What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
Another example of selective reading.

One of the few, clearly stated, unambiguous statements on the whole page:

"The passage in the ancient Hebrew is clearly talking about male-male sex acts."

and you choose to ignore it.


New member
beanieboy said:
Intro -
If one serve Christ with his/her heart, but is full of spite, foul language, easily angered, full of condemnation, enjoys harming others, calls hate love, whom do they serve?
To me, one who represents Christ and God as being cruel, hateful, condemning, etc., is pushing people away from God, no matter what they say, and isn't that the ultimate goal of Satan?
Well if a Christian is doing all those things(although a Christian can condemn in a Godly way) then they need to look at their motives and possibly fix some things with their relationship with God. The important thing is that they are SAVED.

beanieboy said:
You can claim that all people who do not worship your God are worshipping Satan.
But I believe that they are allies of God.
I can't agree with that. You know, Hitler didn't worship God....yet he wasn't an ally of God was he? If you're not serving the one true God, then you are His ENEMY. There are verses to support that.

beanieboy said:
Your analogy of the wife/husband isn't the same.
Biblically, David had 6 wives. I'm sure each time he announced that he was getting married - again - that there may have been some problems, or maybe they were happy that they would have help around the kingdom. I don't know. The bible doesn't talk much about them. But David was "the apple of God's eye."
It was an example. I mean, admit it, if your partner went up to you and said you weren't good enough, that would bug you wouldn't it? You cannot love sin, and still love God.

beanieboy said:
"One cannot have two masters" passage refers to someone who will love one master, and the other less. There are Christians who love God, but also money. Therefore, the serve money first, saying, "Yeah, well, that's business," putting the bible second. They may have themselves as a master, and put God second, and justify calling people names, etc., and ignoring the call for blessing their enemies, returning curse with blessing, etc.
No, the phrase "one cannot have two masters" means that you cannot have two masters. You either serve the one true God, or the big fiery evil dude. Your choice. Make the right choice!

beanieboy said:
Do I serve God? I don't know if God exists
Well there's your answer. You do not serve God. You serve a figment of your imagination. I'm sorry to be harsh, but sometimes the truth is harsh.

beanieboy said:
but I think a Creator of some sort exists and it speaks to me. I still speak in tongues to that Creator. And in the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus says what you do for people on this earth, you do for him, and I honor that, and it is in keeping with Buddhism. (Were it not in keeping with Buddhism, I would question Buddhism.)
I'm sorry, but you are not serving Christ! You have blatantly slapped Him in the face, told Him that He is not good enough for you and you don't need Him. You've told Him that you don't care that He suffered and DIED for you. You reject His gift. You reject Him.

beanieboy said:
So, maybe I should state, the Church is not my master. The members are not my master. Theology is not my master. Doctrine is not my Master. My Master the Creator that tells me to focus on giving doubly what was asked for, to offer up compassion thankfully, to be thankful in all things, even the unfortunate events, to pray for peace, patience, guidance, wisdom, and to be still.
Your master is a false teacher. He is the wolf in sheeps clothing. You are being deceived by Satan.

beanieboy said:
And this master sees me as a person, with a soul and a heart, and not simply a homosexual.
And that master I serve.
God sees you as a person to. He sees you as more than just a person, He sees you as someone that He desperately wants to come to Him, to have eternal life with Him! He sees you as someone that He would have sent His only son to DIE for, even if you were the only person on Earth. He sees you as someone who is being horribly deceived, and He wants to bring you to the truth.

beanieboy said:
I may find that I am serving your God.
Or you may find that you are actually becoming like the Buddha.
Who knows.
I can guarantee that you are not serving my God. I can also guarantee that I am not serving Buddha.

beanieboy said:
I don't know if it matters. What matters is the effort to restore the earth, and do remember our divinity, and allow that to guide us away from materialism, the ego, fame, and all manners of folly until loving our neighbor as ourselves becomes our nature, and becomes what is common in the world.
No, what matters is bringing people to the Light. What matters is snatching someone right out of Hell and bringing them to the Father! Everything else pales in comparison.


New member
intro2faith said:
No, the phrase "one cannot have two masters" means that you cannot have two masters. You either serve the one true God, or the big fiery evil dude. Your choice. Make the right choice!

Actually, this is the verse, Beanieboy was right:

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
Matthew 6:24


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Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
The decline of civilization. The idea that accepting abominations is "tolerance". The assumption that accepting this particular abomination will have zero effect.

It'll have an effect, all right.

I can't think of a single society "destroyed" by homosexuality. The Greeks seemed to manage.

I think this obsession is equal parts repression, fascination, projection, and paranoia.


