What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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New member
granite1010 said:
This country's based on genocide for better or worse. Nothing'll change or reverse that. Just the way it is.

I realize that.

But is our nation worse than it was before?
If we were are a decline, it should have been for the atrocities that we did within our history.


New member
intro2faith said:
Back then, being a slave(for a good master anyways...) was basically just like being a maid or something. Different jobs of course, but God made it clear that you were supposed to treat them fairly.

He is not for kidnapping people and forcing them(with the use of whips and other things) to work for you and treating them unjustly.

Actually, it only says to not rule over fellow Isrealites ruthlessly, it doesn't say anything about how to treat the slaves as long as they're from a different nation.

Leviticus 25:44-46
"44 " 'Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly."

Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
Only how conservatives twist it?

I gave you a clear example of how Poly does it.
Beanie, how exactly do you give a clear example of Poly twisting Scripture? All you did was compare her quotation of a legitimate Bible translation to the Living Bible, which is a paraphrase of the Bible.


New member
intro2faith said:
Back then, being a slave(for a good master anyways...) was basically just like being a maid or something. Different jobs of course, but God made it clear that you were supposed to treat them fairly.

He is not for kidnapping people and forcing them(with the use of whips and other things) to work for you and treating them unjustly.

Apparently he's for keeping the virgins of the lands you conquer so you can have your way with them. And killing all the "used" women.


New member
Army of One said:
Beanie, how exactly do you give a clear example of Poly twisting Scripture? All you did was compare her quotation of a legitimate Bible translation to the Living Bible, which is a paraphrase of the Bible.

Army of One -
Poly quotes "Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good."
Therefore, she hates evil people.

Show me the context in which this verse is found.
Show me what comes before and after.

What is the point of the passage? How to hate? Or how to treat others, including your enemies?

She thinks that it makes hating others valid, and treating them rudely.
It is lifting from the context.
It is twisting the bible to justify her hate.

Prove me wrong.


New member
beanieboy said:
Army of One -
Poly quotes "Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good."
Therefore, she hates evil people.

Seems any logical thinking person would interpret this verse to mean, "abhor hatred for it is evil" and "cling to love for it is good." That would mean to love everyone, because that's good.


New member
What's funny is this thread's poll looks like "when did you stop beating your wife?" It's a dead end street.
#1, the thread assumes something about Beanie disgusts us. There is no provision for those who find nothing "disgusting" about him.
#2 the choices are all saying the same thing - Poly doesn't like him. It should have just read "who agrees with Poly's hatred of Beanie?"


New member
Or rather, who thinks that Poly needs our prayers?
Maybe that is the best reason to keep this thread alive - to remind us to pray for those who persecute us, to pray to the Creator for the hearts of those who are full of anger and hatred, and do so in his name.

That passage tells us how to love one another. Shortened, it says to overcome evil with good, to bless those who curse us, to pray for our enemies, to live in harmony with others, to feed your enemies, to comfort those who mourn, rejoice with those who rejoice.


beanieboy said:
Or rather, who thinks that Poly needs our prayers?
Maybe that is the best reason to keep this thread alive - to remind us to pray for those who persecute us, to pray to the Creator for the hearts of those who are full of anger and hatred, and do so in his name.

That passage tells us how to love one another. Shortened, it says to overcome evil with good, to bless those who curse us, to pray for our enemies, to live in harmony with others, to feed your enemies, to comfort those who mourn, rejoice with those who rejoice.

I find it hard to believe it is you that is being persecuted....you do not deserve to be so.

You have risen to be head and shoulders above them.

.....that or they have sunk!​


Well-known member
Everyone grow up!

Everyone grow up!

Won't people just grow up?! This poll is childish and pathetic! What is the purpose of a poll just to demean someone else?

Oh, I I'm a homo too, so you can be disgusted about that with me if ya all want! Doesn't bother me.



New member
eccl3_6 said:
I find it hard to believe it is you that is being persecuted....you do not deserve to be so.

You have risen to be head and shoulders above them.

.....that or they have sunk!

No one deserves to be persecuted, and for that reason, I would simply ask that we all keep those with the hardest hearts in our prayers, and do our best to bless those who persecute. It has never been just me. Anyone who opposes their harsh views is a target - wickwoman, julia, etc.- ones who consider themselves christian.

So, we must keep them in our prayers, and pray with hope and trust, and pray for patience for ourselves.


New member
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
I realize that.

But is our nation worse than it was before?
If we were are a decline, it should have been for the atrocities that we did within our history.

Worse? Depends. I would say we have advanced and become enlightened much like the rest of western civilization. Misogyny and racism are declining if not completely things of the past (they are at least not tolerated in the mainstream). Just some examples.


New member
beanieboy - just remember that some people want the church to be weak... that there are wolves amoung the sheep, who know that the real Good News, would keep them from their perverted heart's desires. I suspect some people also just are in opposition to the orthodox dogma - that they are there in the church trying to destroy it from the inside out.

With Christ's Love



New member
servent101 said:
beanieboy - just remember that some people want the church to be weak... that there are wolves amoung the sheep, who know that the real Good News, would keep them from their perverted heart's desires. I suspect some people also just are in opposition to the orthodox dogma - that they are there in the church trying to destroy it from the inside out.

With Christ's Love


I have always suspected that.
If you read about the Pharisees, it's pretty obvious what the goal is - their own power.


New member
wickwoman said:
Apparently he's for keeping the virgins of the lands you conquer so you can have your way with them. And killing all the "used" women.
Could you please give me the verse/verses that support this, and I will try and explain. Thanks!


New member
intro2faith said:
Could you please give me the verse/verses that support this, and I will try and explain. Thanks!

Numbers 25:4 (New International Version)
4 The LORD said to Moses, "Take all the leaders of these people, kill them and expose them in broad daylight before the LORD, so that the LORD's fierce anger may turn away from Israel."

Numbers 31:16-18 (New International Version)
16 "They were the ones who followed Balaam's advice and were the means of turning the Israelites away from the LORD in what happened at Peor, so that a plague struck the LORD's people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

Judges 21:11 (New International Version)
"This is what you are to do," they said. "Kill every male and every woman who is not a virgin."
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