What is the express image of God?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Who is the God of Jesus Christ?
Who did Jesus Christ pray to?
Who sent Jesus Christ to us?
Can your God die? Mine can not die.
Who does Jesus Christ submit to?
Who is the God he went to?

Jesus Christ has a God, he answers to his God, his God is our God.

Answer the questions if you can.
1. The Father
2. The Father
3. Yes, Jesus died for our sin but death could not hold him.
4. The Father
5. The Father


Jesus told you he was not God. He told you he was the SON of God.

Jesus was a man, a sinless man. God's flesh son, the body prepared foe Christ the true son.

The spirit in him, Christ, is a form of God, not God. Christ came with power.

Jesus Christ was a combination of man and spiritual son of God.
The express image of the Father.

Jesus was born a man, Christ was made a spirit.
Christ lowered himself to become a man in Jesus.

No one is equal to the Father as the Father is the only true God.

Jesus certainly did deny being God.
He did not come of his own accord, he was SENT by his God.

Jesus, the flesh, is the Lamb of God. He was born to be the Saviour.
Christ the spirit brought light to show us the person of the Father.
He went into Jesus at the anointing.

Does not Paul also tell us that we have one God, the Father, AND one Lord, Jesus Christ?

Like the churches, your reading things that are not there.

You're reading just A and B. We're reading C. a+b=c. You say c isn't there. We say c is there. All you see is 2 and 3. All we see is 5. You see, were on a higher level than you are. You're down there. We're up here. Don't worry about churches , worry about the things you don't hear in the bible. What you don't hear gets you in big trouble


New member
Jesus, the flesh, is the Lamb of God. He was born to be the Saviour.
Christ the spirit brought light to show us the person of the Father.
He went into Jesus at the anointing.

On this point, I have to disagree. Let me clarify. The flesh profits nothing, not even the flesh of the man Jesus, and neither does the fleshly blood, except to the man Jesus, for it was necessary that the heavenly be cleansed with greater than this. He was the husk, the holy Seed was clothed with, the outer garment. But there is an "inner garment" too, the Seed.

Hebrews 9:22-24.....22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

The Seed is in the heart of man. This is why we were told to rend our hearts (the veil of HIS flesh which is celestial, the Seed), not our garments (= die). You (Keypurr) don't realize it I don't think, but you are doing just that by allowing yourself to be made a fool for the gospel's sake in the bringing out of truth that is not "accepted" yet, because it is spiritually obtained not gatherable by the mind of man.

It's being made of no reputation just as He was, and taking on the image of sinful flesh where there is no sin, just as He did. The servant is not greater than the Master and it must be this way. This is the allowing of the Seed to be "rent", ie. He was marred so badly that none would desire Him.

There were two veils/coverings between God and man. The pattern of heavenly or spiritual things as Heb. 10 tells us, is the Tabernacle of Moses, which is replete with wisdom because it was built with wisdom. And just like Moses, we are see to it that everything is "made" according to the pattern shown on the mount.

The first veil, is symbolic of the rending of our fleshly man. Entrance to this meant an animal gave up it's life blood on the altar of sacrifice. The second veil is symbolic of rending HIS flesh, celestial flesh, born witness by the cherubim/heavenly creatures woven into it. This veil was "rent" one day a year when the High Priest only went into the Most Holy, on the day of Atonement. This is the veil rent once and for all, when the TRUE HIGH PRIEST/Spirit Seed Son (remember the natural is just a pattern of the heavenly) when
the true High Priest died on the cross.

Outer court/seed of man, inner court/holy Seed, Holy of Holies/Father. Note that it is the Holy Seed that is in the middle, ie. the mediator between man and God. The pattern in the heavens bear with witness also, with the waters below the firmament, heaven, and the waters above the firmament. The written word tells us the firmament is heaven. Guess who was speaking to Nicodemus from heaven, the middle firmament, yet the flesh man was standing right there on the earth?

The Holy Seed was exactly where He was supposed to be, and so was the flesh man. And again, the One who ascended (Holy Seed) is the same that also first descended. And this One is capable of taking any physical form (because He created them), so that the invisible is visible, such as He showed in the garden when they thought He was the gardener, and then again on the road to Emmaus speaking to the two men. The road to Emmaus is a road we are all destined to be on, to see Him in a new form, no longer limited by the flesh veil that was rent, because without walking it, we can't see Him in each other.

Interesting to note that Emmaus means, "to be hot" and/or "mules". Mules cannot reproduce their own (carnal) nature and Yeshua had something to say about being hot.

