What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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Nineveh said:
Rather, there aren't people on TOL boasting about being fornicators and adulterers.

Is that you jumping to the assumption that all gays are fornicators and adulterers now?

So far you've described them all as sinful, perverted, child molestering promiscuous paedophiles......

You don't like them, you don't show any signs of wanting them to repent. If I knew you I would be asking you if were hiding or suppressing something.


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intro2faith said:
It's fine to call the SIN of homosexuality an abomination, disgusting and sickening. Just not the person who commits it :)

Right, because it's the sin that's going to hell and not the person who commit's it. :freak: :hammer:


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All I'm saying is that we're to TRY and live in peace with everyone, even our enemies. It doesn't seem like some people here are trying to keep peace with their enemies.


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intro2faith said:
All I'm saying is that we're to TRY and live in peace with everyone, even our enemies. It doesn't seem like some people here are trying to keep peace with their enemies.

Matthew 10:24
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."

Sir Cast-a-Lot

New member
intro2faith said:
All I'm saying is that we're to TRY and live in peace with everyone, even our enemies. It doesn't seem like some people here are trying to keep peace with their enemies.

why is your definition of peace? everyone getting along with everyone? if thats your case then whats your definition of "getting along".


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Poly said:
Matthew 10:24
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
Hmm...are you saying that nowhere in the Bible does it say to try and live peacefully with everyone?


New member
Homosexuals are not less deserving of our love and courtesy than other 'sinners" but, rather, are similar to the sexually compromised and outcast people Jesus made a point of seeking out and being kind to.


Poly said:
Matthew 10:24
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."

Taking the quote out of context i feel. If this was the case as you put it then its got to be said that Jesus wasnt too handy with the sword when the Jews came for him. Wasn't the sword reference more to do with cutting down the sin rather than the sinner.


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
My mistake though, I couldn't find the word moron in it.

Ah, I see.

You need a Bible verse that says to love everyone???

No I need a Bible verse that states, "love the sinner hate the sin".

it's fine to call the SIN of homosexuality an abomination, disgusting and sickening. Just not the person who commits it :)

Once again, is it their sin going to hell or them. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..."


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Army of One said:
I2F, before you continue to present homosexuality as one of many sins, please consider a few things. First, does the Bible describe all sin as being equal, or does it say that some sins are greater than others and some will be punished more harshly? Even the penalties under the Mosaic Law show a difference. Was the penalty for homosexuality the same as for lying or stealing? Well, obviously stealing wasn't punished as harshly (restitution vs. capital punishment). And lying, unless it was perjury in a trial involving the death penalty, was not a capital offense.

Secondly, there is another huge difference between homosexuality and lying/stealing (or for that matter murder, adultery, kidnapping, rape, etc.). Here's the difference: Will a murderer/adulterer/etc. ever hold a pride parade bragging about their sin? Will they boldly proclaim that their sin is a healthy natural act? That's a vital difference.

Good argument. All sin is in equal seriousness with God isn't it? All sin is sin. It's all vile in Gods eyes.


Merely Christian
eccl3_6 said:
Is that you jumping to the assumption that all gays are fornicators and adulterers now?

Nope, they are sodomites.

So far you've described them all as sinful, perverted,

Yes, I have.

child molestering promiscuous paedophiles......

That is a lie.

You don't like them, you don't show any signs of wanting them to repent. If I knew you I would be asking you if were hiding or suppressing something.

Oh? Did you miss my last reply to bean? Tis you happy to see them off to hell.

And please, don't even start in with that "closet" non sense. It's tired.


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
Homosexuals are not less deserving of our love and courtesy than other 'sinners" but, rather, are similar to the sexually compromised and outcast people Jesus made a point of seeking out and being kind to.

To which of these people that you refer, did Christ say, "Please, go on, continue in your sin, it will bring peace"?


New member
Nineveh said:
Ah, I see.

No I need a Bible verse that states, "love the sinner hate the sin".

Once again, is it their sin going to hell or them. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..."

I notice you skipped over the entire part where I showed many other examples of cruel words...

As for the "love the sinner, hate the sin"...isn't it self explanitory? God says LOVE everyone. That includes the sinners.

"He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4:8

A true act of love is treating someone with respect and kindness even though they know you do not approve of their lifestyle and/or choice.

Army of One

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intro2faith said:
Good argument. All sin is in equal seriousness with God isn't it? All sin is sin. It's all vile in Gods eyes.

A topic for another thread (and I'm sure it's been covered on TOL many times), but I encourage you to find out if the Bible portrays all sin as equally vile in God's eyes.


New member
Nineveh said:
To which of these people that you refer, did Christ say, "Please, go on, continue in your sin, it will bring peace"?

Did I say He said that? No. He condemned the SIN and loved the SINNER.

Army of One

New member
eccl3_6 said:
If I knew you I would be asking you if were hiding or suppressing something.
Ninevah is right, that is the most tired argument I have ever heard. Would you use the same line of logic against those who are trying to stop rape, or child molestation? No, because it's a ridiculous argument.
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