What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
Most just read over things like this. They just do not see the spirit that was in Jesus.
No one has 'seen' The Holy Spirit, but He is The Spirit of God, which Scripture also calls: "The Spirit of Christ."

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.


New member
So much to learn and so little time to learn it.

God is only the Father. Only the Father. Only the Father. There I said it three times for you. That is what Jesus taught. Jesus Christ is a servant of his Father, given powers as a god to display the power of God and the love he has. Christ is a created form of God, not God himself but like God for God gave him power.

Discard the false fables pushed on the church in the third and fourth centuries by the State. Listen to Your Lord when he says to you that he came to do the will of his Father. Stop making him what he is not, he told you that only his Father was Good. It took a man to save us, not a God. For sin came into this world by man. A human sinless sacrifice was needed to pay the price for the sins of mankind.

You negate that God was manifest in the flesh and dwelt among us.


Well-known member
No one has 'seen' The Holy Spirit, but He is The Spirit of God, which Scripture also calls: "The Spirit of Christ."

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

The spirit of God and the spirit of Christ are identical for Christ is an exact copy of God. If you have seen the Christ you have seen the father for that reason.

Now the express image (Miltha) is a spiritual son of the Father.
This is the spirit Christ.

Miltha refers to the “Manifestation” of the Ruach haKodesh within Mashiyach

The Greek to English translations do not equate the word spirit into the different meanings as in the Hebrew. This creates confusion.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So much to learn and so little time to learn it.

God is only the Father. Only the Father. Only the Father. There I said it three times for you. That is what Jesus taught. Jesus Christ is a servant of his Father, given powers as a god to display the power of God and the love he has. Christ is a created form of God, not God himself but like God for God gave him power.

Discard the false fables pushed on the church in the third and fourth centuries by the State. Listen to Your Lord when he says to you that he came to do the will of his Father. Stop making him what he is not, he told you that only his Father was Good. It took a man to save us, not a God. For sin came into this world by man. A human sinless sacrifice was needed to pay the price for the sins of mankind.

Speak the truth now? You just make it up as you go, right?


New member
The spirit of God and the spirit of Christ are identical for Christ is an exact copy of God. If you have seen the Christ you have seen the father for that reason.

Now the express image (Miltha) is a spiritual son of the Father.
This is the spirit Christ.

Miltha refers to the “Manifestation” of the Ruach haKodesh within Mashiyach

The Greek to English translations do not equate the word spirit into the different meanings as in the Hebrew. This creates confusion.

AMEN. And the deaf shall hear, the blind shall see, the dumb shall speak, and the lame shall walk......but not until they humble themselves.


New member
Yes, keypurr, you have so much to learn and so little time to learn it.

Jesus the Christ is God manifest in the flesh, there, I said it.

You still have time to learn that simple truth.

Here's how you test the spirits; if any man cannot say Yeshua the Messiah is manifest in THEIR flesh, he is none of His. Those that cannot say it, are not able to because only by the power of the Holy Ghost are they able to.

So he has confessed that many times, that He is in his flesh, so why do you "self abuse", knowing that what you do unto the least of them, you do unto Him (BECAUSE WE ARE ONE BODY).


New member
Here's how you test the spirits; if any man cannot say Yeshua the Messiah is manifest in THEIR flesh, he is none of His. Those that cannot say it, are not able to because only by the power of the Holy Ghost are they able to.

So he has confessed that many times, that He is in his flesh, so why do you "self abuse", knowing that what you do unto the least of them, you do unto Him (BECAUSE WE ARE ONE BODY).

keypurr has confessed that one day he was searching a subject and all of a sudden this 'new' theory of his came into his mind and since then, He has rejected all he knew about Jesus the Christ and now preaches a 'new' religion (which is not new at all such starting in Genesis --- 'Hath God said.....?' I am sure you have heard of such).

keypurr denies Jesus the Christ as God manifested in the flesh. Do you?

keypurr says that Jesus is possessed by the Christ spirit. Do you?

keypurr rejects what Jesus Christ said of Himself --- I AM. Do you?

keypurr has said: Friend, I do see Christ as my Lord, but not my God. Do you?

keypurr believes what Jesus the Christ DID NOT say about Himself.
When exactly did Jesus say He was the Christ? NEVER.
When did Jesus say He was the Messiah? NEVER
When did Jesus say He was the Lord? NEVER

However, keypurr says that he believes He is his Christ, his Messiah, his Lord, but he REJECTS Jesus the Christ as his 'I AM'. Do you?

