What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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New member
intro2faith said:
I know it's an ugly thought, but it's the truth. If you are not serving God, if you've not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are serving Satan.

You cannot serve two masters.(Matt. 6:24)

So, who do you want to serve?
The verse says that you cannot serve two masters. It doesn't say anything about serving no masters.


New member
Pepper said:
If one does not believe in Satan, one cannot serve Satan. How do you know that he/it exists?
If you do not believe in air, how can you breathe?

I know Satan exists because I've seen his evil work everywhere I go. I know God exists because I see His wonderful work everywhere I go.


New member
intro2faith said:
If you do not believe in air, how can you breathe?

I know Satan exists because I've seen his evil work everywhere I go. I know God exists because I see His wonderful work everywhere I go.

Don't get me wrong, I believe evil exists....but evil is not proof that satan exists.


Resident Atheist
intro2faith said:
I know Satan exists because I've seen his evil work everywhere I go. I know God exists because I see His wonderful work everywhere I go.
I would suggest that you see things around you that you attribute to one entity or the other.

I can attribute the existence of the universe to Baal, but that doesn't mean he actually created anything or that he even exists...


New member
intro2faith said:
Okay, but Satan is the Father of evil. All evil comes from him.

Ok, but how do you know that? You use air as an example...air is tangible. You can't see it, but you can break it down molecularly. Evil? yes, it exists. Someone kills someone else, I'd call that pretty evil. But still not proof of Satan's existence.


New member
Zakath said:
I would suggest that you see things around you that you attribute to one entity or the other.

I can attribute the existence of the universe to Baal, but that doesn't mean he actually created anything or that he even exists...
Just because you do not believe God and Satan exist, doesn't mean that you are not serving Satan. Like it or not, you're making that disgusting, vile serpant very happy by not accepting Christ, and instead choosing to accept him.


New member
Pepper said:
Ok, but how do you know that? You use air as an example...air is tangible. You can't see it, but you can break it down molecularly. Evil? yes, it exists. Someone kills someone else, I'd call that pretty evil. But still not proof of Satan's existence.
Those who require proof for everything won't get very far in life. Someday, you will have all the proof you could ever want. In fact, you'll have more than you want.


New member
intro2faith said:
Just because you do not believe God and Satan exist, doesn't mean that you are not serving Satan. Like it or not, you're making that disgusting, vile serpant very happy by not accepting Christ, and instead choosing to accept him.

And just because you believe Satan exists and you believe that I'm serving him, doesn't mean they exist. What makes you so certain that what you believe is true?


On Fire said:
No, beanie, you would have us believe that accepting homosexuality is the next logical step in making the world a better place. God says different.

I've been introduced to quite a few girls through my gay mates. If you're looking for a dating aid guys....

Get a Gay!​


New member
intro2faith said:
Those who require proof for everything won't get very far in life. Someday, you will have all the proof you could ever want. In fact, you'll have more than you want.
And those that don't require proof are led easily astray.


Resident Atheist
intro2faith said:
I know it's an ugly thought, but it's the truth. If you are not serving God, if you've not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are serving Satan.

You cannot serve two masters.(Matt. 6:24)

So, who do you want to serve?
You present a false dichotomy...

I can rephrase your question with the name of any of the thousands of deities mankind has dreamed up over the centuries... that doesn't make it any more correct.

If you are not serving Ahura-Mazda, and not following the teachings of Zoroaster, then you are serving Angra Mainyu. So who do you want to serve?


Resident Atheist
intro2faith said:
Okay, but Satan is the Father of evil. All evil comes from him.
And you know this how?

Because you read it somewhere?

Or have you actually experienced this Satan?


New member
Pepper said:
And just because you believe Satan exists and you believe that I'm serving him, doesn't mean they exist. What makes you so certain that what you believe is true?
This is what makes me so certain.

Before I accepted Christ, I was a mess. My life was horrible, I was never truly happy, and I basically just hated life. Satan had a strong hold on me.

After I accepted Christ, there was a radical change! I asked for peace, He gave me peace! I asked for strength, He gave me strength! He turned my life around. I could never have changed my life on my own, I wasn't that motivated of a person. :) But Jesus gave me the strength and endurance to do it. And the best part is, I wasn't alone anymore! I didn't have to fight through everything on my own.

That is why I know God and Satan exist.


Resident Atheist
intro2faith said:
This is what makes me so certain.

Before I accepted Christ, I was a mess. My life was horrible, I was never truly happy, and I basically just hated life. Satan had a strong hold on me.

After I accepted Christ, there was a radical change! I asked for peace, He gave me peace! I asked for strength, He gave me strength! He turned my life around. I could never have changed my life on my own, I wasn't that motivated of a person. :) But Jesus gave me the strength and endurance to do it. And the best part is, I wasn't alone anymore! I didn't have to fight through everything on my own...
Substitute "got married" for "accepted Christ" and I've heard smiliar speeches from married women...

Or you could substitute "studied Scientology" and it would sound like Tom Cruise... ;)


New member
Listen, all I'm trying to get at is that you believe in God and Satan based on your FAITH that what the Bible is telling you is true. That's all you have to go on. And that's fine. Thats your decision on what to believe. I have faith too, and I believe what I believe to be true. Beanieboy has faith that what he believes is true. The christians here come at the non-christians with threats of hell and telling us we're serving satan and we're evil people. Threats of hell don't scare me. I live my life in a good way. I'm a caring person. I don't hurt people. I just don't believe what you believe. And that's my choice. And part of what I believe is that Satan doesn't exist. That Satan and Hell were designed to keep christians in line. Without threats of Hell and Satan, why would a christian choose to believe? It's kinda like telling your child that if he's bad, the boogie man's gonna get him. I don't believe in the boogie man, and if you want to believe that I'm an evil person and that I'm serving satan, fine. But it's not true. You just need to realize that people do believe different things.
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