What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
You did not overcome traditions. You overcame truth. You now live in the lie of the enemy.

Save me then BR, show me why I sold return to the church.
Prove to me that God is a trinity, prove to me that the church keeps the commandments of God.

I left because I did not find my God or my Lord there, and that was sad. It would have been much easier to let others think for me but I took the hard road. But I am closer to my God than most. You have under estamated the power of Satan my friend. He has done a great job of deceiving the forefathers of the Church. He wove paganism into the church fiber. It is not I that misunderstand his words. I place the scriptures above traditional false doctrines.


New member
Save me then BR, show me why I sold return to the church.

It depends what your definition of 'church' is.

Prove to me that God is a trinity, prove to me that the church keeps the commandments of God.

God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

I left because I did not find my God or my Lord there, and that was sad. It would have been much easier to let others think for me but I took the hard road. But I am closer to my God than most. You have under estamated the power of Satan my friend. He has done a great job of deceiving the forefathers of the Church. He wove paganism into the church fiber. It is not I that misunderstand his words. I place the scriptures above traditional false doctrines.

I have no idea of which kind of building you went to.


Well-known member
It depends what your definition of 'church' is.

God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

I have no idea of which kind of building you went to.

Established churches like Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran Catholic, etc.

God is only the Father. Only the Father is uncreated.

I was brought up a Baptist and married a Lutheran. I joined her church and was very active in it. I found it to be more of a social club than a house of worship. I have studied and inquired about many different churches. None of which I believe have God in them.

The true church of God is within, not a building on the street. Early Christians met in homes and shared the gospel. They were closer and seeking truth. They were warm with love cared about pleasing the creator of all. Today's churches build big buildings instead of supporting the folks in need. They lost their sight of God and seek the things of the world instead.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Save me then BR, show me why I sold return to the church.
Prove to me that God is a trinity, prove to me that the church keeps the commandments of God.

I left because I did not find my God or my Lord there, and that was sad. It would have been much easier to let others think for me but I took the hard road. But I am closer to my God than most. You have under estamated the power of Satan my friend. He has done a great job of deceiving the forefathers of the Church. He wove paganism into the church fiber. It is not I that misunderstand his words. I place the scriptures above traditional false doctrines.

Ask God to show you the truth Keypurr. Don't get me wrong friend. No one can save you except Jesus, through your surrender to Him. You must come to know the truth. Truth will set you free. Jesus is the only begotten of the Father. There was no one like Him. There is no one like him. There will never be anyone like him. Those who would enter heaven must come as children with childlike faith. Can you come as a child or will you continue in your own intellectual capacity. I'm not asking you to accept tradition. I'm asking you to accept truth. Do you have the ability to come as a child and do so?


Well-known member
Ask God to show you the truth Keypurr. Don't get me wrong friend. No one can save you except Jesus, through your surrender to Him. You must come to know the truth. Truth will set you free. Jesus is the only begotten of the Father. There was no one like Him. There is no one like him. There will never be anyone like him. Those who would enter heaven must come as children with childlike faith. Can you come as a child or will you continue in your own intellectual capacity. I'm not asking you to accept tradition. I'm asking you to accept truth. Do you have the ability to come as a child and do so?

My brother BR, I agree with you and have done just that over the last seventy years. It is God who I prayed to for wisdom and understanding that I sincerely believe has given me insight into some of his words. He has blessed me with things that I can not explain. He has made his home in my heart and entrusted me with wisdom. He loves me friend, as I love him. I am ready to see him in the next world friend, I look forward to that day. My faith is deep and so is my love.

BR, your heart is in the right place but to find truth you must open your mind to what could be. I have respect for you friend.

God bless

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My brother BR, I agree with you and have done just that over the last seventy years. It is God who I prayed to for wisdom and understanding that I sincerely believe has given me insight into some of his words. He has blessed me with things that I can not explain. He has made his home in my heart and entrusted me with wisdom. He loves me friend, as I love him. I am ready to see him in the next world friend, I look forward to that day. My faith is deep and so is my love.

BR, your heart is in the right place but to find truth you must open your mind to what could be. I have respect for you friend.

God bless
I have come as a little child friend. I have no fear of what lies ahead. My heart is in the right place. I don't understand God through my mind, but through my heart. I pray that in some way your understanding of him will be acceptable in his sight. I don't know. Only he does.


Well-known member
I have come as a little child friend. I have no fear of what lies ahead. I pray that in some way your understanding of him will be acceptable in his sight. I don't know. Only he does.

I believe that he will judge us by the content of our heart BR.


New member
They will never get what truth is until God decides to show them.

This is true, but a little spark can set a whole forest on fire.

Another treasure.....and it's even in "English" ;)

David said....."The Lord (God) said to my Lord (the Holy Seed).........