New member
Pepper said:
Actually, this is the verse, Beanieboy was right:

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
Matthew 6:24
Yes in that certain case it was talking about money. But there are other verses that state you cannot serve the world and God. And I think it's pretty obvious that you can't serve Satan and God...I mean seriously...that's a given! :)

Actually, I was addressing the fact that beanieboy said that verse means you love one more than the other. It doesn't mean that. It means you HATE one and LOVE the other.


New member
intro2faith said:
I can't agree with that. You know, Hitler didn't worship God....yet he wasn't an ally of God was he? If you're not serving the one true God, then you are His ENEMY. There are verses to support that.
Yes, he did. He identified as Christian:

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."

But "at least he was saved"?

I'm sorry, but you are not serving Christ! You have blatantly slapped Him in the face, told Him that He is not good enough for you and you don't need Him. You've told Him that you don't care that He suffered and DIED for you. You reject His gift. You reject Him.
I reject man's theology of God. I reject the doctrine of the church, which rejects each other's doctrine (remember Luther?).

Your master is a false teacher. He is the wolf in sheeps clothing. You are being deceived by Satan.

God sees you as a person to. He sees you as more than just a person, He sees you as someone that He desperately wants to come to Him, to have eternal life with Him! He sees you as someone that He would have sent His only son to DIE for, even if you were the only person on Earth. He sees you as someone who is being horribly deceived, and He wants to bring you to the truth.

I can guarantee that you are not serving my God. I can also guarantee that I am not serving Buddha.

I don't serve Buddha.
I am Buddha, as we all are, and we just have to realize that, and live as one.

No, what matters is bringing people to the Light. What matters is snatching someone right out of Hell and bringing them to the Father! Everything else pales in comparison.

It seems that those that claim to serve your God here on TOL, not unlike Hitler, need far more saving from the evil of hell that has hardened their hearts. Wouldn't you agree?


New member
beanieboy said:
intro2faith said:
I can't agree with that. You know, Hitler didn't worship God....yet he wasn't an ally of God was he? If you're not serving the one true God, then you are His ENEMY. There are verses to support that.

It seems that those that claim to serve your God here on TOL, not unlike Hitler, need far more saving from the evil of hell that has hardened their hearts. Wouldn't you agree?
Well...ya know I can't seem to fathom that Hitler was a Christian. For some ODD reason. :)

On Fire

New member
granite1010 said:
It'll have an effect, all right.
We agree?

granite1010 said:
I can't think of a single society "destroyed" by homosexuality. The Greeks seemed to manage.
From http://www.leaderu.com/common/nationsdie.html :

Three important trends demonstrate moral decay. They are the "rise in immorality," the "decay of religious belief," and the "devaluing of human life."

Sounds familiar to me.

granite1010 said:
I think this obsession is equal parts repression, fascination, projection, and paranoia.
I think you're wrong.


New member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
We agree?

From http://www.leaderu.com/common/nationsdie.html :

Three important trends demonstrate moral decay. They are the "rise in immorality," the "decay of religious belief," and the "devaluing of human life."

Sounds familiar to me.

I think you're wrong.

If anything the book you cited argues that homosexuality is a symptom and not a cause. I don't believe homosexuality ITSELF was ever a first cause in the downfall of any nation. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not. Something that is not true about the parallels (examples?) cited was the existence of Judeo-Christian ethics as strongly as they thrive in the United States. Not like the Greeks had the Christian Coalition standing in their way.


New member
The US began by explorers "discovering" america (where inhabitants already lived), killing them off, and then bringing in slave labor from Africa. Seems to me that society was far worse then.


beanieboy said:
The US began by explorers "discovering" america (where inhabitants already lived), killing them off,

The 'inhabitants' were already engaged in killing each other.

and then bringing in slave labor from Africa.

Yes, they bought slaves from warring tribes. [Negros captured and sold negros]

Seems to me that society was far worse then.

Nothing is worse than the current overflow of liberalism.


beanieboy said:
You approve of slavery?

No, that is why I am at odds with the democrat agenda.

You approve the conditions that existed in slavery with the US?

Not at all, those poor slaves didn't have air conditioning. Do you know how hot it gets down here in the summer???? :dead:


New member
beanieboy said:
You approve of slavery?
You approve the conditions that existed in slavery with the US?
No, but each generation has it's own set of problems. They're just different. Back then it was slavery, now it's mostly immorality. Although there has always been immorality, it seems to have been on a major rise lately. Unfortunately. :(


New member
Pepper said:
Well, the Bible says it's ok.
Back then, being a slave(for a good master anyways...) was basically just like being a maid or something. Different jobs of course, but God made it clear that you were supposed to treat them fairly.

He is not for kidnapping people and forcing them(with the use of whips and other things) to work for you and treating them unjustly.


New member
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
The US began by explorers "discovering" america (where inhabitants already lived), killing them off, and then bringing in slave labor from Africa. Seems to me that society was far worse then.

This country's based on genocide for better or worse. Nothing'll change or reverse that. Just the way it is.
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