What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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New member
Let's see.

If you are Irish, you walk in a parade boasting of your Irish heritage.
When I say, "St. Patrick's Day," most people think of "Green beer."
The one I went to in St. Paul had drunk people before noon.
As Homer Simpson said, "Come on, Moe. It's St. Patrick's day, and 9am, and I'm not drunk yet."

Jewish people, during Hannukah, but Stars of David in their windows, or mennorahs. This happens right during Christmas time, which could be taken as flaunting their disbelief in Jesus as the Savior, but it is done in solidarity.

Pride began in the 70s after Stonewall.
People began to do yearly protest marches when they were fired from businesses simply for being gay, when they could be denied housing because they weren't protected under civil rights. Over time, it became a huge parade, but it wasn't observed in minneapolis until 1988 or so. Until then, people took to the streets demanding equal rights, and blocked traffic.

It's not about bragging about having same sex sex (anyone more than a married person brags about having sex). It is simply about acknowledging one's existence, being proud that many unjustices have been overcome. Most people (even heterosexuals) think of people as gay or straight, not simply choosing. Straight people announce their engagements, their weddings, tie cans to their car so anyone not invited to their wedding or that even knows them knows they got married... Heterosexuals celebrate their pride all the time, and this is one weekend where gays do.

I remember when there was a Black History Month. The first response was, "why is there no white history month?" There is. It's held from March 1 - January 31.


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
I notice you skipped over the entire part where I showed many other examples of cruel words...

No, I didn't, you tried to take the heat off by redirecting. Simply, don't over state the case and it won't happen.

As for the "love the sinner, hate the sin"...isn't it self explanitory? God says LOVE everyone. That includes the sinners.

It's a cliche' that isn't in the Bible.

"He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4:8

A true act of love is treating someone with respect and kindness even though they know you do not approve of their lifestyle and/or choice.

A true act of Love is telling people the Truth. Who on earth cares what you think of their lifestyle, or deathstyle, as the case may be?

Did I say He said that? No. He condemned the SIN and loved the SINNER.

He told people to repent. People got offended by that. I'll ask a 3rd time in hopes of an answer, are sins going to hell or sinners?


Merely Christian
eccl3_6 said:
It wasn't a lie this is where you likened homosexuality to child molestation.

Perhaps you missed when I told you it was in reference to your definition of love, not homos. You are free to retract or be a liar, your choice.


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:

Still looking foreward to your response of my post # 627.

And I'm looking forward to answers from a lot of skipped questions by you too, so I guess we are even :)

Oh and here I was feeling badly for a sec, that post was to Poly :)


Nineveh said:
Perhaps you missed when I told you it was in reference to your definition of love, not homos. You are free to retract or be a liar, your choice.

I dont understand......is it me and 'my love(?)' that you are likening to child molestation!

What are you trying to say? The point was whether homosexuality is a sin and you bring up child molestation!?!

Army of One

New member
beanieboy said:
Let's see.

If you are Irish, you walk in a parade boasting of your Irish heritage.
When I say, "St. Patrick's Day," most people think of "Green beer."
The one I went to in St. Paul had drunk people before noon.
As Homer Simpson said, "Come on, Moe. It's St. Patrick's day, and 9am, and I'm not drunk yet."

Jewish people, during Hannukah, but Stars of David in their windows, or mennorahs. This happens right during Christmas time, which could be taken as flaunting their disbelief in Jesus as the Savior, but it is done in solidarity.

Pride began in the 70s after Stonewall.
People began to do yearly protest marches when they were fired from businesses simply for being gay, when they could be denied housing because they weren't protected under civil rights. Over time, it became a huge parade, but it wasn't observed in minneapolis until 1988 or so. Until then, people took to the streets demanding equal rights, and blocked traffic.

It's not about bragging about having same sex sex (anyone more than a married person brags about having sex). It is simply about acknowledging one's existence, being proud that many unjustices have been overcome. Most people (even heterosexuals) think of people as gay or straight, not simply choosing. Straight people announce their engagements, their weddings, tie cans to their car so anyone not invited to their wedding or that even knows them knows they got married... Heterosexuals celebrate their pride all the time, and this is one weekend where gays do.

I remember when there was a Black History Month. The first response was, "why is there no white history month?" There is. It's held from March 1 - January 31.

I don't recall seeing any heterosexual weddings where the groom was dressed in a leather S&M outfit, looking like the "gimp" from pulp fiction. But that's beside the point. My comments were addressed to intro2faith, a fellow Christian who agrees that homosexuality is a sin, so I was making an argument in that context. I wasn't saying that their celebration was in and of itself proof that they were sinning.