So the Christ was David's Lord, the Messiah of Israel. Yeshua spoke of this, when He questioned them about how is it that Messiah be David's son, if David said He is his Lord?

In other words, think; how could I Yeshua the man, be David's son if David himself said that I am his Lord, and if Lord, then before him in place/time/standing?

The answer is; he, Yeshua the man couldn't be, but the Holy Seed, that was clothed in Yeshua, WAS.


Well-known member
This is true, but a little spark can set a whole forest on fire.

Another treasure.....and it's even in "English" ;)

David said....."The Lord (God) said to my Lord (the Holy Seed).........

So the Christ was David's Lord, the Messiah of Israel. Yeshua spoke of this, when He questioned them about how is it that Messiah be David's son, if David said He is his Lord?

In other words, think; how could I Yeshua the man, be David's son if David himself said that I am his Lord, and if Lord, then before him in place/time/standing?

The answer is; he, Yeshua the man couldn't be, but the Holy Seed, that was clothed in Yeshua, WAS.

Most just read over things like this. They just do not see the spirit that was in Jesus.


Well-known member
This is true, but a little spark can set a whole forest on fire.

Another treasure.....and it's even in "English" ;)

David said....."The Lord (God) said to my Lord (the Holy Seed).........

So the Christ was David's Lord, the Messiah of Israel. Yeshua spoke of this, when He questioned them about how is it that Messiah be David's son, if David said He is his Lord?

In other words, think; how could I Yeshua the man, be David's son if David himself said that I am his Lord, and if Lord, then before him in place/time/standing?

The answer is; he, Yeshua the man couldn't be, but the Holy Seed, that was clothed in Yeshua, WAS.

Again, I see the "WORD" in John 1 as the seed the became flesh.


New member
Pray for yourself that you can see simple Jesus' word.

So many of you reading too much to the simple Jesus' word, making it complicated than it has to.

It is a grave sin to do that, friend.

You should learn to read for understanding, meshak.


New member
I love you in the Lord also, but I need to share what I have been given to share. The doctrines of men go against the God of all. We each must take a stand for what is truth. I place my trust in the Father of my Lord not the doctrines of men. It was no easy thing to overcome the traditions that were in my life, I went from blind faith, to no faith, then to reasonable faith. Like Thomas, I could not just believe, I needed to cross my line of reason to believe. And I have.

God is one, and only one. I love the God of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Satan also felt the need to share his truth, and not God's (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Truth, and see where it got Adam and Eve.

Were it not for God's (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) mercy, you and I would have no chance at all. But God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) desired to save mankind, His greatest creation, and manifested Himself in flesh as the God-Man Jesus the Christ.

If Jesus the Christ is not deity, you and I have no chance of salvation at all, for only Deity can save.


New member
Most just read over things like this. They just do not see the spirit that was in Jesus.

I know. But as Yeshua told Peter, and proved to Saul/Paul, flesh and blood cannot reveal this.

More for your consideration....

2Kings2:9-11....... 9 It happened, when they had gone over, that Eliyah said to Elisha, Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you. Elisha said, please let a double portion of your spirit be on me. 10 He said, You have asked a hard thing: [nevertheless], if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so to you; but if not, it shall not be so.

Eliyah being a type of the Seed made flesh, let's look at what the requirement for receiving the double portion was.....IF YOU PERCEIVE ME WHEN THE FLESH OF ME IS TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU.

If nothing else, common sense should come into play here. Do you REALLY think there would be nothing astounding hidden in this passage, if the requirement for the double portion is put forth??? The Word is ALIVE, and it all means something for our walk in Him, TODAY.

Job's lot was to receive the double portion also, and it detailed what the cost was.....EVERYTHING he had been given of HaShem. Peace


Well-known member
Satan also felt the need to share his truth, and not God's (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Truth, and see where it got Adam and Eve.

Were it not for God's (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) mercy, you and I would have no chance at all. But God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) desired to save mankind, His greatest creation, and manifested Himself in flesh as the God-Man Jesus the Christ.

If Jesus the Christ is not deity, you and I have no chance of salvation at all, for only Deity can save.

So much to learn and so little time to learn it.

God is only the Father. Only the Father. Only the Father. There I said it three times for you. That is what Jesus taught. Jesus Christ is a servant of his Father, given powers as a god to display the power of God and the love he has. Christ is a created form of God, not God himself but like God for God gave him power.

Discard the false fables pushed on the church in the third and fourth centuries by the State. Listen to Your Lord when he says to you that he came to do the will of his Father. Stop making him what he is not, he told you that only his Father was Good. It took a man to save us, not a God. For sin came into this world by man. A human sinless sacrifice was needed to pay the price for the sins of mankind.