What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
You can assume whatever you want. Hebrews speaks of one God, the Gos of Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob, not your fictitious theory.

Why are there two Gods in chapter one?

O God and God, your God?

Greek translations are distorting what it really says.

There is only one true God, John 17:3 tells you who he is.

YHWH is the name of the most high God.
Who are the other Gods?

Why is the term "Most High God" used at all in Scripture?


New member
Why are there two Gods in chapter one?

O God and God, your God?

Greek translations are distorting what it really says.

There is only one true God, John 17:3 tells you who he is.

YHWH is the name of the most high God.
Who are the other Gods?

Why is the term "Most High God" used at all in Scripture?

You don't believe the answer when given (which I and others have provided).

You demote Jesus the Christ to a lesser god.
You deny His deity.
You serve a possessed god.

May God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) have mercy on you and open your eyes to the Truth you once had and you accept it and reject your nonsense. (2 Peter 2:21; Hebrews 6:4)

It saddens me to no end that having had the Truth, you now deny it; however, I have to accept that He created you and me with the freedom of choice to accept or reject the only God that save.


New member
We use different words but we seem to end in the same place my friend. I pray that I can get the knowledge you seem to have. I have had to pull this out of Greek to English translations which we agree has distorted the meaning of the verses. I wonder where Christian churches would be today if Greek was not used.

Yes we do, but Truth is Truth. It staggers the imagination to think of where they would be if they had not boasted against the tree, and ignored the pattern that the Tabernacle provided.

But none of it took HaShem by surprise; even the Tabernacle witnesses it, and so did Yeshua when He said to tell Herod that fox that today (1000 yrs) and tomorrow (1000 yrs), I will do cures and cast out devils, the third day I will be perfected.

What or who needs perfecting, which means to make complete? It's NOT the Seed Son, it's His true body, because He needs a body to lay His head upon (speaks of rest, as in the 7th day).

Time is running out and they can't even see the Head, much less the body. Peace


New member
@ Keypurr.....tip for you. When you are wanting to know the meaning of a Greek word, look it up, and then go back into the Hebrew and try to find the word that would have been used. It was ALL written in Hebrew at one time, and you can prove it to yourself by doing this. Greek is a language of philosopher mindset; Hebrew is a language of thoughts aka pictures. Just like the cells in a body, when you see enough of them, it forms a distinct image.


Well-known member
You don't believe the answer when given (which I and others have provided).

You demote Jesus the Christ to a lesser god.

You deny His deity.

You serve a possessed god.

May God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) have mercy on you and open your eyes to the Truth you once had and you accept it and reject your nonsense. (2 Peter 2:21; Hebrews 6:4)

It saddens me to no end that having had the Truth, you now deny it; however, I have to accept that He created you and me with the freedom of choice to accept or reject the only God that save.

My, how judgmental of you. Did your God authorize you to be this way?

I see Jesus Christ as he is in the scriptures, you see a bunch on men telling you how to think and will not go out on your own. What deity Christ has is deity that his God has given to him. He is a lesser god than his Father that is why his Gather is called the most high God.

It is a shame that most folks do not trust their own power of thinking to see how our early church fathers distorted truth to make life easier for themselves. Pagan ideas were integrated into the church many years ago. The time for truth has come. Babylon is falling, get out while you can.


Well-known member
Yes we do, but Truth is Truth. It staggers the imagination to think of where they would be if they had not boasted against the tree, and ignored the pattern that the Tabernacle provided.

But none of it took HaShem by surprise; even the Tabernacle witnesses it, and so did Yeshua when He said to tell Herod that fox that today (1000 yrs) and tomorrow (1000 yrs), I will do cures and cast out devils, the third day I will be perfected.

What or who needs perfecting, which means to make complete? It's NOT the Seed Son, it's His true body, because He needs a body to lay His head upon (speaks of rest, as in the 7th day).

Time is running out and they can't even see the Head, much less the body. Peace

They do not even want light. They love grouping in the darkness.

They will never feel the inner peace of knowing their true God.


Well-known member
@ Keypurr.....tip for you. When you are wanting to know the meaning of a Greek word, look it up, and then go back into the Hebrew and try to find the word that would have been used. It was ALL written in Hebrew at one time, and you can prove it to yourself by doing this. Greek is a language of philosopher mindset; Hebrew is a language of thoughts aka pictures. Just like the cells in a body, when you see enough of them, it forms a distinct image.

