
New member
You're a "nit-wit" and not very gentlemanly...But, worse you're not to smart...And, well, I'll see if I can come up with anything else later...

If I were gentlemanly, it would be a bit strange, since I am female. And you bandy the phrase "nit wit" about a lot. What would the people in your Sunday morning Bible study think about the name calling you engage in with anyone who does not hold you in high regard? As for not being very smart...well, the university that gave me my Masters degree thought otherwise. ;)
Anyhow, you have gotten enough attention from me for the day. I have better things to do than feed your need.


New member
It's funny, "breath" said he has wasted enough time with me, yet can't resist the temptation to keep, 'checking in" to see what I'm saying...A "guilty pleasure perhaps??" Lets see if she can resist the temptation to leave another angry diatribe?????

You. Are. Such. A. Tool.

I never log off, and my name will show up for a couple of hours wherever I was when I closed the browser window on this site. I always check active threads when I open the site, hence the reason I saw this today. Don't ever think that I will ignore a lie told about myself, even fron you.

Do you constantly check the "Who's Online" page to see where people are? That's kind of creepy stalkerish. :mmph:


Hall of Fame
The problem seems to be people putting their misery in the thread.

Like a chicken laying eggs...

Who started this *miserable* thread? :think:

Why couldn't the person responsible for starting this thread just mailed out surveys to all the TOL members asking one simple question:

Do you think Grosnick Marowbe is a misunderstood, but swell guy or
do you think he is a self-involved, drama queen?

I'd of answered. Seriously. I am always willing to help out!