What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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Resident Atheist
On Fire said:
For the love of......get your nose out of :zakath:'s butt. You've been groveling at his feet all day.
Now, now, jealousy will get you nowhere, Sparky. :chuckle:


Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
Funny, it's you that wants to focus on a certain book. : shrug :
I take that as a "no", that you haven't read either book?

So, as usual, you're depending on third party reports from books you haven't read...

Don't you get tired of looking like such a dolt?



Merely Christian
Zakath said:
I take that as a "no", that you haven't read either book?

So, as usual, you're depending on third party reports from books you haven't read...

Don't you get tired of looking like such a dolt?


Don't you ever get tired of being boorish?


New member
Nineveh said:
Try 844 now.


I was simply commenting that this argument was stupid because it started over whether or not Frued was in hell, which is true. It started when Eccl3_6 made a comment about Frued having a field day with Rimi in post #833 and then Rimi said "sure but it's hot where he is" in post #840, etc, etc, etc. Then from Frued, Jung was brought up and this began.

I'm sorry I even made the comment, but it's true, that's where it stemmed from.

I'm also sorry I wasted so much time defending that comment to you.

Thank you for making my day slightly more pointless.


New member
Hall of Fame
Zakath said:
I take that as a "no", that you haven't read either book?

So, as usual, you're depending on third party reports from books you haven't read...

Don't you get tired of looking like such a dolt?


Nin, it wouldn't kill you to do your own reading and your own thinking. Claiming that Jung was a practioner of the occult is, to be very blunt, a stupid and misinformed opinion. Sorry ma'am.


New member
Being that he was a psychologist, I have a hard time believing that he was telling fortunes and practicing voodoo on his time off.

He is no more an occultist than Freud was for using hypnosis.


New member
Pepper said:

I was simply commenting that this argument was stupid because it started over whether or not Frued was in hell, which is true. It started when Eccl3_6 made a comment about Frued having a field day with Rimi in post #833 and then Rimi said "sure but it's hot where he is" in post #840, etc, etc, etc. Then from Frued, Jung was brought up and this began.

I'm sorry I even made the comment, but it's true, that's where it stemmed from.

I'm also sorry I wasted so much time defending that comment to you.

Thank you for making my day slightly more pointless.

Juest have fum with it, we have taken a thread used to disparage beanie and turned it into a thread debating whther Jung was really another Aleister Crowley or not

On Fire

New member
"The psychological pioneer, Carl C. Jung explored this area very well. Essentially, he postulated the presence of a "collective unconscious" within the human species as a whole. Contained within this unconscious were the power symbols or "archetypes" of humanity. Like most of the contents of the unconscious, these representations were emotionally charged and could trigger psychic events."

Sound occult-ish to me.


New member
On Fire said:
"The psychological pioneer, Carl C. Jung explored this area very well. Essentially, he postulated the presence of a "collective unconscious" within the human species as a whole. Contained within this unconscious were the power symbols or "archetypes" of humanity. Like most of the contents of the unconscious, these representations were emotionally charged and could trigger psychic events."

Sound occult-ish to me.

See I told you people that Fundamentalist Christians are like Scientologist, they have a deep rooted suspicion of the mental health sciences and beleive they are voodoo or pseudo-science


Merely Christian
granite1010 said:
Nin, it wouldn't kill you to do your own reading and your own thinking.


Thanks for that granite, I needed a laugh!

Especially after after a comment like: "Granite has always been a faster reader than I. I have no problem taking his word for it, ..." from Caledvwlch.

Claiming that Jung was a practioner of the occult is, to be very blunt, a stupid and misinformed opinion. Sorry ma'am.

Whatever you say, granite.


Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
I doubt many Arabs are laughing at the prospect of all Jews going to Hell...after all where would we be without the Jews?

I can't see me being fully an Arab without Jews to define me has that counterbalance...we Arabs and Jews are alot closer than you gentiles think...you guys don't even know our collective history

Spot the sarcasm in my postings.

If your not an Arab without the Jews then your not an Arab.
Its like saying Im not an Englishman without the French. Codswallop.
I'm perfectly aware of your collective history. We're responsible for Israel after all.


New member
On Fire said:
"The psychological pioneer, Carl C. Jung explored this area very well. Essentially, he postulated the presence of a "collective unconscious" within the human species as a whole. Contained within this unconscious were the power symbols or "archetypes" of humanity. Like most of the contents of the unconscious, these representations were emotionally charged and could trigger psychic events."

Sound occult-ish to me.

So, you have a God, a powerful being that "has the whole world in his hands."

People in India believe that they are a dream of Vishnu.

The Natives believed that the Great Spirit watched over them, and provided for them.

They all had the same "archetype" in their psyche, though they had never seen a "god" before.

Sounds like sociology to me.


Resident Atheist
On Fire said:
"The psychological pioneer, Carl C. Jung explored this area very well. Essentially, he postulated the presence of a "collective unconscious" within the human species as a whole. Contained within this unconscious were the power symbols or "archetypes" of humanity. Like most of the contents of the unconscious, these representations were emotionally charged and could trigger psychic events."

Sound occult-ish to me.
If it does, that's probably because you've never studied psychology past high-school level... In psychology "psychic" merely means "having to do with the mind", as contrasted to "somatic". All the text is suggesting is that contents of the unconscious can trigger certain mental events. :think:

I'll suggest something similar to what I tell people seeking to understand their religious scriptures... why don't you try actually reading what Jung wrote instead of reading about what Jung wrote?


New member
Nineveh said:

Thanks for that granite, I needed a laugh!

Especially after after a comment like: "Granite has always been a faster reader than I. I have no problem taking his word for it, ..." from Caledvwlch.

Whatever you say, granite.
In granite's defense, it was ME who was taking someone's word for it, and like I said, only because he's a faster reader.


New member
Hall of Fame
Nineveh said:

Thanks for that granite, I needed a laugh!

Especially after after a comment like: "Granite has always been a faster reader than I. I have no problem taking his word for it, ..." from Caledvwlch.

Whatever you say, granite.

And I'm Cal's keeper since when, exactly?

Lady, read a book. Get informed. Lecturing people on Jung when I have him in my library and you don't is like giving someone poker lessons when you've never picked up a deck of cards.


Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
As to my question... guess that's a "no".
Well, if you consider trying to roust someone from their ignorance by asking them to document unfounded assertions as "boorish", then I stand guilty as charged.
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