New member
Nineveh said:
No, I didn't, you tried to take the heat off by redirecting. Simply, don't over state the case and it won't happen.
I didn't "overstate" the case. I simply used the wrong word, but I pointed out many others that are just as cruel.

Nineveh said:
It's a cliche' that isn't in the Bible.
Okay, let's think this through now. The Bible says to love everyone...does it not? Therefore, does EVERYONE not include the sinners? THEREFORE, are we not to love the sinners?

Neneveh said:
A true act of Love is telling people the Truth. Who on earth cares what you think of their lifestyle, or deathstyle, as the case may be?
Hey, I'm not disagreeing with you there. We should tell people the Truth. For sure. But we still gotta try and live in peace with them :)

Nineveh said:
He told people to repent. People got offended by that. I'll ask a 3rd time in hopes of an answer, are sins going to hell or sinners?
People got offended by the TRUTH of what He was saying. Not in the manner he was saying it.
And of course, the sinners are going to Hell. Your point?


Merely Christian
eccl3_6 said:
I dont understand......is it me and 'my love(?)' that you are likening to child molestation!

Post 601.

Your version of love: "Love who you want to love and be truthful to oneself and to others. Whats wrong with that?"

What are you trying to say? The point was whether homosexuality is a sin and you bring up child molestation!?!

Right now my point is you are either trying to be obtuse, you missed post 601 or you are lying. Hopfully you just need to reread post 601.


New member
Nineveh said:
And I'm looking forward to answers from a lot of skipped questions by you too, so I guess we are even :)

Oh and here I was feeling badly for a sec, that post was to Poly :)
My mistake, but I'd be interested to hear your response to it also, since you and Poly seem to have the same views on this matter.


Nineveh said:
Post 601.

Your version of love: "Love who you want to love and be truthful to oneself and to others. Whats wrong with that?"

Right now my point is you are either trying to be obtuse, you missed post 601 or you are lying. Hopfully you just need to reread post 601.


Yet again I will say it. Count how many times I have on this thread already, four or five at least.....'do whatever you want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and it is done in the privacy of your own home.' CRYSTAL CLEAR?

Where in the hell can you involve child molestation into that? I come from the school of thought that says Child Molestation is a bad thing and does hurt other people!


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
I didn't "overstate" the case. I simply used the wrong word, but I pointed out many others that are just as cruel.

However you wanna justify it.

Okay, let's think this through now. The Bible says to love everyone...does it not? Therefore, does EVERYONE not include the sinners? THEREFORE, are we not to love the sinners?

You don't see some witnesses as Love at all, you consider standing in the way of those witnersses as more loving.

Remember I asked you about 10 times which was more loving? Telling bean he needs to repent of judging someone else for telling him?

Hey, I'm not disagreeing with you there. We should tell people the Truth. For sure. But we still gotta try and live in peace with them :)

bean isn't going to get any peace. I'm sorry, but Peace comes from the Comforter, which he is without right now. He isn't going to get peace after he dies either, all he will have is what he loves most.

What I think you really want is sugar coating to every witness you are privy to, it isn't going to happen, and when the Spirit moves a person to be harsh, perhaps you just shouldn't look if it offends you so badly. Because it may just be that witness God will use.

People got offended by the TRUTH of what He was saying. Not in the manner he was saying it.

EXCELLENT point! So really, the degree of harshness doesn't have that much bearing now does it? (Although, at times Christ did get harsh).

And of course, the sinners are going to Hell. Your point?

You can't seperate a man from his sins. "As a man thinketh in his heart..." remember?


Sir Cast-a-Lot said:
i would condemn a homosexual the same way i would condemn a rapist....murderer, drug dealer.

UNBELIEVABLE! I'd be delighted if my son grow up to be a successful scientist, journalist, banker, astronaught, whatever and happened to be Gay. Can't say the same if he were to be a rapist or a murderer though. Why is this such an issue for you guys?


Merely Christian
eccl3_6 said:

Yet again I will say it. Count how many times I have on this thread already, four or five at least.....'do whatever you want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and it is done in the privacy of your own home.' CRYSTAL CLEAR?

Where in the hell can you involve child molestation into that? I come from the school of thought that says Child Molestation is a bad thing and does hurt other people!

A child molester would love your definition. If that offends you, perhaps you should reconsider your definition? You see, a child molester doesn't believe he is harming anyone, he is loving. Check out the name NAMBA, you do know what the "L" stands for, right?

