Warmbier deserved his cruel torture because of white privilege


like marbles on glass
AB is a friend of mine. We've had heated and profound disagreements, but he's never doubted my word or my sincerity and I feel the same way about him. Anna and I have had quiet fights and she's been to my right and to my left over time. None of that mattered to me, really. I credited them with their mind and honesty and they returned that...that's bedrock. Anyone who can't is just someone you know.

I've been all over the place over time. :chuckle: (And I make no apology for that, it was a life experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.)

Quiet fights... that's a good way of putting it. :eek: Yeah... we've had our disagreements. :) But never for a moment have I doubted your sincerity or your honesty, even when I didn't agree with your take on the issue at hand.


Hall of Fame
I've been all over the place over time. :chuckle: (And I make no apology for that, it was a life experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.)

Quiet fights... that's a good way of putting it. :eek: Yeah... we've had our disagreements. :) But never for a moment have I doubted your sincerity or your honesty, even when I didn't agree with your take on the issue at hand.

You know, it's interesting ... the civil and uncivil discourse that has always been part of the forum. Like you, I have had MANY disagreements with both friends and foe. Still yet, I have always known what is in the heart of the person on the other side of the discussion.

Ironically enough, in less than a year, my views have changed on certain issues ... due to the well thought out responses as well as the inflamed rhetoric. That might make a decent topic on TOL: How have your views changed and why?


like marbles on glass
Ironically enough, in less than a year, my views have changed on certain issues ... due to the well thought out responses as well as the inflamed rhetoric. That might make a decent topic on TOL: How have your views changed and why?

I made a thread like that a few years ago but unfortunately it was pruned. The responses were pretty interesting, so maybe time for another thread.

On a side note, it's quite possible to come to a forum like this and be radicalized, because any forum dedicated to one outlook runs the risk of increasing radicalization, whether it's right-wing, left-wing, jihadist, white nationalist, whatever. Without a diversity of views to give balance (the idea of iron-sharpening seems to get tossed out somewhere along the way) - and allowing only their views/beliefs to dominate the forum culture, the status quo can tighten down like fur matting on a mangy animal. They can find ways to 'purify' the membership (you see calls for that on a regular basis here), and that's how they radicalize themselves without even realizing what they're doing.


Hall of Fame
I made a thread like that a few years ago but unfortunately it was pruned. The responses were pretty interesting, so maybe time for another thread.

On a side note, it's quite possible to come to a forum like this and be radicalized, because any forum dedicated to one outlook runs the risk of increasing radicalization, whether it's right-wing, left-wing, jihadist, white nationalist, whatever. Without a diversity of views to give balance (the idea of iron-sharpening seems to get tossed out somewhere along the way) - and allowing only their views/beliefs to dominate the forum culture, the status quo can tighten down like fur matting on a mangy animal. They can find ways to 'purify' the membership (you see calls for that on a regular basis here), and that's how they radicalize themselves without even realizing what they're doing.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Anything is possible with you libs. I know you're a two-faced hypocrite.

That may be your hope, but I saw a resemblance the first time I saw your pic.

LINE? You crossed the line of name calling without cause and then doubled down. Hypocrite.

As if it's always limited to heterosexuals....what a joke. Lots of people go both ways, and some are embarrassed to admit they're gay.

Truth be told, you're having a little tantrum because I dared to defy you in your stupid little Gutszette. You're a little obnoxious troll who feels the rules don't apply to you. Faker....actor....clown....dipwad....doofus.....dweeb.....boob.....

Put a check by the ones that pass your muster and I'll come up with some others. The minute you claimed you could call me names, you changed the rules. Now we play by yours.

Liar. You care about YOU and what offends YOU.

I never apologize for speaking the truth. You act like a little snowflake pretty boy.

You and artie are two of a kind. Two little boys who want to chase others off your playground....especially when they dare to answer back. That you are so easily offended is a riot...and speaks of your fragile little ego. Poor Clown. You're called on it and you hate it.

And thou doth protest too much. Too close to home???????

Wow, what a meltdown...

First off, there's no danger of you being run off the site and nobody's trying to do that either. Secondly, you far right zealots are notorious for feeble gay innuendo, probably because you seem to have a loony obsession with it. It's like some of you think it's the most devastating insult you can level at folk - from aCW's "hairdretthers" to your latest drivel and all the between...

Kinda laughable and head shake worthy all in one. Ah well.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yep, Artie, Town, Anna, and Rusha all claiming to be so tolerant of gays, and then taking it as a horrible dirty INSULT if they imagine someone thinks they act gay. You just can't make this stuff up.