Revelation 3:14-16...14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Note that like the Tabernacle courts, there are 3. Outer court/cold, inner court/lukewarm, and Holy of Holies/hot. Now why would He prefer we be cold or hot? On fire for God, refusing to eat the king's carnally minded meat, is where you'll find Him. But why is cold better than lukewarm? Answer: His mercy. You're only held accountable for what you know. All men fall into one of these courts in their walk. One is 30, one is 60, one is 100 fold. Something to think about.....
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Interesting, but sad, how much confidence the unregenerates have while not understanding spiritual things of God. So human, its humanism


Interesting, but sad, how much confidence the unregenerates have while not understanding spiritual things of God. So human, its humanism

YOur arrogance is nothing but undegenerated spirit.

Your confidence is empty.

You don't know Jesus.


Well-known member
You're reading just A and B. We're reading C. a+b=c. You say c isn't there. We say c is there. All you see is 2 and 3. All we see is 5. You see, were on a higher level than you are. You're down there. We're up here. Don't worry about churches , worry about the things you don't hear in the bible. What you don't hear gets you in big trouble

Should I believe you and the churches or Jesus Christ?

I will stick with my Lord when he speaks of his God.


New member
Who is the God of Jesus Christ?
Who did Jesus Christ pray to?
Who sent Jesus Christ to us?
Can your God die? Mine can not die.
Who does Jesus Christ submit to?
Who is the God he went to?

Jesus Christ has a God, he answers to his God, his God is our God.

Answer the questions if you can.

I have answered you so many times already; as others also.

But you can read the answer here if you want....


Well-known member
On this point, I have to disagree. Let me clarify. The flesh profits nothing, not even the flesh of the man Jesus, and neither does the fleshly blood, except to the man Jesus, for it was necessary that the heavenly be cleansed with greater than this. He was the husk, the holy Seed was clothed with, the outer garment. But there is an "inner garment" too, the Seed.

Hebrews 9:22-24.....22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

23 It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

24 For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

The Seed is in the heart of man. This is why we were told to rend our hearts (the veil of HIS flesh which is celestial, the Seed), not our garments (= die). You (Keypurr) don't realize it I don't think, but you are doing just that by allowing yourself to be made a fool for the gospel's sake in the bringing out of truth that is not "accepted" yet, because it is spiritually obtained not gatherable by the mind of man.

It's being made of no reputation just as He was, and taking on the image of sinful flesh where there is no sin, just as He did. The servant is not greater than the Master and it must be this way. This is the allowing of the Seed to be "rent", ie. He was marred so badly that none would desire Him.

There were two veils/coverings between God and man the pattern of heavenly or spiritual things as Heb. 10 tells us, given to us as and in construction of the Tabernacle. The first veil, is symbolic of the rending of our fleshly man, the second veil is symbolic of rending HIS flesh, celestial flesh, born witness by the cherubim/heavenly creatures woven into it. This is also why there were 2 altars.

Outer court/seed of man, inner court/holy Seed, Holy of Holies/Father. Note that it is the Holy Seed that is in the middle, ie. the mediator between man and God. The pattern in the heavens bear with witness also, with the waters below the firmament, heaven, and the waters above the firmament. The written word tells us the firmament is heaven. Guess who was speaking to Nicodemus from heaven, the middle firmament, yet the flesh man was standing right there on the earth?

The Holy Seed was exactly where He was supposed to be, and so was the flesh man. And again, the One who ascended (Holy Seed) is the same that also first descended. And this One is capable of taking any physical form (because He created them), so that the invisible is visible, such as He showed in the garden when they thought He was the gardener, and then again on the road to Emmaus speaking to the two men. The road to Emmaus is a road we are all destined to be on, to see Him in a new form, no longer limited by the veil that was rent, because without it we can't see Him in each other.

Interesting to note that Emmaus means, "to be hot" and/or "mules". Mules cannot reproduce their own (carnal) nature and Yeshua had something to say about being hot.

Revelation 3:14-16...14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Note that like the Tabernacle courts, there are 3. Outer court/cold, inner court/lukewarm, and Holy of Holies/hot. Now why would He prefer we be cold or hot? On fire for God, refusing to eat the king's carnally minded meat, is where you'll find Him. But why is cold better than lukewarm? Answer: His mercy. You're only held accountable for what you know. All men fall into one of these courts in their walk. One is 30, one is 60, one is 100 fold. Something to think about.....

Thank you friend, you have given me much to consider. I have read this post three times to digest what I can. I must ponder on it for awhile. You bring so much to my mind, I pray that I can understand it fully.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes I have, before you posted it. I do not agree with the foundation on it at the start. The true son of God that was at the creation was not the man Jesus.

Who is the Son of God but Jesus Christ. You do understand that Jesus Christ is one person right?