In all my years of study, I never realized just how important this advice is. Its been a struggle building a faith on Bibles that are misrepresenting the truth by translating the Greek into English rather than the Hebrew into English. I pray for wisdom to understand what is truly written in the pages of scripture.


New member
Well, I also deny the deity of the FLESH man Yeshua prior to His ascension. This is a holdover belief from the RCC. If He was diety to begin with, not that He was lowered so much that He lived totally as a human man first, then that eliminates any hope of His body ever becoming one with Him again, because obviously, why would we even try to press in to be like Him when it's an impossibility from the start. But if He was truly human and walked as we walked, and THEN became more, then that's a whole different thing altogether; that's hope. We were one with Him from before the foundation of the world as the Alpha, and we are to be one with Him again, as the Omega, a firstfruits company of saints that stand on Mt. Zion, as SAVIORS.

What? We can't be? Whatsoever sins you remit, they are remitted, whatsoever sins you retain, they are retained. If you don't know, THIS IS WHAT A HIGH PRIEST DOES. Those of you that hear Paul, he said he pressed in for the HIGH CALLING IN CHRIST JESUS. But he said he hadn't attained it yet. And why not? Because he was a man born out of season, and he knew it.

If you look up the word for lamb in Revelation, that's the only place it can be translated as the OFFSPRING of the Lamb. Who shall declare (means to show openly) His GENERATION (which is composed of the same thing He is, a Holy Seed).

Let's look at the flesh man, who we are told grew in wisdom and stature, just as the Holy Seed in US has to grow in wisdom and stature, unto a perfect/complete man.

John 7:15 HNV 15 The Yehudim therefore marveled, saying, "How does this man know letters, having never been educated?"

They knew He was not educated, and He didn't have understanding on such things, until the Spirit gave it to him, via receiving the covering of His Father. Is there anything that God wouldn't know, yet He didn't know letters until He received of His Father. What He DID know, was that which His Father had taught Him which superseded the writings, in that He received the spiritual impartation from the One who gave them to Moshe. In other words, He learned the way we're supposed to learn, FROM THE RUACH HAKODESH.

You need not that any man should teach you...
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New member
In all my years of study, I never realized just how important this advice is. Its been a struggle building a faith on Bibles that are misrepresenting the truth by translating the Greek into English rather than the Hebrew into English. I pray for wisdom to understand what is truly written in the pages of scripture.

He will give it liberally to all men that ask for wisdom. Ever notice how wisdom is feminine in nature? She's been hidden, from the scorners who would put her to an open shame. She was there when He framed the worlds; with wisdom a wise woman (soul) builds her house. Joseph therefore acted righteously in hiding away his wife for the same reason.


New member
My, how judgmental of you. Did your God authorize you to be this way?

I see Jesus Christ as he is in the scriptures, you see a bunch on men telling you how to think and will not go out on your own. What deity Christ has is deity that his God has given to him. He is a lesser god than his Father that is why his Gather is called the most high God.

It is a shame that most folks do not trust their own power of thinking to see how our early church fathers distorted truth to make life easier for themselves. Pagan ideas were integrated into the church many years ago. The time for truth has come. Babylon is falling, get out while you can.

Not judgmental, keypurr, sadden, yes. Judgmental of you, no.
I have never judged you, keypurr.

I judge your doctrine that demotes Jesus the Christ.
I judge your doctrine that negates Jesus the Christ's deity.
I judge your doctrine that says that you serve a possessed god.
I judge your polytheistic doctrine.

I pray for you keypurr, that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) open your eyes and returns you to His Truth.

I pray for me that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) never lets me forget the sacrifice He made for such an undeserving one as I.
Eternity will not be enough to thank Him for what He has done for me.

I pray for me that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) never lets me forget that God manifested Himself in flesh, so that I, and all who believe in the manifested God-Man, can be saved.

I love you in the Lord, keypurr.
I dislike immensely your 'new' doctrine that has been around since Genesis. "Hath God said....?" and has taken millions throughout the ages with him to a place they will not like when they get there.

May God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) have mercy on us.


I pray for you keypurr, that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) open your eyes and returns you to His Truth.

Pray for yourself that you can see simple Jesus' word.

