ECT What is Preterism

john w

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What is it exactly that you do on TOL?


A) You're a Darby Cheerleader for your fellow Darby followers.

B) You insult everyone who isn't a Darby follower.
You insult everyone who is a dispensationalist, and let others pervert the gospel of Christ, as you do, as long as they are not dispies, man pleaser Tellalie.


1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"

Back to Dispensationalism 101.

C'mon GM, I pointed this out to you before. If you're going to be a Darby follower, you can't use anything from 1 Peter for believers today. According to Darby, 1 Peter is written to the Jews, and is not for the BOC.

Find a verse between Romans - Philemon. That's all you're allowed to use today if you're going to be a Darby follower.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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You can't be an effective witness for Christ (if you are a Christian?) and preach division. ALL true believers MUST preach the true Gospel, pure and simple.


ALL true believers MUST preach the true Gospel, pure and simple.

Darby followers don't do that. Darby followers contradict what the Apostle Paul taught.

Darby followers deny the NC that Christ Jesus shed His blood for.

Darby followers teach that God still looks at certain people in the flesh.

Darby followers teach that animal sacrifices for sin atonement will once again be required from God.

Dispensationalism is a false anti-Christ teaching, that is contrary to what the Apostle Paul and Christ Jesus taught.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Back to Dispensationalism 101.

C'mon GM, I pointed this out to you before. If you're going to be a Darby follower, you can't use anything from 1 Peter for believers today. According to Darby, 1 Peter is written to the Jews, and is not for the BOC.

Find a verse between Romans - Philemon. That's all you're allowed to use today if you're going to be a Darby follower.

Peter preached the Kingdom Message, that's true. However, Peter taught that the Jews MUST place their faith in Christ and perform works, as well. Whereas, Paul preached the Grace Gospel to the Gentiles. He preached faith without works. Therein lies the difference. So, did Peter tell the Jews that they should be ready to give a Testimony of their faith in Christ? Yes, he did. Don't you think that SAME instruction counted for the Gentile believers in Christ? Yes, it did/does. There are common truths shared by both Jew and Gentile back then.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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Darby followers don't do that. Darby followers contradict what the Apostle Paul taught.

Darby followers deny the NC that Christ Jesus shed His blood for.

Darby followers teach that God still looks at certain people in the flesh.

Darby followers teach that animal sacrifices for sin atonement will once again be required from God.

Dispensationalism is a false anti-Christ teaching, that is contrary to what the Apostle Paul and Christ Jesus taught.

As I've pointed out to you several times now, I've never read anything by Darby, to date. So, I guess I'm NOT one of his followers, correct?


And your 6' height, makes you a tough guy, eh, sweetie?

6'-3", not 6'

From Wikipedia:

Napoleon complex is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. Other names for the purported condition include Napoleonic complex, Napoleon syndrome, and Short Man syndrome

Hence, "Little Johnny"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Was Darby inspired by the Holy Spirit? Was Luther? Was Calvin? The ONLY writings that I accept as coming from the Holy Spirit is the written word of God, "The Holy Bible." All else is commentary.


So, I guess I'm NOT one of his followers, correct?

You're a Darby follower.

The fact that you never heard of him, proves that you never researched what you were taught.

All of your Dispensational core beliefs were invented by Darby in 1830.

If I was a Darby follower(Dispensationalist), I would want to know the history of it, and who was behind it.

Most Darby followers live in denial, because they don't like what they find if they do their research.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
6'-3", not 6'

From Wikipedia:

Napoleon complex is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. Other names for the purported condition include Napoleonic complex, Napoleon syndrome, and Short Man syndrome

Hence, "Little Johnny"

I got you beat by one inch.


Before I open God's Word, I pray that He will give me wisdom and knowledge to understand what I'm about to read/study.

That's good !!!!!

Basically, there are three "isms". Historicism, Dispensationalism, and Preterism.

Once you subscribe to one of these three "isms", it has a major influence on how you read the Bible.

I would suggest learning all three of them, it will not only change how you read the Bible, but will help you see things you never saw before.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You're a Darby follower.

The fact that you never heard of him, proves that you never researched what you were taught.

All of your Dispensational core beliefs were invented by Darby in 1830.

If I was a Darby follower(Dispensationalist), I would want to know the history of it, and who was behind it.

Most Darby followers live in denial, because they don't like what they find if they do their research.

I was never officially indoctrinated by Dispensationalism. Never studied it. I can see the differences as presented in the Bible. I always wondered why James taught that without works faith is dead. I know in the last few years or so how MAD places ALL OF THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE TOGETHER. I know for a fact that two Messages were being preached back in Pauls time. That explains a lot. By the way, who TAUGHT you your false doctrine?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
6'-3", not 6'

From Wikipedia:

Napoleon complex is a term describing a theoretical condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. Other names for the purported condition include Napoleonic complex, Napoleon syndrome, and Short Man syndrome

Hence, "Little Johnny"

I'm 5' 10', sweetie, and you are bigger than me, wimp? Weighty argument, sweetie.

Nice psycho babble, from a mystic, Buddhist.

Prove that you are 6' 3", weasel.

Have you ever lifted weights?

Why do you look so effeminate, like a wimp?:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wimp, an individual labelled cowardly, person who is scared, or weak, both physically, and mentally- cowardly. A physical or emotional weakling; someone who lacks courage; not a leader..

Effeminate:having or showing qualities that are considered more suited to women than to men : not manly; soft;Effeminacy is the manifestation of traits in a boy or man that are more often associated with ... "butch", or "dyke". The word effete similarly means effeminacy or over-refinement, but comes from the Latin effetus, from ex- and fetus "fruitful".

Weasel:. A small rodent like person who is renowned for his sneaky, dishonest and rat like behaviour;The verb weasel means to sneak or evade, like when you weasel out of acting like a man; non-committal; no spine.

Soft Boy: One who is the opposite of a Hard man. Generally, the soft boy is unable to fight, or will go down after one punch; a male homosexual or an effete or effeminate man. This phrase from Jamaican patois was adopted ironically as a name by the Soft Boys.

Weakling:a person who is physically,or morally weak, or in character;frail;sickly looking;A person who behaves in a childish, weak, or spoiled way: baby, milksop, milquetoast, mollycoddle;a person who does not have a strong heart. this person is scary. Someone who can not be trusted;ineffectual;

That's you, sweetie pie. Lift some weights, and get out of the house, get some sun, rat boy, sullen looking wimp/weakling.