Well-known member
You say: "I see your point but I do not agree. No you have not resolved the conflict, in my heart, I wish you did."
The idea of yours expressed on post #376 that "Christ is...the son who God used to create everything", is identical to the teaching of the Watchtower organisation. Did you learn this from Jehovah Witness literature?
I am not a JW, but they are just like any kother faith, sometimes they get it right.
Your conflict therefore is between the belief of Isaiah that "the LORD God made all things alone, by himself" (Isa.44:24) and your own conclusion (or JW dogma)that though "...not God himself...Christ is...the son who God used to create everything (your post #376).
I guess my concerns are verses that say God did this or that and then the NT says Jesus did it for his God.
I agree with you that the Son is not God himself, but do not believe that Christ was involved in the original creation of Genesis but only in the setting up of " thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers" and that after his exaltation at the right hand of God; when these "things were created by him, and for him" (Col.1:16).
It seems to me that you may have been further confused by the conflicting translations of Colossians 1:16, some of which say that "Everything was created BY him" (CEV), while others say that "IN him all things in heaven and on earth were created" (NRSV).
There are a few posters on here that agree with you.
I believe Colossians 1:16 actually says: “For in him [Christ] [not “by” him as mistranslated in some versions] all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created through [not “by” him as mistranslated in some versions] him and for him.”
If your like me, you only understand English so we have to relay on the folks who do the translating. There are more "by" than "in"s, there is also through. John implies that Christ did the creating also.
Joh 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
The creator is God, the Father. He made everything. He made man and woman. He rested at creation. Jesus came into being when Mary conceived supernaturally. The miraculous conception makes him the Son of God in a special sense (Luke 1:35).
Understand that Jesus was not at the creation of the world, but Christ was. Christ is a spirit friend. The express image of God, who is a spirit. This spirit was IN Jesus, thoes are my thoughts from the NT.
Jesus Christ was the reason for all creation, the occasion for creation, since as the firstborn he is to possess all authority over the universe under God. But God, the Father, the One God (1 Cor. 8:6) is the creator of all things.
Hebrews 3:4 states that: “God is the builder of everything.”
But how did God create, I believe he created THROUGH Christ (not Jesus)
However that may be let us leave Colossians for a moment and consider what Jesus himself said about the beginning creation:
"For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be"(Mark 13:19).
This still does not say that Christ was not God's tool for creation
Keypurr, you do not believe that the Son is God himself, but think that "Christ is...the son who God used to create everything" (your post #376). This idea of yours brings you into conflict with the very statement of Jesus that it was God who created from the beginning.
Keypurr, did Jesus claim to be "the son who God used to create everything" (your post #376), or did he speak about "the beginning of the creation which God created?"(Mk.13:19)
Christ was God's FIRST creation. This took place many yearts before the world exsisted. THe beginning starts at the creation. God himself had no beginning, but his spirit son did.
Your idea that "Christ is...the son who God used to create everything" also implies that Jesus Christ pre-existed his own birth in Bethlehem. This idea of preexistence implies that Christ was higher and more powerful than the angels at creation, which makes a mockery of his " Being made so much better than the angels... when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high" (Heb.1:3-4).
On this subject kindly read an article entitled PREEXISTENCE OR PREEMINENCE? by William M. Wachtel
AMEN friend, Christ is the highest of all creaqtion. Much higher than the angels. Christ is a godlike spirit, a god. According to the NT, he created all for his God, including the Angles. His Father is the only true God, the most high God. That also is in the entier Bible. So I have no problem with considering Christ a god. Jesus was a man, Christ is a spirit, together you have a man with the Christ spirit IN him. Christ could die, for he is a creation, but God cannot. Jesus Christ died for our sins.
Peace friend, lets continue to explore.