What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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New member
intro2faith said:
This is what makes me so certain.

Before I accepted Christ, I was a mess. My life was horrible, I was never truly happy, and I basically just hated life. Satan had a strong hold on me.

After I accepted Christ, there was a radical change! I asked for peace, He gave me peace! I asked for strength, He gave me strength! He turned my life around. I could never have changed my life on my own, I wasn't that motivated of a person. :) But Jesus gave me the strength and endurance to do it. And the best part is, I wasn't alone anymore! I didn't have to fight through everything on my own.

That is why I know God and Satan exist.

And that's great, I'm happy for you. People find a lot of peace in spirituality. I know I do. I'm a happy, stronger person now too. And I found that after leaving Christianity.


New member
Pepper said:
Listen, all I'm trying to get at is that you believe in God and Satan based on your FAITH that what the Bible is telling you is true. That's all you have to go on. And that's fine. Thats your decision on what to believe. I have faith too, and I believe what I believe to be true. Beanieboy has faith that what he believes is true. The christians here come at the non-christians with threats of hell and telling us we're serving satan and we're evil people. Threats of hell don't scare me. I live my life in a good way. I'm a caring person. I don't hurt people. I just don't believe what you believe. And that's my choice. And part of what I believe is that Satan doesn't exist. That Satan and Hell were designed to keep christians in line. Without threats of Hell and Satan, why would a christian choose to believe? It's kinda like telling your child that if he's bad, the boogie man's gonna get him. I don't believe in the boogie man, and if you want to believe that I'm an evil person and that I'm serving satan, fine. But it's not true. You just need to realize that people do believe different things.
I would have accepted Christ without the threat of Hell. God offers so much! He offers love, peace, happiness, purpose, and so many more things.


intro2faith said:
Well, as I said in my earlier post, Satan had a major hold on my life. I chose to let him control me.

Now I have a new driver, and I like Him a lot better. :D

So you didn't actually meet him first hand then.



New member
Pepper said:
Listen, all I'm trying to get at is that you believe in God and Satan based on your FAITH that what the Bible is telling you is true. That's all you have to go on. And that's fine. Thats your decision on what to believe. I have faith too, and I believe what I believe to be true. Beanieboy has faith that what he believes is true. The christians here come at the non-christians with threats of hell and telling us we're serving satan and we're evil people. Threats of hell don't scare me. I live my life in a good way. I'm a caring person. I don't hurt people. I just don't believe what you believe. And that's my choice. And part of what I believe is that Satan doesn't exist. That Satan and Hell were designed to keep christians in line. Without threats of Hell and Satan, why would a christian choose to believe? It's kinda like telling your child that if he's bad, the boogie man's gonna get him. I don't believe in the boogie man, and if you want to believe that I'm an evil person and that I'm serving satan, fine. But it's not true. You just need to realize that people do believe different things.
And that's wonderful that you don't harm people. But you don't have to be a serial killer to be serving Satan. He is deceiving you by making you think that you don't need Christ.


Resident Atheist
intro2faith said:
Well, as I said in my earlier post, Satan had a major hold on my life. I chose to let him control me.

Now I have a new driver, and I like Him a lot better. :D
So you had what the Brits would call "rum luck" and you attributed it to some entity you call "Satan".

Now things are going better and you now attribute this to some entity you call "God."


Helps you tie the uncontrollable parts of your universe up in nice orderly packages doesn't it... ;)


New member
Zakath said:
So you had what the Brits would call "rum luck" and you attributed it to some entity you call "Satan".

Now things are going better and you now attribute this to some entity you call "God."


Helps you tie the uncontrollable parts of your universe up in nice orderly packages doesn't it... ;)
My outside circumstances weren't bad at all. I had a great family(still do) great friends(still do) and, from the outside apprearance, an overall great life. But the inside was the bad part. I'd completely surrendered to sin. So, God has changed the inside of me. :) Not my outward circumstances.

On Fire

New member
Zakath said:
Helps you tie the uncontrollable parts of your universe up in nice orderly packages doesn't it... ;)
And your warped view helps you continue in your favorite sins doesn't it? :chicken:


Resident Atheist
Let me see if I understand you here...

You said that:
intro2faith said:
Before I accepted Christ, I was a mess. My life was horrible, I was never truly happy, and I basically just hated life. Satan had a strong hold on me.

Then you said that:
intro2faith said:
My outside circumstances weren't bad at all. I had a great family(still do) great friends(still do) and, from the outside apprearance, an overall great life.

So you had and still have great friends and family and good outside circumstances...

Then you said...
But the inside was the bad part. I'd completely surrendered to sin. So, God has changed the inside of me. :) Not my outward circumstances.
So nothing measureable changed... merely your "outlook on life"?

In other words - your new found faith helped you "feel better"?


Well, since I don't feel badly about my life or my family or my firends, I guess your religion wouldn't do much for me, eh?



Resident Atheist
On Fire said:
And your warped view helps you continue in your favorite sins doesn't it?
Not at all.

To which "sins" would you be referring, Sparky?

Oh, and by the way, Neg Repping me for carrying on a conversation with someone else and snidely telling me to repent merely makes your point look that much weaker.



New member
Zakath said:
Let me see if I understand you here...

You said that:

Then you said that:

So you had and still have great friends and family and good outside circumstances...

Then you said...

So nothing measureable changed... merely your "outlook on life"?

In other words - your new found faith helped you "feel better"?


Well, since I don't feel badly about my life or my family or my firends, I guess your religion wouldn't do much for me, eh?

Nah, everything changed. I'm a whole new person now. My relationships are way better than they were before too. :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Army of One said:
Care to elaborate on that, fool?
sure intro said that satan was the father of all evil
I said that God was the father of Satan.
hence God is the grandfather of all evil
make sense?


New member
fool said:
sure intro said that satan was the father of all evil
I said that God was the father of Satan.
hence God is the grandfather of all evil
make sense?
God is not the creator of sin. You've got yourself a pretty messed up theology there bud. ;)

Army of One

New member
fool said:
sure intro said that satan was the father of all evil
I said that God was the father of Satan.
hence God is the grandfather of all evil
make sense?
No, actually it doesn't. I figured that was what you were implying, and I was hoping you could explain to me how God was the father of Satan?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Army of One said:
No, actually it doesn't. I figured that was what you were implying, and I was hoping you could explain to me how God was the father of Satan?
who else would his father be?
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