Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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patrick jane

No, taking help from foreign governments. Opposition research is perfectly legal.

Just wait and you'll see them do their job. But I see that right-wing media has whipped your outrage back up to the point where you can feel like a victim again.
You actually think you are noble and fair, looking out for America. In fact, you are part of the cancer that attempts to overturn a fair election.


Well-known member
No, taking help from foreign governments. Opposition research is perfectly legal.

Just wait and you'll see them do their job. But I see that right-wing media has whipped your outrage back up to the point where you can feel like a victim again.

I'm a victim of the you are, but you're too ignorant to know it.

Congress has agreed to spend money on sex change operations for members of the military. Which includes, of course, the two years of preparations and recovery. We should all be outraged over that crap.


Well-known member
I'm a victim of the you are, but you're too ignorant to know it.

Congress has agreed to spend money on sex change operations for members of the military. Which includes, of course, the two years of preparations and recovery. We should all be outraged over that crap.

I blame Vladimir Putin.


Well-known member
The Clinton investigations are not even close to being finished, as well as Obummer and Lynch. We don't care about the left wing coverage and digging, it just makes us laugh

The point is Donnie crumples always but the Clintons don't.
And why did Donnie drop the "Lock her up" rhetoric? Because it's a nothing burger unlike what Trump himself is going through.

As note PJ the right wing coverage and politicians are not laughing anymore. The videos I pasted in this thread were from Fox News. You must not be watching much of that anymore like your dear leader.


Well-known member
Kushner updated disclosure to add more than 100 foreign contacts: report

White House adviser Jared Kushner reportedly updated his federal disclosure form several times to include more than 100 names on a list of foreign contacts.

Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law, updated the list of foreign contacts on his disclosure form — which he needed to submit to get security clearance — three times, The New York Times reported.

He added more than 100 names to it, people close to Kushner told The Times.

Some have raised questions recently about Kushner's security clearance after new details emerged about a meeting he attended last year with Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer.

Trump Jr. earlier this week released emails detailing his conversations setting up the meeting with a Russian lawyer he was told had compromising information on Hillary Clinton.

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Wednesday said in a "normal political world," Kushner would no longer have his job.

"If this were a normal political world, Jared Kushner wouldn't have a job by the end of today," he said during a Wednesday interview, "and at the very least, he should absolutely have his security clearance revoked."

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Wednesday called for Kushner and Paul Manafort, Trump's then-campaign chairman who also attended the meeting, to testify before Congress regarding the meeting with a Russian lawyer.

:doh: 100 names? That's bad. Kushner should lose his security clearance.

The number doesn't bother me if it was for business. The repeated revisions is the problem. Every businessman would have a calendar so it should have been a simple task for his admin to provide. The continued additions smells like he he trying to only give out what he deems he may get caught at.

Where's the link for your text?


Well-known member
Don't accuse me of supporting the swamp creatures.

It is funny, though, how the Clintons have real scandals and are still managing to skate. No one ever needs to make things up where they are concerned. :chuckle:

I think the right wing media has you convinced. I have real doubts on how bad the Clintons really are. How is it they have been prosecuted for decades and nothing? How is it that now the Republicans have all branches of government and they still don't lock her up. It is all politics on the right. They don't want her to be locked up so they can readily stir up the right with this feigned injustice and get campaign donations. The Republicans would have been far happier with Hilary in office, so they could continue their spew of hate and rake in the dough.

Same for Obamacare.

They have caught the bus and now they look dumb.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I have real doubts on how bad the Clintons really are. How is it they have been prosecuted for decades and nothing?

Bill was fined $850,000 for sexual harassment

Bill lost his license to practice law because of his behavior in the lewinsky investigation

Bill ended his presidency in disgrace, his record as stained as Monica's dress

Don't seem like "nothing" to me


New member
The number doesn't bother me if it was for business. The repeated revisions is the problem. Every businessman would have a calendar so it should have been a simple task for his admin to provide. The continued additions smells like he he trying to only give out what he deems he may get caught at.


Where's the link for your text?

It was linked in my OP but here it is again:


Well-known member
Bill was fined $850,000 for sexual harassment

Bill lost his license to practice law because of his behavior in the lewinsky investigation

Bill ended his presidency in disgrace, his record as stained as Monica's dress

Don't seem like "nothing" to me

Then justice has been served. :idunno:

Can we move on?


Well-known member
It's a slow process

Like the tweezing of Trump's campaign corruption. The right needs patience and not obstructionism, which the videos I have pasted in this thread is showing signs of cracking.

I am actually ok with Trump winning because I couldn't stand the idea of 4 or 8 years of the drip, drip, drip of Republicans trying to obstruct and bring down Hillary. Had more than enough of that during Bill's and Obama's presidency.

Say you want about Obama but he was by far more a decent person than either Hillary or Bill.

Trump saying anyone would take the meeting his son did just shows how low his morals are. He has no decency. He can only point to others for his lack of character.


Well-known member
I'd take the meeting his son did :idunno:

Why not?

Using a foreign power an enemy foreign for intelligence is a bad idea and immoral. Too bad you don't get that. Russia in case you haven't heard wants to cripple America. Reagan certainly knew that. It is really sad that Americans are falling for Putin.

patrick jane

Using a foreign power an enemy foreign for intelligence is a bad idea and immoral. Too bad you don't get that. Russia in case you haven't heard wants to cripple America. Reagan certainly knew that. It is really sad that Americans are falling for Putin.
Only leftist nutjob SJW Snowflakes equate supporting and defending Trump as "falling for Putin"
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