Anyway, you are still incorrect stating I called homos pedophiles.


New member
Nineveh said:
However you wanna justify it.

Nineveh said:
You don't see some witnesses as Love at all, you consider standing in the way of those witnersses as more loving.
No, I never said that. I don't see some WAYS of "witnessing" as loving. Such as saying "You are an idiot, you are a lying sack, you are a pig etc".

Nineveh said:
Remember I asked you about 10 times which was more loving? Telling bean he needs to repent of judging someone else for telling him?
We've been through this before.

Nineveh said:
bean isn't going to get any peace. I'm sorry, but Peace comes from the Comforter, which he is without right now. He isn't going to get peace after he dies either, all he will have is what he loves most.
When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him (Pr. 16:7).
But apparently...you don't think that's correct.

Nineveh said:
What I think you really want is sugar coating to every witness you are privy to, it isn't going to happen, and when the Spirit moves a person to be harsh, perhaps you just shouldn't look if it offends you so badly. Because it may just be that witness God will use.
Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful (2 Tim. 2:23-24).
I choose to obey this verse:)

Nineveh said:
EXCELLENT point! So really, the degree of harshness doesn't have that much bearing now does it? (Although, at times Christ did get harsh).
The only thing that I'm saying is wrong is how Rimi was "witnessing" to beanieboy. As for Christ being harsh...are you referring to the time he called the woman a dog? Or something else?


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
No, I never said that. I don't see some WAYS of "witnessing" as loving. Such as saying "You are an idiot, you are a lying sack, you are a pig etc".

We've been through this before.

Right, you never said it because you never answered the question. However, since you are still at defending this idea, it's pretty obvious that is what you believe.

When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him (Pr. 16:7).
But apparently...you don't think that's correct.

I disagree with how you are tying to use it. You yourself said Jesus angered people, even when His tone was "kind". Was His way not pleasing to the Lord?

Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful (2 Tim. 2:23-24).
I choose to obey this verse:)

Really? Then why are you still quarrelling over how others witness?

The only thing that I'm saying is wrong is how Rimi was "witnessing" to beanieboy. As for Christ being harsh...are you referring to the time he called the woman a dog? Or something else?

And the only thing I'm saying is it's ok to be harsh when witnessing. But, no, I was thinking about when He made a whip.


New member
Posted by Nineveh:
"I disagree with how you are tying to use it. You yourself said Jesus angered people, even when His tone was "kind". Was His way not pleasing to the Lord?"

The only reason Christ could not live in harmony with people is because He said He was the Son of God. They hated Him for that. WE on the other hand, are not thee Son of God.
Therefore, we are to live in PEACE with others. Not saying they're always going to agree with what we have to say, but they will respect us if we're truly living a Godly life. Now, do you think beanieboy respects Rimi for some of the things she was saying?


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
The only reason Christ could not live in harmony with people is because He said He was the Son of God.

If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. - Jesus

but they will respect us

This is what you are really concerned with, isn't it? At the heart of your argument is the need to be "liked".


New member
Nineveh said:
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. - Jesus

This is what you are really concerned with, isn't it? At the heart of your argument is the need to be "liked".

The Pharisees were the ones who hated Jesus. They were constantly criticizing him, trying to trap him, telling his disciples that it offended them that Jesus would lower himself to eat with sinners....

Everyone else loved him.
Zaccheus, a tax collector, climbed a tree to see him.
Jesus didn't say, "Zach, you little midget! You make me want to puke!!"
Nope. He asked him to eat with him, which was a big deal, and was criticized for socializing with him.
When he was with Simon, a woman washed his feet with her tears and hair, and Simon thought, "surely this is not the son of God!! He would know what kind of woman she is..."

But the lowly? They gathered around to hear him because he offered them hope, good news, blessing.

The people in power (the church) were those who hated him most.


Nineveh said:
Do you have kids?

You are getting really close to the touchpaper on me with this. Lets take for granted that every sane human being in the world thinks child molestation harms children. What exactly are you suggesting? I'll say it one last time, as long as it hurts no one and its done in the privacy of their own home where is the harm in homosexuality. If a child molestor then tries to hijack such a libratarian notion what has that got to do with anything. There's no correlation - in fact you are being exactly what I have already accused you of, being inciteful. How can you then bring child molestation into the discussion? There is no correlation.

Furthermore lets get something straight I am not gonna start talking to you on the internet regarding my family.
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