If Jesus the Christ is not his 'I AM' as Jesus the Christ Himself attest, He cannot be your Christ, He cannot be your Messiah, He cannot be your Lord as you attest, because only I AM can be Christ, Messiah, Lord.
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New member
keypurr has confessed that one day he was searching a subject and all of a sudden this 'new' theory of his came into his mind and since then, He has rejected all he knew about Jesus the Christ and now preaches a 'new' religion (which is not new at all such starting in Genesis --- 'Hath God said.....?' I am sure you have heard of such).

Have you ever heard of the concept of revelation or hidden manna?

keypurr denies Jesus the Christ as God manifested in the flesh. Do you?

. You would not expect an apple seed to produce a peach, would you? Because all seeds bear fruit after their own kind. And so, what kind of fruit would a Holy Seed bear?

Father is the original, the life everlasting, in the Seed that is, Christ, who is a SPIRIT MAN. Thus, HaShem was in Him, reconciling all men unto HIM (Father). Did you get baptized into His flesh body or into His Spirit body?

Therefore, since Father was IN HIM, they are One, yet two. This is the mystery, it tells you, correct? They are One as the Head and the Body are one, but yet they are two. His true body reflects this as well. He said that He would we were one with Him, EVEN AS HIS FATHER AND HE ARE ONE. How are they one? I just told you.

keypurr says that Jesus is a possessed being. Do you?

Nonsense, that's not what he's saying at all. The FLESH profits NOTHING, not even Yeshua's. Flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of HaShem, so what blood then did He take? Was it the natural flesh man's?

We are told there are different kinds of flesh. There is terrestrial (natural flesh realm) and celestial (spiritual realm). And if flesh, then it must have by necessity have a type of "blood", which mirrors the natural but is NOT NATURAL, because the natural reflects the spiritual as in a mirror (the Word is a mirror).

Remember, the sacrifice provided was not Isaac (a foreshadow of Yeshua as flesh and blood) but a RAM. The ram is as the SPIRIT, the HOLY SEED, which is in Christ, and IS Christ.

Do you think John recognized Him at the river Jordan by the flesh which he knew (they were cousins), or by the Spirit man that was shown to him?

Ram means in Hebrew, a STRONG MAN, chief, pillar, mighty, tree. Sound like anyone you know?

Psa 19:5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

Psa 80:17 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself.

Pro 24:5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

The sacrifice was not Issac, it was the PROMISED SEED that was come through him. Abraham was called HaShem's friend, because no greater love hath any many than this, that he lay down his life for his friend. Life is not just breathing in this body of flesh. Our true life is HID IN CHRIST, ie. the promise.

Everything HaShem promised Abraham was laying on that altar. He had to recognize and come into agreement that HaShem was/is sovereign, which is the fulfillment of, not my will but your will be done, IN EARTH, as it is IN HEAVEN/SPIRIT.

In a very real sense, it was the circumcision covenant, because the flesh (Isaac) was circumcised off the "upright member" that is the SEED (I have LIFE TO GIVE), in the act of laying down Isaac.

keypurr rejects what Jesus Christ said of Himself --- I AM. Do you?

keypurr believes what Jesus Christ DID NOT say about Himself.
When exactly did Jesus say He was the Christ? NEVER.
When did Jesus say He was the Messiah? NEVER
When did Jesus say He was the Lord? NEVER

However, keypurr say that he believes He is his Christ, his Messiah, his Lord, but he REJECTS Jesus the Christ as his 'I AM'.

If Jesus the Christ is not his 'I AM' as Jesus Christ Himself attest, He cannot be your Christ, He cannot be your Messiah, He cannot be your Lord as you attest, because only I AM can be Christ, Messiah, Lord.

He also said He spoke only what HE HEARD HIS FATHER SPEAK. The Father speaks to the spirit, not the flesh. Tell me then; Who exactly said, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE ?
......and no man comes to the Father (speaking) except through Me (standing there, the Seed)?

If you want to KNOW Him, not know ABOUT Him, ask Him to open your eyes and give you the hearing ear and wisdom. Then be prepared to lay down what you learned through your carnal mind and the carnal minds of other men. The carnal mind is enmity against HaShem; it's His enemy, and if His, then yours too, if you seek to know Him.
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New member
I have to correct keypurr when he say that he is the only one that possesses his 'new' revelation, for you also is saying that you also have received this 'new' revelation that is as old as when Satan asked 'Hath God said...?'

