What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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On Fire

New member
Zakath said:
If it does, that's probably because you've never studied psychology past high-school level... In psychology "psychic" merely means "having to do with the mind", as contrasted to "somatic". All the text is suggesting is that contents of the unconscious can trigger certain mental events.
collective conscious....power symbols....that could trigger psychic events....

He's not talking about one person's brain firing and triggering a dream or a memory. COLLECTIVE.


Resident Atheist
On Fire said:
collective conscious....power symbols....that could trigger psychic events....

He's not talking about one person's brain firing and triggering a dream or a memory. COLLECTIVE.
Have nightmares about the Borg, do you?

Your apparent misunderstanding of the term "collective unconscious" makes it appear you have not actually read Jung on the subject. Give it a try. I think you'll come away with a different understanding than your current erroneous one.


New member
eccl3_6 said:
Spot the sarcasm in my postings.

If your not an Arab without the Jews then your not an Arab.
Its like saying Im not an Englishman without the French.

Not really, your comparision Brits and french is not the same thing as jews and Arabs, we are both Sons of Ibrahim, and define ourselves and each other as Sons of Ibrahim - we have more than just a common history we have a common ancestor - its a matter of identity


Merely Christian
Zakath said:
Well, if you consider trying to roust someone from their ignorance by asking them to document unfounded assertions as "boorish", then I stand guilty as charged.

I wasn't aware you were only going to rely on one author, so back to square one huh?


Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
I wasn't aware you were only going to rely on one author, so back to square one huh?
The "one author" issue was begun by the link you provided in which a number of your "christian ministries" cited this single author as their source of information.

Back atcha! :D


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
Was that some sort of anti-semetic remark? Sounds like it to me

Oh, no! Of course not as I don't dismiss all arabs as some of them are Christians. Only an anti-muslim remark.


Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
Not really, your comparision Brits and french is not the same thing as jews and Arabs, we are both Sons of Ibrahim, and define ourselves and each other as Sons of Ibrahim - we have more than just a common history we have a common ancestor - its a matter of identity

What like us being invaded by the Normans(French) and us invading in the 15th century and the 100 yr war were most of the land owners originated as English knights that had conqueored fiefdoms. We have a very much the same origins. Anglo Saxons over here remember. Saxons crossed through France. Same ancestry...unforunately.

Don't assume I know nothing of History...


New member
On Fire said:
collective conscious....power symbols....that could trigger psychic events....

He's not talking about one person's brain firing and triggering a dream or a memory. COLLECTIVE.

Have you ever had the dream where you dream that you are naked in public?
The one where you are taking a test but didn't study?
The one where you can fly?
The one where a faceless figure is chasing you?
You know who kids are afraid of at night? The Boogey Man, who doesn't exist.
Do you get nervous talking in front of large groups of people?

That's all it is.

There's nothing "occult" about it.

We all share some things.


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
The Palestinians bombed us? When did this happened pray tell?

Oh, it wasn't the palestinians who bombed us in 1983? I'll have to revisit the history.


New member
eccl3_6 said:
What like us being invaded by the Normans(French) and us invading in the 15th century and the 100 yr war were most of the land owners originated as English knights that had conqueored fiefdoms. We have a very much the same origins. Anglo Saxons over here remember. Saxons crossed through France. Same ancestry...unforunately.

Don't assume I know nothing of History...

whattaya know we have the same Norman connection too!

Another cousin...cool


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
Do you even know what an "obsessional neurosis" is?, and also Freud didn't consider religious doctrine "illusion", he would have been an idiot if he did, that would be like considering political ideology "illusion"....he thouight that all religious doctrince was based on delusions...

:yawn: So, he didn't like any religions. If you have a point, would you make it.


New member
Rimi said:
Oh, it wasn't the palestinians who bombed us in 1983? I'll have to revisit the history.
That was Iran and Syria, mostly Syria who were responsible for those bombings...I don't recall their being a State of Palestine at the time.

On Fire

New member
"Jung has inspired the New Age movement with his interest in occultism, Eastern religions, the I Ching, and mythology."


New member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
"Jung has inspired the New Age movement with his interest in occultism, Eastern religions, the I Ching, and mythology."

Big whoop. The man's contributions to psychology go beyond his study of the occult.


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
That was Iran and Syria, mostly Syria who were responsible for those bombings...I don't recall their being a State of Palestine at the time.

Yeah, and the Palestinians really tried hard to stop them. Thank God, there isn't a "Palestinian" state now. Love that Roman name.
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