What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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On Fire said:
Not serving God, questions His existence....but regularly quotes His book.

I always liked Nancy Drew even though Carolyn Keene didn't really exist. I thought they were great books.


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On Fire said:
Not serving God, questions His existence....but regularly quotes His book.

If one is going to accuse me of serving Satan, they need to look to the bible, and discern what my fruit is, and then decide whether I am serving Satan or God.

If one says that they get angry when a non-christian looks up things in the bible, contemplates the bible, and references the bible, I can only assume that they are serving Satan, who would prefer that one not have knowledge of the bible, nor use it at all.

Does it make sense that a Christian would be happier if a non-Christian never opened the bible, never read it, never contemplated any of the verses, etc.?


New member
Has Poly proven the allegations contained in numbers 2, 3 and 4? I've seen him use the Bible, I've never heard him say he doesn't believe it. I've never heard him say he doesn't need Christ. Hypocrit is subjective and could be believed by one person or disbelieved by another so it's basically a meaningless label.

Anyway what argument did you lose Poly to make you start this meaningless thread? And thanks for the bad rep points. (I'm just predicting the future because I'm smart like that.)


New member
beanieboy said:
If one is going to accuse me of serving Satan, they need to look to the bible, and discern what my fruit is, and then decide whether I am serving Satan or God.

If one says that they get angry when a non-christian looks up things in the bible, contemplates the bible, and references the bible, I can only assume that they are serving Satan, who would prefer that one not have knowledge of the bible, nor use it at all.

Does it make sense that a Christian would be happier if a non-Christian never opened the bible, never read it, never contemplated any of the verses, etc.?
It doesn't matter if you have characteristics of the HS, if you don't HAVE the HS. If you are not serving God(the ONE true God) then you are serving Satan. You cannot have two masters.

Let me give you an example:

Let's say I am married. I have been married for about 5 years. Then all of a sudden I go up to my hubby and say "Gee my dear hubby, I love you and all, but I think I'm going to go marry Jim too. You and I can still have a great relationship though!"

How do you think my husband would feel? Would he say "Oh, I guess that could work. I mean, why can't you serve two husbands? You'll still love me just as much."

OR would he say "I'm not good enough for you obviously. You need Jim because you feel I am not enough. Forget it, you cannot be loving me the way you SAY you are when your actions do not prove it."

It's the same thing with God. We cannot be serving both Him AND Satan. It doesn't work.

God says that you need to accept Jesus Christ to have a relationship with Him. Therefore, if you have not accepted Christ, you do not have a relationship with God, which means you are not serving Him, which means you are serving the opposite team.(and the opposite team...well let's just say they're a bunch of losers:))


New member
beanieboy said:
If one is going to accuse me of serving Satan, they need to look to the bible, and discern what my fruit is, and then decide whether I am serving Satan or God.

Beanie, everyone serves Satan in one way or another, even these so-called Chirstian...I will give you a clue...Jungian..we are all are own best enemies

On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
If one is going to accuse me of serving Satan, they need to look to the bible, and discern what my fruit is, and then decide whether I am serving Satan or God.

We know what your fruit is: :flamer: The way you twist the bible, play dumb, and ignore answers to your insipid questions proves you are serving Satan.

beanieboy said:
If one says that they get angry when a non-christian looks up things in the bible, contemplates the bible, and references the bible, I can only assume that they are serving Satan, who would prefer that one not have knowledge of the bible, nor use it at all.
You twist the bible to fit your deathstyle. TOLers who know the bible a lot better than you have tried to teach you but you have ears that cannot hear.

beanieboy said:
Does it make sense that a Christian would be happier if a non-Christian never opened the bible, never read it, never contemplated any of the verses, etc.?
Again, you don't do these things. YOU TWIST IT. REPEATEDLY.


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intro2faith said:
It doesn't matter if you have characteristics of the HS, if you don't HAVE the HS. If you are not serving God(the ONE true God) then you are serving Satan. You cannot have two masters.

Hi Intro:

What do you think about those who are supposed to be Christians but do not display the characteristics of the HS. Are they in by default? Seems this should be a two way street.

On Fire

New member
wickwoman said:
Hi Intro:

What do you think about those who are supposed to be Christians but do not display the characteristics of the HS. Are they in by default? Seems this should be a two way street.

Look at the pagan trying to define God's world. Why?


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Intro -
If one serve Christ with his/her heart, but is full of spite, foul language, easily angered, full of condemnation, enjoys harming others, calls hate love, whom do they serve?
To me, one who represents Christ and God as being cruel, hateful, condemning, etc., is pushing people away from God, no matter what they say, and isn't that the ultimate goal of Satan?

You can claim that all people who do not worship your God are worshipping Satan.
But I believe that they are allies of God.

Your analogy of the wife/husband isn't the same.
Biblically, David had 6 wives. I'm sure each time he announced that he was getting married - again - that there may have been some problems, or maybe they were happy that they would have help around the kingdom. I don't know. The bible doesn't talk much about them. But David was "the apple of God's eye."

"One cannot have two masters" passage refers to someone who will love one master, and the other less. There are Christians who love God, but also money. Therefore, the serve money first, saying, "Yeah, well, that's business," putting the bible second. They may have themselves as a master, and put God second, and justify calling people names, etc., and ignoring the call for blessing their enemies, returning curse with blessing, etc.

Do I serve God? I don't know if God exists, but I think a Creator of some sort exists and it speaks to me. I still speak in tongues to that Creator. And in the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus says what you do for people on this earth, you do for him, and I honor that, and it is in keeping with Buddhism. (Were it not in keeping with Buddhism, I would question Buddhism.)