His supposedly 'new' revelation that only he has, as that also being incorrect in his part, for you RBBI, also has received this 'new' revelation that asks 'Hath God said....?'


New member
I have to correct keypurr when he say that he is the only one that possesses his 'new' revelation, for you also is saying that you also have received this 'new' revelation that is as old as when Satan asked 'Hath God said...?'

His supposedly 'new' revelation that only he has, as that also being incorrect in his part, for you RBBI, also has received this 'new' revelation that asks 'Hath God said....?'

And we're not the only ones.....


New member
You will have to support that FROM scripture.
Not a problem....start with these....

Psa 10:17 LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

Psa 34:2 My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

Psa 69:32 The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We were taken from the dust of the earth. Land does just mean, what is stretched out before you. We are the garden of the Lord. Peace


Well-known member
keypurr has confessed that one day he was searching a subject and all of a sudden this 'new' theory of his came into his mind and since then, He has rejected all he knew about Jesus the Christ and now preaches a 'new' religion (which is not new at all such starting in Genesis --- 'Hath God said.....?' I am sure you have heard of such).

keypurr denies Jesus the Christ as God manifested in the flesh. Do you?

keypurr says that Jesus is possessed by the Christ spirit. Do you?

keypurr rejects what Jesus Christ said of Himself --- I AM. Do you?

keypurr has said: Friend, I do see Christ as my Lord, but not my God. Do you?

keypurr believes what Jesus the Christ DID NOT say about Himself.
When exactly did Jesus say He was the Christ? NEVER.
When did Jesus say He was the Messiah? NEVER
When did Jesus say He was the Lord? NEVER

However, keypurr says that he believes He is his Christ, his Messiah, his Lord, but he REJECTS Jesus the Christ as his 'I AM'. Do you?

If Jesus the Christ is not his 'I AM' as Jesus the Christ Himself attest, He cannot be your Christ, He cannot be your Messiah, He cannot be your Lord as you attest, because only I AM can be Christ, Messiah, Lord.

As I said before, you have so much to learn. You have no clue as to what I have been saying.

Do you know what manifested in the flesh means? No you don't?
Jesus was possessed by the express image of the creator, you just refuse to see it.
Jesus said I am he, I existed before. He did, but he is not God.
Jesus told the woman at the well that he was the Messiah, the one to come.

The Apostle Paul told you we have ONE GOD, the Father and ONE Lord, Jesus Christ, Jesus told you we have only one God, his Father, why don't you listen to them?

You are so full of misconceptions of my words. Jesus is the Christ of the "I AM", your church has failed you lifeisgood. Why do you go?


Well-known member
What is the express image of God?

I have to correct keypurr when he say that he is the only one that possesses his 'new' revelation, for you also is saying that you also have received this 'new' revelation that is as old as when Satan asked 'Hath God said...?'

His supposedly 'new' revelation that only he has, as that also being incorrect in his part, for you RBBI, also has received this 'new' revelation that asks 'Hath God said....?'

You should learn to correct yourself, for your lacking much.

The revelation I received I shared with all, it was new to me also, but no one can disprove it. The spiritual son of the most high is in the flesh son of God. You have only exposed your lack of understanding of my words. Or you just wish to discard the words of your Lord.


Well-known member
What is the express image of God?

Not a problem....start with these....

Psa 10:17 LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

Psa 34:2 My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

Psa 69:32 The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We were taken from the dust of the earth. Land does just mean, what is stretched out before you. We are the garden of the Lord. Peace

Many are called, few are chosen. Why? I would guess love has something to do with that.
Love for God and the son he sent, love for the folks that come into your life, love for the gifts that the creator has given us and the beauty of his creations. One must love from the inside, and in full.


New member
Not a problem....start with these....

Psa 10:17 LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

Psa 34:2 My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

Psa 69:32 The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We were taken from the dust of the earth. Land does just mean, what is stretched out before you. We are the garden of the Lord. Peace

First of all this is NOT in context to what you claimed, in that people can only receive healing if they humble themselves, these verses don't say that, and under the NEW covenant, Rom 10:9-11 states, how salvation is wrought in ones life.

Your mysticism fails you, and does NOT lead to salvation.