Those are some birds alright..... VULTURES.

It's not an insult GD, that's the point. It's just feeble innuendo concocted by people like you who think it's an insult. Heck, I've had tons of the same sort of innuendo from far right clowns on here and each time it's almost hysterical. It shouldn't have any place on a Christian forum as that type of rubbish is reflective of what exactly? The faith? Hardly, but then again the obsession with homosexuality is whacko with the far right as well so in a 'queer' sort of way it makes a sort of *sense* in its way...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, we're deplorable...homophobes, racists, etc.

He does look like Elton John and Elton John is gay.
Artie is from England and they have lots of gays over there.
They're both very sensitive.

Gays are people too.

I just don't get the anger.

Um, there's plenty of gays in America as well...

If you think I'm sensitive to gay innuendo then I'd have reported aCW 742 times alone, so not sure what anger it is you feel you've caused. It's the same ole, GD, feeble but expected.

patrick jane

Then...happy you? :thumb: Don't sweat it. Think of it as freeing. I no longer have to expect you to take my word for who I am and you're out from under that horrible strain. :rolleyes:
What did I say that was so bad? You had to "get me" by renouncing our friendship, Is that what you did growing up? When did I not take your word for who you are? I hope you feel better now, Town. As far as I'm concerned, I'm still your friend. I love everybody on TOL, even those I disagree with, I like something about everybody here and try to be friends with all.

Let's remember how your hissy fit started, you couldn't handle a joke from glory, then you couldn't handle jokes from me. You are a liberal snowflake SJW for all intents and purposes. You're making it easy for me to cut you loose, bye Elton.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you have a problem with "blind rage", Anna, you need to be careful to not project it onto others. :sigh:

Typical lib, though. You just can't help yourself. You libs are racists, so you call others racist. You are disgusted by gays, so you accuse others of being disgusted by gays. Town saw this perceived "gay innuendo" as the most disgusting slur ever.

We've watched this movie before. :popcorn:

Oops, it went over your head, did it?

Of course -- Why would I think anything other than your were an honest, totally sincere, human being? :chuckle:

You've gotta be kidding. The disgust for homosexuals has been prevalent from far right wingers on here for years, from CRASH's "homo" threads to Nick M and the like calling them 'fags' et al. The obsession with homosexuality was an eye opener on here, especially those who were endorsing the death penalty for it when I first joined. At first I thought it was a joke and then realized that some of these wingnuts were actually for real.


New member

patrick jane

You've gotta be kidding. The disgust for homosexuals has been prevalent from far right wingers on here for years, from CRASH's "homo" threads to Nick M and the like calling them 'fags' et al. The obsession with homosexuality was an eye opener on here, especially those who were endorsing the death penalty for it when I first joined. At first I thought it was a joke and then realized that some of these wingnuts were actually for real.


New member
glorydaz;5051673You are disgusted by gays said:
You've gotta be kidding. The disgust for homosexuals has been prevalent from far right wingers on here for years, from CRASH's "homo" threads to Nick M and the like calling them 'fags' et al. The obsession with homosexuality was an eye opener on here, especially those who were endorsing the death penalty for it when I first joined. At first I thought it was a joke and then realized that some of these wingnuts were actually for real.



Hall of Fame
It's not an insult GD, that's the point. It's just feeble innuendo concocted by people like you who think it's an insult. Heck, I've had tons of the same sort of innuendo from far right clowns on here and each time it's almost hysterical. It shouldn't have any place on a Christian forum as that type of rubbish is reflective of what exactly? The faith? Hardly, but then again the obsession with homosexuality is whacko with the far right as well so in a 'queer' sort of way it makes a sort of *sense* in its way...

It's not an insult ... but rather a lie done for the purpose of providing *bash material* towards those they hate. Petty sandbox, verbal abuse ...

patrick jane

Then...happy you? :thumb: Don't sweat it. Think of it as freeing. I no longer have to expect you to take my word for who I am and you're out from under that horrible strain. :rolleyes:
You also had to end our friendship publicly, in a lame attempt to save face and embarrass me, you are a stubborn and spiteful girl in a man's body. I feel sorry for those around you everyday.


New member
Arthur sure does, doesn't he? :chuckle:
No who I was thinking of.

Why do you think [MENTION=13737]aCultureWarrior[/MENTION] has a man crush on Santorum? :think:

I bet the two of them could discuss in detail how disgusting homosexuality is all day...and all night long.