So many of you reading too much to the simple Jesus' word, making it complicated than it has to.

It is a grave sin to do that, friend.


Well-known member
What is the express image of God?

Well, I also deny the deity of the FLESH man Yeshua prior to His ascension. This is a holdover belief from the RCC. If He was diety to begin with, not that He was lowered so much that He lived totally as a human man first, then that eliminates any hope of His body ever becoming one with Him again. We were one with Him from before the foundation of the world as the Alpha, and we are to be one with Him again, as the Omega, a firstfruits company of saints that stand on Mt. Zion, as SAVIORS.

What? We can't be? Whatsoever sins you remit, they are remitted, whatsoever sins you retain, they are retained. If you don't know, THIS IS WHAT A HIGH PRIEST DOES. Those of you that hear Paul, he said he pressed in for the HIGH CALLING IN CHRIST JESUS. But he said he hadn't attained it yet. And why not? Because he was a man born out of season, and he knew it.

If you look up the word for lamb in Revelation, that's the only place it can be translated as the OFFSPRING of the Lamb. Who shall declare (means to show openly) His GENERATION (which is composed of the same thing He is, a Holy Seed).

Let's look at the flesh man, who we are told grew in wisdom and stature, just as the Holy Seed in US has to grow in wisdom and stature, unto a perfect/complete man.

John 7:15 HNV 15 The Yehudim therefore marveled, saying, "How does this man know letters, having never been educated?"

They knew He was not educated, and He didn't have understanding on such things, until the Spirit gave it to him, via receiving the covering of His Father. Is there anything that God wouldn't know, yet He didn't know letters until He received of His Father. What He DID know, was that which His Father had taught Him which superseded the writings, in that He received the spiritual impartation from the One who gave them to Moshe. In other words, He learned the way we're supposed to learn, FROM THE RUACH HAKODESH.

You need not that any man should teach you...

I feel that the spirit has been to me before and is leading me to a deeper place than most. I am not worthy of the wisdom he has entrusted me with. However I need so much more to fully understand his ways. But I count the blessings that I have been given.


Well-known member
Not judgmental, keypurr, sadden, yes. Judgmental of you, no.

I have never judged you, keypurr.

I judge your doctrine that demotes Jesus the Christ.

I judge your doctrine that negates Jesus the Christ's deity.

I judge your doctrine that says that you serve a possessed god.

I judge your polytheistic doctrine.

I pray for you keypurr, that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) open your eyes and returns you to His Truth.

I pray for me that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) never lets me forget the sacrifice He made for such an undeserving one as I.

Eternity will not be enough to thank Him for what He has done for me.

I pray for me that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) never lets me forget that God manifested Himself in flesh, so that I, and all who believe in the manifested God-Man, can be saved.

I love you in the Lord, keypurr.

I dislike immensely your 'new' doctrine that has been around since Genesis. "Hath God said....?" and has taken millions throughout the ages with him to a place they will not like when they get there.

May God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) have mercy on us.

I love you in the Lord also, but I need to share what I have been given to share. The doctrines of men go against the God of all. We each must take a stand for what is truth. I place my trust in the Father of my Lord not the doctrines of men. It was no easy thing to overcome the traditions that were in my life, I went from blind faith, to no faith, then to reasonable faith. Like Thomas, I could not just believe, I needed to cross my line of reason to believe. And I have.

God is one, and only one. I love the God of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I love you in the Lord also, but I need to share what I have been given to share. The doctrines of men go against the God of all. We each must take a stand for what is truth. I place my trust in the Father of my Lord not the doctrines of men. It was no easy thing to overcome the traditions that were in my life, I went from blind faith, to no faith, then to reasonable faith. Like Thomas, I could not just believe, I needed to cross my line of reason to believe. And I have.

God is one, and only one. I love the God of my Lord Jesus Christ.
You did not overcome traditions. You overcame truth. You now live in the lie of the enemy.


New member
@ Keypurr.....tip for you. When you are wanting to know the meaning of a Greek word, look it up, and then go back into the Hebrew and try to find the word that would have been used. It was ALL written in Hebrew at one time, and you can prove it to yourself by doing this. Greek is a language of philosopher mindset; Hebrew is a language of thoughts aka pictures. Just like the cells in a body, when you see enough of them, it forms a distinct image.

Tip for YOU....read and learn;
