What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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Merely Christian
eccl3_6 said:
What has that to do with homosexuality?

Um... nothing. It had to do with your version of "love"

To refresh: "Love who you want to love and be truthful to oneself and to others. Whats wrong with that?"

Why is it in your Kid's face?

Not just mine when it involves the public park down the street but all the kids who have to be exposed to homo pride parades and public school indoctrination, etc.

Don't I keep saying that as long as it doesn't harm anybody and is done in the privacy of their own home then its ok.

Sure you have. Yet over 400,000 men are dead/dying.

Don't change the subject. Im not talking about polygamy, rape, molestation, 'anonymous-deathstyle-whatever'. The point is homosexual behaviour is not wrong.

According to you. But that doesn't change reality.

Telling someone to hide what is true and to suppress how they feel is.

Tell it to NAMBLA.

At what point did the message of understanding and consideration turn into one of persecution and hate

I dunno, when was it you started being apathetic towards homos?


Nineveh said:
Not just mine when it involves the public park down the street but all the kids who have to be exposed to homo pride parades and public school indoctrination, etc.

It wouldn't be necessary to teach tollerance and acceptance if you were to show it instead of inciting hatred and intollerance.... very much like the title of the thread.


New member
The Bible teaches that love(that kind of love) is to be between a man and a woman. Acting on homosexuality IS a sin.

So is lying, stealing, gossiping etc. But it's interesting to find that people tend to make a much bigger deal out of homosexuality than they do out of lying, stealing etc.

Once again I will state :homosexuality IS a sin.

And once again, I will state: We are to hate homosexuality. NOT the person who commits it. So, calling a homosexual person "stupid, disgusting, sickening" etc is WRONG. But calling the act of homosexuality disgusting and sickening is not.


Merely Christian
eccl3_6 said:
It wouldn't be necessary to teach tollerance and acceptance if you were to show it instead of inciting hatred and intollerance.... very much like the title of the thread.

How am I supposed to teach "tolerance and acceptance" about grown men misusing public places to kill themsleves. And why should I?


New member
Nineveh said:
One in 12 isn't rampant? What is? 1 in 1?

My point is, while it is spread faster within the gay men, it is also spreading within the heterosexual community. Do you condemn heterosexuality? And since it is extremely low in lebians (lower than heterosexuals), do you approve of lesbianism?

It seems that you are equating blame with AIDS.
It's a disease. It happens from having sex with an infected partner, gay or straight.

Unless you have only had sex with one person in your lifetime, you should thank God that you simply were lucky you didn't contract it, and reach out in empathy instead of condemnation.

That could have been you.


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
Once again I will state :homosexuality IS a sin.

Thanks for the update, now convince bean of that :)

And once again, I will state: We are to hate homosexuality. NOT the person who commits it. So, calling a homosexual person "stupid, disgusting, sickening" etc is WRONG. But calling the act of homosexuality disgusting and sickening is not.

Is it only sin going to hell or whoever is not written in the Book of Life?

Ok, so you don't approve of the words "disgusting and sickening". Is "abomination" ok by you? Has anyone even said the word "stupid" but you so far on this thread?

Sir Cast-a-Lot

New member
beanieboy said:
My point is, while it is spread faster within the gay men, it is also spreading within the heterosexual community. Do you condemn heterosexuality? And since it is extremely low in lebians (lower than heterosexuals), do you approve of lesbianism?

I condemn fornication, and adultery. Which could either be homosexuality or heterosexuality.

beanieboy said:
It seems that you are equating blame with AIDS.
It's a disease. It happens from having sex with an infected partner, gay or straight.

Its a well known fact that AIDS is most spread by fornication. It is also a well known fact that homosexuals have a higher rate of fornication.

beanieboy said:
Unless you have only had sex with one person in your lifetime, you should thank God that you simply were lucky you didn't contract it, and reach out in empathy instead of condemnation.

i would condemn a homosexual the same way i would condemn a rapist, adulterer, murderer, drug dealer, or whatever wicked and evil crimes they are commiting regardless of what illness they have.


New member
Nineveh said:
Thanks for the update, now convince bean of that :)

Is it only sin going to hell or whoever is not written in the Book of Life?

Ok, so you don't approve of the words "disgusting and sickening". Is "abomination" ok by you? Has anyone even said the word "stupid" but you so far on this thread?

Maybe not stupid. But moron, yes. Do you not agree with me that we are to hate the sin, but love the sinner?


Merely Christian
No bean, and that's because I don't partake of the acts that lead to the disease. You do. Please consider your lust is not "to die for". Repent.

Sir Cast-a-Lot

New member
beanieboy said:
My point is, while it is spread faster within the gay men, it is also spreading within the heterosexual community. Do you condemn heterosexuality? And since it is extremely low in lebians (lower than heterosexuals), do you approve of lesbianism?

I condemn fornication, and adultery. Which could either be homosexuality or heterosexuality.

beanieboy said:
It seems that you are equating blame with AIDS.
It's a disease. It happens from having sex with an infected partner, gay or straight.

Its a well known fact that AIDS is most spread by fornication. It is also a well known fact that homosexuals have a higher rate of fornication.

beanieboy said:
Unless you have only had sex with one person in your lifetime, you should thank God that you simply were lucky you didn't contract it, and reach out in empathy instead of condemnation.

i would condemn a homosexual the same way i would condemn a rapist, adulterer, murderer, drug dealer, or whatever wicked and evil crimes they are commiting regardless of what illness they have.

sorry last post should read like this.


Merely Christian
intro2faith said:
Maybe not stupid. But moron, yes.

Please cite that?

Do you not agree with me that we are to hate the sin, but love the sinner?

Could you provide a verse in the Bible for that cliche'?

Now, Is the word "abomination" ok? I surely wouldn't want to offend you sensitive eyes with words like "disgusting and sickening" when speaking of the vileness of sodomy.


Sir Cast-a-Lot said:
I condemn fornication, and adultery. Which could either be homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Now we're getting somewhere....

So its not actually homosexuality that you condemn but the promiscuous....

Army of One

New member
intro2faith said:
The Bible teaches that love(that kind of love) is to be between a man and a woman. Acting on homosexuality IS a sin.

So is lying, stealing, gossiping etc. But it's interesting to find that people tend to make a much bigger deal out of homosexuality than they do out of lying, stealing etc.
I2F, before you continue to present homosexuality as one of many sins, please consider a few things. First, does the Bible describe all sin as being equal, or does it say that some sins are greater than others and some will be punished more harshly? Even the penalties under the Mosaic Law show a difference. Was the penalty for homosexuality the same as for lying or stealing? Well, obviously stealing wasn't punished as harshly (restitution vs. capital punishment). And lying, unless it was perjury in a trial involving the death penalty, was not a capital offense.

Secondly, there is another huge difference between homosexuality and lying/stealing (or for that matter murder, adultery, kidnapping, rape, etc.). Here's the difference: Will a murderer/adulterer/etc. ever hold a pride parade bragging about their sin? Will they boldly proclaim that their sin is a healthy natural act? That's a vital difference.


New member
Nineveh said:
Please cite that?

Could you provide a verse in the Bible for that cliche'?

Now, Is the word "abomination" ok? I surely wouldn't want to offend you sensitive eyes with words like "disgusting and sickening" when speaking of the vileness of sodomy.

Page 32 has lots of "love" in it. My mistake though, I couldn't find the word moron in it. Must have been another thread. I did find the words "lying sack" pig" "idiot" and "wretch" though.

You need a Bible verse that says to love everyone???

It's fine to call the SIN of homosexuality an abomination, disgusting and sickening. Just not the person who commits it :)
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