
In Colossians 1:15 IT was was called the "image of the invisible God."

The image of the invisible God could not die ... until the time came for God to manifest IT out of mortal flesh... then YES!
John 1:18 tells us that no one had ever seen God, the begotten son (of flesh) until the days of John the Baptist ... and that it was John the B that revealed his arrival to the world.

No man at any time hath seen God, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he (John the Baptist) hath declared him (as arrived.)

You also mentioned:

Yes. but Christ was with God before the creation, All was made through Christ.

Well, this sort of takes us away from the topic of God's image ... but I do have thoughts from my studies.

First of all:
The term Elohiym is used to identify the Creator in Genesis 1. This word "Elohiym" is a collective noun, which means that if one wants to write correctly then they will use it in a sentence like a singular noun with a matching singular verb.
Example: Elohiym is instead of Elohiym are ... or Elohiym creates instead of Elohiym create.

Other examples of collective nouns found in the English language are:
committee, choir, squadron... IOW, these words appear to used like singular nouns ... but they represent a collection or a plurality of people.

So, when the collective noun Elohiym was used ... IT was denoting that God's invisible nature was a plurality of essence.

So what is God full of?
Well, we are told that He is LIFE itself... so we know that whatever is part of his fullness of essence ... then all is ALIVE.

If we begin to call out the fullness of his nature then I believe that we have to say that each and every part of him is alive/living. If God calls out that He is LIGHT or He is his WORD or He is WISDOM or He is GOODNESS and MERCY ... etc. , then we must realize that each and every is just alive as the other listed nature.

Is it any wonder that we hear the term the "living WORD of God?"

The Son of God was the "living WORD of God." The WORD of God existed in God... was with God ... and was God.

Think upon this:
In Genesis 1:3,4 God spoke by his WORD:
"Let there be light: and there was light
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Here is what I learn from these short statements:
a.) The WORD that was spoken that brought forth the LIGHT was there already ... before the creation of anything else listed in Gen. 1.
b.) It was the power of God own WORD that separated the LIGHT from the darkness.
c.) I figure that the LIGHT was already part of God's living essence ... but it was invisible ... hidden with in the darkness.

The closest scientists have come to explaining such a phenomenon with the natural mind is to tell us about the "back hole", which they say has such power that it even consumes rays of light so that they cannot escape its grasp ... and light becomes hidden within its grasp... existing but invisible to humans.

When I ponder these things in the information above and couple it with other things taught in scripture ... then I come up with some pretty good conclusions.

1.) The WORD of God existed inclusively and invisibly as God's own living essence. All things were created by God's living WORD. John 1:1,2 tells us how the WORD was God and was with God.

2.) God chose to call LIGHT out of the darkness and separate them from each other by his laws or commands ... and for me this meant that God was about to make things begin to APPEAR.

3.) I've read that God's own image lives within unapproachable LIGHT... and this glorious LIGHT can be harmful to the eyes and lives of mortal men of flesh ... and OT and NT examples bear out the true possibility of this fact.

4.) So, when God tells me that he he already had an image to share the likeness of with mankind, then I ponder that that image was of the essence of LIGHT. That would make it a more "spiritual-type/ super natural- type / heavenly- type presence than what was comprehend that was formed for mankind out of the elements of the "ground."

4.) John 1:9,10 tells us that the living invisible WORD of God had come within the world and appeared on earth while being THAT TRUE LIGHT ... that OT super-natural image of God composed of God's own living LIGHT had finally come into the world and appeared as "natural mortal flesh" at the time of our Lord and Savior Jesus.

This made the Savior both:
* the invisible Living WORD of God, who was God and was with God
* and the living LIGHT of God - aka God's image or presence.

Which is exactly what John 1 tells us. And then we are told that until the time of the arrival of the Savior:
"No man at any time hath seen God, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he (John the B) hath declared him."

This verse does not say that no one had ever seen super-natural image of God the Father ... but says that no man had ever before seen God the Son manifested of flesh.

Bright Raven

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Hall of Fame
Its the way eternal is defined Paul. Eternal does not have to include past. We hope for eternal life also, but we had a start. Christ exsisted before all worlds and creatures, but he himself was the first creation. God explained to you in the books of Colossians and Hebrews how Christ came to be.

Peace Paul

Look at it as defined from the perspective of 1 John.

1 John 1:1-2

1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)


Well-known member
Look at it as defined from the perspective of 1 John.

1 John 1:1-2

1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness,
and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

The beginning could be when the world was created. He was with the father then.


Well-known member
Yes but you do not understand eternity, when a thing begins or ends in eternity, it is beyond our ability to understand.

Also I am saying that He is the visible creation of the invisible God and so IS God who always was and is and evermore shall be, having no beginning or end.

He IS the Person of God, He took upon Himself Sonship.

God is completely unknown and unknowable apart from Christ so your assertion that you worship "the one true God" and not Christ is nonsense for there is only one substancial Person of God and that is Christ....God is a spirit without shape or form, Christ is the visible form and Person of God.

If he is the express image of God he would have the same thoughts and feelings, but still would not be what he is the image of.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
He was God FIRST creation, the world was created through him. He is firstborn of all creatures. Christ died, God cannot die so they are not of the same substance.

Peace my friend
The Bible NOWHERE says that Jesus was God's first creation. It says that He is the "Firstborn over creation." The word "Firstborn" means "Supreme." John said that He was in the beginnig with God and that ALL things were made by Him and that without Him "NOT ONE THING" was made.


New member
First of all, "express image" is something you get from Kinko's, not from Hebrews. All Hebrews says is that he is the "reflection". Think about the Moon, versus the Sun. The Sun emits the light and the Moon reflects one fifth of that toward the Earth. All the rest is the fantasy of the Trinity-worshipers.

For example, Moses could not behold God's glory, but Peter saw the glory of Jesus just fine.

The actual Koine Greek word does not mean "express image" (whatever the how-do-you-do that might mean), but rather, simply, "reflection".

And more germane to the actual discussion... Hebrew 1 explicitly denies that Jesus is "one substance with the father" since Jesus is merely the "caricature" of his substance!

Trinitarians have been praising the Emperor (Constantine) for his "fine clothes" ever since he first insisted that the Catholic Empire be built on his HOMOousia!