So, maybe I should state, the Church is not my master. The members are not my master. Theology is not my master. Doctrine is not my Master. My Master the Creator that tells me to focus on giving doubly what was asked for, to offer up compassion thankfully, to be thankful in all things, even the unfortunate events, to pray for peace, patience, guidance, wisdom, and to be still.

And this master sees me as a person, with a soul and a heart, and not simply a homosexual.
And that master I serve.

I may find that I am serving your God.
Or you may find that you are actually becoming like the Buddha.
Who knows.

I don't know if it matters. What matters is the effort to restore the earth, and do remember our divinity, and allow that to guide us away from materialism, the ego, fame, and all manners of folly until loving our neighbor as ourselves becomes our nature, and becomes what is common in the world.

I don't remember the specifics, but I remember being very young, and someone said, "that was really nice of you." (It was something small, probably, giving someone 5 sheets of paper, when they asked for one. I don't remember.) The reason it sticks out in my head was that I replied, "It's nothing. Anyone else would have done the same thing." The person said, "No, they wouldn't. It's really a good thing that you have done." And it's always struck me ever since - the way people think it is too much to give a cigarette to a stranger ("I only have 8 left") or whatever. It's unfortunate that people assume that most people in the US are out for themselves. In a nation that claims to be 85% Christian, it doesn't follow the Golden Rule. So I decided that I would continue giving, or stepping it up, until it caught on with others, until we can actually ask for something when we are in need without shame, and know that there is support, there is someone caring enough about you as well. That's my hope.



New member
On Fire said:
We know what your fruit is: :flamer: The way you twist the bible, play dumb, and ignore answers to your insipid questions proves you are serving Satan.

You twist the bible to fit your deathstyle. TOLers who know the bible a lot better than you have tried to teach you but you have ears that cannot hear.

Again, you don't do these things. YOU TWIST IT. REPEATEDLY.

I haven't twisted the bible to support homosexuality.
I have said repeatedly that theologian are split over the issue, and one should come to their own conclusions.

I think that you, among others, use Leviticus for two verses, and ignore the rest of the book. That, in my opinion, is misuse of the bible, and twisting it for your own hatred.

What you hate is that I quote the bible, show it's context, as one should, point out how it is being misused, as one should, and you know that I'm right.
I'm holding up the standards of the bible you claim to believe - the important ones, such as loving your neighbor, returning curse with blessing, and because you know I'm right, you have to attack me and claim I'm twisting the bible.

Poly loves to quote:
Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good

Here is the Living Translation:

9Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good. 10Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. 11Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.

12Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful. 13When God's children are in need, be the one to help them out. And get into the habit of inviting guests home for dinner or, if they need lodging, for the night.

14If people persecute you because you are a Christian, don't curse them; pray that God will bless them. 15When others are happy, be happy with them. If they are sad, share their sorrow. 16Live in harmony with each other. Don't try to act important, but enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don't think you know it all!

17Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible.

19Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God. For it is written,

"I will take vengeance;
I will repay those who deserve it,"[c]
says the Lord.

20Instead, do what the Scriptures say:

"If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink,
and they will be ashamed of what they have done to you."[d]

21Don't let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good.

Now, is this passage about hating people?
Justifying hatred?
Or is it about conquering evil with kindness, blessing, etc?
If people curse you because you are a Christian, what should you do? Pray for them, and not curse them.
Live in harmony with others.
Try to do good in the eyes of all men.

But that is not what many people take away from that passage.
They life out "Abhor what is evil" and justify hatred.

That is twisting the bible.
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On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
I haven't twisted the bible to support homosexuality.
I have said repeatedly that theologian are split over the issue, and one should come to their own conclusions.

I think that you, among others, use Leviticus for two verses, and ignore the rest of the book. That, in my opinion, is misuse of the bible, and twisting it for your own hatred.
I use two verses in Leviticus because they apply to you specifically.

Sure "theologians" are split....something like 95% to 5%. And the 5% is made up of 4% gays and 1% commies who will eventually turn gay.


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Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
I use two verses in Leviticus because they apply to you specifically.

Sure "theologians" are split....something like 95% to 5%. And the 5% is made up of 4% gays and 1% commies who will eventually turn gay.

If it's a numbers game we're all ultimately doomed when your "scholars" change their minds on any given issue.

On Fire

New member
The only thing this web site was certain about was this:

"The passage in the ancient Hebrew is clearly talking about male-male sex acts."

Guess that means you.


New member
Hall of Fame
What's the psychology behind obsessing over homosexuality? I'm serious here. I mean, abortion I get, capital punishment I understand...but you guys are really, REALLY obsessed about homosexuality. What's going on here? What about this in particular gets your goat more than any other social issue?


New member
"The verse is, unfortunately, incomplete. Its precise meaning is unclear. The phrase "lay lyings" has no obvious interpretation."

"Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the meaning of this verse. Many people tend to select that interpretation that most closely reinforces their initial beliefs about the Bible and homosexual behavior."

Are you really stupid, or a liar?

It shows clearly that there are conservative and liberal points of view.

On Fire

New member
granite1010 said:
What's the psychology behind obsessing over homosexuality? I'm serious here. I mean, abortion I get, capital punishment I understand...but you guys are really, REALLY obsessed about homosexuality. What's going on here? What about this in particular gets your goat more than any other social issue?
The decline of civilization. The idea that accepting abominations is "tolerance". The assumption that accepting this particular abomination will have zero effect.
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