What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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On Fire

New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
By the way Jung had alot of interest - art, quantum mechanics and religion, antropology and etc- now what else can we blame him for?
I'm not the one who claimed he had no ties to the occult. They lied and got caught.


New member
Can we puh-lease get back to being disgusted about Beano? I mean, muslims and psychobabble are icky, but just not as fun.

He's probably pouting somewhere.


New member
Rimi said:
Yeah, and the Palestinians really tried hard to stop them. Thank God, there isn't a "Palestinian" state now. Love that Roman name.
Well they didn't try to stop Charles Manson either...so blame the Tate/la Bianca murders on them too


New member
Who knew that not only was Carl Jung the pioneer of psychology, but also of Telepsychics:
Hello, Calla. Can I haf yer firs name onlee and yer birt-date please?


New member
granite1010 said:
Nobody got caught. In fact, nobody has satisfactorily demonstrated that Jung had ties to the occult. Unless studying the occult is the same as having ties to it, which would make you a Nazi, granite, and would make me an ancient Celtic druid.


New member
Is this like that game 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, expect you have to tie Jung to the occult in six degrees of less?

1. Freud taught Jung

2. Freud analyzed the "Wolfman"

3. The term wolfman is associated with lycanthropy

4. Lycanthropes often hang out with witches

5. witches are involved the occult


New member
If Jung believed that all religion was more or less myth, (ie, saing a prayer is the same as casting a spell, in which the person asks for a supernatural being to help them control what is out of there control), why would he practice the occult?

The most that was suggested was that the drums made him break into dancing wildly.

But that is, again, a natural response.
When many people do something, and you are in the crowd, you react similarly.
When you are at a game, you get much more swept up from other fans, than when you watch at home in front of your TV.

But at the time when he was studying, he thought of Africans as "savages", of being animalistic, although he also stated that the more one is removed from nature, the more one loses touch with life itself. My grandparents came from the school of thought that dancing was of the devil. It only makes sense that when one drums and moves to the rhythm, they are thought to then be possessed by the devil, or possessed by something. But all cultures have dance.


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
Is this like that game 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, expect you have to tie Jung to the occult in six degrees of less?

1. Freud taught Jung

2. Freud analyzed the "Wolfman"

3. The term wolfman is associated with lycanthropy

4. Lycanthropes often hang out with witches

5. witches are involved the occult

In Minneapolis, there was a Theater called Jungle Theater. They moved out of their old space, and down the block, but the letters were still up on the building. Someone came by and took off a few letters, so that it said "Jung heat ".

I laughed every time I went by.


Merely Christian
I think I've seen enough of this parade :)

I made a new thread for Jung. Even though he was a crackpot, he shouldn't be buried in a homo thread.

Mr. 5020

New member
julie21 said:
This thread has definitely improved from its original conception! :)
What?!?! :shocked: No! No! No! Beanieboy is disgusting!!!!


This thread is now returned to its original conception. :)


Blessed beyond measure
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Mr. 5020 said:
What?!?! :shocked: No! No! No! Beanieboy is disgusting!!!!


This thread is now returned to its original conception. :)

Ahhh, there, that's better!

Thanks Mr. 5020!! :thumb:


New member
beanieboy said:
In Minneapolis, there was a Theater called Jungle Theater. They moved out of their old space, and down the block, but the letters were still up on the building. Someone came by and took off a few letters, so that it said "Jung heat ".

I laughed every time I went by.

Beanie tie Jung to the occult in 6 degrees or less


New member
Rimi said:
:yawn: So, he didn't like any religions. If you have a point, would you make it.

Problem is Rimi I agree with Freud expect on one thing...where Freud thought all religious doctrince was based on delusion and I think most religious doctrine is based on delsusion ...especially those religions who try to define what and who God is. I am lucky to belong to a religion that doesnt even attempt to define God nor do we claim to understand the mind of God.


New member
You have a far off god whom you can't tell from one day to the next how to please, there is no pleasing, so you waste you life submitting to someone who can't make up his mind. It doesn't get defined because it hasn't defined itself. It has no other purpose but to have submission of men.

The Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is nothing like that at all. He knows what He wants and communicates it quite well in 66 books. He has defined Himself and leaves it to men to learn about Him. He doesn't force submission. He wants to be loved freely, like any normal person.
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