What does God's Holy Law Demand?

God's Truth

New member
Good point. Gods Truth is one. No kisses blown. If he had answered honestly, I would not say this. But I will say that he hurls stone after stone but drops his at this question.

Just like a real Pharasee

Gods truth. I exalt Jesus and for this you mock me.

I am honored to be called the very things Jesus got called by you.

It is an honor to hear your admonishment.

You are not beyond hope, but you are indeed a caster of stones.

You refuse to answer if you sin willingly for one reason alone. You know the answer, and anything else would be a lie, and damage your false stance.

You don't seem to think yourself in need of a savior.

And yet, you are my brother in humanity. Just more like a little irritating brother.

Everything you say about me is a lie. Those lies are your stones. I was just trying to help you in the Truth. I prove everything I say with scripture.

God's Truth

New member
I preach and teach faith and obedience, but the faith alone crowd is so brainwashed with their man made teachings they do not understand it goes together, so I get abuse heaped upon me.


New member
"It is finished" was proclaimed by him, because his job as a prophet was over. And since we know he isn't the son of god, since god is not begotten and does not beget, we can safely say that he fulfilled his duty as gods prophet.

All in all he became enlightened and perhaps reached union with god.

God's Truth

New member
"It is finished" was proclaimed by him, because his job as a prophet was over. And since we know he isn't the son of god, since god is not begotten and does not beget, we can safely say that he fulfilled his duty as gods prophet.

All in all he became enlightened and perhaps reached union with god.

You can't pick what to keep and what to throw out of the Bible. If you do that, you prove that you have a man made doctrine. Show me what book claims to be the written Word of God and says what you just did.

God's Truth

New member
Gods Truth. I was just employing your tactics. You genuinely have nothing positive to say.

I admit I spoke as you spoke, but you have judged your words by further employing your tactic.

I came here with respect and see many who return it, but you do not.

You feast on disunity and chaos. What have I gained by giving you my time?

Time with a brother who is insistent on judging, but hates to be judged.

I ask your forgiveness and forgive you. But, forgive how I deal with you in the future.

Please. I gave you much of my day.

You say false things about me and defend yourself for doing it and ask that I forgive you while you continue to sin. That is not a true apology.

God's Truth

New member
Gods Truth. I was just employing your tactics. You genuinely have nothing positive to say.

I admit I spoke as you spoke, but you have judged your words by further employing your tactic.

I came here with respect and see many who return it, but you do not.

You feast on disunity and chaos. What have I gained by giving you my time?

Time with a brother who is insistent on judging, but hates to be judged.

I ask your forgiveness and forgive you. But, forgive how I deal with you in the future.

Please. I gave you much of my day.

Try to stop yourself from making posts about what you think of me. Let's debate the scriptures.


New member
Are you of the Islamic religion?

I am just a man who believes there is multiple paths to god. I also believe that god placed prophets among several people of earth to lead them to some kind of morale code. This includes siddharta, the vedas, taoism, judaism.

God's Truth

New member
I am just a man who believes there is multiple paths to god. I also believe that god placed prophets among several people of earth to lead them to some kind of morale code. This includes siddharta, the vedas, taoism, judaism.

You tried to teach us about Jesus from the Qur'an.

Tell me, what is better, to teach us about Jesus from a prophet named Muhammad who admits he is just a man, or to learn from the one who is called the Son of God?


New member
You tried to teach us about Jesus from the Qur'an.

Tell me, what is better, to teach us about Jesus from a prophet named Muhammad who admits he is just a man, or to learn from the one who is called the Son of God?

Unfortuntaely for you the text you use to support your knowledge of Jesus Christ was written much after he was dead, and rewritten and revised and published into multiple edition.

While the text that I quoted from remains one of the most unchanged pieces of religious literature to have ever graced history.

Now back to your text which you envision as the true shield of your faith. Jesus of Nazaraeth never himself uttered the words I am son of god, but rather up to 90 times in the new testament claims that he is "Son of Man". What's more, is that I completely embrace Jesus as being a wonderful human being who was a shining beacon for humanity, but to say that he is god, is to simply state that all of us are god, for we are just incarnations of a universal self.

God's Truth

New member
Unfortuntaely for you the text you use to support your knowledge of Jesus Christ was written much after he was dead, and rewritten and revised and published into multiple edition.

So you pick a bunch of man made religions to go against Jesus and think this impresses me how?

All it shows me is how much you hate God.
While the text that I quoted from remains one of the most unchanged pieces of religious literature to have ever graced history.
So says you.

Now back to your text which you envision as the true shield of your faith. Jesus of Nazaraeth never himself uttered the words I am son of god, but rather up to 90 times in the new testament claims that he is "Son of Man". What's more, is that I completely embrace Jesus as being a wonderful human being who was a shining beacon for humanity, but to say that he is god, is to simply state that all of us are god, for we are just incarnations of a universal self.

God says that you call Him a liar because you reject His testimony about His Son.

1 John 5:10 Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son.

I do not call your book a lie, so do not call my book a lie.

Now answer my question...who would you rather follow, a man named Muhammad who never said he was anything else than a man, or would you rather follow the Son of God?

Just answer the question without calling my Bible a lie. See if you can do it.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
That is outright heresy, Totten.

I cannot endorse it.

Not only were the Apostle Paul's words inspired, but so was the cannon of Scripture - which was determined by Prophets within the Body.

Thus, Paul's...

1 Corinthians 14:36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? 14:37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

You are not only speaking evil of a prophet, or spokesman of God in the Word itself, but you are being duplicitous.

For you cannot assert your Pentecostal notions based on your gross misunderstanding of 1 Corinthians, and then turn around and assert your above heresy against the very Prophet who wrote 1 Corinthians.

Go study out the use of rhetorical reasoning found throughout ALL Scripture - even by God Himself.

Fool woman; you have not accused Paul; you have accused the Spirit Himself of this nonsense of yours on this!

2 Peter 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;

Are you for real? can I come and bite you?


What does God's Holy Law Demand?

Try to stop yourself from making posts about what you think of me. Let's debate the scriptures.

Gods Truth.

I'm convinced you believe you are God's Truth and if it doesn't come from you or those that believe exactly as you, it's hearsay, False Teaching, or Apostasy.

You don't know how to debate without belittling, as far as I have seen. You have failed to master the art of agreeing to disagree with respect.

You also call some legalistic, and some dangerous in teaching.

I ask you again. Do you sin willfully in your life after you have received the assistance of Jesus?

I will ask you one question, about one verse.

What does this verse mean to you. Please expound via Jesus impact on this, as well as the righteousness of your fleshly life in comparison to the Pharasees.

Matthew 5:
20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
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You say false things about me and defend yourself for doing it and ask that I forgive you while you continue to sin. That is not a true apology.

While I continue to sin?

Could you please expound on this statement?

What sin do you list here?

What do you define as sin in general?

Where do you get the standards to define sin from in the Bible? And not the whole thing, specifically what writing charges it as sin?